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Quote of the Day: I Don’t Think Natural Means What You Think It Means Edition

Run Big Horn! Run! (courtesy

“Game officials were not surprised this happened so quickly after the sheep were released in the Catalinas. Until a viable bighorn population is established there, any mountain lion that eats a sheep will be killed, ‘in an attempt to re-establish the natural order of things.'” Bighorns and mountain lions die [via]

36 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: I Don’t Think Natural Means What You Think It Means Edition”

  1. Be sure that those sheep eating lions are shot with ‘non-lead’ ammo, in fact, stone age spears should work just fine….

  2. And when the population is established, shoot the bighorns. They attract too many dangerous cats. Rinse and repeat.

    • I dunno….Tennessee’s TWRA has been one of the very few government programs that actually works quite well in doing what they set out to do. They are rightly credited for doing all sorts of things to improve the state and the wildlife that lives there.

    • wildlife management has been wildly successful, white tail deer were on the verge of extinction in the 1910s and 20s before Pittman Robertson was passed, just one example.

      • …. in other words, let’s continue to preferentially exterminate any predator that competes with us, in order to encourage the rampant proliferation of wildlife that we like to hunt.

        that’s been working out so very well so far. so, let’s do more.

        typical Liberal chant.

    • As it made sense in Carter’s, Reagan’s, Bush’s, Clinton’s, W’s…

      Whatever you think of it, it’s not like this is anything even remotely new, or unique to “Obama’s America”.

  3. Obamacare for sheep!

    The method employed here is a very Democratic (capital D) one. The nanny state to the rescue!

    NB: this doesn’t mean I disagree with the strategy, such is necessary to establish a population of animals lower on the food chain. Just noting the similarities.

  4. Yep, only in America. Men with hi-powered rifles escorting the sheep is considered the natural order of things.

    Next, they’ll introduce vegetarian mountain lions into the wild.

    • This is exactly what the want to do for NYC’s Ray Kelly and every major anti like Buttberg and Di Frankenstein. Armed guards for sheeple.

  5. Speaking as a wildlife biologist, you sometimes have to take unnatural actions to try and resolve an unnatural problem. To use a football analogy, many folks only start paying attention when there’s just 1 minute remaining in the 4th quarter. They don’t have the faintest idea what got the teams to that point in time, but, by-God, they have an opinion as to how things should be done!

    What these biologists are doing is fairly typical and necessary; emotions are removed from the equation. Hope this helps give clarity.

  6. here’s the situation in PA
    -completely depleted whitetail deer population in the early 1900s
    -brought in deer from Michigan
    -hunting is good and plenty
    -municipalities outlaw hunting
    -deer thrive where they have no natural predators
    -deer become a problem and danger to motorists
    -coyotes move in because it’s like a buffet of young deer
    -people are sad that their favorite cat got eaten
    -everybody wonders how the hell coyotes became so prevalent
    -dingo ate your baby
    -Darwin loves you.

    • Actually the PA G&F commission morons are the ones who brought coyotes in to control deer population at the behest of anti-hunting politicians and auto insurance providers. And never forget these are the same stupid f**ks who built fish hatcheries using carcinogen contaminated soil. Yea, lets have these a$$holes run the entire nation’s healthcare system.

    • exactly. thank you.

      you did forget the horrible genetic problems and terrible diseases that prey on over populations of animals in a closed system. wasting disease, for example.

  7. Having read the article all I can say is WHAT THE F**K. The sheep died out because of habitat loss and the government morons’ solution is to just throw a bunch more in and kill off the OTHER wildlife in the area. Wow. Just, wow. Without changing what caused them to die off originally all they are doing is killing slowly, and with excruciating pain from starvation and disease, sheep that were doing just fine where they were, and killing off cougars for no reason at all. Bunch of overpaid stupid f**ks.

  8. In Iowa, we used to have a great pheasant population in the southern tier of Counties. Than some dumb ass in the DNR figured out that we no longer have bobcats. So they introduced them, they bred like flies and now we have all the bobcats we’ll ever need. And we no longer have the pheasants in great enough numbers to support our formerly wonderful shooting season. Out of state hunters ask “where are all the pheasants?” We know, our DNR is too stupid to have left well enough alone. Go figure.

  9. No. No this is good. I mean it’s the natural order guys. I mean it says so right there.

    Just like all the common sense reforms from our government, haha. :p

  10. I don’t understand the hard-on to get a population going in the Catalinas. We have extremely healthy bighorn populations in the Kofa/Castle Dome mountains as well as either side of Roosevelt Lake – both within about a four hour drive from the Catalinas so its not like there is a dearth of bighorns in Southern Arizona.

    We have a huge problems with scumbags poaching our endangered native reptiles to sell to black market reptile collectors. The money they’re wasting on these bighorn needs to go to nailing those poachers.

  11. Job security. After they’ve killed enough big cats to consider them endangered, they can start a captive breeding program for them. It’s an endless cycle!

  12. We need mountain lions in New Zealand. The deer, tahr and goats are running rampant, and there are too many hippie tramper tourists roaming the countryside. The lions could reduce the possum and rabbit overpopulation, and increase the fitness of the local humans (fleeing in terror). There are runors of a black panther in Canterbury (same in NSW in OZ) but otherwise game parks are the only place you can see the big kitties. We would get more interesting (bloodcurdling) news stories.

    • Kill the goats!!!!!! They will destroy your naturally occurring ecology. They are destructive, they eat the grasses and shrubs right down to the dirt. Look at the middle east, goats are THE reason that there is no ground cover left, between them and sheep left to run wild all grasses, shrubs, trees and crops are eaten down to the dirt.

      Going to raise goats/sheep? Keep them tightly controlled, and kill all that go feral.

    • Oh, I missed thew others! Kill all rabbits and opposums!!!! You lived there, you know what has to be done.

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