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Quote of the Day: Even Foster Parents Have Constitutional Rights

“This is not a case that’s outlandish or off the wall. Foster parents do have constitutional rights, and they don’t forsake those rights just because they become foster parents.” – Adam Winkler in Gun Rights and Foster Care Restrictions Collide in Michigan [via]

23 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Even Foster Parents Have Constitutional Rights”

  1. A neighboring county is aggressively running ads seeking foster parents and other surrounding counties also badly need more people to participate. If they foolishly implemented a concealed carry ban, they would lose most of the foster parents they currently have. It’s not so much that they normally carry concealed but just the fact that they would not be allowed to do it.

    My brother became a foster parent last week and the tests, regulations and checks required were more than many people would accept already.

    • “My brother became a foster parent last week and the tests, regulations and checks required were more than many people would accept already.”


      It makes the run-around we go through in acquiring NFA ‘toys’ look like a joke…

  2. The end game is simple: the GOV wants to raise ALL children. The GOV wants to remove ALL parental rights. It’s not complicated, it’s not subtle, and it’s not secret. That’s why it’s SO hard to become a foster or to adopt. It’s also why there is more and more medical kidnap in the U.S. Get your kids out of public school NOW while they still have a brain and YOU still have the choice.

    • You give them too much credit. Every awful thing the government does can easily be summarized by ‘the left hand doesn’t care what the right hand is doing.’ The imbeciles who run the child/family courts and services systems are indoctrinated into the ‘we hate guns’ mantra. They’re blinded by ideology. At the same time, they’ve got all these flipping kids. They’re drowning, and desperate to have some of them taken off their hands. They’re so deep in their own group-think, believing that all gun owners are evil, child-hating sickos, that it would never occur to these people that they’re actually chasing away a lot of people who would wade in and help them. If this were an actual PLAN, you’d see them reaching out to the communities they favor, but they’re bureaucrats, which means they’re mostly blind, tone deaf, and increasingly shrill about the fact that the world doesn’t seem to match their belief-structure.

      • Jomo,

        It amazes me that state child protective services think a child is better off having no family than being in a loving home where the foster parents have firearms.

        That’s right. Children growing up without love, support, encouragement, and stability — which is guaranteed to produce adults with horrific lifelong emotional scars — is somehow better than children growing up in a loving, supportive, encouraging, stable family with firearms and the remote chance that someone uses one of those firearms to harm the foster child.

        Thus, guaranteed harm is somehow better than a remote chance of harm because … guns. Once again we see that Progressives are mentally defective.

      • Jomo, I envy you your semi-positive outlook on the situation. I wish that it were mere obstinate blindness and rank incompentence that was at issue. I can’t agree with you on this, but you may be right. I see it as a matter of policy that families are to be undone. It is a known historical fact that families are the smallest social unit. Removing the influence of the family is the last hurdle to driving society from the top. At least that’s my take on it, and I’m not the only one…

        • I think you’re both partially right. Burley has nailed the unspoken agenda (buried so deeply in the ideology that those who pursue it don’t realize it), and Jomo has nailed the state of affairs in the government agencies on the front lines.

      • I think you are overthinking it. CPS thinks it is its duty to “protect” children. They are convinced that guns are dangerous and bad things happen when children get around firearms, children will be injured or killed, and therefore firearms most be banned. It’s for the children. Of course. The same ideology was behind banning firearms in public housing, and I rather suspect that the ban on gun owning foster parents will suffer the same fate as being patently unconstitutional..

    • Yeah if you’re two parents who are packing you’re out of luck.

      Yet if you are two “parents” packing fudge then everything is wonderful.

  3. If you really want to be scared, read the comments made on the story. New Yorkers think gun owners are crazed fanatical violence worshipers. The libtards that read the Gray Lady are truly brainwashed and reaffirm that there can be no compromise in the 2nd.

    • You mean like “a fetus is not a child” from some woman who managed to connect this story with her abortion rights.
      Throw out the right to bear arms and replace with the right to have abortion. A fair trade ?

      • … “a fetus is not a child” from some woman who managed to connect this story with her abortion rights.

        Such assertions should not be surprising: we have men who don women’s clothing, makeup, hairstyles, names, and even women’s hormones in some cases, and claim to be women.

        If a man can say that he is not a man, and a woman can say that she is not a woman, why can’t a woman say that an unborn baby is not a baby?

        • Makes complete sense, uncommon_sense, if the premise is based in an insane premise.
          The leftists/ progressives have gone completely off the rails. They are free floating, rudderless, without any ability to differentiate, to judge a proper direction, because that would make them “bigots”, hateful and intolerant.

          This is why three out of four athiests/agnostics are progressives or vote left. They look to government to give them direction, comfort and safety instead of an internal moral compass that is established by a higher power.

          Human beings have an internal need to commit to something larger than themselves, if not to a spiritual higher power, and/or a commitment to scientific truth and logic, then they will give that commitment to a human power, ie government.

          So the leftists/progressives are guided by their deities, manifest in human form by their representatives in government. But this is also why, when a society is based on only human directed thoughts and ideas, with no basis in a higher and immutable truth, turns into a nightmare of blood and death and tyranny which is shown in the communist “utopias” of Stalinist Russia and Moaist China.

          Why? Because the human spirit is almost never enobled by power and control. In our natural and fallen state, with no connection to a higher good, even if that good is nothing more than an absolute commitment to scientific truth and logic and the belief in limited government, let alone a belief in a G-d of infinite love and forgiveness, we then fall back to our tribal roots of us and them, where the “enemy” is dehumanized and is to be hated and feared and destroyed.

          So when those with total power and control that think of themselves as god in human form, with no anchor to the idea that there is a higher power than themselves; are then free to delve into the darkest, most savage and bloody parts of our human soul in a war against those they see as the “enemy”. Then they are able to justify these savageries against the “others”, as necessary for the “collective good”.

          So we see this “us and them” playing out between the religious left of progressive based government enforced humanism, versus the “basket of deplorables”, which include many Christians, constitutionalists, classic liberals and those committed to personal freedom.

          Where will this end? Well, freedom is never free. And every generation is faced with the need to pay that ultimate price to be free, or end up on their knees. We will see if our generation will do our ancestors proud, and keep the beacon flame of freedom lit and shining.

        • Makes complete sense, uncommon_sense, f the premise is based in an insane premise.
          The leftists/ progressives have gone completely off the rails. They are free floating, rudderless, without any ability to differentiate, to judge a proper direction, because that would make them “bigots”, hateful and intolerant.

          This is why three out of four athiests/agnostics are progressives or vote left. They look to government to give them direction, comfort and safety instead of an internal moral compass that is established by a higher power.

          So the leftists/progressives are guided by their deities, manifest in human form by their representatives in government. But this is also why, when a society is based on only human directed thoughts and ideas, with no basis in a higher and immutable truth, turns into a nightmare of blood and death and tyranny which is shown in the communist “utopias” of Stalinist Russia and Moaist China.

          Why? Because the human spirit is almost never enobled by power and control. In our natural and fallen state, with no connection to a higher good, even if that good is nothing more than an absolute commitment to scientific truth and logic and the belief in limited government, let alone a belief in a G-d of infinite love and forgiveness, we then fall back to our tribal roots of us and them, where the “enemy” is dehumanized and is to be hated and feared and destroyed.

          So when those with total power and control that think of themselves as god in human form, with no anchor to the idea that there is a higher power than themselves; are then free to delve into the darkest, most savage and bloody parts of our human soul in a war against those they see as the “enemy”. Then they are able to justify these savageries against the “others”, as necessary for the “collective good”.

          So we see this “us and them” playing out between the religious left of progressive based government enforced humanism, versus the “basket of deplorables”, which include many Christians, constitutionalists, classic liberals and those committed to personal freedom.

          Where will this end? Well, freedom is never free. And every generation is faced with the need to pay that ultimate price to be free, or end up on their knees. We will see if our generation will do our ancestors proud, and keep the beacon flame of freedom lit and shining.

    • Read those comments and am now dumber for having done so. Not one comment went against the rule, but I did have to quit halfway through as my head hurt from banging it on my kitchen table.

      • That’s ok TStew. You are simply the example of the saying that the truth hurts. Literally and figuratively.

  4. Well I have always struggled with the belief that I was really born a rhinoceros, trapped in the body of an (now) OFWG.
    I shouldn’t have to pay taxes.
    What, animals can’t own guns !
    Maybe I’m not a rhino after all.
    Besides, I must admit reassignment surgery would be tricky.

  5. I couldn’t picture my son or daughters growing up without love, stability, and support. Well actually, I can and it makes me physically ill. Any state that would actively try to make that the case is evil. Pure and simple. Thankfully at least my family and I live in Utah.

  6. Wow, Adam Winkler said that? He’s been the “go to” expert guy supporting limitations on CCWs for years in California.

  7. As someone who owns firearms and has taken in the friends of my children who have “not the best” home life …. the fear is not that the kids will be hurt by the gun owner …. but the Guns will be stolen, misused or just be too tempting a target for the kid.

    My house guest was a great kid! I acted like a father figure and still help when I can.

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