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Quote of the Day: Everyday Carry?

“‘Occasionally’ carrying a concealed pistol is akin to ‘occasionally’ wearing a seatbelt while driving! Either wear a seatbelt or don’t, but please refrain from insulting my intelligence by insisting that you can predict the future with sufficient precision, so that you’ll know exactly when you’ re going to ‘need it,’ and when you’re not, nor that you have the uncanny ability to arbitrarily separate your life into ‘safe’ and ‘dangerous’ moments.” – John Farnam in Going Armed is a Pain in the Ass, But I do it Consistently [via]

86 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Everyday Carry?”

  1. I don’t care what anyone says, I am not taking my gun into the swimming pool.

    • I read a post a couple years back about a guy who would keep a Baby Browning in the his pocket of his trunks. He mentioned how he’d throw it in the top rack of the dishwasher and toss the ammo when he was done.

    • One word: Shoulder Holster

      Live it, love it, wear it out (literally). You can swim in it. You can sleep in it. You can run it, you can ~ comfortably copulate in a hot-tub in it (it should really be your hot-tub).

      Maybe, around the house, a $15 airsoft version = ~ ok.

      Good stuff.

    • I have 2 ‘water guns’ just for wet environments. Everything I carry can take submersion, but I prefer certain pistols for this. As others have said, I’m suspect of ammunition that has been submerged, even though I have never, in 1000s of rounds, had a failure to fire attributable to wet ammunition.

      Swimming pools? Not so much, creeks, rivers, bogs and the like? Oh yes.

      • I’ve soaked Gold Dots and Federal HSTs in water for several days – no failures. Hornady XTP for my 380, though, every round FTF.

        The XTP isn’t marketed as an LE round and does not have sealed primers. But since I don’t want want to take fingernail polish to my primers, I am back to gold dots in the LCP

  2. I don’t find going armed to be a pain in the ass, but if someone carries 90% of the time it still reduces the odds they’ll be caught without it when they need it by 90%.

    • Exactly my thoughts- isn’t wearing a seat belt sometimes better than never wearing it? Wearing it all the time is of course safer, but I wouldn’t discourage someone from buckling up just because they sometimes don’t when moving the car out of the driveway…

      That being said, his original point (carry carry carry! You can’t use a gun you aren’t holding) is good, just not very well-said (written?) I think.

        • Yes, there is that. There’s no potential risk to wearing a seat belt — but there are people and places that can ruin my life for exercising my civil right to carry.

          The odds of their success are much higher than the odds that I’d need my gun for self-defense. And I do try to obey the rules. So here we are…

        • Can we dream of the day when a cop will write you a $110 ticket for NOT having your EDC on you?

      • And the odds of someone else saving your life by wearing their seatbelt are extremely low. Look at it this way, if 50% of the people carry 50% of the time then one quarter of the population would be carrying at any given time. That would make a criminal’s life pretty difficult.

        • Unless the hypothetical 50% who carry 50% all carry at the same time. Then it would be 50% carrying for six months and 0% carrying for six months.

          The point that one’s need to carry is greatly reduced when there are a lot of “good guys” with guns is valid though.

    • I can’t carry on the job. Not so much because the company prohibits (they do) but because every day i get calls to go into schools, hospitals, federal buildings and on occasion military bases. With the latter even having it locked in the car is a possible federal charge. Not worth the risk.

    • Nope.
      Thats like thinking you’ll have better odds buying more lotto tickets.

      And every day as well.

      • That’s not how math works. The more you do a thing, the more likely you will suffer the unlikely consequences or reap the unlikely benefit. If roll a die repeatedly you will eventually get a six. If you roll it once, you probably won’t get a six. That’s how probability works.

  3. Gaston
    .303 power head for the pool. Had it since I started scuba diving off Australia in the 1970’s. Also available in 12 gauge

    • Yep, a scuba ‘bangstick’ works, but for those with a desire for more magazine capacity, the marine ventilated firing pin cups for a Glock work very well:

      I would have little problem using a Glock in proper running order in a swimming pool, provided I rinsed it off with fresh water when I got out. Chlorine and steel don’t mix well in the long-haul…

  4. Wearing a seat belt everywhere is not against the law. Wearing a seat belt is not going to freak out a boss or client. You don’t have to hide that you are wearing a seat belt. Seat belts are not politically charged. You don’t need a licence for a seat belt. Fix all that, and then we can talk.

    • Good point- a seat belt will never (however unconstitutionally) accidentally cause you to commit a felony. That is a deterrent to carrying away from your home turf, or at least anywhere you aren’t pretty well-versed on the law.

      There are obviously ways around it, but for the vast majority of people (even other gun owners) who pay less attention than those of us who read about guns every day it isn’t that easy.

    • Also, while crime can happen anywhere, the reality is that you can predict with a pretty decent degree of accuracy where it’s very likely to happen.

      My odds of anything happening to me in my area walking my dog at 2AM are almost zero. There are other ‘hoods I’ve lived in where I was almost guaranteed to have a culturally enriching social interaction if I was out after dark.

      Yes, you should always have an extinguisher, but you know you need it when you’re welding, deep frying, or juggling lit candles. Or if it’s Halloween in Detroit….

  5. Just this weekend, my son went on a bike ride in the neighborhood, and on his way out the driveway his mother mentioned that he didn’t have his bike helmet on. So he begrudgingly got his helmet and put it on. About an hour later his friend breathlessly rode up the drive. He somehow got something in his front wheel, flipped over the handle bars, and smacked the back of his head on the pavement, cracking his bike helmet from the force of the impact. When I went to go get him, he had some nasty scrapes and bruises. But it shook him up pretty badly to realize what would have happened had he not gone back for that helmet. Goes to show you just never know when something might happen, and should wear your bike helmet, seatbelt, or firearm every time.

    • And then there’s the guy with a helmet on who snagged a low branch and broke his neck…

      You pays your money and takes your chances. There are no guarantees!

      I think there is something to be said about so many of these “safety” things that MIGHT actually contribute to the problems, rather than prevent them. It all depends… If you see the helmet, or the gun, as something that will do your thinking for you, take care of you so you can be foolish or careless otherwise, not good. Far too many people seem to engage in exactly such nonsense.

      The helmet does not replace responsible and cautious action, and the gun alone does not provide any security. There’s just so much more to it… But YES, carrying whenever possible is a very good place to start. I carry every day, everywhere I go… except into the shower. At night, I have a holster attached to the bed frame. I PRACTICE situational awareness and the other parts of self defense daily, in every situation I can think of. And I shoot regularly. Not perfectly, by any means, but I do the best I can for my age and physical condition.

      Just carrying a gun (or wearing a helmet) is not enough.

      • There are some serious concerns bike helmets as currently designed don’t do a very good job of what they *should* be doing, gradually slowing down the skull. Most bike helmets are a very rigid, dense foam that directly transmits the impact shock to the skull.

        But they sure look all aerodynamic and spiffy! (The way they duct and vent the air does help head cooling.)

        The best skull protection tech I’ve seen is a European prototype for a head airbag system. Likely very expensive if and when it ever arrives.

        But as Mamma correctly notes, it could well break you neck or “put your eye out, kid!”.

        You do indeed “pay your money and take your chances…”

        • when kayaking I use a skate boarders helmet. I have rolled several times and struck my noggin, saved me from blacking out I am sure.

        • My son put his head through the back window of an SUV that turned in front of him. The helmet was ruined, of course, but his head was just fine. The rest of him (and the bike) not so much; he figures he was doing 25+ when he hit the side of the car. He was VERY happy that he was wearing a helmet.

        • Happy to say that the airbag bike helmet is a reality, at least for bikers in Europe & Japan-
          So far, there are no retailers on our side of the pond. It ain’t cheap- about 300 Euros, I think, but it looks like it performs as advertised.

    • At least you didn’t present your anecdote as a “helmet saved a life” story. For decades, we’ve been killing about 700 cyclists a year in USA, but with the advent of near universal foam hat wearing, we now have tens of thousands of lives saved by foam hats every year.

      Foam hats for bicyclists are very good at mitigating scalp wounds. They do so little for traumatic brain injury that you can’t even prove whether the effect on TBI is positive or negative. (most of the large population data shows a statistically insignificant INCREASE in TBI, but that could easily be risk compensation by the user if it is an actual increase). Anything that makes a noticeable improvement on your natural brain protection is going to be very thick or very strong or both, and it’s not going to be a 12-16oz foam hat, but it’s easy to build a 5lb helmet that DOES make a difference, and large population studies do indicate that motorcycle helmets save lives, just not on the scale that you might hope for. Fatal motorcycle crashes often include fatal non-brain injury, and in those crashes a magical perfect helmet would only make for a prettier corpse.

  6. Yea…you don’t have to walk thru bomb dectectors and metal detectors everyday like I do to go into a power plant. I can’t even bring it on site an leave it in my car (felony). Plus there’s armed security all over the place.

    There’s reality, then there’s this dude’s brain on caffeine. I carry when not at work so I guess he’d give me an ALL-CAPS response

  7. Work forbids me, and I make regular trips into unfriendly states. Nonetheless, I carry when I can, but that is somewhat less than all the time.

    Incidentally, my state doesn’t require wearing seatbelts.

  8. There are places where there are obvious legal or other constraints to carrying. He’s not telling people to violate that.

    He’s simply pointing out the fallacy of carrying only when “in a bad neighborhood” or using some other subjective evaluation.

    He’s saying carry when you can or don’t carry. Not carry when you “think” you should.

    • This is the internet. You can’t assume people will assume anything. You also can’t assume people won’t assume everything, so I guess he was screwed to start with.

  9. Why look down on somebody who doesn’t go all in all the time?
    I had to listen to a martial arts instructor berate and belittle anyone who rolled for the fun of it. “If you weren’t preparing for battle you should just stop altogether” kind of shit.

    The only appropriate response is: “go eat a dick, asshole.” This isn’t grade school and I’ll do what I like how I like.

    • “America, that’s why!” or some variation thereof is another way of telling someone to F-off because it’s none of their business why you do what you want to do.

  10. He’s letting perfect be the enemy of good. I personally only disarm when legally obliged AND likely to be detected, but I also recognize my situation isn’t everyone’s situation.

    I recently had a conversation about carry in a recently posted local movie theater. We laughed about how we had never been searched on the way in, and wouldn’t return if searches were a feature. However, I also understand those who are not so comfortable and cavalier about breaking rules and laws.

    Oddly, I am an occasional seat belt user or disuser depending. How soon am I getting out again, how much gear am I wearing, and how fast will we and other traffic be going? What are we in, am I driving? In my wife’s little Legacy wagon as the driver, I’m often belted. In my Tahoe as a passenger with local in town traffic 40mph or less? Almost no chance. Safer to wear the belt? Almost certainly. Can I take a 30mph hit from a passenger car in the Tahoe unbelted and walk to the ambulance (or fight)? Almost certainly, albeit with bumps, cuts and brusies I might not otherwise have had. I’ve been in car crashes, intentional and accidental. I know what sort of forces I’m dealing with, and yes, I’ll accept some enhanced risk for comfort, convenience or advantage.

    Paranoid admission? I dislike being in a seat belt in parking lots, alleys and other places where speed is too low and quarters are too tight. I had a bad experience….

    Blanket statements and broad generalizations are generally suspect, and life is seldom absolute. Do the best you can is probably the only blanket advice that always applies.

    • As a rule of thumb, “[b]lanket statements and broad generalizations are” fine … as long as it is clear that this is more a rule of thumb. Of course there are some situations in which the rule is absolute. I have a hard time thinking of an example that I can’t come up with an exception to.

  11. I work on a military base. I can’t carry from my house to the base, while at work on the base, or on the way home from the base. John Farnam can kiss my ass.

    I carry when I can.

    • Yeah I couldn’t stand that shit while I was in. I really hope that changes but I’m doubtful. I don’t know what the rules are now, but I used to have a few improvised weapons I could’ve get away with that wouldn’t look suspicious. Like a good length of chain somewhere within reach of me. Also, at least back then we weren’t forbidden to bring bladed weapons. I suppose now even a small pocket knife will get you an article 15.

  12. I carry under all legal circumstances and locations…unfortunately, that cannot be 100% of the time, but it’s well above 90%.

    • “Meh…I do my best.”

      Word. Same here, brother. As often as I legally can, and even then…


  13. Well, if I knew exactly when the SHTF, I’d stay home. And if I couldn’t do that, I’d be wearing my plates and carrying a rifle. But since I don’t know, I just carry a pistol.

  14. A group of friends were at a Mexican restaurant Monday afternoon. The subject of guns came up (not from me). A guy says “Mike carries his gun all the time”. Guy sitting next to me says “you got that shit on you right now?”
    I lift my shirt and reveal my Glock 19. He says “look where we are, middle of the day. Ain’t shit gonna happen here.”
    I said “maybe, maybe not, but those places where you think shit might happen, I avoid.”

  15. I take his point. A lot of people are very inconsistent and don’t carry as a daily thing but rather only if they think they’re going somewhere sketchy.

    There are times where you just can’t realistically carry though. Swimming laps, going to court or entering a federal building come to mind but the main time I simply leave my gun at home is when I go to BJJ. Having it on me would be horrendously unsafe and there are too many kids running around to leave it in my bag.

  16. In this aspect of my life, I’ve been disarmed one time in the last 12 months. First day ever that I wasn’t able to carry, and carry 100% of the day, I chose to go to an amusement park and ride roller coasters. They have metal detectors and security wanding people. I do believe in this state, trying to enter with one would have been serious grounds for arrest, permanent metal detectors and all.

    • And a thinking brain also doesn’t put on a seat belt to back his car out of the garage onto the driveway! But before putting in a hot lap at Nurbergring Nordshliefe in an Ariel Atom one would have to be a fool not a have a solidly buckled 4 point harness on.
      Like everything in life, it all depends on the situation of the moment. Like all fundamentalists(people who believe that some set of rules or another will substitute for a thinking, operative, human brain) this type of person is deluding himself. No set of rules will ever make life thought free. Might as well get used to the idea.

  17. I’m an occasional seat belt user, it depends on the car. After all, it’s hard to wear what’s not there.

  18. Well, well, well. Phuck. I guess I’m not living up to someone else’s standards again. I worked for the past 36 years at a location where I not only couldn’t carry, but couldn’t even have my pistol in my car. yup. It’s called the Army. So every working day I couldn’t carry, but thankfully, the location was safe…. hold it. It was Fort Hood and Killeen, Texas (of Luby’s Fame). But, thankfully the policy has changed…. but then again it hasn’t been implemented yet…. and won’t apply to a now retired Soldier like me.

    I do get the guys sentiment. Protection of yourself and others is a way of life, and a mindset. He believes that the only way to live that life, that mindset is to always carry. He’s wrong. I always have the mindset, even when I don’t always have the tools. I set my color condition constantly, avoid stupid people doing stupid things in stupid places at stupid times. I watch my transitions, look for choke points, and shady behavior. I wish I had more than my EDC knife, but that doesn’t make me a rube either.

    • I’m pretty sure the comment was directed at those that choose not to carry out of laziness rather than those that have valid reasons for not bearing arms in restricted areas.

  19. Who cares?

    It’s their business how and when they carry. But if you get caught without your stuff and get hammered for it, I don’t want to hear any complaining.

  20. Hey John: OFWGs such as yourself are much more likely to die early from your poor food choices and lack of aerobic exercise than by not having a firearm on you 100% of the time.

    Looking at your picture, I suspect you have high cholesterol, Hypertension, occluded cardiac arteries, possible Type 2 Diabetes and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. I hope you are being adequately treated and actively attempting improvement.

    See how this works, John?

    • While I understand your use of exaggeration here to make a point the larger point about health is one that really isn’t made often enough.

      I’ve taken some heat in my life for what is now known as “fat shaming”. I continue to “fat shame”, not because I enjoy hurting peoples’ feelings but because being overweight is really, really unhealthy. On top of that, these people generally feel like shit and don’t even know it. 80% of that is diet and the rest is a lack of exercise.

      Tired in the afternoon? Five Hour Energy/Monster/Redbull… NO! Hit the gym in the morning if you can but more importantly what are you eating for breakfast and lunch? The answer from the heavy users of stimulants can usually be boiled down to a single word: “shit”. You feel like shit because you eat shit food. Garbage in, garbage out.

      On top of that, in cases of major trauma, be they from a car or work accident or a GSW or a knife, the chances of survival drop pretty significantly as the amount of fat on the person rises. There’s a study out there that indicates that the rate of fatality from the same injury is 30% higher for those that are obese or approaching being obese. In cases where death doesn’t occur, complications and “less than optimum patient outcomes” skyrocket for the overweight and the obese.

      Tangentially related: US healthcare costs. Why are they so high? Well, 79% of us are overweight and 38% of us are clinically obese. Think that might, kinda just maybe be a huge fucking factor?

      So, pardon the pun, but it’s a big deal and personally I see no real reason to be “nice” about it because it’s not kindness when it’s enabling seriously self destructive behavior. Therefore, I fully support your comment here for multiple reasons.

        • I’m curious as to why you think anyone’s basis of opinion is any of your business.

        • Setting aside the fact that I end up paying out the nose for it…

          I never said it was my business and I don’t walk up to fat folks and offer them unsolicited advice. I’m also not talking about a few vanity pounds here.

          However, the point remains that being overweight isn’t good for you for a ton of reasons and so when the topic comes up I will offer my opinion which is this: We know this isn’t good for you and we know that for the vast majority of people it’s not a glandular or a medication issue. Therefore I think it’s a combination of ignorance of how to eat properly and being lazy. I’d like to see that change so that people live happier, healthier, longer more productive and fulfilling lives.

          As for “fat shaming” well that’s some PC bullshit. Again, I don’t approach these people and rip on them or offer them unsolicited advice but I don’t give a fuck that other people do and I absolutely abhor the idea that society should just accept fat people who are simply ignorant/lazy/both. There should be a significant social stigma against being fat the same way there is against smoking or drinking to excess and for the same reason: it’s not good for you.

          Being fat is unhealthy and when you wander in public, or use that Rascal to navigate Wally World because you’re morbidly obese you’re advertising that fact to the world and a rational person might want to consider that they might get some negative feedback the same as if they were wearing a pro-Hitler T-Shirt in public.

          Again, some stats for our country. 29.1 Million diabetics (I’m one of them btw, though my A1C doesn’t show it because I actually take care of myself but that, in and of itself is another story since I’m a bit of a medical mystery) nearly 10% of the population and growing and just 25 years ago it was only about 3% of the country. 79% overweight, 38% obese. 86 million pre-diabetics that’s more than 25% of the population. Add it to the number of actual diabetics and we’re talking a country that’s rapidly approaching 40% diabetic/pre-diabetic. That is, quite frankly, unsustainable and it’s a massive national health crisis which is mostly preventable.

          The point here, ultimately, is that to prevent such a problem we have to inform people of the facts. Facts > feelz. Feelz say eat whatever you want, be lazy and be a fat disgusting slob and no one can call you out. Facts say that’s bad for you and the statistical chances of a really bad outcome that the person in question does not want grow astronomically.

          If you see someone doing something dangerous you inform them of the danger and advise them to stop. It’s not “kindness” to simply watch them hurt themselves.

          An honest question in return. If, at your gun range, you saw someone look down the barrel of a gun, would you say something and try to get them to change their behavior or is it not your business if they accidentally blow their face off?

          • “The point here, ultimately, is that to prevent such a problem we have to inform people of the facts.”

            The anti-gunners think the same way about gun owners. They are oh, so happy to share with us all of the “facts” that make our freedom and gun choices so very BAD for us, and how it costs everyone so much… yada yada.

            You have not indicated at all why you think someone else’s health (or anything else) is any of your business… regardless of how bad their health may be. What gives you any authority to “inform” people what you consider to be “the facts?” Does your disdain come through to them as it does here?

            Each individual is responsible for their own safety, defense, health, and all choices and decisions. If they choose badly, it is their problem, and the consequences are theirs to live with.

        • If someone is going something unsafe at “my” range, yes it is my business as the CRSO. In my home or on my property, most assuredly. Very curious, however, that the “shaming” tactic of the anti-gun folks is supposed to have merit if “we” do it for something like this. Illogical. No, my health is nobody else’s business, no matter how sweet and benevolent they think they are.

          But whatever… Just be prepared for negative feedback from those you advise so helpfully.

          And if you don’t want to pay for the health problems of others, don’t encourage those who “vote” for such socialistic things to start with. Whole other topic.

        • So, if you saw someone doing that and it wasn’t at your range, since you’re not a safety officer off the range, you wouldn’t interview and tell them not to look down the barrel? It’s location dependent?

          If you saw someone operating a chainsaw in a way you knew to be unsafe and they clearly didn’t know what they were doing, you’d just sit back and watch them hurt themselves? No offense, but I don’t buy it. You’re simply not that kind of jerk.

          Now yes, your personal health is something where you can say “None of your business, butt out” and that is 100% your right just like the dude with the chainsaw doesn’t have to listen to you and he might force you to call 911 when he rips into his leg. However, that doesn’t change the fact that, effectively, there is no difference between the person harming themselves though ignorance regardless of what method they use. Gun, chainsaw, drill press, automobile, food. It’s all the same basic problem, people operating from ignorance and not realizing how much personal danger they’re putting themselves in.

          I should also point out that when I say “fat shaming” I don’t mean walking up to someone and saying “Wow, you’re a really disgusting fat piece of shit. I mean, I can smell you from two aisles over. Take your Rascal and motor on outta here you land whale”. That’s just being an asshole.

          What I’m referring to with “fat shaming” is that merely saying “Being overweight is unhealthy and we should probably have a national conversation about that due to the fact that America is kinda chunky” brings out droves of SJW jerkwads who accuse you of bigotry and intentionally undermining someone’s self esteem and body image. It also elicits, within the gun community, the ire of a large number of overweight people who are, in fact, significantly overweight. I won’t paint with a broad brush here, but there are a lot of cases of those same people talking about “combat effectiveness” and “tactics” and all sorts of other things. That’s fine but it’s ironic because the only thing they’re going to use tactics against and show actual combat proficiency against is a Twinkee or a bag of Doritos.

          The same thing is true about safety nazis. We can’t have recess anymore where kids actually burn off some calories. That’s not safe. Someone could be harmed! Yeah, well you know what else isn’t safe? Being 12 years old (or any age really) and 40lbs overweight.

          To steal and alter an old proverb “Spare the facts, spoil the person”.

        • “You have not indicated at all why you think someone else’s health (or anything else) is any of your business… regardless of how bad their health may be.”

          He indicated that it was his business because, whether because of taxes or basic economics, it effects how much he pays for healthcare. It is a myth that your actions do not effect other people. There are always far reaching consequences to any action. (That shouldn’t be taken as license to regulate all actions).

          “What gives you any authority to “inform” people what you consider to be “the facts?”” The 1A. He not only has the authority to inform people that being a lard ass is bad for them, he has the right. He even has the right to inform them that Hitler was the greatest guy ever, regardless of truthfulness or tact.

        • On the issues of “shaming,” shame is an important motivator to correct and prevent bad behavior. Stigma should be attached to all sorts of things that are now considered off limits. Like having bastard children, not taking care of your bastard children, taking government welfare or even charity when you don’t really need it, etc.

        • TX:

          I guess I was rather imprecise with what I said here and that’s probably the root of the disagreement here.

          As I stated, I don’t just walk up to people and offer then unsolicited heath advice.

          Look, I’m all for freedom but freedom comes with certain responsibilities and one of those responsibilities is to actually know what the hell you’re doing. Without basic information informed decisions cannot be made. That is what all this PC nonsense removes from the general population. We can’t even begin to disseminate the proper information so that people can make informed decisions because facts are now “offensive”. As soon as this topic comes up (and it fucking well needs to, look at the numbers I posted, I didn’t just make those up) it gets shut down by someone screaming about “fat shaming”.

          So, to use the parlance of those of the left I say “Shame away”. That doesn’t mean offering insults, it means presenting the facts and ignoring the idiots who scream about feelz because we understand that the people crying about feelz don’t give a shit about people at all but rather are just looking for another group to sink talons into and make dependent on the state.

          Of course, there’s also the economic argument to be made and the idea that the US is going to get rid of every socialist policy is a joke. Medicare ain’t going away and a bunch of fat old diabetic people are going to cost the younger folks a TON of money when they present with problems they shouldn’t have in the fucking first place.

          If you want freedom you need information. The consious effort to shut down that information flow, IMHO, is the greatest weapon the statist has and they’ve used it to great effect elsewhere in society. They want people fat, dumb, voting “just right” and DEPENDENT.

          • The no shaming thing has gone so far that people have been encouraging the morbidly obese to be proud of themselves. Not only are we supposed to shut up about the truth, but we’re supposed to celebrate obesity as beauty.

            I get exactly what you’re talking about. My points are that “no man is an island” and you have a right to say whatever you want regardless of what other people think about it. That you’re right and probably polite about it is beside the point.

        • Wow… I just lost a lot of respect for both of you. Like 99.9% of it.

          It’s good to know that you two are near enough to perfect that you feel you can dictate to others what we’re doing wrong with our lives… yet something tells me that you wouldn’t be quite so receptive to legitimate criticism of YOUR lifestyle. (Oh, wait, I forgot – you don’t HAVE any vices that others can criticize, do you?)

          Also good to know that neither of you struggle with your weight, or depression, or several other factors which apparently make some of us inferior to you… Well, all I can say is I sure hope neither of you ever falls off that high horse – it’s a LOOOOOOONG way down!

          • So where is it that you disagree with me? That we have a Constitutionally protected right of free speech which allows us to criticize people? That the only shameful act left in today’s society is criticizing people (except for criticizing people who criticize people)? That being morbidly obese is bad for your health?

            If someone is doing something wrong, it is not a loving act to ignore it. Ignoring might be the easiest or most polite thing to do, but it is not the kindest. Society has gone so far in the wrong direction that it encourages bad behavior. This helps no one. It hurts them.

  21. It’s simple, carry whenever you can. Of course you can’t predict the need to use your firearm, but there are times when it’s just not feasible. This is sort of a non-issue to me.

  22. I am growing tired of people claiming that they believe the right to carry a firearm is a fundamental individual right, then immediately trying to dictate how others should exercise that right. If a law-abiding gun owner wants to carry at all time, I fully support them. If another citizen decides that they do not want to carry a firearm at all, then I fully support them as well. It is not my place to tell anyone here how, when, where, or why they should carry their firearm. That is the entire point of freedom.

    • I agree completely. Yet, people still look at me like I’m crazy when they hear my personal philosophy. Regardless of circumstances, my gun will never leave my holster unless the victim shares my last name. Why? Because all the people that you see out in public have the same rights. Why they choose not to exercise those rights, or take responsibility for heir own safety, means nothing to me. I refuse to have my life inconvenienced and perhaps ruined, by way of incarceration, or crushing legal fees, to play hero to a stranger who refused his own responsibilities. My responsibility as a good citizen stops at providing finances and safety for my wife and daughter. The rest of you are on your own.

  23. Well, I always wear a seat belt and I try to carry frequently, but all-or-nothing BS is BS. If you wear a seat belt only some percentage of the time, you’re still less likely do die in a crash than if you never wore it at all. Let’s not pretend never carrying is just is a good as sometimes carrying…

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