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106 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: No Knock, No Foul? Edition”

  1. So… guess this counts as another successful RAID for the boys in blue? Someone gets to carve a couple of notches in his buttstock…. After all that meat grinder was still loaded!

    • Here is what no-one is talking about. Police departments are supposed to be accountable to the mayor or legislator. When was the last time anyone heard of a legislator or mayor discipline a police chief for his department’s behavior like this?

      Why aren’t the legislators or mayors not having protests outside their homes? Why is everyone excepting that the police can investigate themselves, can hold themselves accountable?

        • Or former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, who’s about one year in, I think, on a twenty-eight year federal sentence for corruption.

      • Here is what no-one is talking about. Police departments are supposed to be accountable to the mayor or legislator.

        HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA – Oh, that’s rich! HAHAHA accountable… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  2. What, no young Black males under 6 killed because the cop thought they were going for their gun?

    • Yet somehow the mailman delivered the mail every day without being mauled.

      Went over to the link to join the pile on but it was already at 150+.

      • Browsed through the comments and there were about 3 bootlickers out of the 150+ comments.
        Do you think the SWATzies are maybe coming up on the losing side of public opinion?
        The police are losing the middle class….can’t say it enough…they are going to rue the day.

        • I can truthfully say that not ALL SWAT are SOCOM wannabe’s. The guys that trained me seemed to be patriots. While I can’t attest to their behavior out of the range, on the range they spoke openly with distain about the state of affairs in Kommiefornia.

        • Some of the best merciless coldblooded killers are good on the range because they’re teaching others to do what they love to do.

        • @Upchuck….

          Well I’d imagine that when the SS guys came home after a big day of kicking down doors they proceeded to hug and kiss their kids. That don’t matter so much…..what matters is what they did after they get up in the morning and put their armband back on.

  3. My first thought is “Oh joy, another canine suicide by cop”. And secondly, “What was the family doing lifestyle wise that would interest the cops in raiding them?” I’ve never been raided or even so much as looked at by the boys in blue. And I would dare say 99.5% of us haven’t either. I’m not condoning their actions, but there had to be something wrong that made them want to do it.

    • Dude, you are what’s “wrong” here. It’s people like you, who think that having the “wrong” lifestyle warrants being raided by a paramilitary squad, who are the root of the problem.

    • Well, for starters, the family was Black and not exactly middle-class (bet you don’t sleep on a mattress on the floor). Then there is (probably) location, location, location . . . And, of course, the guy admittedly is a casual marijuana smoker. Put that all together and that family has hung a sign out that says “no knock here!!!”. And we can’t leave out the obligatory “vicious pit bulls” which “charged” the officers who were trying to do their jobs protecting the community, and yadda, yadda, yadda . . .

      Minority communities, Blacks and Hispanic, have had this kind of police violence directed at them for generations. Four decades ago, “police brutality” was an abstract term for middle-class Americans but it was an everyday reality if you had the wrong skin color, wrong last name, or you lived in the wrong part of town. But now there’s been a change. Just thinking that you’re safe if you haven’t done anything wrong is naive in the extreme. Now, we’re all targets.

      I have a question for the LEO’s who visit here. After having done this sort of thing for awhile, how do cops keep from becoming calloused and alienated, from their job, their family, neighbors, and people in general? Kicking in doors, shooting dogs, terrifying children, humiliating adults . . . and finding nothing of consequence has to effect the ways police officers see themselves.

    • He ran a “towing service” from his house. Which means he towed illegally-parked cars, and maybe repos. Which endeared him to a number of people, I’m sure.

    • One of the things that a lot of people don’t understand about these raids is the source of the information on which the warrants are issued.

      Often, the source of the “credible and actionable information” is some druggie or dope-peddler that the cops have in custody, and the cops are offering a deal: finger someone higher up than you, and you get a reduction. Or the “source” is a “confidential informant” out on parole, and his parole is now in question due to some infraction. Again, he’s given a deal: dime someone out, and you get to stay outside.

      On information of such questionable provenance and veracity are warrants issued. And all cops have to do to get a no-knock is state that they have information that the occupants of the dwelling own a gun.

      Done deal.

      So how is it that you’ve never had this sort of brush with the law, @Pro-2A? You probably don’t hang around or associate with anyone who is in trouble with the law – in even the smallest way, and as such, you never show up on the cops’ radar in even the smallest way.

      Once you’ve been around someone who had had “issues” with the law, even unwittingly, guess what happens? Cops start showing up on your doorstep. “Have you seen So-n-So? We’re looking to talk to him. How do you know him? When was the last time you saw him? What was your business with him?”

      This line of questioning was my first clue that my one of my next door neighbors in the Los Angeles area wasn’t wholly on the up-n-up. By the time you get to the third such visit from the cops in only 10 days or so, you start to wonder “WTF has this guy done, and how much distance can I put between me and him? Were there ever any picture taken where we’re in the same frame? Were we ever at any social event together? Has this clown ever called my phone? Does he have a single shred of paper with my name/address on it?”

      And so on.

      I solved the problem by moving.

      There are plenty of rather innocuous people dragged into the sphere of law enforcement by criminals who keep a low profile, but are caught up in the investigation (or worse) when the criminals start making up all manner of stories about the people around them.

      • Imagine people’s horror when they’re being raided, all because their teenage son happens to know a stoner from school who just got popped for possession and who gave up their innocent kid’s name as a source.

        Try explaining that misunderstanding to your friends, family, employer, clients; all of the same sort of normal people, like many here, who are going to respond with “Yeah, but……where there’s smoke, there’s fire….”

      • Yes, you can be guilty by association, lifestyle, location, ethnicity, and so on. More friends and acquaintances with the political elite equals less interaction with Johnny Law.

    • The issues are whether the police are violating people’s rights, not whether the targets are guilty or otherwise attracting police attention by way of their lifestyle, location, vocation, pigmentation or other factors.

      Even if you aren’t concerned one whit about their civil rights or the constitutional principles involved here, then consider it this way: at most, we’re all just one dyslexic court clerk’s search warrant away from coming face-to-muzzle with a SWAT team at zero dark blood thirsty thirty.

      • The justice system has presumption of innocence. What makes the cops different? Why do judges grant them warrants to break into a person’s house who they have not even attempted to contact or catch doing illegal actions through other means? Is the risk of cops breaking down the door of an innocent person and getting shot, or killing the occupant of the home who has never committed a crime worth the increase in drug convictions?
        I don’t think so. But those are the questions we should be asking.

        • Can’t disagree with you there. Even a cursory examination of the last hundred years of criminal justice history, or even governance in general, reveals gross incompetence, complicity and dereliction of constitutional duty on the part of the judiciary at all levels.

  4. They’re outnumbered 2,500 to 1. Why police stations arent in flames across the nation baffles me.
    With nothing more than sticks and stones we could be done with all this crap.
    Heap their corpses on the already smoldering pile of politicians and dump on gasoline like it was $1.00/gallon.

    • IMHO, it’s because so many people have been indoctrinated enough that they are basically statists in that they believe that government is the seat of power to handle all social and all economic matters. Deep down they fear the risks associated with freedom so they attempt to rationalize it away by convincing themselves that people cannot govern themselves. We all know idiots in our own lives. The mainstream statist often believes that those example idiots justify their fear of Liberty. They don’t demand en masse because they believe that the alternative is complete and utter anarchy. Those are the two reasons I’ve been given by the rank and file citizen over the years; “I know so-and-so can’t be trusted in a free society and there would be total chaos.”

  5. Thank God that glass bong and weed remnants were off the street. That’s totally worth a SWAT raid and the death of two fine family pets.

    / sarcasm

    This looks like a crystal clear example of an unnecessary SWAT raid. Over weed? Ridiculous. I’d definitely sue the police department over this. Even if the family wins the suit, the police state raid is a lose / lose situation. The family loses the feeling of security of their home, the family pets are gone, taxpayer money is blown, and society loses freedom.

    • I would add that the family and children not only dont feel safe, but have a livid hatred for LE permanently.

      But hey, as long as they can justify the existence of their swat team right…

      • They may have been traumatized for life. Imagine what it was like at 7:00 in them morning and a gang of violent thugs break into the house and start shooting.

        These thugs absolutely deserved to have been shot and killed in self defense. If they didn’t have badges it would have been justified. But somehow, because they have badges, they have the “right” to do this.

  6. “These suspects were caught with only a glass bong and a grinder, a misdemeanor in some states… do you think this arrest was worth a no knock raid and two dead dogs?”

    “…Why don’t we let St. Paul answer that question; THE GREATEST CITY ON EARTH!”

  7. Every “law enforcement officer” involved here is a perfect example of a bad cop.

    No victim, no crime.

  8. They needed “some” justification to wheel out the MRAP. That glass bong, and some flakes in a grinder were a potential threat.
    The dogs?
    Seems to be developing into the new SOP.

  9. Let it begin, the hate and discontent, against all law enforcement. So next time you need help, call someone who cares. I wonder who that will be? And when you call them and you will, please tell them how you really feel, and see how far that gets you. Remember one thing, when you call me I will resond, and do my damn best to help you, even if I don’t like or agree with you. Ok have at it

    • When was the last time a cop “helped” anyone? They arrive after a real crime (someone became a victim) has been committed and they routinely commit acts of aggression against peaceful people for “lifestyle” crimes.

      You sir are a bad cop. Why? Because you will obey just about any order they give you. You do already. You kidnap and cage peaceful people who possess some leaves. Shame on you.

    • Well, I am a cop, so I am my own first responder. Given how many police officers don’t have exemplary marksmanship, I’d rather take care of most problems myself and call the police for clean up.

      I don’t hate all cops, and I certainly know good cops. That doesn’t change the fact that no-knock raids over weed are bullshit.

    • Can you honestly say, in this specific instance, that it was worth it? That two family pets were killed, kids and parents traumatized, and an entire neighborhood alienated, for a little marijuana? The problem isn’t that all cops are bad, it’s that some cops are bad, and the system, which is itself broken, protects them. I guarantee, if this was a white family in a middle-class neighborhood, this story would have gone a whole lot differently. Not because the individual cops are racist, but because the justice system has become a justice-for-those-who-can-pay-a-good-lawyer system through the war on drugs.

      • Actually, there is no guarantee it would come out differently at all. Recall that raid in a Maryland suburb, someone left a box at the wrong house, the county SWAT knew it had been left at the wrong house but raided it anyway. It was the home of the WHITE, middle-class, mayor of the community. His 65-year old mother-in-law, among others, was thrown to the floor and cuffed and yes, the family dog was shot on the spot. And the county po-po’s ultimate response? “The officers followed proper protocol and acted appropriately…”

    • I grade your boot licking a solid 8 out of 10.

      I’m going to guess your throne sniffing is equally as proficient.

      The police are losing the middle class….can’t say it enough…they are going to rue the day.

      • Oh, totally! The middle class hates us! That’s probably why we get discounts on movies, meals, airplane tickets, etc! The middle class gave me a discounted interest rate on my mortgage, a law enforcement/military discount on my car, and punish us even further by having “Law Enforcement Appreciation” days at the local amusement park! Some of them hate us so much they went out of their way to pay for my meal twice in the last three weeks! I don’t think I can take it anymore.

        Hell, they hate us so much, they voted for a bond to improve our funding and increased our pension benefits! I can just feel the loathing!

        I just don’t know how we’ll survive…

        • And when you’re not looking they’re laughing at you. Until you give them a ticket to maintain your quota.

        • Arrogantly expressed, but I expect the guy has a point–a lot of the sheeple love their masters–ahhh, “shepherds”….but Bill has a point too I think.

        • Yes COMMENT MODERATED, it’s called manipulation.

          They perceive you to be in a position of power, so they try to curry favor.
          They do to raise their reputation in a society that gives hollow homage to “troops” and police.
          No one really cares.

          That’s not to say that any of them hate you, or that you are any more or less liked than any other group out there. I’m just saying don’t be so COMMENT MODERATED stupid as to believe that people are nice because they like police. They just give back the same manipulation that the police give them.

        • Low IQ Officer doesn’t understand the difference between losing and lost. Sure, if you’re a doughnut lard ass in your 50’s than you can probably take that attitude and retire before the change hits home. If you’re younger….not so much.

        • I’d be ashamed to admit that I ever accepted any of those gratuities as a ‘reward’ for my service; In my day, we weren’t allowed to accept, nor would most of us have taken, even the free cup of coffee offered to us at a diner while on duty–it just wasn’t DONE. Oddly enough, we always figured that we weren’t any better than the people that we served–we were merely given more legal responsibility in the form of powers of arrest and enforcement authority than the general public–and woe betide anyone who abused that responsibility by using the extra power and authority wrongly.

          Regarding any of the other ‘perks’ you list, we were told that if the ‘perk’ wasn’t given to any OTHER Municipal employee, from clerk to fireman to gardener, then it wasn’t acceptable to take advantage of it. As far as I was concerned, accepting any special cop-only gratuity was akin to taking a bribe.

          Times have, apparently, changed.

    • when you call me I will resond, and do my damn best to help you, even if I don’t like or agree with you.

      That’s what you are getting a paycheck to do. If that’s a problem then please find a different line of work. Your passive-aggressive, “poor me” comment was lame.

      • Exactly.

        My wife is an ER doc in the meth capitol of the country (San Bernardino County) and a significant chunk of her patients routinely yell at her, call her b*tch and sometimes threaten her. And yet, those people get the same exact humane care and consideration as everyone else. Because that’s her job. That’s called being a professional. Maybe COMMENT SELF-MODERATED like Really should try it.

    • Are you the same character that said that you didn’t like WalMart’s policies so when you responded you made a point to not help them and to tell them that everything was a civil matter?

      Justice for some. Those the cops like. Less so for those that the cops don’t like.

    • Do you think your post is some kind of positive PR for cops?

      No I will not be calling you for help, especially to my home. I would like to give my dogs a reasonable chance at survival. That is not a cheap shot, I am completely serious. I don’t even want a cop called to my street, EVER. The last time that happened I was muzzle swept by two cops with their fingers on the trigger when they were supposed to be responding to another address. What a shocker. Want to take a wild guess why they had to stop at my place? They thought they smelled pot. Another big shocker. Of course they didn’t smell anything but you know full well you can say anything you want to justify abusing your power.

      Speak out against the BS you are told to do that you know is wrong and actually fix the problem. Maybe, just maybe you can undo decades of abuse and improve public perception. If not just admit you enjoy abusing people or that you don’t care if other cops around you do it and stop being offended.

    • Cops confuse themselves fir their badges. Nobody is calling YOU personally. They’re calling the system. The entire legal system. They wouldn’t even call the system in many cases, but for all the post-event ramifications, like the illegality and difficulty of quetly disposing of a burglar’s body.

      You’re nobody’s hero. You’re more a hall monitor armed to the teeth.

      • Ugh, expecting a special reward for doing the job competently and within reasonable expectations. I feel a Chris Rock skit coming on.

    • No. This is not a ‘hate-fest’ against ALL cops; It is a loathing-fest against all of the BAD ones, the ones that do no-knock, violent warrant services on family homes in search of a little weed or a glass bong, the ones that use SWAT to raid animal shelters harbouring illegal fawns and to enforce code violations, the ones that willingly and violently enforce Draconian laws against personal behavior that does not harm others because their Government bosses tell them that it’s the Right Thing to Do, the ones that sign up to be cops and leave their compassion and common sense at the academy door, the ones that act as if they were Sylvester Stallone in ‘Judge Dredd’: “I AM the Law!”

      The cops that arrest violent, dangerous criminals (you know, such as murderers and armed robbers and Statist politicians) are still our heroes; It’s the other ones, those that abuse their trust, that we detest.

      Now, before you start the flaming, I will confess to 22 years of policing for a municipal department. “Some of my best friends are cops, but. . .” Things are different, now. For example, I never shot a family dog.

        • I appreciate the thought; People here might be surprised at just how many cops, and ex-cops, don’t like what’s going on today–such as with SWATing everything that moves. The idea of treating every police problem as a good reason to go to war is anathema to what SWAT was originally intended to do; We always reserved the Nuclear Option for situations that were, or could truly become, nuclear. Furthermore, we always believed that the very LAST thing that we wanted to do was to actually USE SWAT, and the SWAT fellows always agreed–they didn’t WANT to make a forced dynamic entry and possibly get shot to death. Bunch of wusses, if you ask me. /sarc/

          Again, times have changed.

    • So next time you need help, call someone who cares. I wonder who that will be ? Well, when I had 3 thugs about to break in my house, I had the wife call 911 and I called on my 870 Wing Master to bring to readiness. The cops showed up about 25-30 minutes later as they could not find our address. The Police Station was about 3/4 to 1 mile from my home. Luckily the crooks ran off and left their car, but we still had to physically flag the cops down which took 3 tries.

      • Just because the cops fork up on a regular basis, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they don’t care. You are mixing the apples in with the oranges. All humans are subject to human failings; There ARE times when the cops DO do ‘good’, in spite of being mere humans, and they DO get there in time to be useful–sometimes it’s just a matter of luck and timing.

        I don’t think that you would want an omniscient, omnipresent police force, even if that was possible; It’s good that you are prepared to take care of yourself and your family in the ‘gap’ between something bad starting and help in the form of the cops getting there, but unless you want a cop stationed in your living room for all eventualities, you may find your abilities overwhelmed some day and may really need a few cops to show up. Think of them as’ firemen with guns’; If your house is really and truly on FIRE, your garden hose may not be enough to put the fire out–so you call the fire department. No, they weren’t there to keep the fire from starting in the first place, but they just MIGHT have the tools and ability to keep it from getting worse. If your house is besieged by a horde of illegal immigrant children from Guatemala armed with F&F AK-47s, courtesy of Your President, I suspect that you’d be grateful for a few cops showing up to herd the little darlings back onto the Homeland Security buses.

        IF they go to the right address first, of course.

    • Really is preaching a sermon of obeisance in all circumstances to the almighty police. I don’t have a problem with police, I don’t have a problem with them serving warrants. I have a problem when they choose to serve warrants by kicking in doors with little corroborating evidence as to the danger the people inside the house pose. I have a problem when they then proceed to blast family dogs that react naturally to scary strangers breaking into their den and molesting the Alpha members of their pack.

      Really, you don’t really have to worry about me calling you for help when someone with bad intentions break into my home. I’ll shoot the home invaders, you can slab them. If someone breaks into my car while I’m away from it I’ll go to police headquarters and file a report there. No skin off your nose right?

      Disdain for modern policing which has more to do with “get the collar at all cost and forget the property damage in the process” is what I have a problem with. If we removed control of who gets to be police chief from the city board and put it in the hands of voters the department as a whole would have to get their act together. Some police have been emboldened by “action at their own discretion” granted by notable court cases. If we as voters were allowed to set policy such as police must maintain physical condition maybe slightly off par that of the men and women serving in our armed forces, and in addition they must attend a certain yearly number of specialized classes such as public relations, animal restraint, and high intensity shooting drills so they can react appropriately under pressure.

  10. That’s perfectly fine. You choose the job, no one makes you do it. You are getting PAID to be a public servant, not a Jack booted thug or a better than though in a uniform.

  11. Is TTAG still picking on cops? NOPE. Keep shining your light RF. ” But the dogs scared me”.For you cop defenders out there I hope the SWAT doesn’t have the wrong address for their no-knock raid. That very thing has happened in my “changing” neighborhood. And don’t we all commit ” 3 felonies a day”?

    • ^ Ocifer G.E.D reporting for doody!

      This whiny and completely incoherent comment adds nothing to the discussion

    • If it is the truth, without prejudice, exaggeration and hyperbole, it’s not ‘hate.’

  12. I suspect there will be a day, maybe only a decade or so from now, when this all seems like the sort of head-scratching bad policy that prohibition does to us nowadays. Busting someone’s door down is a violent thing to do, and sometimes it NEEDS to be done. But over what?

    I am sure the police involved here thought that there was more than just a grinder there. But still…

    • I think you’re exactly right. Prohibition failed for precisely the reason marijuana enforcement is failing: the majority of Americans simply started ignoring a stupid law that nobody agreed with. Same thing happened with 55mph speed limits back in the day.

  13. So, “Really”, you answer Bob with a snide remark – but how about responding to the actual content of his statement, “Really”?

    Are you more concerned with *helping* people, or with “catching” people?

    Is your primary job to “help” or “enforce”?

    I’d like to hear your answer; but as far as I know police have no duty to “help” anyone. They are Law Enforcement, meaning quite plainly that they are the *force* body of the governing body, charged with deploying *force* from the governing body onto the governed to beget *compliance*.

    Note that no officers use the term “public servant” or even “peace officer” anymore. It’s always LEO.

    I don’t hate cops in concept, because I’m not an anarchist.

    But modern police are not the public’s “friends” or “helpers”. They are *enforcers* who are generally not responsible for collateral damage they cause in the process of using that force.

    I’d like to get a reply from you , “Really”, especially over the safety of the internet where you can’t throw me face first against the hood of your cruiser for daring to question you (“noncompliance” / speaking in a non submissive manner to an LEO).

    Are you a “helper” or an “enforcer”?

    But I’m guessing I won’t hear that answer, as we’re just supposed to OBEY.

    Maybe I’ll get a little quip about you feeling sorry for me, like you said to Bob, without actually addressing the concern.

    Other LEOs, I’d like to hear your take on it too, but I’m not holding my breath.

    • I sat on a jury in which a young man was accused of resisting a ‘lawful order’. Only a few problems, the LEO’s were lying their asses off and couldn’t keep their stories straight and two the the young man was ‘asked’ to sit on a step while his house was being torn apart because a uncle dropped in to spend the night. The young man was ‘accidentally’ kicked in the head by a female officer because she ‘slipped’ on the dirt outside. Needless to say he was found not guilty. I’ve got another story from over 44 years ago about two recordings (different machines of a police dispatch call just accidentally being erased. Reminds me of some hard drives we’ve been reading about.

    • Glad you asked. I’m up to about 400 public services and have provided aid to about 780 motorists so far in 2014. The public services are answers to legal questions, job opportunity responses, gun questions, directions, etc. The aid calls are pushing stranded motorists, providing water for radiators and vehicle occupants, miscellaneous vehicle repair, arranging for free and paid tow services, etc.

      A separate category would be pulling dangerous objects out of highways and freeways such as boxes, furniture, rocks, mufflers, etc. Basically anything that could damage a motor vehicle in transit on a public roadway. That count is at about 350. I’ve also rounded up a bunch of stray dogs without shooting any. Cheeseburgers work well, and pepper spray works on the aggressive ones.

      So don’t be too quick to paint to say that cops don’t help people. I nearly lost my life checking on an abandoned vehicle on the freeway.

      • And think you for this. I think a point that is being made here and on many other internet sites which address the question, is that the proliferation of SWAT warrant services and no-knock raids is a corrupting influence on the police. There is a significant disconnect between the traditional roles of the police and increased militarization of the police. I can tell you that this is a subject of some concern for the people who teach in criminal justice programs and who have observed, and often been a part of, police culture for many years. They’re seen the change take place and it isn’t a good change.

      • Aren’t we all judged by the worst among us–or even the worst with whom someone would casually associate us? The lesson (well, my lesson at least) is to be more aware of that trapping and to avoid participating in it. Suspicion is ok since it’s simply another shade of caution, which is always prudent. There’s a clear enough line between suspicion and judgment.

        My point here is to say thanks, Accur81, for representing police on TTAG with a voice of reason. It’s hard not to harbor resentment for police in general after reading all of the stories here about raids gone wrong, family pets killed for no good reason, double standards for NDs and other reckless behavior, the personal risks one takes with one’s freedom by talking to police after a DGU, etc. And yet police are also our neighbors, allies against violent crime, folks whose job places them in harm’s way to keep society running smoothly–to keep me and my family safe, at least in an abstract sense.

        I just wanted to point out that your speaking up as an officer and not making excuses for bad behavior of certain people with a badge has not gone unnoticed. It’s a small reminder of the better things that police stand for. You seem less like someone ready to throw me to the wolves for the slightest infraction (real or imagined), and more like someone I’d enjoy spending a day at the range with; that’s the kind of relationship I’d prefer to have with the police.

        • I appreciate it. There are two pieces of olde school wisdom that I was told by some senior guys:

          1. You’re paycheck is the only thanks you need. Earn your paycheck. Any thanks beyond that is just a bonus.

          2. Never give everything you’ve got at work and come home to tell your wife you’re too tired to talk. Love your family and those who love you more than the department. (The department doesn’t give a sh!t about you).

      • I’m as appreciative for officers like you as I am contemptuous of the less honorable ones.

        Glad to have you around.

      • Wouldn’t even think of painting you with that brush, Accur81. Figured that went without saying – but I apologize if not.

        There are absolutely good cops. I wasn’t aware of such “public service” duties (are they duties or voluntary ?) – but that’s kind of a good feeling to know there are still police who do that.

        No, my supposition was directly to “Really” – or any other LEOs who seem to feel *victimized* when the public complains about them shooting our dogs.

        I’m a small female – and I’ve encountered a lot of unknown dogs; especially back when I worked for the phone company. “Most dogs are good, even if they’re loud” I learned; and it was never an issue.

        I have no idea why these LEOs constantly get ” charged” by “vicious” domesticated pets… If it is as common as they say ( doubts..) it may have something to do with their welcoming and friendly method of entry.

      • @Accura81, how many people have you “helped” by kidnapping them and throwing them in a cages simply because they possessed a plant or powder and harmed or threatened no-one?

        If you “help” people in this way, then you are about as good a cop as a meals on wheels truck driver is good but who also is a serial rapist.

    • Good question. Perhaps a better one is why did they feel it was necessary or had the right to violently invade the home of peaceful people because they were suspected of possessing some leaves?

    • Nice designer threads. GF’s birthday (don’t tell the wife). Lost evidence.
      Such a shame. /sarc

  14. The telling statement from the article,
    “A St. Paul police spokesman told Fox 9 News that the dogs charged at officers, and that they feared for their safety. The spokesman also explained that law enforcement has the right to eliminate potential threats with lethal force, and he pointed out that a judge signed off on the search for weapons and drugs and that investigators believed they were entering a dangerous situation. Arman says that couldn’t be further from the case.”
    In other words, we did what we did because we could, so f*** off.”

    • I sincerely hope that this becomes a trend. It’s one thing to pound on the door and announce yourselves as loudly as you can, “SEARCH WARRANT” and all that before the door comes off the hinges. It’s another thing entirely to kick in someone’s door without even o much as going lights and sirens, and shouting “SEARCH WARRANT” only after breaking-and-entering (because that is what they’re doing).

      Is it really so COMMENT MODERATED hard to give us the common COMMENT MODERATED courtesy OF A KNOCK ON THE GODDAMN DOOR?

      Apparently, for some people, it really is.

    • No knock search warrants are idiotic. If I were a cop, I would never ask for one. It’s completely justified to attack the 4 guys kicking in your door without announcing themselves as police, especially when it’s 2:00 AM and pitch black.
      Sadly some 98% of search warrant requests are accepted, the judges barely read them before signing off.

      • …when it’s 2:00 AM and pitch black.

        Because that’s when you’ve been on OT for at least three hours so far. And it all counts toward pension level.

  15. When do cops conduct a “no knock” raid on some of those “too big to fail” bankers? The murder of family pets has to stop. And you don’t serve a search warrant with a concussion grenade. This stuff has got to stop. The police more and more resemble an occupying army. Keep that in mind the next time you hear a gun grabber open their mouth.

    • White collar criminals are usually hailed as heroes by our government, assuming that they are part of an organization that is too big to fail.

    • “When do cops conduct a “no knock” raid on some of those “too big to fail” bankers?”

      Thanks for the cynical chuckle.


  17. Hmm maybe people should start suing the departments more for dogs being shot for no reason (unless there was one). If you don’t hold the departments accountable, they think it’s acceptable to just kill dogs as they please. maybe we also should do away with NkW’s

    Now, that said, if the people were actually dealing in drugs, then there’s the reasoning for the NkW, but not for the dogs being shot, unless they attacked.

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