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Quote of the Day: Realistic Expectations Edition


“We have had increased patrols. Sometimes you don’t always see it. It’s a little bit of a false expectation to say, ‘If a crime occurs, it’s [because of] a lack of police.'” – Chicago Alderman Michele Smith in Lincoln Park Robbery Victim Escapes After He Says Gun Pointed at His Head [at]

35 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Realistic Expectations Edition”

  1. Great! Now with the increased patrols they’ve cut the response time down to 16 minutes!

  2. Sorry to break it to her but plenty of crime occurs right in front of police and police themselves commit plenty of crimes.

    Crime doesnt give two shits if there’s a cop within arms reach.

    • Oct. 11, 2014
      SEATTLE – One man died in an overnight shootout in Belltown and two others ended up in the hospital. The suspect fled; the 20-year-old victim was found dead in a parking lot with a gun in his hand.

      McGehee and others want police to do more, but officers were standing just 40 feet away from the shooting.
      “We arrived within 10 to 15 seconds at the time the gunfire finished,” Detective Drew Fowler told KIRO 7 at the scene.

      Maybe Michael Frost should move back to Seattle…… or maybe not…….

  3. When a gun points at my head, I usually tell the gun that it’s not nice to point, then ask if it’s parents are nearby….

  4. Some story. The guy was lucky to be in shape and able to outrun his attackers. The fact that the police couldn’t locate him because they had pursued him for nearly two blocks by the time they arrived is jarring. You really are all alone…

  5. I am not sure which is more sad, that alderman’s statement or some of the comments under the story including this gem

    They probably had fake guns or no bullets — lots of robber aren’t going to chase you for long or shoot you when they got nothing from you

    There are others saying that the whole thing is made up.

    Do these people commenting work for the Alderman or are they delusional?

  6. Michelle is a bit of a flake and not too popular within her ward but she’s a solid ‘yes’ vote for Rahm and that’s all that matters. She once pleaded with local businesses to plaster that stupid “no guns” sign in their windows because… well, because that sort of thing works apparently.

    Also, this incident took place just a few blocks from her office.

    Illustrating Chicago Crime, Murder and Mayhem at

    • Too many sheeple for that to happen. Wandering minlessly around thinking they are safe from that form of mischeif.

    • I have been pleasantly surprised at how few no gun signs have been put up in Chicago but, unfortunately, there is one sitting on my office building. And my firm’s management is rabidly anti-gun. So I remain disarmed in Chicago. But every once in awhile, when a colleague is dealing with some crazy pro se plaintiff, I do occasionally hear, “Would it be so bad if we let Jeff bring a gun to work?”

      • I was at an executive meeting just this week when, during a break for an executive power lunch (read: Subway sandwiches and chips), the topic of concealed handgun license photos came up. The idea was whether you should look your best for that photo or just show up as is, since it might be shown to the jury if the God-forbid should occur. Out of a dozen+ people around the conference table, all but two (one man, one woman) produced carry licenses and everyone exchanged comments on each other’s photos.

        While that company is Texas-incorporated, it’s also a subsidiary of a foreign company; which, of course, officially bans firearms on company premises. So nobody could explicitly declare whether they were armed at that instant. But everybody just knew, without knowing.

    • Dirk, I agree. First thing I thought was she’s correct, more cops won’t change anything, you need more CC. It really seems obvious.

  7. “Frost said he was wearing headphones and talking to someone on the phone when the attempted robbery occurred, but felt like it was a safe area, especially on a busy Friday night.”

    Wonder if he’ll be more aware next time? There is no place on earth where the risk of attack is zero. Glad he ran, and glad he didn’t get shot. Just hope he figures out that he is responsible for his own safety, not the police.

  8. A police presence does deter bad guys. But so do armed citizens. And there are many more citizens on the street than cops. Let folks arm up and protect them legally from bs charges like firing a gun in a park cause a bear is attacking you and make them immune from civil actions in legitimate self defense and see how that deters crime.

  9. Been in this neighborhood many times. Lots of clueless people. Headphones in the dark?!? DUH…they think they are “safe” because they have streetlights. This fool was damn lucky he wasn’t shot. I guess his crossfit is good for something 🙂

    • In a prior life I spent a lot of time just a few blocks from there. I couldn’t agree more-lots of clueless people who think bad things don’t happen in that neighborhood. Easy access from the Fullerton or Diversey EL stop to that area and all the young’uns around the DePaul campus.

      I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often.

  10. She stumbles over a thread of truth- that the police cannot protect everyone all the time- but ignores the conclusion that should follow: that people must be allowed to protect themselves.

  11. Comment at the end of the article:

    “We need to have more police walking around here so we have a better environment for everyone,” neighborhood resident Hollis Griffin said. “We would like to see a better presence in the neighborhood, not just when people call.”

    Well … your self-defense is your own responsibility. Get a gun and a permit and carry it. Cops are backup – not self-defense.

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