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Quote of the Day: Oikophobia Edition

“Serena Williams and Andy Murray represent far more than the tragedies that touched their lives, or a crisis that so severely impacts our nation. They showed us that they represent the perseverance, heart and will that it takes to be a champion – to be truly the best. We Americans rightfully believe we live in the greatest nation on earth, But as it relates to gun violence, we are embarrassingly far from it. It is time we show the heart and resolve that so defines our national character, to rid ourselves of the problem of gun violence once and for all, and show that this really is the greatest nation in the world.” – Dan Gross, Brady Campaign President

36 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Oikophobia Edition”

  1. LOL! This guy’s really got his finger on the pulse of America. Yep, tennis and gun control; that’s what we’re all about. “Come on America, we can do this!”

    Hey Dan, look on the bright side; as long as the ‘gun lobby’ exists and there are folks who are naive enough to believe gun control can work, you’ll always have a job.

  2. At the age of 8, Andy was a survivor of the Dunblane Massacre of 1996. The same incident that the British Government used to introduce the handgun ban the following year.

  3. When nothing works, you have to be ready to try anything. They’re running on a shoestring with limited support. For now, these guys are going down.

  4. I think it’s about exploiting tragedy to effect your policies on an entire nation despite the consequences.

  5. So death from a bullet is the only kind of death (or lack there of) which qualifies the greatness of a nation?

  6. Whenever I hear Dan G talking about “ridding ourselves of gun violence” I see an image of anthropomorphic guns, wild and untamed, wreaking havoc on unarmed civilians. Why, a Ruger Security Six jumped out of the shrubbery and tried to bite my leg!

  7. Have Serena Williams or Andy Murray publicly stated a position on (especially in favor of) gun control? Perhaps my google-fu is weak this morning, but I can’t find anything from either one of them. All I can find is various retreads of the Dan Gross quote/article.

    If they haven’t, where does he have any right, or more specifically, justification, to drag their names into the debate? Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if one of them turned out to be anti-gun-control, or for that matter, completely neutral but irritated as hell that he used their name?

  8. Why is it that these people think the phrase “rid ourselves of the problem of gun violence” is synonymous with “rid ourselves of the problem of GUNS”?

    That seems to me to be the crux of the delusion they labor under.

    • “Anti-gun” advocates that refuse to believe people can be evil are their own worst enemy in the political arena. They, for some completely bizarre reason, are unwilling to acknowledge evil people are out there willing to kill, rape, or rob innocent people using whatever means necessary. And even those that do take the blinders off somehow can’t make the connection that evil people are the problem in our society. Not guns.

      If they can ever crawl out from that irrational mindset and choose to talk in a way that is relevant to the reality we live in (where evil people exist and admit that evil people are the problem), then I’d be worried about them ever passing something through Legislation that is worded in such a way as to sound reasonable instead of sounding like someone unplugged from reality.

      But thankfully, we have enough people (inside and outside the gun community) that are reasonably minded to the point where they don’t feel comfortable taking the word of all the anti-gunners that come at them with that irrational mindset.

  9. The fact that un-American and anti-Constitutional people like him are allowed to speak what they wish is what makes this the greatest nation on the planet, for better or worse. Honest, responsible citizens who respect ALL the amendments are what make this the greatest nation on earth; slimeballs like him who wish to control and oppress others are the obstacle and largest threat to that greatness.

    And, last but not least, the Second Amendment is what makes this the greatest nation on the planet.

  10. Lets play a game. I will make a slight edit of scenario and see if we can draw a similar conclusion using the same premises. Ready? –

    We Americans rightfully believe we live in the greatest nation on earth, But as it relates to traffic fatalities, we are embarrassingly far from it. It is time we show the heart and resolve that so defines our national character, to rid ourselves of the problem of car violence once and for all, and show that this really is the greatest nation in the world.” – this message brought to you by Mayors Against Automobiles.

    Nope…didn’t work, did it?

  11. It’s an election cycle. They’re trying to point people to vote for the party that does the anti gun crowd the most good. I’m betting he supports barry and company.

  12. “It is time we show the heart and resolve that so defines our national character, to rid ourselves of Dan Gross once and for all, and show that this really is the greatest nation in the world.”


  13. Dan Gross of the Brady Campaign and Josh Horwitz of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence are both men (or figments of men). This is proof that those gun grabbing organizations are sexist and chauvinistic. Therefore, they should not be supported by anyone and furthermore those organizations must be banned.

  14. “It is time we show the heart and resolve that so defines our national character”

    We most certainly are by fighting tooth and nail against gun grabbers like you Mr. Gross.

  15. Any attempt, no matter how insipid, to further their cause. To use their own slogan against them, as gun owners “We Are Better Than This.”

  16. I agree with Mr. Gross that “we show the heart and resolve that so defines our national character, to rid ourselves of the problem of gun violence once and for all, and show that this really is the greatest nation in the world”. I therefore confidently await him and the other members of the Brady Campaign to descend on the South Side of Chicago and sternly demand that the gang members they confront there hand over their guns forthwith.

    I have a fifth of rye and a box of cigars to keep me occupied whilst I’m waiting. Do you all think that that will be enough, or should I buy a distillery and a tabacalera?

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