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“I put the gun in his face and asked him if there was something I could do for him.” – Elsie Lee in Mom pulls out guns to chase off 5 suspected burglars [via]

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  1. She went all Clint Eastwood on dem boys.

    Wonder if she did a press check first.

    I’m sure she’s an Austin Range training alumni regardless. This home defense thing is soooooo complicated.

    • I don’t think i would want to go all Clint Eastwood with her .177 Daisy Air Pistol and her trusty Red Ryder Rifle.

      Watch the video in the link. I didn’t see any legit pistol or shotgun in the video report. But I did see the two menacing BB guns! I guess it worked well enough if your not paying close attention. But I wouldn’t want to take that risk.

      • I’m not sure about the rifle, but that looks like a Marksman BB pistol. Don’t knock a good bluff, if that’s all you got. Back around 1985, I chased off a burglar with my Beeman P1 air pistol. It’s what I had with me and he didn’t know any better. By the way, I’ve home carried since, because of this experience.

  2. First mistake. Don’t bother talking to a home invader. It could let any accomplices sneak up on you. Once you positively ID your target, drop them. A new rug is a lot cheaper than a new skull.

    • This is terrible advice following an otherwise terrific story. She did the right thing for sure and the outcome is completely acceptable. Just goes to show that armed self defense does not necessarily mean a cold body or even shots fired. Nicely done.

      • Ya, let them live to fight another day. They’ll learn a lot in prison. And others won’t be as disinclined to follow in their footsteps.

      • … and she ran the risk of one of his homeboys blindsiding her and it turning into a complete clusterfuck. That’s stupid. It’s just not worth the risk. A home invasion is a combat situation. In such a situation, giving up the advantage of surprise is suicidal. You are not a cop. You are not under obligation to use minimum required force.

        • The risk was hers to take. Quit being an armchair commando.

          The risk she takes by following your advice is having her life ruined via the Zimmerman PR lynch mob.
          Or retaliation from vengeful gang members or family of the slain.
          Or a civil lawsuit that drags her into bankruptcy – win or lose.

          She made the right call. All of life is risk – she took some risk to avoid a much greater risk.

        • It being her risk to take does not make it a less stupid risk. In the overwhelming majority of states, lethal force is authorized to stop a home invasion the second the scumbag sets foot in your home. Similarly, most states provide civil immunity in these sorts of cases.

          Quite frankly, any sane man would rather take a chance with butthurt thugs in the future rather then with the thugs that are ALREADY IN YOUR HOME.

          Giving up one of your few tactical advantages in a fight for your life is pants on head retarded. I don’t give a shit about PR or potential vengeance from the sumbag’s compatriots. If I’m legally in the clear, I’m taking the shot. If you think the fee fees of a few degenerates willing to invade your home are worth more than your life, feel free to disagree.

        • Ebby, if you’re relatively certain that there is only a single individual in your house AND not at risk of being blindsided, I could maybe see your point. If there are multiple people who’ve broken into a house then all bets are off from a tactical viewpoint. Agree, people make their own choices, but if we’re going to Monday Morning QB this one then I’d call it a good landing, wrong airport.
          BTW, while I don’t think he was by any means a commando, Serge is a combat veteran and may have had to make business use of firearms in the past. He also makes great suggestions about potential use cases of helicopters, but I digress…

      • I am inclined to agree with Pwrserge. I think it foolish to give someone the chance to grapple with me for for my weapon or be attacked from behind. This woman gambled that there was no one behind her and that the B&Eer would run, that was her choice and I am glad it worked out for her. I however, have a lower risk tolerance.

      • All life is not precious.

        The fact these 4 didn’t end up bleeding out on the street only means that taxpayers will further fund their criminal education. The next home they invade, will be done with considerably more violence I suspect.

        You sir care nothing for your fellow good citizens.

      • I wouldnt kill someone in front of my kids unless I had no other options tbh. my focus would be to get them out of my house. I guess im just not a battle hardened gun fighter with ice in my veins.

        • Emotional compartmentalization is a useful skill to develop. In combat and in daily life, it allows you to separate your actions from your emotions and have the latter not affect the former. I may have issues dealing with the incident afterward, but it’s a heck of a lot easier to fix than being dead.

        • Serge: to each his own. A very simple concept. Not everyone can or wants to kill another human. Which is their business.

        • There is a difference between wanting to and being willing to. Ultimately, if you are not willing and able to pull the trigger, all the gun training in the world won’t help you. I learned emotional control early in life studying martial arts. After all, emotionally, nobody wants to throw punches at people they train with with the real intent to cause damage. We tend to hold back and flinch. In doing so, we develop training scars that will hamper our ability to properly utilize the skills when we have to. When I was going for my black belt (equivalent anyway) in college, my sparing partner damn near broke my arm with a throw. We didn’t even realize it until the end of the spar. (I wound up with a hairline fracture on my ulna.)

          As functional adults we all walk around with certain emotional reluctances to do certain things. One of the hardest parts about any form of combat training is learning to turn them off. (And just as importantly, turn them back on.)

  3. Good for her. Even cool enough for a tag line. Watch a woman give birth then try to rationalize them as the “weaker” sex.

    • Yep. Go back a couple of days to the post on the dude that shot up the nursing home to kill his ex and a couple others. Convicted felon with lots of guns. His picture is the same. Allowing for the fact that these photos are mug shots they tend to all look the same.

      Too dumb to dodge a train.

  4. I’m glad she asked. Undoubtedly she found out they dindu nuffin and mistakenly thought her home was a NASA outpost they were reporting to for internships.

  5. Clearly, no one needs a gun because she didn’t shoot and therefore this won’t be counted as a defensive gun use.

    Honestly, I think it should be a misdemeanor to hold someone at gunpoint like this and not shoot them. She should have shot all four of them dead.

    • First off, there were 5 of them but only one inside the house. So, she should have gone outside and opened up on the 4 who were already fleeing?

      • I think I understand your point. She needed a silencer?

        If she capped one in her house she would’ve been momentarily blinded with prolonged ear-ringing. It would’ve been tough to sneak up on the four lookouts outside after the ruckus.

  6. The one with the bushy hair is the guy I would have dropped. The others look like they are half wiped out and passive. The fuzzy dude looks dangerous.

    And sorry, I would never be quite as casual with the situation as this lady. She was very lucky. But whatever works!

  7. It appears that the well armed homeowner (“45 caliber pistol & 12 gauge shotgun”) was preventing a hate crime in progress.

  8. While I am glad she is OK and that scared the crap out of the thugs… And glad at least one of them needs a change of underwear….

    Am I the only one who has an issue with this line?

    “I got up and came running through the hallway and my gun was sitting on the dog cage…”
    Why not on her in/near her bed?

    AND how old is her son? Depending on his age, leaving it “on the dog cage” may not be the best idea
    If she still has a dog, she needs a new dog… no barking?

    • No, you’re not the only one.

      It’s just simply that you were the first to do the virtue signalling thing.

      • How is that virtue signaling? There is no comment or suggestion about anyone’s character, morality, ethics, or virtue of any kind. He only mentioned the folly of leaving your self defense firearm laying about the house out of reach for your immediate use, plus the bit about the dog that did not bark.

        These strike me as legitimate home security remarks and entirely on point. Characterizing them as virtue signaling, however, is more of a swing and a miss.

        • First of all, you have no idea whether or not the dog barked. You have no idea about the location of the dog cage. You have no idea about the age or location of the child. Yet folks want to pass judgement on what this lady did “wrong” with none of the facts. Reminds me what the Liberal Terrorists™ routinely do when advocating for fascist gun control.

        • It’s not pointing out any useful information. Nobody here seeing that is going to suddenly think “gee, maybe I shouldn’t leave a gun on the dog cage because I have kids.”

          It’s virtue signaling.

  9. black home invasions are on the rise, and the media covers up the rape, robbery, molestation, and murder that urban ‘youths’ commit on a daily basis across america, to white families and taxpayers.

    • What does race have to do with it?
      But, I’ll play.
      Around here the miscreants are white middle class, still in school, kids trying to fuel their Oxy/Heroin hobbies.
      Doesn’t matter actually.
      No home training.
      Whether momma was a crack addict or momma was a soccer mom you get the same spoiled entitled kids.
      Conversely in both locales are hard working married and single parents whose kids are taugh manners and personal responsibility.

  10. I like the Sheriff’s quote from the original article: “It’s that time of the year where kids will be getting out of school, bored with nothing to do, so you will see a lot more activities, especially burglaries.”

    No doubt that’s accurate, but in this case, four the five invaders were age 18, 19, 20, and 21. The other was reportedly a juvenile, so his name and age were withheld. Nevertheless, I doubt any of these predators has seen the inside of a school in quite some time.

    It isn’t simply a matter of youths having too much free time on their hands. It’s a matter of these people’s culture, what it values, and what it regards as acceptable behavior. Maybe there are some seasonal highs, but really, that rot and rancor runs year-round.

  11. “It’s that time of the year where kids will be getting out of school, bored with nothing to do, so you will see a lot more activities, especially burglaries,” Madison County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Tom Mapes said.

    I’ve been bored plenty of time but I can’t say that I thought committing a violent crime was ever a good way to pass the time.

  12. The youts’ are damn lucky. Inside my home you get a death sentence. I can’t believe the comments about where she kept her easily procured gat…duh.

  13. “My gun was sitting on the dog cage”

    Turnabout is fair play. Some people leave their dog in their gun safe.

    • That’s not funny, everyone knows the inside of a safe is only suitable for cats.

  14. Did any of you watch the video in the link? The article says “.45 caliber hand gun” and “shotgun”.

    I only see a daisy air pistol and a red ryder BB gun. I see no .45 or a shotgun anywhere in the video report.

    Whatever works i guess

    • You are absolutely right! I followed the link & watched the video, and that is most definitely a BB pistol (I have one exactly like it which I used to start teaching my kids). While the pixelation of the video makes it a little hard to see details, that most certainly does look like a Red Ryder lever action, at least to my eye.

      And the age of the kid, which previous posters were wondering about, seems like he might be 10 or so, which is old to enough to know about guns. But since they appear to be BB guns, he most likely is only at risk of shooting his eye out. Or the dog’s…

      Something fishy about the story, but hey – we can count it as a win, right?

  15. If this had happened in California, I wonder if the homeowner would be arrested on hate-crime charges for failure to spread her wealth around…

  16. Wow she should play the lottery before her luck runs out. Had the odds utterly stacked against her:

    1. Didn’t have her firearm nearby
    2. Multiple threats
    3. One threat in close proximity
    4. Gave the perps lots of opportunities

    Talk about an almost worst case scenario. Unless she was a crack shot, this easily could’ve gone the other way with one or more committed attackers.

    At least she would have had disparity of force in her side. If I stumbled upon a single home intruder (of adult age) and suspected or known they were not alone, well that person would really not have much hope of surviving solo. That chance dwindles to about nil if there is confirmation of multiple

    Why? I don’t like to gamble with my life.

    It is simply not a good idea to allow multiple threats to remain active in proximity.

  17. What Elsie said: “Is there something I can do for you?”

    What Elsie should have said: “Being this is a .177 Daisy Air Pistol, the most powerful handgun in the Daisy world and would knock your eye clean out, you’ve gotta ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?”

    And he should have answered: “Feets, don’t fail me now!”

  18. Most stops with a firearm are psychological rather than physical. This was a psychological stop that didn’t even require a shot. It’s not clear whether “in his face” meant up his nose or across the room.

  19. It all depends where they are and where I was. In my house and I come from the bedroom, not good for them, Bang until they were leaving. Can’t shoot them in the back unless they are shooting. I might get three. Maybe more if I have my AR15 in hand then they are all dead. Make no damn lying witnesses around. She was very, very lucky and God blessed her. I strap on when I get up and strap down when I go to bed, 24/7. The bedroom is locked and gun is on my nightstand. My age of 76 don’t allow any mistakes. Train, train and train. Be safe out there.

  20. He denies it happened this way, but it’s too good of a story: supposedly Billy Joe Shaver responded to a bully’s knife with a pistol, and the question “Where do you want it?” In between the words “mother” and “fucker”, Billy Joe shot him in the face (non-fatally). Supposedly he then told the bully, “now tell me you’re sorry.”

    All that at age 70. A tough old goat.

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