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Quote of the Day: Dangerous Yes, Fiction No Edition

 That ain't Avon calling (courtesy

“‘When the universal background checks don’t work, then registration will be proposed to enforce them,’ said Senator Charles Grassley, Republican of Iowa, last week. ‘And when that doesn’t work, because criminals won’t register their guns, we may be looking at confiscation.’ This dangerous fiction may appeal to the most extreme gun owners, but a large majority of the public has rejected it. The Senate should do the same.” – Keep Guns Out of Criminal Hands [via]

23 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Dangerous Yes, Fiction No Edition”

  1. Politicians, Bloomberg, celebrities, pro atheletes, and others who want this should show good faith and leadership and get rid of their weapons and bodyguards first. Oh, and move from or open up the gates of their gated communities. It is for the children. . . .

  2. “In 1941, U.S. Attorney General Robert Jackson called on Congress to enact national registration of all firearms.8 Given events in Europe, Congress recoiled, and legislation was introduced to protect the Second Amendment. Rep. Edwin Arthur Hall explained: “Before the advent of Hitler or Stalin, who took power from the German and Russian people, measures were thrust upon the free legislatures of those countries to deprive the people of the possession and use of firearms, so that they could not resist the encroachments of such diabolical and vitriolic state police organizations as the Gestapo, the Ogpu, and the Cheka.”9” ~Stephen P. Halbrook, Ph.D., J.D., from American Rifleman Vol. 149, no.6 page 52.

    8. New York Times, Jan. 4, 1941, 7.
    9. 87 CONG.REC., 77th Cong., 1st Sess., 6778 (Aug. 5, 1941).

    Now remember, Rep. Edwin Arthur Hall was a representative from New York…

  3. TO: All
    RE: I Like Their Name….

    ….Keep Guns Out of Criminal Hands

    Because when guns are outlawed, only criminals will have them.

    These people, in their declaiming Senator Grassley’s statement are just showing their true colors.

    It is there sole intention to disarm Americans to make way for the totalitarian state they adore.


    [The Truth will out…..]

  4. The senator is wrong. It is not only criminals who won’t register their guns. Unless by not registering he regards free men to be criminals.

    • TO: Skyler
      RE: Heh

      Unless by not registering he regards free men to be criminals. — Skyler



      P.S. There are a LOT of ‘slow learners’ in the world…..are you one of them?

    • Everybody seems to forget Haynes v. US. The supreme court decided way back in the day that a CRIMINAL DOES NOT HAVE TO REGISTER A FIREARM.

      The logic is: a felon/prohibited person cannot own a gun. If he does, that is a crime in and of itself. If he registeres the gun, he is admitting he owns one, and is therefore admitting to a crime. Under the 5th Amendment right against self incrimination, you cannot be forced to admit to a crime. So any law that forces gun registration only applies to people who can own guns, and prohibited persons are exempt for 5th Amendment reasons.

      Saying criminals won’t register their guns is only half the story. THEY DON’T HAVE TO REGISTER BECUASE THEY HAVE A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT NOT TO.

      • That is… an interesting take on things. What I wouldn’t give to hear the responses of proponents of gun control.

  5. Well, this is confusing.
    Can someone paraphrase into simple English?

    Apparently, confiscation appeals to “extreme gun owners”?

  6. I would say that the shrillness of the editorial board is in inverse proportion to the success of their desires, but that’s just not true. Those people are shrill regardless of what they get.

  7. “This unfortunate and admitted truth may appeal to the most law abiding and peaceful gun owners, but a large majority of government employees and dependents such as fossilized mass media interests and corporations that wouldn’t exist without the last five years of printing press madness who are actually a small minority of the American people have rejected it. The Senate should do the same because they represent money, not people.”

    Fixed that for ya, elitist. This city is sick. Fun story, NYC was one of the few Allied ports in WW2 that adamantly refused to black out at night, because people need to go to Broadway! As a result, good men and women who were working to ship needed goods to the war effort were killed in nearly exponentially higher numbers in the waters off NYC than other Allied ports because they were backlit by the bright burning stupidity of all the draft dodging richy riches and ignorant tourists. These days the 200 year old brick and mortar pipes that suck half the northeast dry to supply this sewer are putting hundreds of people out of their life savings with water damage because this unsustainable nightmare hasn’t even gotten it’s water supply in order for over two centuries. This place would be better off if it slid into the ocean. The only place in the US more ignorant in my experience is the bay area on almost the exact opposite side of the country.

  8. Let me think this one through-If the government is unaware as to who owns guns they know not whom to confiscate from. Mandatory registration would only apply to legally held guns as no self respecting criminal would provide the powers that be with the tools to create a “gotcha” situation. Government has demonstrated the ability to persecute those whom they KNOW own guns. So the masses are expected to trust, when by and large most of the gun control crowd are adamant that guns should be in the possession of ONLY police and military. We should trust when many of the anti-2A persuasion have stated openly that registration and or regulation is only a First Step, sometimes clarifying what the next step is while oftentimes being entirely too vague. I personally am not one to trust away my rights and privileges. Trust far too often leads to betrayal……………

  9. all my life the drumbeat from certain quarters has been for more gun control. Why would I not think they would enact confiscation if they could?

  10. I think some people here are misreading the quote.

    “This dangerous fiction may appeal to the most extreme gun owners, but a large majority of the public has rejected it. The Senate should do the same.” is not a quote from Sen. Grassley but the author quoting him. Grassley has always been a strong supporter of the second amendment. The author finds Grassley’s sentiment to be that of “the most extreme gun owners”.

  11. What a disgrace. I can’t wait for the primaries to roll around again to get someone else in his seat.

  12. To be clear, Senator Charles Grassley stated, “‘When the universal background checks don’t work, then registration will be proposed to enforce them, and when that doesn’t work, because criminals won’t register their guns, we may be looking at confiscation.”

    This appears to be a statement against universal background checks, revealing the slippery slope that increasing controls represents, by a pro gun Senator.

    The New York Times said, “This dangerous fiction may appeal to the most extreme gun owners, but a large majority of the public has rejected it. The Senate should do the same.” – Ke

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