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83 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Grin and Bear It Edition”

  1. I wonder if they have a regulation stating bears aren’t allowed to maul people. If so, then all you need to do is wave a copy of the rule book at the bear and it will leave you alone. Right?

    • No policy against the bears doing their thing, but there IS a policy against bear spray!

      > The possession, use, or discharge of pepper spray
      > (including bear spray), pellet guns, and BB guns
      > in Yosemite National Park is prohibited.

  2. Yosemite is a beautiful place. I wouldn’t change my carry habits if I ever go there again.
    When in bear country, bare arms.
    Or is that bear arms?

    • The literature at the entrances to the park clearly states that the possession and carrying of firearms is completely fine except in the buildings which have signage at every entrance to the effect of “no guns allowed inside”.

      You wouldn’t have to change your habits.

        • Or visit any of the museums/displays, take a guided walking tour (usually start/end in the buildings), buy/browse at the Gift Shop, purchase food/drinks, interact with any of the rangers, ask questions of any park official, watch historical movies, etc.

        • I was at Mt. Rainier park recently, where they have the same policy. The bathrooms (no A/C needed, but heated) have no firearms restrictions. And only one of the doors to the information center at Paradise had a no guns sign. I just went in through a different door.

    • Nope, not to environmentalists, very many of whom have a deep hatred for the human species, they think we are a virus to the planet (I used to be a liberal who shared that view). They most definitely think a bear is more valuable than you or I. Special carve-outs for park rangers and law enforcement of course.

        • As I dipped my toes into libertarianism as a result of the wake-up call of 911 I kept thinking about the reasoning behind libertarianism and found it to be logical. Also, watching videos of the likes of Richard Dawkins helped (with critical thinking).

  3. “Other Weapons
    The possession, use, or discharge of pepper spray (including bear spray), pellet guns, and BB guns in Yosemite National Park is prohibited.”

  4. Remember—the NPS now has a policy to conform to the state laws concerning weapons to be in compliance with the state in which the park resides. Yellowstone, Glacier, and others are wonderful. Walk around with a gun on the hip. Yosemite, however, resides in the peoples republic of California! BEWARE of California laws. Do not make the mistake of thinking that because it is a national park that California law does not apply—it DOES.

  5. Seems to be some park name confusion going on.

    Yosemite is the park in the Sierra Nevada in California with cliffs and waterfalls. Famous for rock climbing – think El Capitan, half Dome and Yosemite Falls. Yosemite has the smaller less aggressive black bears. I’ve backpacked hundreds of miles there with no encounters with aggressive bears. Their behavior is more like a big racoon. No grizzlies in Yosemite to my knowledge. No hunts that I’m aware of.

    Yellowstone is the park in (mostly) Wyoming with all the geysers. Also moose, elk and grizzlies. I’d be very apprehensive about backcountry travel in Yellowstone without at least a sidearm. Teton is just south of Yellowstone.

    Both beautiful places.

    • Just FYI, black bears can be quite aggressive. More people are attacked by black bears than by grizzlies every year in this country (obviously this is largely because black bears have a much wider range, but still, it goes to show that they can and do attack people).

      The chances of you personally being attacked are still extremely low, and most black bears prefer to not mess with humans, but it’s wise to take some precautions. Bear spray exists for a reason.

  6. Typical bureaucrats playing games. “You want to screw with us ? Then we will let you carry but you can’t use it !”

    Someone needs to sue their asses. Hopefully wishfully crossing my fingers that we get a Pres who will disassemble these Fascist organizations.

  7. What will be interesting to me is how the courts apply Heller to self defense in national parks (or indeed on other federal land). Sure, part of self-defense is aimed at 2 legged aggressors, but it is also aimed at 4 legged, led probably by bears, though moose, wolves, and maybe even bison should also be relevant here. We have a notable amount of open carry here in NW MT, and much of it is primarily aimed at defense from the 4 legged variety of dangerous critters. The feds may be able to successfully argue against firearms in smaller or maybe more urban parks, but a lot of these larger western parks have known problems with their wildlife. Have seen grizzlies in Denali and Yellowstobe, and missed a double mauling by them in Glacier by hours, which might have been prevented if carrying had been legal back then. Throughout our history, one of the primary reasons to keep and bear arms has been protection against wildlife, which is an argument that the 2nd Amdt was aimed to protect that right too.

      • somewhere there is a military unit with the following (probably paraphrased) motto:
        “there is no problem that cannot be solved by the application of a sufficient amount of high explosive”.

  8. stay the hell out of wilderness areas where you cannot defend yourself. this picture is a perfect example of becoming one with nature.

  9. What is the point of this?

    This photo is from 2009 in Switzerland. Did Yosemite just make some new announcement? Linkbait?

  10. Below is information available from the website for the Padre Island National Seashore in South Texas with comments after:


    As of February 22, 2010, a new federal law allows people who can legally possess firearms under applicable federal, state, and local laws, to legally possess firearms in this park. It is the responsibility of visitors to understand and comply with all applicable state, local, and federal firearms laws before entering this park. Note that firearms, even legally possessed ones, are prohibited in all Federal buildings.”

    I think we really need to push legislation to remove the prohibition in ALL Federal building to something that is more reasonable and makes sense. I can understand the argument regarding Federal prisons, court houses, FBI HQ, stuff like that. A park visitor center or indoor bathrooms being off limits is, well, STUPID.

    By these rules, a port-a-potty could be considered a “Federal Building” and a CHL permitted person would not be able to use without dis-arming.

  11. Might this be a first step in national CCW reciprocity? The Federal Government (and therefore National Parks) should recognize all permits. So, if you have an AZ permit, you should be ok to conceal carry in any National Park, including in states that don’t recognize your permit. This way we can conceal carry in Yosemite, without infringing on CA’s states rights.

  12. Ok that is a picture from switzerland. The Guy in 2009 is handicaped. This is why he entered the bear park and climbed into the Cage. A Police Officer Shot the bear with a mp5 with ruag Action 4 Ammo. The bear was severly wounded but made it. The Guy was also badley wounded. I dont see how this picture is useful in this Context.

    • I don’t think it was meant to be used literally, it was to illustrate that this is what the results of the stupid laws and regulations could look like, instead of a picture of a man standing with a gun in his hand looking down at a dead bear that was about to kill him.

  13. On another subject entirely, did you hear about the Aussie woman who thought she ran over a koala bear, but couldn’t find it in the dark. She found it at home, jammed into the grille of her car, slighly hurt but otherwise well. Zoo staff have called the koala “Bear Grilles”. Both are happy and well.

  14. The National Park Rangers are advising hikers in Yellow Stone National Park to be alert for bears and take extra precautions to avoid an encounter.
    They advise park visitors to wear little bells on their clothes so they make noise when hiking. The bell noise allows bears to hear them coming from a distance and not be startled by a hiker accidentally sneaking up on them. This might cause a bear to charge.
    Visitors should also carry a pepper spray can just in case a bear is encountered. Spraying the pepper into the air will irritate the bear’s sensitive nose and it will run away.
    It is also a good idea to keep an eye out for fresh bear scat so you have an idea if bears are in the area. People should be able to recognize the difference between black bear and grizzly bear scat.
    Black bear droppings are smaller and often contain berries, leaves, and possibly bits of fur. Grizzly bear droppings tend to contain small bells and smell of pepper.

  15. How about no?

    I’d carry in Yosemite and if attacked, I’d defend my life. How illegal is that? My lawyers would decide that.

  16. Forget the bear spray and large-caliber firearms. Just OC a pickanick basket or two, take the training to learn how best to deploy and utilize these assets, and then move yours.

  17. If I am going to be eating I will wait until I can stick the gun in its mouth and fire. Hopefully the bullet will come out the back of the neck killing whatever on the spot.
    No double standards put the DC politicians on Obamacare and SS.Thanks for your support and vote.Pass the word.

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