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12 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Hop to It Edition”

  1. Well they had to do SOMETHING to try to stop the out of control gun crime that is happening in … where is that again… Hopkintown, NY.

  2. “The local law would prohibit people from having any hunting devices, including traps. According to the town documents, the purpose is to protect the peace and safety of residents.”

    Sounds like the kind of place that wearing a blaze orange coat or camo will get you thrown up against the wall and searched. I wonder what all is included in the list of “hunting devices”? Pocket knife? Duck call? binoculars?

    • This rattles my cage more than most everything else our lawmakers do to us. I personally feel that it violates both Article I Section 9 (No title of nobility shall be granted…) and Amendment XIV Section 1 (Equal protection clause).

  3. I have really been trying to figure out how local ordinances trump State and Federal Laws and Constitutions.
    Sort of like having a local ordinance against free speech.

    • Yeah, local ordinances can trump state and federal law, within certain limits. This really exceeds those limits though.

      It’s only a matter of time before the state or the fed will have to deal with this town council. In the mean-time, the ordinance is invalid; it just needs one test case to prove it is.

  4. Does the town fall under the US Constitution or is it a special region like DC?
    I thought so.

  5. The way to deal with this nonsense is to make it clear to hunters that they shouldn’t patronize the few businesses in this town. I know exactly where this little podunk hamlet is, and they’re not exactly a hive of economic activity. Hunting season in the north country is a pretty good economic shot in the arm for many of those small towns on the outside edge of the Adirondack state park, but these yahoos decided that they don’t want the business.

    So don’t give them any.

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