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Quote of the Day: I Don’t Think That Means What You Think It Means Edition

“I’ve witnessed the finality that firearms bring. There are no policies, therapies or do-overs that can repair the damage caused by a gun shot wound.” Portland State University Public Safety Director Phillip Zerzan [above left], supporting the Oregon State Board of Higher Education’s ban on campus carry (via

18 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: I Don’t Think That Means What You Think It Means Edition”

  1. “I’ve witnessed the finality that firearms bring. There are no policies, therapies or do-overs that can repair the damage caused by a gun shot wound.”

    Right, just let your attacker have his way with you and we will bind your stab wounds, supply rape counselling or sort out your funeral arrangements. But whatever you do, leave that evil gun at home.

  2. Obviously talking about the 30+ victims at Virginia Tech and the 13+ victims of Columbine. If I’m not mistaken guns were banned from both institutions….. How’s that workin for ya, Safety Czar Phil?

  3. “There are no policies…. that can repair the damage caused by a gun shot wound.” It doesn’t surprise me that no policy can fix a gunshot wound. Policies can’t fix flat tires either. Has this guy actually tried to think of a policy that would fix a gunshot wound? Odd.

  4. After 63 years on the planet, and nearly 40 years as a cop, I’ve come to the conclusion that about 70% of the population are functional idiots. Unfortunately, that includes cops and politicians…who comprise a lot of that emperical seventy percent. I’m just glad I live in Texas where folks such as Zerzan are considered amusing, sorta like rodeo clowns.

    Lord help the rest of ya’ll.

    • Love Texas! Just wish it wasn’t so damn hot there in the Summer.
      I’m younger, and more optimistic, so I think the ratio is more like 50/50 but definitely see your point..

    • After 63 years on the planet, and nearly 40 years as a cop, I’ve come to the conclusion that about 70% of the population are functional idiots.

      Joseph, after 64 years on the planet and more than half of that time as an attorney, I’d say that you’ve overestimated the population. 90% are idiots, and hardy any of them are functional.

    • I agree that about 70% percent are functional idiots. Let’s define a functional idiot – someone who simply does not know how to think about an issue in a way that will allow him to make a rational decision. For the functional idiot, if something FEELS correct then it must be correct.

      I also believe that about 90% of people are intellectually lazy. They are just too lazy to think about the pros and cons of an issue before making a decision. They also do not take the time to find/research the facts behind the issue, so they never have enough information to make an informed decision. Instead they are perfectly happy to let their friends or the media tell them how they should think and believe.

      I blame this on an education system that has been co-opted by the radical left, and that does not teach our history, Christian-based ethics, or the basic principles of logical thinking. All of that was taught in public school when I grew up, but that was almost 40 years ago.

    • Oh, come on now, cops and lawyers see people at their worst. Surely all of us have done things, stupid or otherwise, we aren’t proud of, but that doesn’t immediately qualify us as idiots. Plenty of competent, intelligent people do dumb stuff from time to time, it’s called being human.

  5. “I’ve witnessed the finality that firearms bring. There are no policies, therapies or do-overs that can repair the damage caused by a gun shot wound.” [said] Portland State University Public Safety Director Phillip Zerzan.”

    “The policy also makes exceptions for police ….”

    If Zerzan is so concerned about the finality of a gun shot wound, why is there an exception for him and his fellow campus cops?

  6. I thought the inability to repair a GSW was viewed as a positive?
    If I’m ever put in the unpleasant setting of having to pull a weapon on a man, I want him to stay put once we have been equalized.

  7. “I’ve witnessed the finality that firearms bring. There are no policies, therapies or do-overs that can repair the damage caused by a gun shot wound.” Portland State University Public Safety Director Phillip Zerzan

    So we should disarm him?

  8. One thing that I think he is also considering is the suicide rate on college campuses these days. Having recently had two in college, I can tell you that the drop out rate and suicide rate from depression and stress is astoundingly high on many campuses. Would allowing students to possess guns increase that rate? As we all know, half of all gun fatalities are suicides. How do we fit that concern into the equation>

    • Stop giving easy loans and acceptance letters to everyone. That’d stop most of the kids who shouldn’t be there from feeling bad about not cutting the mustard.

  9. “half of all gun fatalities are suicides”

    Mark, I emphatically disagree with that statement. It’s been my considerable experience that most gun related fatalities are homicides, either justified or unjustified. Peope do use guns to depart this life, but drugs are probably the most common that I’ve seen. If someone wants to do themselves in, they will find a way. One scene I responded to we found the guy hanging in the closet from the rack with the rest of his clothes. Drugs also are a very common method, ad infinitum.

  10. Yeah, that’s definitely the argument for campus carry… They’ve resorted to making our argument for us now?

  11. I understand everyone’s mislead feelings about guns. I use to believe you had to have a gun to defend yourself also, but I learned the hard way a weapon did not make me safe. I had a weapon when I was attacked and I still was not safe from the attacker. Having a gun does not mean you will be safe. If you have not been trained to use a gun you are more likely to freeze and get shot with your own gun.

    One man who was at Virginia tech during the shooting, talks at self-defense classes and explains even though he had a gun, he almost shot an innocent person because he did not have time to analyze and react. You have a lot working against you during an attack. Without training you can’t survive with or without a gun.

    Also people who died in shootings at schools and jobs would not necessarily have been saved if they had a gun. There is nothing to say they would have been able to respond fast enough to take out a shooter before he/she shot anyone.

    Also, many of you are under the impression you require a gun to defend yourself. That is fear talking. Take the time to take some self-defense classes, and you will learn you don’t need a gun to fend someone off. There are other methods of self-defense. The teachers at Portland State University work with the police department and can teach great ways to defend yourself without carrying a gun.

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