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Quote of the Day: LA Cops Tell Citizens to Protect Themselves Edition

“The citizens need to know they need to be able to protect themselves because if they call 911, we can’t guarantee we’re going to get there in time to help you.” – Police Protective League President Jamie McBride in Only On 2: LAPD Officers Say More Patrol Needed In Times Of Emergency [via]

[h/t ccjkk1]

54 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: LA Cops Tell Citizens to Protect Themselves Edition”

  1. Bad news: the weapons laws in LA are strict. Conceal carry permit is very hard to get. PLUS: ever go to a police station, there are dozens of cops just walking around doing admin work that should be on the street.

  2. So once a population has been disarmed, they are then advised to be able to protect themselves? Got it.

      • As someone who used to study martial arts seriously, I can’t think of a more idiotic weapon than nunchucks (ie, really known as nunchaku), even in the hands of a person with training. For the novice, they’re an excellent way to score an “own goal” and knock yourself out. In the hands of someone who knows what they’re doing, they’re very flashy, very impressive to watch in a kata, but outlandishly silly in a street situation.

        You could do a lot better with a 18 to 24″ long chunk of heat-treated 4140 steel, about 1/2″ in diameter, with a nice handle and a lanyard, and then some training. An ASP baton can do wonders in the right hands on the street, and they’re fairly concealable. A piece of 1/2 or 3/4″ steel pipe can do marvelous damage in a street fight if you have some training how to use it.

        • FYI – California has severe laws about clubs and batons, i.e. Felony level. CA residents are far better off with folding knives, open-carried fixed blades, and/or pepper spray, all of which are covered by more lenient State laws.

        • MD is right, although I’ve passed on charging folks with those 12020-12028 PC weapons violations. CA does allow pepper spray, Tasers, open carry of large knives, and CC of folding knives, though. Or one could just ignore the weapon laws like they do with immigration.

        • In some parts of the country or other countries the law is under the impression they are used as strangulation weapons…It’s idiotic on its face…They are the only weapon banned from carry in AZ while you could legally walk around with a belt-fed machine gun and a bastard sword on your back or hip…The main justification is a combination of Hollywood (Surprise, Surprise.) and the impression that criminals and gang members use them for nefarious purposes…The same reason Bowie knives are banned here in Oklahoma that and they were used by duelers…

    • The idea is to disarm the population, hence making them entirely dependent on the state. Then, tell them that the arm of the state supposed to “protect” them, need more protection money, or…….

      Government 101, IOW.

  3. Carry anyway Californians. Would you rather be beaten to a pulp; or killed, or defend yourself and deal with the consequences as a living human being?

    • Uhhh, protect yourself with a gun….gasp! You don’t need a card in your wallet to carry a firearm. Die on your feet, live on your knees, or I don’t know… on your feet.
      You just get in line and keep doing what your told.

      • While it’s maddening, concealed firearm carry in CA without a permit, and be discovered, you instantly become a felon.

        • Felony for unlicensed carry? No, not automatically true. Legally, I understand it is a “wobbler” – it can be a misdemeanor OR a felony. If you’re caught it will probably depend on the circumstances and location.

    • In case of emergency, shelter in place. You don’t need a ccw for that. Further, under California law, a person may lawfully carry a concealed firearm when there is an emergency situation threatening life or serious bodily injury that cannot be handled by the police. Not that this defense will ever play in court, but it is on the books.

  4. This is rich. So this is the same LA Police Union that has supported basically every gun control measure in CA in recent years so long as there has been a carve out for current and retired cops?

  5. Carry anyway. I live in a free state but that’s what I do to “gun free zones”. And it’s not so much that I’ll need a gun at the zone in particular, but going to and from that zone from my truck over 6 city blocks, you bet your ass I’m gonna carry.

    • The one problem with this is that carrying a concealed weapon without a license is a wobbler–meaning it can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony–EXCEPT when you are in a gun free school zone, in which case it jumps up to a felony. In LA, as in most if not all urban centers in California, there are very few places that are NOT within 1000 feet of a school. For me, if I were to be convicted of the felony offense, even if I avoided prison or jail, I would likely lose my professional license for committing a “crime of moral turpitude.” That would really suck, since I would lose everything.

      • It’s better than dying. I carried a gun in Chicago for years in the late 90’s into the mid 2000’s; along with many other contractors and guys in the construction trades. The only way my gun was going to be discovered is if I had to use it. If you can’t keep it out of sight, and your mouth shut, leave it at home and take your chances. Me? Not when I was visiting North Lawndale, Englewood, Roseland, Altgeld Gardens…..

        • Wow I MUST be a stud Marc-I went to ALL those neighborhoods totally unarmed. And sold insurance for a shite company called Monumental and Prudential. Altgeld Garden was a trip-they all thought I was a cop(big,short hair and drove a light blue Malibu. And used to wander all over the sout’side years later as an antique dealer. It’s much worse now…

        • Wow I MUST be a stud Marc-I went to ALL those neighborhoods totally unarmed. And sold insurance for a shite company called Monumental and Prudential. Altgeld Garden was a trip-they all thought I was a cop(big,short hair and drove a light blue Malibu. And used to wander all over the sout’side years later as an antique dealer. It’s much worse now…

        • Former Water Walker you have my respect; although daytime is far safer than after the sun goes down. As the song goes, ‘The freaks come out at night.’

    • Sure the Union is probably playing some politics here. However it would be foolish to not see that there is some truth in that statement.

      California cant continue to embrace illegals and refugees from south of the border and the middle east and think think their society will remain safe.

      Orcs will be Orcs.

      • The LAPD ASSociation doesn’t give a wet warm f:;k about citizens ability to lawfully protect themselves with a firearm, bat, brick or hot bacon grease.

  6. Where did the “big lie” that we are not responsible for our own safety come from? I specifically remember as a child growing up in the late 1960’s police telling people “don’t resist or fight back, you will just make things worse”. My recollection is this advice coincided with the 1968 Democrat Party Convention riots.

  7. So once a population has been disarmed, they are then advised to be able to protect themselves? Got it.

  8. So, first the Police Union spokesman throws the City under the bus, then the Reporter quotes the Police Department throwing the Police Union under the bus, then lets the Union Guy refute the PD’s remarks, meanwhile the Joe Sheeptizen “hopes” the Police might get there in 10 minutes.

    There are 3.8 million people in City of Los Angeles with 9,858 Officers (12,784 total LAPD employees) per figures. If you are Joe Sheeptizen you cannot get a CCW in Los Angeles County and open carry is banned in California Statewide. LA is rife with gang violence and plenty of ordinary violence, as well.

    THIS is what happens to a virtually disarmed populace in California (though you can be armed in your home, unless you live in “The Projects” which are “gun free zones” and only the gang bangers have guns). You “hope” the Police can get there in ten minutes, which ain’t happening….In all fairness I have to note LA is fairly typical of all major Cities in CA.

  9. Los Angeles police publicly declare that residents must be prepared to protect themselves because police cannot always get to people in time to help? This is a MAJOR crack in the gun-control dam. Seriously.

    I recently discovered that the truth does eventually rear its ugly head, even in historically totalitarian countries like China. Thus Los Angeles police are starting to see the light.

    • I cannot agree. This is an association fearmongering for the sole purpose of increasing their ranks. CA allows police chiefs to issue CCW’s yet LAPD refuses to do so. Most CCW issues are from sheriff’s office for two reasons. Political cover for police chiefs and standardization throughout the county.

      If this association really cared about communities police patrolled, they would offer policies and procedures for CCW and volunteer reserve or retired officers to assist with issuing process.

      • Both the (now former) sheriff and the LAPD Chief of Police testified under oath that they exercise their discretion to refuse to issue CCWs in most cases because “more guns equals more gun crime.” At the time of their depositions, neither could cite any study that supported their beliefs. I guess it is “plain common sense.” Thus, assuming that the Union really meant what it said, it shows the typical giant disconnect between the officers on the street and the administration, the latter more interested in protecting its political backside than protecting the public. Appearance is everything.

    • Now, I can only speak to my experience in Canada, but I suspect it applies to LA as it is a similarly restricted environment (at least it seemed that way to me the last time I was there). When he says “protect themselves”, he doesn’t mean using a gun or actually defending yourself. He means you do something trivial involving self-defense (like a thirty minute “self-defense” course), then something magical happens and you don’t end up getting raped/robbed/attacked/whatevered. I suspect it also includes making sure your door is locked, having an alarm system and not leaving your windows open at night.

  10. AB-1014 to save the day. File a Gun Violence Restraining Order against all the criminals. Problem solved. Right? Right?

    • What are the limitations on who can file those?
      Can I file one against everybody who voted that into law?

      • No you cannot. The restraining order is available only to close family relatives, which relatives are defined by Code.

  11. ————-does this mean the words ‘protect and serve’ arguing to be removed from the sides of the police cars, or are they going to wait until someone sues?———

  12. Based on previous examples of LAPD marksmanship and shot selection, I’d say that a defender would better off if the cops never showed up at all.

  13. Interesting that Orange, San Bernardino and Ventura counties all flank LA county and all virtually shall issue CCWs right now while your chances of obtaining a CCW in LA County are basically nil. Also interesting that both the LA County Sheriff’s Department and LAPD are among the most corrupt departments in the country. If I lived in LA County, I would seriously consider carrying, at minimum, a blade and pepper spray.

  14. “The citizens need to know they need to be able to protect themselves because if they call 911, we can’t guarantee we’re going to get there in time to assault you.”

    There, FTFY.

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