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Quote of the Day: Nothing Really New Here Edition

“Our industry is offended by the hypocrisy of our elected officials in Congress and the state government that simultaneously advocate for legislation that pays homage to our industry’s heritage and legacy in Connecticut by establishing a national park on the site of the legendary, iconic Colt factory, while at the same time pursue gun control legislation.” NSSF General Counsel Larry Keane in Pro-gun group pulls support for Connecticut park honoring Colt [at]

14 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Nothing Really New Here Edition”

  1. Does anyone in NewEngland have a brain anyway? So they don’t like guns but want to pay homage to a gun with millions of dollars that they don’t have. All I can say is I pray these idiots don’t migrant south. Let them all trip over each other and blow smoke up each others asses pretending to be Americans.

    • There are many good people living in the occupied North East that are fighting the good fight, however futile it may be. We shouldn’t tar them all with the brush…that being said: +1 for the antis/gun-grabbers not coming south.

    • Yes there are plenty of folks with brains left in New England, unfortunately we’re ruled over by politicians ensconced in their urban enclaves. I’m a member of NRA and MA’s own GOAL, and do what I can to deny the gun grabbers their agenda.

      Should I run away to a so-called “free state” to avoid the hassle? I think not, I’m a 16th generation New Englander with deep roots, my family has weathered many a storm, this is no different. I can’t see retreat as a win, and I’ll continue to do my part here, in the hopes that it can be put down here. Our grassroots have been making some progress, there are hearings going on across Massachusetts in study of the new legislation being proposed, we 2A supporters have made an excellent show of numbers.

      In the meantime, I will follow the law, for so long as it is not too onerous to do so. I will not provide ammunition to my enemies. I honestly think a turning point is coming, and I eagerly await the day. In closing, all I have to say is don’t judge too harshly, support those of us who choose to stick it out, and guard your rights closely so you don’t have to put on our shoes to walk that mile.

      Adam R. S. Kimball

        • Yes, well said but in a place that the constitution was centered. Guilt by association. The major majority of New Englanders are Liberals, Gays, Democrats; politically correct diversity lovers, anti Christian and Athiest. Your State is reaping what it sows. The citizens of Entire New England territory believe any scam the Obama administration can conjure up, because your citizens are so gullible they will keep feeding off of NewEngland Sheeple.

        • “Yes, well said but in a place that the constitution was centered. Guilt by association. The major majority of New Englanders are Liberals, Gays, Democrats; politically correct diversity lovers, anti Christian and Athiest. Your State is reaping what it sows. The citizens of Entire New England territory believe any scam the Obama administration can conjure up, because your citizens are so gullible they will keep feeding off of NewEngland Sheeple.”

          That’s a pretty broad and suspect generalization, and I’d say the whole of the US has reaped what we’ve sewn for the past several hundred years. To their benefit at that. I’m sure many folks in Vermont and New Hampshire would disagree with your assessment as well, but I don’t claim to speak for them. It’s true that MA has it’s bastions of starry eyed liberals, however most were imported from elsewhere, you’re welcome for that.
          As a resident of Western MA, I, and many others have tired of the folks out east who claim they represent us. It’s been an ongoing problem for many years. The simple truth is that it’s hard to fight urban numbers with a few concerned suburban and rural citizens from the less populated areas of the state. I’m not prepared to write the state off as lost yet, but feel free to give up and run further, if that’s what you want.

      • Same old arguments. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.
        So what ate you doing about it. I bet your not very out spoke in the face of people for fear of not being liked. I personally don’t give a damn. I’m not looking foe any new friends, especially ones that I have to protect against themselves. YOU WANT CHANGE, STAND UP AND BE COUNTED IN THE FACE OF LIBERALISM.

        • No one who knows me has any doubt of where I stand. I am a veteran, Oath Keeper, and member of several other organizations. I write and call my so-called “representatives”, and reach, teach, and inspire anyone willing to listen.
          What I don’t do is get on various webpages and argue with people who are perfectly happy to fling insults as long as they’re protected by the anonymity of the internet. With that, I bid you good day.

      • Bravo sir. Keep fighting. it may take another Breed’s Hill to start solving this.

  2. That type of political correctness is what is destroying this country. Its time to call a spade a spade. That type of argument is what they teach students at the University indoctrination centers.

  3. Kind of like the twits in Hollywood who pay homage to (the misuse of) firearms in their movies then turn around and call for them to be banned.

  4. Saddest thing about New England is that the British were sent packing only to be allowed to slowly emigrate back and take the country for the inside.

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