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It’s hard to argue with commentator arpad’s assessment of the paper’s editorial contortions. Dueling views on concealed guns, caution is still best policy attempts to reconcile the irreconcilable: the paper’s own report that Michigan’s concealed carry laws didn’t result in a bloodbath with the freep’s virulent anti-gun stance. “While the law has not demonstrably made Michigan more dangerous, neither has it conclusively made it safer.” You shouldn’t be able to freely exercise your constitutional right to bear arms unless it demonstrably decreases communal crime stats? Wow. Tough room. The freep’s pitiful polemic finishes by warning legislators not to let the [air quotes] success of MI’s concealed carry laws lead to their liberalization . . .

With nearly 276,000 Michiganders now licensed to carry concealed weapons, there has been no epidemic of bloodshed and violence; only 2% of license holders have been sanctioned for any kind of misbehavior.

Still, these encouraging statistics and trends do not mean that Michigan should loosen its laws on carrying concealed weapons — or, for that matter, not consider reasonable restrictions on the current law . . .

To be sure, the statistics in Michigan appear encouraging, but they are tenuous at best. Michigan legislators would be irresponsible to use them to justify further efforts to eliminate pistol-free zones in bars, churches, arenas and other places where crowds or alcohol increase the potential for mayhem.

Have a little sympathy for the freep’s editorial writers. Doubling negatives, ignoring the scoreboard and moving the goalposts is a tiring business. At best.


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  1. “While the law has not demonstrably made Michigan more dangerous, neither has it conclusively made it safer.”

    Goalpost moving… another favorite tactic of the grabbers.

  2. To be sure, the statistics in Michigan appear encouraging, but they are tenuous at best.

    So just what statistic would prove to be substantial then?

    Right. None.

  3. “consider reasonable restrictions on the current law”

    Here we go with the “reasonable restrictions” bullsh!t again. Hey, douchbags, try this: keep your grubby hands a reasonable distance away from my guns. Two miles will do.

  4. “While the law has not demonstrably made Michigan more dangerous, neither has it conclusively made it safer.” -Detroit Freep

    “While the freedom of the press extended to the Detroit Free Press has not demonstrably made Michigan more dangerous [arguable, but give it to them], neither has this First Amendment right conclusively made Michigan safer. THEREFORE, the Legislature should consider reasonable restrictions on the Freep’s freedom of the press.” – Pete (And I get to decide what is “reasonable”.)

    Hey, how’s that work for you leftist media pukes? Just askin’, ya know.

    • Pete,

      The problem is, those with mental debilitation severe enough to think that infringement upon law-abiding citizens rights will lead to a safer, more free society is, that they lack the basic ability to grasp logic, common sense, or anything other than complete government control of every aspect of their lives.

  5. Yep, nothing like a round of sacramental wine shots for the house, plus a few packing parishioners, to set the stage for a holy BLOODBATH! /sarc

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