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32 thoughts on “Quote of the Day: Yep, That Probably Has Something to Do With It Edition”

  1. So like Good Day, eh. So, yeah… Richard, I think maybe it’s time to put your big boy touque on…

    Im not sure what you teach at the great white north UT, but it’s apparently not history, economics, statistics or any other fact based course.

    So like take off you hoser.

    • His Wikipedia page says social and economic theory. Sort of how social trends impact the economy.

      My take is that it is a long way of saying that he teaches how to cherry-pick data to promote economic policies that may or may not be honestly supported by the data, but fit your social vision.

  2. The insane part is that statistically speaking, a licensed civilian with a weapon is half as likely to commit a violent crime than a police officer. So it probably makes sense when you think about it.

    • How to be a beta male 101
      Peeing and puking on your self 203
      Always give them what they want 205
      Rape is over in minutes death is forever 305

    • He’s a professor of “Business and Creativity” at U. of Toronto. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from Rutgers and a Ph.D. in Urban Planning from Columbia.

      He’s worked in academia and a think tank his entire career and has published a number of books, chapters and papers.

      So basically, he’s a professional pontificator and thruster of his personal opinions on others and at their expense. Nice work if you can get it.

  3. University of Toronto is in the middle of the city. They are covered by armed members of the Toronto Police Department. It is not surprising that their campus security / meter maids aren’t armed, and a good thing given the quality of the folks they hire.

    Since Canadian law has no provision for the bearing of arms for self-defense against humans, it’s not surprising that the idea of campus carry is an alien concept. Any carry by anyone not an on-duty police officer is alien. Yes, that’s right. Off duty cops have no special carry privileges either.

    • “Off duty cops have no special carry privileges either.”

      The overall situation is suboptimal, but they got this part right. How often do we read – and complain – about special carve-outs?

  4. campus “police”? Really? Sure you don’t mean mall cops? If your campus is not arming mall cops then that is GOOD.

  5. “..For me, the idea of guns on campus borders on the insane.”

    Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

    “.. where not even the campus police carry guns.”

    Serious question: What does the that have to do with anyone else? Why is the fact the campus police are disarmed relevant in any way? Are the criminals going to see that the campus police are disarmed and move on to some other place where the victims have a more sporting chance?

    • “”.. where not even the campus police carry guns.”

      Serious question: What does the that have to do with anyone else? Why is the fact the campus police are disarmed relevant in any way?”

      Because people in designated authority, and / or identified as acting on behalf of an administrative body(*) are *more to be trusted* anyone else.

      Isn’t it odd that the enforcement arm of the overlords is *more* to be trusted in their judgement, in their scope of autonomy, in their available means – guns – than “just folks.” Interesting…

      Look for the assumptions – hidden premises – built into the position, and make them justify those. Never (never, never, never, never, never) accept the premise of a “question.” Never.

      (*) but I repeat myself, at least in context of the contemporary political sphere in the US.

  6. “For me, the idea of guns on campus borders on the insane.” But crazy, angry students with knives is a-ok, right? He’s a liar if he doesn’t acknowledge all the problems that colleges and universities in Canada have had with students coming after their teachers. I don’t expect the average Canadian to know because the media won’t report it (and the colleges cover it up), but there have been no shortage of “incidents” on campus that have required police intervention, secured office spaces and alerts.

    • That’s the thing about campus carry, it’s probably most helpful to the lecturers than to students. A given lecturer is going to have contact with far more students than any given student. Of course maybe that’s what scares lectures, the idea of their fellow faculty being armed. Seems one of the favorite pastimes of academia is trying to make the lives of other academics miserable. Not knowing who is armed might take away some of their fun.

    • Re-phrasing, since comment editing is taking a dump again today: is that like the idea of cocaine and hookers in the governor’s mansion bordering on insane?

    • One of my bucket list items was to spend a weekend partying with Charlie Sheen and Rob Ford on Vegas…Hangover + Apocalypse Now + Strange Brew

  7. The only time I have had a DGU was on campus. Of course I didn’t have a gun because I was on campus. But I managed to bluff that I had one and the guy backed off, cussed a bit and left. I was damn glad he bought the bluff because I was pretty sure he had a knife or screwdriver. He wasn’t a fellow student, some guy on a bicycle that was trying to pry open parking lot pay boxes at 5 in the morning.

  8. When a supposedly educated, thinking man dismisses self-defense as insane, it becomes very difficult to take his views on anything seriously.

    There actually is a lot of room within the firearms topic to debate and discuss solutions. When your default position, however, is that equippping yourself to repel criminal violence insane, then he hasn’t taken the time to explore topic with any seriousness.

  9. So the insane guy north of the border with no guns on a campus thinks that guns on campus south of the border borders on the insane.

  10. “For me, the idea of my masters letting me out of my cage borders on the insane. (Maybe that’s because I’ve lived all my life in my cage, where the government drapes a sheet over it and tells me it’s ok when I hear loud noises.)” – Richard Florida in When Subjects are Allowed Out of Their Cages.

  11. Right, it’s not like he teaches at the École Polytechnique in Montreal, where he might have to think about the consequencs.

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