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Random Thoughts About Tea Parties and Guns

On my way to the Massachusetts Firearms Records Bureau [above] I clocked the following message on the digital gantry above Route 93: “Obey speed limit or you will be arrested.” Nothing like a threat from Big Brother to welcome visitors to the Bay State. While I’m on the subject, this whole “Tea Party” thing really sticks in my craw. Not the Tea Party itself. Their name . . .

In 1773, a bunch of colonists dressed-up as Mohawk indians boarded the Dartmouth and dumped its cargo of tea into Boston harbor. I repeat: the taxation-without-representation-inspired Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Native Americans.

In the year previous, Rhode Island members of the Sons of Liberty boarded the British schooner Gaspée, a ship sent by His Majesty King George III (or minions thereof) to stop smuggling. The boarding party shot the ship’s captain, looted the vessel’s cargo and burned the ship to the waterline.

In the aftermath of the attack, the Brits attempted to send the merchants responsible to\ England for trial. Wikipedia picks up the story . . .

In Boston, a little-known visiting minister, John Allen, preached a sermon at the Second Baptist Church that utilized the Gaspée affair to warn listeners about greedy monarchs, corrupt judges and conspiracies at high levels in the London government. This sermon was printed seven different times in four colonial cities, becoming one of the most popular pamphlets of Colonial British America.

This pamphlet, along with the incendiary rhetoric of numerous colonial newspaper editors, awoke colonial Whigs from a lull of inactivity in 1772, thus inaugurating a series of conflicts that would culminate in the Battles of Lexington and Concord.

In other words, the shot that started the American revolution was fired off the coast of Warwick Rhode Island by a colonist who forgot to disguise himself to avoid prosecution. And the state in which the American Revolution supposedly began, the state that gave rise to former Governor Mitt Romney’s presidential aspirations, has become one of this country’s most virulent anti-gun regimes.

No joke. Massachusetts residents who want to exercise their constitutional right to keep and bear arms have to jump through more hoops than a circus tiger. At the end of it they have to choose a firearm (with a 10-pound trigger) from a list determined by bureaucrats who know about as much about armed self-defense as Lorraine Van Wyk knows about nuclear particle physics.

Bay Staters who want to own a modern home defense sporting rifle with a full mag (as God and Eugene Stoner intended) can pound sand.

Residents of neighboring states seeking to exercise their right to keep and bear arms within Massachusetts—American citizens who’ve already satisfied their home state’s onerous firearms ownership laws—have to kowtow to these same know-nothings whose “safety” efforts do nothing to increase anyone’s safety and much to diminish it.

Every year, I have to fill out MA LTC (License to Carry) paperwork, write out a check for $100 and travel to the armpit-by-the-Charles known as Adams Massachusetts for an interview.

A chin-wag wherein I answer the same questions the Record’s bureaucrats asked me the year previous regarding my lack of criminality. Facts which could be easily established by a computerized BCI check.

I also have to give my fingerprints. Again. Why? “Everyone who comes for a renewal asks me that,” the kind lady told me not-so-kindly. When I didn’t press the point she got all philosophical. “You’ve got to pick your battles,” she said.

So I did the STFU thing and said nothing when she advised me to apply for my annual renewal after six months, and told me to expect my new LTC in six to eight weeks. “We’re down to two employees now.”

At least I have a firearms blog where I can rant at the fascist bastards who force me to acquiesce to their authority over my God-given gun rights. Otherwise I’d be tempted to shoot my mouth off—and lose my ability to shoot someone trying to kill or seriously injure me and my loved ones.

These inherently anti-gun mandarins aren’t directly abridging my First Amendment right to free speech. But the whole handgun permitting process makes me feel . . . diminished. Dirty. Enslaved.

Are most Americans comfortable with Big Government’s intrusions into their everyday life and the desecration of their constitutional liberties? Do they submit to its tyranny without even the slightest rise in blood pressure?

Tea Party or not, I’m unconvinced that the upcoming presidential election has anything to do with these fundamental issues. I find the fact that former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney hasn’t stood up for capitalism or called out and condemned Barack Obama’s imperial presidency deeply depressing.

My main reason to be cheerful: gun rights are ascendant.

As I’ve discussed before, I’m fully aware that the vast majority of permit holders do the paperwork for personal protection. Politics rarely comes into it. But sometimes, thankfully, it does.

Every time I hear a non-gunnie say “I’ve got a gun permit just because I don’t want to lose my right” my faith in my fellow countrymen soars. There are Americans who “get it.” Who understand that they must cherish and use their constitutional rights to protect them.

No doubt: TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia—and those who share its spirit—are in the minority. How many Americans even know what the Constitution is? How many make the connection between the Tea Party and the Tea Party? Precious few. But some. Maybe even enough.

We shall see if the bold American experiment will return to its roots after decades of ignorance, complacency and compliance. Meanwhile . . .

As a rule, I don’t drink tea. Every now and then I do. On Gaspée Day? For sure. I drink tea as a symbolic gesture: a middle finger to the people who think they can lord it over others without blowback. It makes me feel proud.

It’s the same feeling I get when I slip my Caracal into its Kydex holster. Not because I want to use it. Because I can if I have to.

And I have a message for pols who have somehow come to believe that they are the law: obey the Constitution or you will be unelected. Anyway, here’s hoping.

55 thoughts on “Random Thoughts About Tea Parties and Guns”

  1. Great write up! As a resident of the city of Boston, I’m subject to not one but two Assault Weapons Bans. No AR15s, Ak47s, SKSs, Styer Augs…and the list goes on. Oh and if we want handgun magazines with a capacity greater than 10rnds, we have to pay a premium for “pre-ban” mags that were manufactured pre-1994 (assuming the gun existed before 1994). Boy I cant wait to move to a free state!

    • Don’t move, fight. But pick your battles wisely and make sure you have good backup. Running from the problem rarely helps anyone.

  2. I’m glad there are places where like-minded people in the “shooting community” can discuss infringements on liberty. Far too many of the general population seem to have no idea of what they have lost and surrendered. The other evening there was a discussion at church about the concept of admitting gays as members. My response what that Sarah Brady wouldn’t feel comfortable in NRA and I got blank stares from everyone who had never heard of her and had no idea that Brady is an evil cult leader.

  3. Pretty much my only problem with the Tea Party’s name is that it’s supposed to emulate an event of action. The actual “tea party” was bold action, dare I say rebellion, which is exactly what’s needed now. But I’m sorry, setting up a booth at gun shows to hand out flyers does not equal bold, physical action.

    “Are most Americans comfortable with Big Government’s intrusions into their everyday life and the desecration of their constitutional liberties? Do they submit to its tyranny without even the slightest rise in blood pressure?”

    Yes, yes they do. So long as Twitter keeps running, the feel-good entitlements keep coming, and an arrogant prick with a smarmy smile keeps grinning, they don’t even notice their chains.

    • Bread and circuses.

      I’d like to see the average american man as pissed about his loss of Liberty as most were about the potential lose of an NFL season.

      • That’s an analogy I often make – politically, we are a nation of sports fans, with a mindless loyalty to our team and a blind rage toward the opposition and absolutely no time-out for a reality check. Either you are a “conservative” (not that anyone Barry AuH2O would call a conservative could get elected to dogcatcher if he promised to go after well-heeled special interests) and you hate those damn liberals because they are really socialists (we won’t get into the blind racism that is the shame of the modern “conservatives”, but what color do you think Regan’s Cadillac welfare queen was?), or you are a “liberal” who is in lockstep on an entire shopping list (“Oh, you opposed the war in Iraq and think Texas might be a bit goofy on the death penalty? That means you agree with me on fur, eating meat, abortion, gun control…” No, Buffy, I don’t!) even though there hasn’t been anything that approached a liberal agenda in this country (on the scale of a European Social Democrat agenda) since FDR, if then. The Demipublicans and the Republicrats are both a bunch of semi-fascist (center-right allied with the corporate state) whores who allow us a few side issues (abortion and gun control are the most prominent single-issue-voter examples) to fuss over to keep anyone from discussing campaign finance reform or the obscene notion of corporate personhood. I’m a lifelong shooter and gun owner who is shocked at what has happened to the small business and family farm and American manufacturing, so in the old sense I’m a conservative; however, I am in favor of soak-the-rich (hedge fund managers and AGI executives come to mind) taxes to fund social programs to combat urban and rural poverty if they actually accomplish something, instead of going to poverty pimps that know how to write grant proposals, so I’m also a self-proclaimed liberal. And, when it comes to VA benefits, I’m downright socialist with a definite self-interest. Basically I’m a voter without a party and damn few candidates who deserve my split-ticket vote.

        • With respect, from what I can gather from your long post, you are in almost no sense a conservative. Your parenthetical aside, FDR’s agenda was most certainly liberal, especially for the time. And so is Obama’s. Reasonable minds can not differ on this. And the racism claim about conservatives is knee-jerk, thoughtless and demonstrably false. I have no inclination to convert you to conservative thought, but I hope you will open your eyes and see yourself for what you are (for good or ill), which is far left wing.

  4. All empires fall. This one will too for one reason or another. Just a matter of time. Maybe as soon as a few decades or as long as a couple of centuries. It is up to us to keep the ideals alive and to continue the discussions for the next generation. To teach them the importance of true Liberty and self reliance. Pass it down to the next generation so when it is time to begin again, the foundation will be there to build again.

    • “The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People again must learn to work, instead of living on public assistance. ”

      ~ Cicero 55 BC

      • Quote did not originate with Cicero. It originated in a fictional biography of Cicero called A Pillar of Iron (1965) by Taylor Caldwell. It’s on page 483, as indirect speech.

  5. Things have sure changed… I grew up in the Berkshires. Back then, when you hit 14, you took a safety course from the game warden and got your hunting license. And if you were lucky like me, your Grandma would get you a Remington Nylon 66 with Green Stamps…..

    • Ahhhhh…… green stamps, I remember green stamps too. Must mean we are both old farts. But I never got a nylon 66 with ’em. My grandmother used them for household appliances and such. You sir are a lucky guy!

  6. “I’ve got a gun permit just because I don’t want to lose my right”

    That’s a laugh. Asking permission to exercise my rights in the hopes that you won’t deny me permission in the future.

    A “gun permit” is NOT a victory for Liberty.

    • The problem is that not enough people were outraged when permitting came into fashion, so the gun grabbers got their restrictions. The ‘grabbers hope that not many people will bother getting permits, so they can do away with that entirely and no one will have a gun.

      If we want all of our freedoms back, we need to take it back one step at a time. Get enough people with permits and people start asking why we need them on the first place. At that point we ditch the ‘grabber politicians for good.

      Restrictions on our liberties happened by degrees. Unfortunately undoing those restrictions must also happen by degrees.

      • I agree with the incremental approach from a practical standpoint, but not from a principled one. It may be the safest thing in order to avoid law enforcement and prison, but we, as a gun community, need to recognize that it isn’t a good thing.

        Also, I point to driver’s licenses as an example of how incremental licensing completely eroded a long held principle regarding the right to travel. Submitting to the license has not allowed us to reinstate our previous liberties. I’m concerned that gun-ownership will meet much the same fate if we submit to “permits.”

        See here for the legal arguements and justifications regarding permissionless travel:

    • Henry…. what’s worse, MA folks (like most states) have to PAY for that permit. In their case, a Benjamin per year!!! WTF?!!!

      • It is $100/yr for non-resident permits.

        Residents pay $100 for each License and is valid for up to six years and will expire on your birthday.

    • HB, you said, “A “gun permit” is NOT a victory for Liberty.” No, you’re right, it’s not. But it’s a necessary and tactically correct step in the right direction on the larger strategic battlefield. Every citizen who conscientiously and forthrightly exercises their right to keep and bear arms, no matter what bogus, silly, useless, ineffective and unconstitutional obstructions our overlords put up to defeat us, strengthens our position and hardens our resolve. Each new permit issued then, in a sense, is a small victory in the battle, if not the war. It is even more important for those who are fighting this battle in states where the conditions are the most oppressive and our oppressors have the greatest strength.

      Tiocfaidh ár lá!!

  7. I’m in the same boat as RF. To get a MA non-resident license, you need to reapply every year, pay $100, then wait for your appointment. Yes, in MA, you need to physically make the trip to Chelsea, MA on the date and time of their choosing to go through the rigamarole. Live halfway accross the country? Tough. Get on a plane if you want the permit. Add to this the fact that MA is one of those states where you have to have a permit to even be in possession of a gun. Locked in the trunk won’t cover it. No permit, you are in trouble.

    Fact is that non-residents don’t vote, so MA doesn’t care about them. They wouldn’t allow non-resident permits at all, but they probably lost a lawsuit somewhere down the line, so if they issue resident permits, they need to issue non-resident ones. MA recognizes no other state permits, but interestingly, a number of states such as Texas recognizes the MA permit. There are even states with stricter licensing rules than MA – states that require a demonstration of shooting ability along with the mandatory safety class, but MA is having none of that. You want the license, you pay the fee. Funny that they are down to 2 employees now. At a hundred bucks a pop per person per year, you would think that would be sufficient revenue for MA to afford more people. I was told when I last got my license that there was an explosion of new license applications.

    On the other hand, at least non-residents get a fair shake. All non-resident licenses are approved by the Colonel of the state police or his designate, which means that most folks who apply and can give a reasonable reason to carry get a permit. Residents are subject to the whims of the CLEO in their community and if he/she decides not to issue a permit, then you don’t get one.

    • I don’t live, work or travel anywhere near the Bay State and thank God for that. I can’t imagine how anyone puts up with a state with onerous regulations on firearms like MA has.

  8. I am of the firm belief that what the institution of Slavery was centuries ago, so it will be with the exercise of the 2nd Amendment in the future. I do not propose this comparison flippantly.It is my observation that , to quote a line from “War of the Worlds”, what was once one nation is now two.

    One nation believes the path to civil advancement and security lies in a strong central government , with its attendant bureaucracies and agencies going to and fro to ensure the safety, security, and material comfort of the population as determined by a group of selected political elites. One example of this system is the topical state of Massachusetts, among others.

    The other nation believes the foundation of civil security and prosperity lies with the empowered individual , who is trusted and legally permitted to make their own decisions regarding property, commerce, livelihood, and hobbies with very limited government involvement in those activities.

    I support the idea of finding common ground, but there are certain situations where the nature of the problem precludes the possibility of it. It will take a brilliant mind indeed to find a common ground between those two spheres of thinking in the subject of the RKBA. The approach of Massachusetts regarding firearm laws shares little in common with the approach of South Dakota.

  9. Seriously, you need to move to FA (Free America).

    A .gov permission slip is tanamount to soft shackles. Here in FA (AZ) we can carry whatever we like w/o a permit.

    Once you’ve tasted real Freedom, you’ll never want to go back to the land of crappy accents and Kennedys.

    • No. It’s important that as many people as possible in the slave states keep trying to exercise their rights. As the great Czech patriot Vaclav Havel once said, the key to living in an oppressive regime is to behave AS IF you lived in a free society.

      Keep fighting the good fight, Mr. Farago. Force Massachusetts to deal with you. Insist that your rights be respected.

  10. You can always move to Florida , we have lots Hot guns, gals, cars, man are you nuts ?no snow too, for real Florida is gun land , I lived in Maryland, no more ant-guns nuts for me. people think different here man … do it !

  11. The manner of issuance of non-resident LTCs by the state of Massachusetts seems to me to be ripe for a Federal lawsuit under strict scrutiny. The Commonwealth routinely violates protections of the 2nd and 14th Amendments and those individuals responsible for the creation, administration and oversight of these patently unconstitutional laws should be held into account and liability under 18 USC 241 and 242, as well as 42 USC 1983.

    The NRA and GOAL (NRA’s state affiliate) have been pathetically ineffective in affecting meaningful change to many of the Commonwealth’s most onerous regulations, policies and practices. A new organization, Comm2A, has a few legal irons in the fire and they’ve made some remarkable progress in the relatively short time since they came into existence. However, Comm2A is a comparatively small organization, with very limited resources, despite the relationship with SAF and Alan Gura. I expect we’ll be hearing more from and about them as time goes on and I expect that they will continue to do very important and good work that the citizens of the Commonwealth will benefit from.

    RF, here’s a thought to mull over if you haven’t already. Using the powerful soap box that is TTAG, as well as your numerous connections, reach out to the community to find a group of sympathetic plaintiffs, with stellar backgrounds who are beyond reproach, to file suit in Federal court to address the ridiculous situation regarding Massachusetts non-resident LTCs. The further the plaintiff lives from the Commonwealth the better, the greater the hardship the better. Powwow with Gottlieb, Gura, Holbrook, Kopel, Hardy, Cramer and Darling. Build a weapons grade case. Seek dedicated funding via Kickstarter or similar mechanism. Let the Commonwealth have it right between the eyes with both barrels. Count me in for a contribution if you get the ball rolling.

    • Greg in Allston,

      I, too, am frustrated with GOAL’s & NRA’s seeming slow/lack of legislative progress in MA.

      As a Boston resident, I often wonder about the restrictions the Commonwealth places on what firearms and accessories we can purchase. While I’m no lawyer, it seems to me to possibly be a restraint of trade issue, and I’d love to see the state’s gun stores (and customers) address that issue.

      While we’re at it, we could examine the ease of getting a CCW permit in Boston…

      • LS, please check out the Comm2A site. The Hightower case that they are working on is proceeding apace and it has the potential to change the licensing landscape here in the Commonwealth for the better.

        As far as the Commonwealth’s “permanent” AWB is concerned (signed into law by Mitt Romney, with Jim Wallace of GOAL by his side), it will be overturned in time. I think that the same will apply to the AG’s “approved roster. As important as those two issues are, it’s my feeling that they are secondary to the matter of getting the State’s licensing scheme, and the manner in which it is administered, in order first. It will be a tough, dragged out and expensive fight but I’m confident that we will eventually carry the day.

        I recently received my unrestricted LTC-A from the City of Boston. After almost 14 years of principled civil disobedience since the Acts of 1998 were passed by the legislature, I decided to come in from the cold wilderness of being an outlaw and go legit. In those many intervening years, I had hoped that at long last the legislature would have an epiphany or that the courts would come to our rescue to strike down these evil, useless and reckless laws. So much for patience and hoping that rationality would carry the day. Now that my daughter is of the age where marksmanship training would be most effective and beneficial, I decided to pragmatically buck up and bend over. And I don’t mind telling you that it was one very tough bone to swallow indeed. However, there are times when principles may need to be compromised in order to achieve a greater good; the time had come. One does well to pick one’s fight’s carefully and to mitigate risk and liability wisely.

        It’s not an easy feat to get an unrestricted LTC-A in a good number of the less enlightened communities in the Commonwealth, but it is possible. Let me start off by stating that I’ve got no juice with anyone at BPD or really anywhere else for that matter. I’m just “sum dude” without connections; I’m not a lawyer, court officer, businessman, politician, celebrity, high roller or any other elite chosen one. Other than seeking some advice from a few knowledgeable individuals, I got my license without any outside assistance or influence. That said, I didn’t go into BPD cold like I just fell off the turnip truck either.

        In my particular case I had a number of things going for me that I suspect are a bit out of the norm for the typical applicant with a Mass. State Police approved BFS certificate in hand . For one, I’ve aged out of the problem demographic and I’ve got a relatively yet sufficiently clean record. For another, I’m a competent and somewhat accomplished marksman, having been at the game for a little less than half a century. My Moon Island test score was a 297/300 – 20X, under less than optimal conditions. Lastly, for a good number of years now, I have been assiduously building my credentials, on my own time and my own dime. Many, many, many hours and dimes.

        I hold five different NRA instructor certifications in addition to being a certified RSO. I have accredited certifications for first aid, CPR/AED, advanced life support and trauma management. I’ve also successfully completed a number of different firearms training courses at well known and respected schools.

        Though my actions were part of a carefully considered strategy to get an unrestricted license, I would have done all of that (and I’ll continue to do more as time and resources allow) regardless of what BPD or anyone else requires. I did this simply because what I sought to learn and accomplish is important to me and I regret not having done this earlier in my life. I can now pass that knowledge on to my daughter and others, and I have tried to set a good example that she may choose to follow. That in doing all of this I was able to put together a forceful, cogent and unassailably persuasive case as to why BPD should issue me an unrestricted license was merely an added bonus.

        Had BPD denied me an unrestricted license and issued me instead a license restricted to target and hunting only, I’m confident that I would have been able to successfully defended my position in court by arguing that, in light of my experience and training, BPD’s decision was demonstrably arbitrary, capricious and wholly without merit. It would then be the court’s duty to reverse their decision in my favor. At least that’s how it should work in a just and rational world not governed by ideology and political correctness. Thankfully and mercifully I didn’t have to take the time and the expense to go down that onerous road. Fortune is infatuated with the prepared and the efficient.

        • Greg in Allston,
          We have nearly identical ” resumes” (except for the medical elements) and I’m certain that’s what got me my unrestricted LTC-A, too. I’m glad you’re legit now, in case you ever have a DGU.

           I recently began to support Comm2A, although based on the narrow facts I understand about the Hightower case, I’m unsure as to whether court success would lead to wholesale practical changes in MA licensing.

          I have three children, two of whom are daughters twenty years apart. All enjoy shooting, now that my 10-year old daughter has been introduced to the sport via an S&W 317 and a Ruger SP-22.  Good luck shooting with your daughter and I hope to see you at the range sometime.

  12. Give the Mass. pols a break RF. Civilly unelected would be their most positive outcome; world history says it could could be worse.

  13. Robert- Knowing the little history you have shared and a rant like this makes me think of men like Marco Rubio and a guy I hope all of you will have heard of soon, Ted Cruz. Sons of Cuban refugees.

  14. RF, the East Coast is going the way of Detroit. Future ghost towns of America. Move West! The destination for all Americans seeking a freer existence.
    In WA: 1) Fill out simple form. 2) Pay about $60. 3) Give fingerprints. 4) Receive license to carry any pistol concealed, good for FIVE YEARS.
    Classes? Nope. Training? Nope. Tests? No way!

    • Well, here in the east coast state of New hampshire, we can do you one better. Carry openly with no permit wherever and whenever you want. Or, for about $50 or something like that fill out form, get license. No fingerprints needed. And, I pay no sales tax when I buy my gun, because unlike Washington, New Hampshire has no tax. Alternatively, I could go up to Vermont, another East Coast state where I can carry openly or concealed with no permit needed whatsoever. Not everywhere in the East do things suck like they do in MA

  15. Life’s too short _not_ to move. I moved from an unfree state to Texas and I couldn’t be happier.

    I’m sorry, but when the moocher and eater population of your state hits 50% + 1, there’s no sense in sticking around for the death spiral. It’s not like it’s legal to kill moochers and looters to thin out the herd.. Yet..

    • Hate to break it to you, but with all the illegal immigration into Texas, you may find yourselves up to your necks in moochers before long.

  16. From the photo’s i’ve seen and heard, I think it would be more appropriate to call it the Lemon Party (as in The members of the Tea Party seem to be mainly interested in circle jerk discussions and not breaking the law.

    • matt, I’m curious as to exactly what you mean when you state the following; “The members of the Tea Party seem to be mainly interested in circle jerk discussions and not breaking the law.” Would you please elaborate?

      Are you proposing that there are laws in this country that need to be broken? Which ones and why? If that’s the case, and you stand by your words, then by all means lead the way, matt. Will you show us how it’s done? Will your convictions and actions be able to set the example in leadership and righteousness that others may be inspired to follow? Or are you acting as the agent provocateur?

      What this country desperately needs are more citizens like George Washington and Theodore Roosevelt; we have had and continue to have too many people of the likes of Ted Kacsynski, Tim McVey, Bill Ayers and Eric Holder. For some, the ends always justify the means, collateral damage be damned. Most moral, ethical and rational people don’t operate like that, with good reason and thank God for that.

      Exigent circumstances may in some cases dictate otherwise, but generally speaking, it’s usually best to work within the system that we’ve devised, as slow, cumbersome and frustrating as that often is.

      • As the article said, they named themselves after a criminal organization, instead of actually doing something, they simply have circle jerk discussions.

        I prefer the term rabble rouser.

        The ends justified the means for Washington and Roosevelt. And why bring up Roosevelt? He was more than willing to jail with fellow Americans with out trial.

        Good luck working within the system, if that actually worked, then why are we where we are now? By working within the system, you are simply consenting to everything that happens, like them taxing the fuc k out of you.

        • Disappointing, matt, but pretty much what I expected.

          BTW, what system do you work within exactly? There are woefully few Jeremiah Johnson’s left these days, are you one of them?

    • The Tea Party is alive and well. We are busy working on defeating all those who are willing to go along with the crony-capitalism that infests both parties. You are probably not aware of our activities because you are not involved and are dependent on the old media for most of your news.
      Have you forgotten the results of the 2010 election cycle? The Tea Party’s demise was taken as fact by the lame-steam media prior to that general election. Every time we have knocked off a RINO or long sitting incumbent in this primary season the media is shocked and surprised.
      On November 7th, 2012 the Media is going to be absolutely stunned for the day before the American people are going to have handed Obama and his ilk the butt-whipping that will be the beginning of the end for the coalition of race-baiters, socialists, anarchists and nanny-staters the Democrat party has become.
      The Tea Party has matured into a group that no longer marches with Gadsen flags so much; we just have organized, are well funded and determined to take back the United States from those enemies within who have been destroying her.

  17. MA. NY etc., are just revolting! And I don’t mean the people are standing up for their rights. When I was on a PD, my wife and I were going to travel through MA up to VT. I called to find out about my off duty weapon. I was told “If we catch you with a firearm, we will arrest you and prosecute.” So much for professional courtesy. I wouldn’t live in MA if you paid me.

    • Paul, dude, seriously? You would actually expect “professional courtesy” just because you’re a run of the mill civilian whose job, of your own choosing, happens to be working on some community’s police force? Oh, and make no mistake about it, you are a civilian just like the rest of us mere mortals unless you’re on active duty with our armed forces and you’re governed by the UCMJ. Do you think that by having a badge that you’re some kind of special “Only One” or something, endowed with extra-legal privilege? Man, I truly hope that that is not what you really think and that you were just careless with your choice of words. Because if you were to really think like that a good number of thoughtful citizens might think that you’re a dim, elitist twit that should be considered a danger to society and a threat to civil order, and who would want that thought of them?

  18. they weren’t disguised as indians, they were merely dressed up like them. if they had been disguised then the history would have been that a bunch of indians, not colonists, ransacked the cargo ships. they dressed up as indians because the iconography of native americans represented everything about the new world that we love about america today. freedom from religion, freedom from statism, freedom to go as one pleased, etc.

  19. Hey guys FREEDOM is not free, I make many calls, letters, and lots more fax about all the issues,know what the problem is ? everyone whats the NRA to do it all, does not work that way but a hundred phone calls , 200 letters and 1000 thousand fax will get results and does,, BUT you got to turn off the TV, and work for your freedom…IT is being taken away while you sleep… I know first hand name the issue people do NOTHING… In the past I helped the CONTRA freedom fighters,,, gave a lot of help ,,, but sad to say most Americans were and still are asleep even now … WAKE UP……..

  20. This article is coming from the same guy who writes articles implying that Obama doesnt want to take our guns away, desipe fast and furious and and a long list of quotes he has made before his 2008 election campaign. and then he has a problem with the tea party? agreed that to many claim to be one thing and act as another, but your priorites are contradicting. i know that mitt romeny was one of the worst candidates the republicans had when it comes to the 2A, but you all would write off others such as rick santorum, rick perry, or michelle bachman as nuts becasue they actually meant what they said when it came to their beliefs. Also, the tea party by large didnt support him. i personally dont thing he would enact the same things at the federal level. sadly the 10th amendment allows states to make stupid decisions as well as good ones. its called compititon among states. ones that make good decisions like texas prosper, while states like new york who make terrible ones see their citizens flee in droves. i would suggest to you “RF” to quit playing this bs where you say dumb things just so you can say “im not conservative or liberal.” thats what bill o’reily does and he is an ass who just goes out of his way to point out that he actually doesnt have an opinion and just says stuff to be “bipartisan.” thanks to your recent articles preaching this type of shit, i wont be coming here to be told im part of the problem because you are to chicken shit to say something that would be “partisan.” fuck you people, im out

    • Goodbye, Mike.

      I hope you find your missing shift key and are finally able to activate spell check or buy a dictionary to use for the next blogs upon which you decide to post.

  21. With the Window War threatening to muddy up his campaign for President, Candidate “Dubya” called Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America (it was widely recognized that the “rockers” were not listening to the National Rifle Association, which they regarded as a sell-out organization) and quietly promised that if he was elected he would sign a bill that rolled back all of the Clinton-era gun control laws if Pratt could just guarantee that no more windows would be broken. Since the window-breakers weren’t under his control either, Pratt said he couldn’t promise anything, but he would try.

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