Home » Hunting » Remington 870 DM Predator Bags a Big Bird

Remington 870 DM Predator Bags a Big Bird

Robert Farago - comments 40 comments

Our man Jeremy S. is out and about hunting turkeys with Wildlife Systems of San Antonio, Texas. As you can see, things went well — for Jeremy. Mr. S. felled the 22-pound winged creature using Remington’s 870 DM Predator. His review of the box fed shottie is forthcoming. Meanwhile we can confirm . . .

Jeremy S. with dead turkey and Remington 870 DM Predator (courtesy thetruthaboutguns.com)

The turkey’s passed on! This turkey is no more! He has ceased to be! He’s expired and gone to meet his maker! He’s a stiff! Bereft of life, he rests in peace!

TTAG writer Jeremy S. with dead bird (courtesy thetruthaboutguns.com)

His metabolic processes are now history! He’s off the twig!

Upside down dead turkey (courtesy thetruthaboutguns.com)

He’s kicked the bucket, He’s shuffled off this mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleeding choir invisible!!



Robert Farago

Robert Farago is the former publisher of The Truth About Guns (TTAG). He started the site to explore the ethics, morality, business, politics, culture, technology, practice, strategy, dangers and fun of guns.


  1. Congrats! I’m happy for you! No, I really am! I’m not jealous at all . . . *mutters about TTAG-author privilege*

    • A birb like this? Gonna likely build some into enchiladas (but this will be the wife’s choice, so it could be chicken fried or who knows what) and I’m going to brine then smoke at least one breast (it’ll be the first thing into the new Camp Chef Woodwind I picked up last week). I’ll be taking home a few birds worth of meat as the other folks here flew in and I drove, so there will be six or so Rio turkey breasts headed back in my cooler.

      …off to smash some wild hogs and javelina now that the bird is checked off… 🐗 🦃

          • No need for instruction, JWT 😛 . I’ve been brining birds, fish, pork chops, etc since my high school dayz. Very much appreciated, though!

            …on a wild turkey, terclinger, there’s no eatin’ other than the breasts…

      • Jeremy, I have never had wild turkey.
        Are the legs/drumsticks not salvageable?

        On store-bought I often just buy a whole leg, or 2 pairs of drumsticks and cook them a while in a slow cooker in homemade BBQ sauce…

        PS – – the day I get to Texas I am writing to you to help find my first hog hunt. Major bucket list…

    • Yuuge. That bird was yuuge. Did he use some type of depleted uranium rounds? Or are just the oregon gobblers bullet proof? 🙂

      • Remington organized this hunt, so it’s their guns and ammo. Remington Nitro Turkey #5 shot. This guy dropped like a sack of flour. Lights out, literally not one single twitch whatsoever. Granted, we’re talking about a 25- to 27-yard shot here with an EOTech equipped gun so it hit the spot with full effect.

        • It’s always fun to get them in as close as possible, but that is really great ammunition. I used it last year for turkey all the way out to a 60 yard line.

        • Personally, I would have used an AR-15; manufactured by Remington (MODEL R-15) to hunt these turkeys.

        • I’ve got 12 ga shells loaded with hardened steel flechette darts. Season here opens on April 15th.

  2. But what was the air speed velocity of an unladen turkey? Could it carry a 1 lb. coconut? Is it migratory (the bird, not the coconut)?

  3. It’s just a scratch.

    I’m partial to smoking. Just don’t use hickory or worse mesquite. Overpowering on poultry.

  4. Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! Turkey!

    (All the other good Python references were taken, except the Ministry of Silly Turkeys.)

  5. Wild turkeys are very good eatin’! I prefer the meat to the store-bought kind. Jeremy, does the mag affect carrying the gun one-handed as much as it appears it would. Even in the event you use a sling, in turkey country sometimes you need to carry the gun in one hand and gear in the other. I know that Remington supplied the gun so you can’t say anything inappropriate but to me, it seems a regular tube fed might be handier.

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The Truth About Guns provides news, reviews, and insights to help you stay informed on the latest trends in gun culture, legislation, and industry developments.