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Remington appears to have finally dropped the curtain surrounding the results of their partnership with TrackingPoint, the guys with the gun that makes long range shooting boring (click here for our write-up of their rifle), and it looks like they’ve opted for a completely self contained system instead of an integrated design. The original TrackingPoint rifle includes a trigger with a variable pull weight that will fire the shot for you when you are exactly on target, but the Remington version will simply turn red when the time to pull the trigger comes. It’s a good thing for the consumer level products, meaning that you can use the same scope with multiple rifles and don’t need to change them, and it cuts down on the cost of the system. Also slightly disappointing: the system is only useful out to 500 yards, according to the website. Needless to say we’ll be asking to try one of these suckers out ASAP. Now, a few more details I gleaned from the site . . .

* There will be three brands of ammunition programmed into the scope, two Remington flavors and a Barnes all-copper selection. Cheaper than the super-precise ammo specifically designed for the original, but also less accurate as a result.

* Remington is showing off the scope on four rifles, two bolt action rifles (one in .30-06 Springfield and one .308 Winchester model) and two semi-automatic .223 Remington models. Going off previous info, the big black scope box will have the relevant info for all calibers and guns programmed into it, and the user can select which one they’re using.

* The scope still has the WiFi enabled streaming and programming, all available from an Apple app (no word on Android compatibility).

No word on how much this will cost. Yet. Stay tuned.

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    • People today got no respect for training. Most shooters don’t even know what kind of powder or how much is in their ammo, let alone how the ammo is made. No concept of history, like how blackpowder is less consistent than smokeless or how it fouls barrels and everything else so much more. No concept of cleaning their muzzleloaders or what size patch to use, or what kinds, or how a cap works or how to keep a frizzen dry in the rain.

      No respects, I tells ya! Why back in my day, we had to smash our own oxygen and hydrogen atoms together to get rain to practice keeping our frizzens dry!

  1. NFG if they are not going to set one of those up for 5.56 NATO; they should have XM193, one of the most common 5.56 loads programmed in there.

  2. Great. Now that technology is getting involved in firearms I’ll blow a bunch of money on something only to find out that it’s completely obsolete in 9 months 🙁 haha

  3. This thing is awesome although it looks pretty bulky but i guess that’s due to the electronics in it I love it but the antis will be on the ban wagon war path as soon as it hits shelves

  4. 500 yrds, and a twitch based fire indicator? That’s useless! I’m all for TrackingPoint’s products but this is a horrible implementation and introduction of there product to a mainstream audience.

    1) if you can hit anything with a regular scoped rifle at 500 yrds, you shouldn’t be shooting.

    2) Twitch-based fire indication and accuracy don’t mix.

  5. Just another mostly useless, over-hyped, and over priced product. People like to pretend they are in a video game.

  6. I will be waiting for the first leaked Ruby Ridge-esque footage from one of these…

    I wonder if the receptor in these can be destroyed with a mild laser. Find target, target hits scope with a laser, scope is now expensive decoration.

  7. I can’t wait for the TrackingPoint-equipped model 597 in .22LR. We really need it for those tough 50-yard squirrel shots.

  8. The really stupid thing about this scope is that you cannot program your own chronoed loads into it. Makes it useless imo. Atm it is a thing to lock you in to buying their specific brand of ammo. I have an android app that does this shit for me already, and better.

  9. Judging from the linked site, windage is still dependent on user input, and not through a lidar system like the one that Soreq got the patent for, or the one that DARPA wants for their One-Shot program. The blurb at goes into more detail: I wonder if the tech is feasible to use the laser to measure particle velocity (I.e., dust) along the projected bullet path, and thereby obtain a composite wind profile for that path?

    All of the stuff integrated in the Remington site should make things easier though for a rifle shooter that has no idea what a range card is, much less how to go about generating one. I am concerned a bit about hunters who have utterly no business taking shots at game at “long” range (raises hand), will be deluded by this system to think that they can. I imagine there’ll be a lot more crippled game dying lingering, agonizing deaths if that’s the case. Which will be a shame. As my dad said when I first started, “It’s called ‘deer hunting’, not ‘deer shooting,’ for a reason. Get closer.”

  10. Before you poo poo this too much, consider this..
    It has 3modes.
    First mode is a mildot reticle that stays accurate from 3-21x
    no computer aid in mildot mode. When you hit the TAG button in mildot mode, it lazer ranges the target and displays range in scope view. It’s all up to the shooter’s skill at hold offs to hit target.
    Second is advanced mode.
    It’s an elipse reticle. When you hit TAG button it ranges and puts a red dot on the point it ranged, then it computes the POI and moves the eclipse reticle to the corrected POI. You line it up to the tagged point and it turns red. If you can squeeze correctly you WILL hit that dot. You still need your skills to hold and squeeze the trigger correctly.
    The TAG dot (they call it killzone) is adjustable from 4MOA Down to .1MOA!

    The third advanced movers mode does the same thing as the advanced mode except when you tag a target, instead of ranging it once and computing, it ranges and computer the firing soultion and adjusts reticle 54times per second allowing you to track moving targets up to 10 MPH.

    It isnt a “no skill required” rifle like the Tracking Point rifles.
    But you can shoot 1″groups at 500yrd with a couple trips to the range.

    Someone mentioned taking shots out of their skill range and wounding critters..
    The flip side is this rifle also records audio/video, you can prove you made a 470yd one shot ethical drop on a target instead of shoot and follow the trail like a lot of glass optic hunters still do.
    They dropped the ball on convincing the public how advanced and useful this scope is.
    I kind of think they watered down the 20/20 being conservative. It’s unique situation and has some anti gunners freaking slap out over the features it offers, while other a anti gunners like the idea of video track every kill to prove it was ethical.
    Pro gunners don’t understand what all this sucker actually does. 99% of us don’t use near as many or as accurate calculations for our firing soultion by hand and still have a hard time believing it can literally hit a dime at 100yd. First try if they are a skilled shooter.
    If your a novice, you can use it to learn what that perfect shot feels and looks like and improve twice as fast without having to pile up mounds of brass and learning bad habits.

    It also has a sweet custom cut and more dense than standard foam pelican case and three 100rd. Sets of the programmed ammo.
    Worst thing about this system is its heavy as he!!
    but you will still want a bipod more than a strap for this beast.

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