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Rethinking Criminal Justice: 9-Time Felon and ‘Anti-Violence’ Worker, Out on Affordable Bail, Shoots Himself in the Ass

Welcome to the Land of Lincoln where Democrat politicians love to protect criminals while ignoring their victims. Sometimes, however, Darwin smiles down upon us. Last week, a nine-time felon who was out on affordable bail on his latest felony charges, shot himself in the ass at a gas station while adjusting his pants.

Even more remarkable is the perforated perp worked for a taxpayer-supported “anti-violence” non-profit. Those tax dollars are allegedly spent to prevent bad guys — like convicted felons who illegally possess firearms —  from shooting one another.

Technically shooting one’s self in the ass might actually qualify as preventing future “gun violence” so maybe this is a big win.

CWB Chicago has the story:

A nine-time convicted felon who was on felony bail for allegedly battering an Illinois State trooper during a protest that featured Chicago’s “Dreadhead Cowboy,” accidentally shot himself in the butt at a Bucktown gas station, and then lied about what happened, prosecutors said Thursday.

Gregory Sherman, 43, works full-time as an anti-violence worker, “out there on the street, trying to lower the criminal and dangerous issues that are going on in our community,” his private defense attorney said. …

On July 9, Sherman walked into St. Elizabeth Hospital after a bullet passed entirely through his left butt cheek and struck his right foot, Assistant State’s Attorney Steven Haamid said. He allegedly told Chicago cops that he had been closing a dispensary in the 1500 block of North Milwaukee when there was a fight outside, and someone fired shots, striking him as he walked by. …

Surveillance video from the gas station allegedly showed a flash around Sherman’s back pocket area as he adjusted his pants while waiting in line.

Note that according to CWB Chicago, Sherman is the 31st person accused of shooting or killing someone while out on affordable bail. We all know how gun control advocates love to justify their futile laws by saying, “If it saves just one life….” That sound you don’t hear is their deafening silence reacting to the “gun violence” and innocent people who are victimized by those walking the streets on “affordable bail.”

As for Mr. Sherman — the nine-time, soon to be 11-time — loser was sentenced to four 10-year sentences in 2015 for holding up taxis, yet there he was, packing heat on the streets of Chicago while out on bail for aggravated battery of a peace officer. So don’t waste your pity on this fool who shot himself while adjusting his gat. It’s only a shame he didn’t practice appendix carry.

116 thoughts on “Rethinking Criminal Justice: 9-Time Felon and ‘Anti-Violence’ Worker, Out on Affordable Bail, Shoots Himself in the Ass”

  1. Despite my LE background I’m really not fond of laws that disarm people because they are felons unless that felony happens to be one that used a firearm in its commission.

    • 🤔
      So, you would be fine with giving a felon convicted of Murder 1 (with an edged weapon) a handgun upon his release from prison?

      • “So, you would be fine with giving a felon convicted of Murder 1 (with an edged weapon) a handgun upon his release from prison?”

        To be tiresome: yes. (well, not hand that person a gun, accept that such person has paid the price for crime, and all rights are fully restored)

        And even more tiresome: a person outside prison, who is too dangerous to trust with firearms and voting, should not be outside prison. If you want a life sentence, be honest about it.

        If we can justify any exception to the Second Amendment, then any other exception is just as valid; common sense.

        • “And even more tiresome: a person outside prison, who is too dangerous to trust with firearms and voting, should not be outside prison. If you want a life sentence, be honest about it.”

          That’s EXACTLY the point I’m making.
          Don’t ‘plea down’ M1 charges. A conviction results in mandatory life WITHOUT parole or the death sentence.

          It seems the progressive mindset is to release the violent criminals, then use their violence as a reason to disarm non-violent citizens.

          Still interested in OBs response. SIA and I have gone around on this topic a few times.

        • But the problem is “said person” hasn’t paid the price for their crime. Here is Mr. Sherman who got four 10 year sentences for holding up taxi’s out on the street in 7 years.

        • Except the “innocence project” is bullshit.

          Criminals simply appeal their conviction for 30 years.

          30 years later, all evidence including DNA evidence is gone. Witnesses and victim’s family members are dead or have moved on. The original judges, lawyers, jurors, prosecutors ect, are all also either dead or have forgotten.

          Then they get a new trial with a liberal court and get their sentence reduced or overturned.

        • Well, the first wrong assumption you make is that the felon out walking the streets has served his sentence. That is usually incorrect in 99% of the cases. He is out on parole, one of the conditions of which is to not possess any WEAPONS. Every set of terms of parole or probation that I ever saw contained that condition. Another condition is to consent to search of person, vehicle or domicile by any law enforcement officer. That is much broader than most folks realize.

          So, if your felon is no longer on probation or parole and has “completed” his sentence, I might agree that he has earned the right to some restoration of his civil rights. I can’t speak to other states, but the felon who wants to be free and clear and has completed his sentence here in the Peepuls Republik can petition a superior court judge for a ruling of rehabilitated. That will restore all his civil rights as if he were never convicted of a felony. He can even apply for a state license or be hired for a public job. Except that the federales don’t accept that. He still can’t carry a weapon, parts of weapons or ammunition under gestapo rules. Conformity between state and gestapo rules would really be helpful.

      • I expect someone convicted of a capital crime to be executed. Crimes of violence that utilized a weapon or things such as strong armed robbery or regular robbery I would advocate for restricting their access to firearms outside of their home after their term of supervised release, parole, or probation is over. while in custody or under supervised release I believe they should be barred any access to weapons.

        • “I expect someone convicted of a capital crime to be executed.”

          Putting a whole bunch of credence in the justice system. Too many (more than one) death penalty cases have been overturned by DNA and sometimes other evidence.

          For a thought-provoking exploration into the death penalty, I recommend “The Innocent Man”, by John Grisham. The book is non-fiction, details an actual case, and records the disgust of the investigators and DA, who were proven to be wrong…thus saving an innocent life. The book completely changed my mind on the death penalty.

          Society’s price of not killing a potentially innocent person is providing funding for “life, without the possibility of parole”, or a series of consecutive life sentences.

          There should be zero tolerance for the killing of even one convicted person who potentially turns out to be innocent. Our “justice system” is not reliable enough.

        • Absent any capital crime conviction, I fall in along the line with Officer Bill, provided the perp was charged and convicted of the actual crime for which he/she/it was arrested and not some pled down version in order to speed up “Justice”. I would also want said prisoner to serve the entire sentence, as well as make financial compensation to any victim or family member, after which I would say the crime has been paid for in full.

      • James,

        Basically, my position is, IF you are convicted of a felony (might want to limit that to “violent felony”), you can be deprived of right to vote, RKBA, DURING your sentence (and any probation or parole). After that, you are a citizen again. No, I don’t want kidnappers, rapists, or child abusers out on the street carrying guns . . . I don’t freakin’ want them on the streets AT ALL. No problem with life sentences for such. But once you’ve paid your “debt to society”, you should be able to return to normal life, unless and until you screw up, again.

        Not that complicated. I too have felt stress (Stress = that feeling when you get the almost-irresistible urge to choke the living s*** out of some @$$hole that richly deserves it . . . like MajorStupidity), and wanted to act on it. I didn’t. I would hope that a “jury of my peers” would take into consideration the circumstances, and act appropriately. If not, well, I did end up choking the s*** out of a deserving @$$hole, so I guess I pay for that privilege.

        But, yes, once you’ve done your time, you should not be treated differently than any other citizen.

    • “…unless that felony happens to be one that used a firearm in its commission.”

      Kinda undercuts the theme that “it isn’t the tool, but the person”.

      Intentional, or not, your statement justifies gun control.

      • We have gun control now and the courts have justified the rationale behind it. The only point of contention is how much gun control. I believe it is way too strict now and believe for the most part that lifetime bans should not happen. In my home state of Texas people convicted of a felony can have a firearm in their home 5 years after they discharge the terms of their confinement.

        • “In my home state of Texas people convicted of a felony can have a firearm in their home 5 years after they discharge the terms of their confinement.”

          That’s a move in the right direction, but…

          The convicted felon is still disarmed in public; prohibited the most effective means of self-defense. If society wants to strip someone of full restoration of natural, human and civil rights for life, then society should quit the charade, and separate convicted felons from society, permanently. Stealth life sentences are just a mental fraud to make us feel good about ourselves.

          Any exception to the Second Amendment is a matter of opinion, and any other exception to the Second Amendment is as valid, moral, useful as any other.

        • Sam I Am
          The existing gun control schemes that we have in America are not effective or just. I’m simply pointing out what actually is going on currently and the very limited restrictions that I would allow. For the most part the people tied up in the court systems got themselves kicked out of regular society and I also believe that there should be a way for them to earn their way back into regular society and that includes restoration of firearms rights in most instances. People that committed egregious crimes with a firearm will probably do so again depending on the exact nature of their crime and I’m not very trusting of those people.

    • But Officer Bill, the laws only disarm those who do not require disarming. It’s exceedingly likely that they became a felon well before they eventually obtained a gun. And at 9 times over a (repeat) felon, well what the hell is even the point anymore? And on that note, while we are all frustrated that your hard work is often for naught given the popular catch and release system that over 81 million have apparently eagerly voted for, remember this: it is you guys and you guys alone who enable gun control, who enable unconstitutional legislation to have teeth, to strip people of their rights by threat of force, i.e. incarceration or death if we should be so bold as to contest your/their ministrations. To be polite: stop it.

    • True enough, there are MANY actions labelled “felony” that whould not be, and certainly should never disarm anyone.

      HOWEVER… anyone charged or convicted of any crime where violance was wilfully infliced on an innocent MUST be disarmed as part of his “rehabilitation programme” ordered by the courts.That includes performing ALL duties and obligtions imposed by the court as part of his sentence. fines, training, anger management classes, posting bail, resitution, court costs, perhaps to include paying for the state’s atttorneys’ time to manage the case, etc. Until ALL those things are addressed, he must walk about with nO means of defending himself. Let him “experience” what it is like to be a sitting duck. and/or victim. He’s inflicted that on others already. He needs tosee how THAT show fits HIS foot. Then walk in it.

      Further this bidniss of “affordable bail” needs to go away, the quicker the sooner. The very REASON for bail is to keep thise critters behind bars to assure they show up in court.

      This clown was violating the laws when he went off on the charge he just waltzed away from on “affordable bail”. He was debarred the use of arms, yet had one. Then was stupid enough to shoot his own sorry self in the bum. Poetic justice if I’ve ever seen it.

      Part of his conditions for restorationi of rights THIS time should be to repay the hospitalbill for reassembling his sorry ventilated backside. Maybe that foot, being sore and tender and hurting and all, might help him to realise just how STUPID he is. Not that it would for certain change his behaviour…………..

        • Prison is to protect innocent, law-abiding citizens from depredation by felons. Punishment is just a by-product of that protection. As for rehabilitation, that is like trying to cure a drunk. It is only when the drunk realizes what he is doing to himself and makes a deliberate choice to stop drinking that he is rehabilitated. You can sentence him to attend programs 12 hours a day seven days a week and none of them will take until HE decides that he wants to stop.

        • O. L. F. T. W
          Old Lefty, For The Win.

          Using the initials of posters on TTAG is not at all unusual. FTW is an abbreviation in common use.

  2. Today, I give a rousing Hz-Zay on the Anniversary (September 9,1776) of Our Great Nation officially becoming the United States of America. May the Liberty and Freedoms passed on to Our care be passed to the next Generation free of the Tyranny that forever seeks to destroy it. Keep Your Powder Dry.

  3. Living in down state Central Illinois and very soon to be ex-Illinois resident, absolutely nothing out of Chicago surprises me anymore.

  4. First. The Hypocrisy of this racist attack on a black man.

    The man just may have had that gun on him because he works in extremely violent parts of the city. He was not threatening anyone with it. It was an accident and of course probably by an unsafe striker fired gun that had no manual safety like a Glock or Glock copy cat weapon. This sort of thing happens all the time.

    And how many times have Far Right White Fanatics on this forum bragged that in the past they too illegally carried guns to protect their lives and the rest of their white fellow racists on this forum all praised them for it. Again pure hypocrisy to attack a black man for doing the exact same thing.

    quote———————Gregory Sherman, 43, works full-time as an anti-violence worker, “out there on the street, trying to lower the criminal and dangerous issues that are going on in our community———-quote

    Second. He has proven he turned his life around by working for an organization trying to stop violence. Notice no praise for this man by the Far Right who never cease to miss a chance to promote hate for all black people.

    Yes it was illegal for him to have a gun but he was using the gun to protect his life. My what hypocrisy from the Far Right and if he had been White the story would have praised the man not denigrated him.

    The article makes him out to be a savage vicious beast when he committed no violence against anyone but had a gun accident while he was out in the community trying to make it a safer place to live in.

    No praise for him by the Far Right Racists for finding a worthy profession and risking his life every day on the job.

    This is how sick America has become under the racist hate filled Presidency of Herr Drumpf and his loyal jack booted storm troopers.

    • You forgot to add he was out on bail for assaulting a PEACE OFFICER!!!

      So it is clear that you are anti-law and order!!!!

      I will assume when there total anarchy and you realize law and order are not coming back any time soon, you will take the easy way out…

    • “And how many times have Far Right White Fanatics on this forum bragged that in the past they too illegally carried guns to protect their lives…”

      Can you, by reading an anonymous post, actually prove such posters are actually Far Right Wing Fanatics or are you more likely assuming?

      “Yes it was illegal for him to have a gun but he was using the gun to protect his life.”

      Can you prove this from reading the article? To many who can think a bit deeper than the surface, it may appear a career criminal was just carrying one of the tools of his/her/its trades. As he was out on bail at the time of his self-inflicted injury for beating up an Illinois State Trooper, I’d doubt your presumption… Next thing is probably to call this cretin a victim because he appears to be, well, black.

      • Craig, I left you a long winded reply back in the Biden’s enemies article, if you’re interested. Cheers.

    • dacian, the Dunderhead, Racist attack on a “Black man my posterior! the man is a CONVICTED FELON and a prime example of what is wrong with the criminal justice system when a man like this is on on bial and shoots himself in the posterior!

      • to Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

        Spoken like a true White Racist. Its ok for White man to break the law and carry guns where he should not but not a Black man who is working for an organization to reduce violence and must travel in the most dangerous parts of the city.

        Your post is dripping in sickening racism. According to your racist philosophy no former black felon can ever be reformed and you will scream from the rooftops that the only good black man is a dead black man. Most cops like you live by this philosophy . Ever wonder why people hate cops? You are their poster boy.

        • No, dacian the Dunderhead. It seems you are the true racist. It is no more OK for a White guy to break the law than it is a Back man. But Lefties like you want to excuse people of color for some ungodly reason.
          My post spoke the TRUTH. Yours is racist propaganda. Pathetic!

    • dacian the demented dips***,

      “The man just may have had that gun on him because he works in extremely violent parts of the city. He was not threatening anyone with it.”

      UNPOSSIBLE!!!!! If it’s against the law, criminals won’t do it!! You’ve said so MANY times on this very forum!!! Or it could be that your idiot hypocrisy has done a 180, and is now biting you in the ass. It is a binary choice, dips*** – either criminals will obey your idiot “gun control” laws, or they won’t. You can’t argue, on the one hand, that criminals won’t buy or sell “street guns”, and argue for “Universal Background Checks”, and then argue that it’s OK for a “prohibited person” to carry a concealed weapon because they work in a “dangerous area”. I know intellectual consistency is beyond your EXTREMENLY meager abilities, but . . . do try to keep up, you pathetic @$$hole.

      “And how many times have Far Right White Fanatics on this forum bragged that in the past they too illegally carried guns to protect their lives and the rest of their white fellow racists on this forum all praised them for it. Again pure hypocrisy to attack a black man for doing the exact same thing.”

      Umm . . . hypocrisy??? AYFKMRN??????? YOU are the one who told US that no criminal would DARE violate YOUR idiot “gun control” laws. And now you’re arguing that it’s OK that a 9 time felon, WITH an active warrant out for a murder/felony, can carry a gun because . . . he feels unsafe. Yeah, go with that argument, dacian. It suits your mental abilities and lack of education quite well.

      “Second. He has proven he turned his life around by working for an organization trying to stop violence. Notice no praise for this man by the Far Right who never cease to miss a chance to promote hate for all black people.”

      PROVEN???? Citation, please. Did he actually improve ANYTHING, or did he just score himself a good side hustle, getting paid by the Man for . . . hangin’ and drinkin’ 40s with his homies??? No matter what he did or didn’t do, HE WAS VIOLATING THE VERY LAWS YOU CLAIM WOULD STOP CRIMINALS FROM CARRYING/TRAFFICKING GUNS, you completely idiotic, brain-dead moron.

      “This is how sick America has become under the racist hate filled Presidency of Herr Drumpf and his loyal jack booted storm troopers.”

      In case you haven’t noticed, ignoranus (and you probably haven’t, being as stupid as you are), Trump hasn’t been President for almost two years. Your mouth-breathing, drooling, senile moron (who was stupid BEFORE he became senile) has been. And Chitcago has been ruled by YOUR racist Dimocrat/Leftist/fascist idiots for over half a century. So it’s all “the Republicans” fault because a bunch of corrupt, stupid Leftist/fascists can’t run a city?? Yeah, pull the other one, it has bells on it.

      Just out of curiosity, did your parents have any children who lived???

    • Dackie Boy, please send me your mailing address. I happen to have a spare size 15 high top knitted sock and I’d like to send it you posthaste. Seems you’ve been looking for a large size one of those to stuff down your tuckerchute. Maybe with that big sock in it, you will stop making so much hilarious nonsense here.

    • “First. The Hypocrisy of this racist attack on a black man….…”

      Really lil’dtard?
      Playing the pathological altruism angle?


      If you’re getting paid ANYTHING for trolling, it’s too much.

    • 6% of the United States population yet responsible for over 50% of the violent crimes. No racism in those facts, now go back to sniffing glue.

    • The hypocrisy lays with you alone.

      People deserve second chances. Once you reach nine, there are issues that need addressed. Why does someone have nine felonies? Is that a predictor of an individuals ability to follow laws and social norms?

      Look at it this way. You have portrayed yourself as someone you are not. Not just once or twice, but for an unknown number of times. I could say that it is conceivable you will again.

      You are just looking for a reason to make use of your favorite words and regardless of the truth you will use those words in a pitiful attempt to deman others. Your self esteem must really be lacking.

  5. Surprised there is no mention of where or how he got the firearm….my guess is that he got it illegally – which would not fit the medias narrative of “easy access to guns”.

    I suspect that had he been able to obtain it from a gun shop…they would have blasted that all over the place. The story is really incomplete.

    • Dackie Boy, da DOOD was fresh out on a bail posting that was far too small, obtained a firearm illegally (being a recently convicted felon AND going about in public armed he CANNOT lawfully possess ANY firearm.

  6. @James Campbell
    “It seems the progressive mindset is to release the violent criminals, then use their violence as a reason to disarm non-violent citizens.”

    I think massive incarceration was working, effective at reducing the number of criminals on the street, thus taking away the crime/violence fear factor underlying gun control.

  7. At some point in time the lesser of the radical left will start to realize they are being exploited as Stalin did when he took over Russia. He called those folks who helped get him power “useful idiots” and he eliminated 50 million of them before he was through. Time to wake up folks and admit that the socialist policies you are supporting don’t work and there is no substitute for freedom nor the greatness of this Country as it was despite not being perfect.
    There is no perfect Country and there never will be. The one thing you might never get back is your freedom to think and act for yourself. If you like being controlled by the Government what awaits you is being told how you can think, when you can think, and to be told what you are able to do and when you are able to do it. If that’s the kind of life you want then you embrace it but WE THE PEOPLE will never embrace it and go down fighting if that is the only way we can preserve what we hold dear in this Country.

    • “At some point in time the lesser of the radical left will start to realize they are being exploited as Stalin did when he took over Russia.”

      Oh, I don’t know. If this was going to happen, I’d think it would’ve started by now, although it is true that more “minority status” Americans voted for DJT than any other republicrat POTUS candidate. Perhaps you’re right.

      • Stalin: “who votes is not important. It is who counts the votes that is important”. Or something.

  8. The article did not say what kind of firearm he had but it sounds like a striker fired with no manual safety or other firearm with the manual safety off, etc. If it was the typical striker fired discharge so much for the u-tube tough guys who whine about a striker fired external safety getting in their way. The message they send to newbe gun buyers watching such a video is…You tough guy wannabes out there don’t need no stinking external safety and if you buy a gun with one you’ll be shuned and spit upon. U-tube talk is cheap…an extra butthole hurts and it’s expensive to fix.

    • Or maybe his booger hook pulled the trigger while he was adjusting his pants (which he claims he was doing).

      Regardless, ranting about external safeties and striker fired pistols is a bit off topic, donchathink?

      • Speaking of off topic 300BlackoutFan,
        I put a Romeo5 Red Dot on my Springfield 300 blkout pistol. The thing is a tack driver at 100 yds now. I love shooting this thing.

    • Striker fired pistols are fine as long you are smart enough not to unintentionally pull the trigger. If that’s too much to handle, you should stick to revolvers with 12 lb triggers and an empty chamber. And if you buy guns based on tough guy you tube videos, you deserve to shoot yourself.

      • I’m sure the idiot didn’t have a holster. I have no worries carrying my s&w 9 or Springfield 10 in a holster that covers the trigger. I wonder if he’s free on no bail?

    • Refardless the type of firearm, when one starts moving it around while the finger is on the trigger, there’s a good chance there will be a loud sound. And as for EDC “safeties”:

      We don’ need no steenking safeties… We be da safety.

        • Indeed, but that requires that you never, ever, err, not even under stress etc. A manual safety means you have to fuck up twice to shoot yer eye out kid, not just once. Something to consider. I think mixing the two types in whatever (non recreational) capacity they might serve is likely the biggest issue. Closely followed by stoopidity of course…

        • I’ve seen many seasoned shooters fail to thumb the safety during stress drills, effectively presenting a hammer (inoperable handgun).

          Having a manual ‘safety’ lever on a handgun can also cause those inexperienced to develop bad habits. The old ‘but I thought the gun was on ‘safe’ syndrome.

          For me to carry a firearm for defense, it cannot have a manual safety. Reacting in a defensive manner puts you behind the curve, I choose not to add any additional steps.

          Even my Beretta 92 is a ‘G’ model, decocker only.

          My 1911 and 50AE DEagle have manual safety levers, these range guns only.

          Everyone needs to pick their poison.

    • My trusty old sidearm has an external safety, a decocker, and a slide lock. It is also striker fired.

      In the fifteen years I’ve carried that thing everywhere I go, I have yet to use any of them. My strong side forefinger is all the safety I need. It has worked perfectly for long tme now.

    • The problem was NOT what kind of handgun this eedjit had. The problem was that HE had it. Illegally, SO glad he got caught wiht his britches down.

  9. Its not only hilarious and poetic justice, but a nine time violent felon criminal sentenced to four 10-year sentences out on bail walking around with a gun being the 31st person accused of shooting or killing someone while out on affordable bail just shows what we all knew was going on and the anti-gun are blind to.

    This deserves a very special Darwin award not only for this fool but for everyone in Chicago government who purposely puts this scum back on the streets with this ‘social justice’ affordable bail facade, and then calls some of them anti-violence workers and pays them tax payer dollars to remain criminals preying on the public, to make it more palatable that they are intentionally endangering the public.

  10. We just had a guy here stab somebody to death while out on no-cash bail for ……ready for it?….. stabbing somebody while already out on no-cash bail for ………ready?……. stabbing somebody.

    Third time’s the charm I guess.

  11. Too bad it was not the other side..but it has probably already procreated numerous times with multiple baby-mamas

  12. His goal is to make the record book.

    Was I the judge, I’d sentence him to a month of Jordan Peterson videos, and if that didn’t straighten him out and he arrived in my courtroom again, the last daylight he would ever see would be while on the trip to a deep cell.

    • A BETTER suggestion: the last daylight he should see is the open sky above the courtyard wherein he faces the ten men with long guns, no hood, hands tied behind back, as they raise their muzzles in his direction.

  13. It’s not about making us safe. It’s about making the politicians and IRS safe from us. Easier to nationalize our private property and bank accounts. Looks like it will hit the fan after the election.

  14. The only way you’re going to shoot yourself in the ass is trying to holster or stuff a weapon in in your waistband or the small of your back IWB with your finger on the trigger. In other words, being a douche bag. I’m glad he shot himself. Too bad it wasn’t a round through his melon.

  15. @James8
    “It does seem,however, that at some point enough is enough.”

    The usefulness of the criminal element is never enough for those determined to subjugate the law-abiding populace.

  16. “People that committed egregious crimes with a firearm will probably do so again depending on the exact nature of their crime and I’m not very trusting of those people.”

    I understand, but the supposition is pre-crime punishment. Also, the thought that a convicted felon might commit another crime is the core of the gun control mafia: you, the legal gun owner, might snap and start shooting people at random.

    In both cases, “common sense” is the foundation of the theory. You are uncovering the embarrassing fact that we are heavily conflicted, when it comes to “justice”. On one hand, we want to believe all persons are redeemable, but are suspicious they are not. So, we attempt to “split the baby”: release from prison, but with limited rights.
    So, I ask again, why are only voting, and firearms ownership restricted? If a person poses a deadly danger, why not suspend the 4th Amendment, too? One never knows when a convicted felon is cooking up another plot to commit a deadly crime. Why not suspend the 6th Amendment? The convicted felon already received a fair and impartial judgement, if the convicted felon commits another felony, what is the point in going to trial at all? Why not suspend the 1st Amendment. You can never be sure the convicted felon won’t use the 1st Amendment to incite insurrection, or encourage others to commit murder to get what they want.

    Most of all, consider that legislatures can make any infraction of law a felony, disarming the entire population.

  17. @James8,
    “How do you know???”

    The President of the United Stated that a 9mm blast can blow an entire lung out of the body. The Pres has all sorts of experts available to consult, so his statement must be true.

    Since a brain is denser than a lung, it stands to reason only a 9mm could blow a brain out of an ass.

    • Sam,

      Don’t know that Senile Joe’s brain is large enough to render a meaningful sample, but ASSUMING it is, I can guarantee you his brain would be “dense” – ’cause he’s about the densest mofo ever to hold that office.

      • “’cause he’s about the densest…ever to hold that office.”

        I kinda give Biden slack, because he is the victim of the Dims’ on-going elder abuse.

        • Yeah, but Joe was an idiot when he was still in the Senate. That he is being abused by his “handers” and “Doctor” Jill doesn’t excuse his idiocy.

  18. @Shire-man

    Thanx for the link; ah ‘preciate it.

  19. @Craig in IA
    “I would also want said prisoner to serve the entire sentence, as well as make financial compensation to any victim or family member, after which I would say the crime has been paid for in full.”

    Fair enough.

  20. dacian the demented dips***,

    “The man just may have had that gun on him because he works in extremely violent parts of the city. He was not threatening anyone with it.”

    UNPOSSIBLE!!!!! If it’s against the law, criminals won’t do it!! You’ve said so MANY times on this very forum!!! Or it could be that your idiot hypocrisy has done a 180, and is now biting you in the ass. It is a binary choice, dips*** – either criminals will obey your idiot “gun control” laws, or they won’t. You can’t argue, on the one hand, that criminals won’t buy or sell “street guns”, and argue for “Universal Background Checks”, and then argue that it’s OK for a “prohibited person” to carry a concealed weapon because they work in a “dangerous area”. I know intellectual consistency is beyond your EXTREMENLY meager abilities, but . . . do try to keep up, you pathetic @$$hole.

    “And how many times have Far Right White Fanatics on this forum bragged that in the past they too illegally carried guns to protect their lives and the rest of their white fellow racists on this forum all praised them for it. Again pure hypocrisy to attack a black man for doing the exact same thing.”

    Umm . . . hypocrisy??? AYFKMRN??????? YOU are the one who told US that no criminal would DARE violate YOUR idiot “gun control” laws. And now you’re arguing that it’s OK that a 9 time felon, WITH an active warrant out for a murder/felony, can carry a gun because . . . he feels unsafe. Yeah, go with that argument, dacian. It suits your mental abilities and lack of education quite well.

    “Second. He has proven he turned his life around by working for an organization trying to stop violence. Notice no praise for this man by the Far Right who never cease to miss a chance to promote hate for all black people.”

    PROVEN???? Citation, please. Did he actually improve ANYTHING, or did he just score himself a good side hustle, getting paid by the Man for . . . hangin’ and drinkin’ 40s with his homies??? No matter what he did or didn’t do, HE WAS VIOLATING THE VERY LAWS YOU CLAIM WOULD STOP CRIMINALS FROM CARRYING/TRAFFICKING GUNS, you completely idiotic, brain-dead moron.

    “This is how sick America has become under the racist hate filled Presidency of Herr Drumpf and his loyal jack booted storm troopers.”

    In case you haven’t noticed, ignoranus (and you probably haven’t, being as stupid as you are), Trump hasn’t been President for almost two years. Your mouth-breathing, drooling, senile moron (who was stupid BEFORE he became senile) has been. And Chitcago has been ruled by YOUR racist Dimocrat/Leftist/fascist idiots for over half a century. So it’s all “the Republicans” fault because a bunch of corrupt, stupid Leftist/fascists can’t run a city?? Yeah, pull the other one, it has bells on it.

    Just out of curiosity, did your parents have any children who lived???

  21. @Ansel Hazen
    “But the problem is “said person” hasn’t paid the price for their crime. Here is Mr. Sherman who got four 10 year sentences for holding up taxi’s out on the street in 7 years.”

    Understand the misapprehension, however…

    Did Mr. Sherman escape prison? Did his accomplices break him out? Did Mr. Sherman force the courts to release him? Did he force the police/Dept. of Corrections to release him? Did he force the legislature to release him?

    Seems “the law”, “the courts”, the “justice system set rules that Mr. Sherman followed. We may not “feel” Mr. Sherman morally discharged his debt, his punishment, but the law am what it am, and that’s all what it am. IAW the “justice system”, Mr. Sherman paid his full debt.

    The fallacy, the temptation of the false notion to believe that a stealth life sentence is effective,, clouds judgement. A person denied restoration of their 2A rights are not deterred from committing crime using a thousand other weapons. However, we “feel” good about ourselves for permanently punishing the convicted felon. And the presence, or lack of a legally owned firearm does nothing to prevent the convicted criminal from engaging in all sorts of other crimes. The denial of 2A and voting rights is pure revenge, not justice.

  22. @neiowa
    “Felony, you DON’T get to vote again.”

    Always wonder just how denying the right to vote is supposed to either deter future crime, or work to rehabilitate the convicted felon.

    In reality, denying the right to vote is merely revenge (just like denying the RTKBA). Is revenge really justice, or merely a fig leaf masquerading as justice, so as to cover our base nature?

  23. @Ron
    “Except the “innocence project” is bullshit.”
    – a reference to support that conclusion would be useful.
    – recommend reading “The Innocent Man”, by John Grisham, for an inside look at “justice” abused, and the response by those who made egregious mistakes.

    “Criminals simply appeal their conviction for 30 years.
    Then they get a new trial with a liberal court and get their sentence reduced or overturned.”

    “Justice” is defined by the existing law(s). If a convicted felon fulfills the law, then justice is fulfilled.

  24. @LampOfDiogenes September 11, 2022 At 10:21
    “Yeah, but Joe was an idiot when he was still in the Senate.”
    Yes, and I scourged him then.

    “That he is being abused by his “handers” and “Doctor” Jill doesn’t excuse his idiocy.”
    Actually, it kinda does. Even his campaign for President was elder abuse on full display. Since then, Biden has demonstrated ample proof he doesn’t always know where he is, or who he is with.

    Is anyone absolutely convinced Biden is actually the active president? Are the Dims treating Biden the way they treated Wilson after his stroke?

  25. @Old Lefty
    “Well, the first wrong assumption you make is that the felon out walking the streets has served his sentence. That is usually incorrect in 99% of the cases.”

    Not quite.

    “Parole” is a part of a jail sentence. Those of us advocating complete restoration of rights upon completion of a “sentence” are including any court-imposed restrictions. Thus, if a person is sentenced to 30yrs, (later reduced to 5yrs), and is placed on parole for a 3yrs (later reduced to one week), that person’s “sentence” is complete after parole is complete.

    Applying for restoration of rights is just more government control. A person doesn’t apply for natural, human, and civil rights upon birth, and government doesn’t bestow rights at that time. When rights are “removed” by court order, restoration of rights should be fully restored upon fulfillment of all elements of a “sentence”. Applying to government is bold assertion that government approval/bestowal of rights is the source of natural, human and civil rights (that the Constitution grants rights to the populace).

  26. ILL-inois, the shitttholes anonymous state! The garbage can center of democrats!!!

  27. Too bad he wasn’t carrying where it would have nicked or severed the Femoral artery. He’d have bled out before any help arrived and it would have solved several.problems all at once..

    Reduction in Paperwork Act and all.

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