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42 thoughts on “Is That A Rifle in Your Pants or Are You Just Glad to See Me?”

  1. First comment on the article… “So why did Sling Point not have their weapons properly secured?”

    In a store? Things are on display in stores.

    • In what stores have you been (forget just gun stores) in where something thats easily portable and worth $900 wasnt cabled to a display rack, covered in dye packs/ magnetic sensors, or behind/below a locked display case? Seriously the shop owner has nearly an entire wall of long guns and AR15’s with no controlled access. That’s pretty stupid and that is certainly the first time I have ever seen that in a gun store.

      • Very common for a local gun store and the only store I’ll shop at. Don’t want me to touch the toys that is OK with me, goodbye.

        Was that Barak’s son. Not a very diverse “customer” base at Slingpoint.

      • The LGS I used to frequent had all the long guns in a rack behind the counter–but the counter had a passageway in the middle, and customers could ask to go behind it (regulars didn’t even ask). Also had milsurp rifles, SKS, Mosins, the occasional Carcano, in racks in the main area of the store. Of course all this was in plain sight of the two or three clerks and the owner, and the handguns were kept in display cases. And no, he wasn’t thefted out of business.

    • I’m guessing that commenter has never been in a store like the Kittery Trading Post up here in Maine. There are at least 2k rifles on racks that you just walk through in that store and not a lock or cable on a one. The only stuff in locked cases are handguns.

  2. Im sorry… why was there so much product left on the outside of the sales counter area. That looks like at least an entire wall of the store loaded with long guns completely outside of the sales counter. That just seems asinine to me. Especially something expensive and sought after like an AR15. Of all the shops I have been to, only one had guns outside the counter/ within unsupervised reach of the customers and it was only the crappy used guns like old Mosins, and remington SPS’s etc that people trade in. Anything nice or “portable” is below the glass or on the wall behind the counter and out of reach.

    This may make me bad, but its hard to feel sorry for the bumbling shop owner when he leaves stuff like AR15’s outside of his control and then doesnt even have a reliable means of catching the person. Thieves will steal anything not bolted down, this guy must just not watch the news.

    That said, I hope they catch that knuckle dragging goon and string him up by his testicles as an example to everyone else before he kills someone with that AR.

      • Yes because this shop and a mega retail chain is exactly the same… Oh except Cabelas (or any big retail store for that matter) has people who’s sole purpose is to watch for shoplifters at the front door to go along with magnetic sensors at ever single door.

    • A few of my LGS has their rifles and shotguns unlocked on walls for me to finger with ease similar to this store’s setup. Kind of funny because even our car lots leave the doors unlocked even when they are closed for the night.

      I drive 30 minutes near a major city and things get locked up real fast and you need to beg, wave, and plea to get a sales associates attention just so they will pull that Tavor off the wall for you.

      I personally like the way my locals handle business better, just an overall more enjoyable experience.

      • Same here, physical security is pretty lax because it can be. My LGS is too small to worry about such things but pretty much all over the area it’s laid back because that sort of crime is rare. It might have something to do with the fact that people here who saw someone stuffing a rifle in their pants would say something about it or just flat out tackle the sucker.

      • Some of us that live in certain suburbs are just forced to deal with it. I used to live in Houston, one big ghetto with pockets of nice shit as most major cities are.

        Doesnt matter where you live, the dregs will leave their area and come into yours.

  3. “Bold” yes. “Stupid” maybe not – so far he’s gotten away with it.

    • Not for long. Accompanying photos (at the article’s site) show he looked straight at the camera at least once.

  4. Can they bust him for stealing and also carrying a concealed weapon at the same time ?

    • Oh, yeah. At least in TX, laws make no differentiation between loaded and unloaded. That would be so cool!

  5. It is kind of odd to see it not tied down. The shops here use a long ass cable that runs through the trigger guards. The one’s that aren’t secured are at least behind a counter.

    • Long cables threaded through numerous guns are a pain in the butt. The shop keeper should have his expensive guns behind the counter!

  6. The beltway sniper got his ar by lifting from a store. Apparently left in a case near the door

  7. A year or so ago, a guy in So Cal stuffed a SCAR into his pants while the guy be hind the counter was distracted and disappeared.

  8. Wow–and shorts at that. You know, in Texas there is no penal statute that directly addresses mere possession of a long gun “on or about” your person. That’s the reason that long gun “open carry” is “legal” in Texas, there just isn’t a penal statute that criminalizes it (yet). But by the same token, there is also nothing to say that carrying a long gun_concealed_ is illegal. And if it is concealed, it certainly isn’t being “brandished” or “carried in a manner calculated to cause alarm” , which are offenses with regard to any firearm, long or handgun. So I guess, to answer a poster above, the guy couldn’t be charged with “carrying a concealed weapon” in Texas at least.

    • Did you research all the penile statutes as well? Yeah, the concealed law only pertains to handguns, I believe the prohibition only pertains to handguns as well. Damn. No fun at all. Hey! I bet the thief is too stupid to know that! So charge him just for grins!

      • I think the penile statutes pertain to that case with the naked guy and the sunroof, no?

  9. So the gist of all the comments above is some people say “That’s how we do it ’round here,” and some others say “Who’d be so stupid as to leave them unlocked?” This appears to be largely a geographical disparity (location, location, location), and it seems that in this case a “customer” from group “b” intersected with a shop owner from group “a” and hilarity resulted.

  10. Ah HA! So that’s what the big ass baggy pants are for. And here, I thought it was just to catch a breeze…….

  11. Lots of rifles and shotguns in the aisles to play with at Blythes in Griffith Indiana. Handguns and ammo behind the counter. My experience is somewhat limited but Blythes is the only shop I’ve ever been in where I didn’t have to ask a low paid drone permission to play with a rifle or shotgun. I know I bought a shotgun because I didn’t have to ask. You just need employees paying attention.

  12. The one thing I’ve noticed about every place that sells guns around me (I’m in NC), is that they’re either tethered to a very secure display rack (as in bolted to the ground), or locked in some kind of display case.

    That and the shop owners are packing heat. Openly.

  13. Put simply, security costs money. A small private business cannot afford the multiple levels of security offered by a mega-store like Cabela’s or BassPro. The arrangement of the firearms was not particularly intelligent, but it was not criminal. Hopefully the shop owner will learn a lesson and re-configure his store. Still, any security measures he puts in place will cut into his profit margin, and it isn’t the easiest thing for a small business in the private sector to make ends meet.

    I’ll also predict that there is a high probability that this AR will be used in an additional crime. It pisses me off that CA and other ARs are limited to 10 round mags and bullet buttons while stolen ARs certainly aren’t.

  14. The “our little town” of which he speaks has a metro area of nearly 500,000.

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