RMGO: Recall CO State Sen. Hudak [Left]

Colorado State Senator Evie Hudak (left) (courtesy coloradopeakpolitics.com)

A Personal Note from Dudley Brown, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Association:

Dear XXXX,

Grassroots gun rights supporters have already successfully recalled two gun-grabbing Colorado state senators for their anti-gun votes. Now it’s time to go retire a third, and regain a pro-gun majority back in the Colorado Senate. A large, grassroots effort to recall State Senator Evie Hudak, one of Colorado’s leaders for gun control, is now underway. With your help, we can recall her from office. In case you need a reminder of just how anti-gun Senator Hudak really is, keep this in mind . . .

– She voted for every single piece of anti-gun legislation she has had the opportunity to vote for in her five year career in the Senate.
– She co-sponsored HB-1228, the tax on all new gun purchases, and HB-1229, which criminalizes all private transfers of firearms. She helped drive Magpul and other firearms companies out of Colorado.
– Perhaps most memorably, she callously badgered a rape victim during a committee hearing, lecturing her that a gun wouldn’t have helped her because “statistics are not on your side.”

President Obama and billionaire Mayor Mike Bloomberg are making Colorado ground zero in the fight for gun control. Recalling Senator Hudak will send a message to Obama, Bloomberg, and all politicians that patriotic Americans will not tolerate those who seek to undermine our 2nd Amendment rights.

However, we can’t get this done without your help. The recall effort needs volunteer help and signatures to get the job done.

First, the recall effort needs signatures of registered voters in Westminster and Arvada. If you are a registered voter in Hudak’s district, please make sure you sign the petition.

You can find locations at www.RecallHudakToo.org or at the “Recall Hudak Too” Facebook group (go LIKE their page too).

Second, the Hudak recall effort also needs volunteers to canvas neighborhoods and public areas to obtain petition signatures. Volunteer turnout is critical to the success of this effort. You can volunteer at www.RecallHudakToo.org. NOTE: If you reside outside of Hudak’s district, you can still volunteer.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown

P.S. A large, grassroots effort to recall gun-grabbing State Senator Evie Hudak is now underway. However, we can’t get this done without your help. The recall effort needs volunteer help and signatures to get the job done. The recall effort needs signatures of registered voters in Westminster and Arvada. If you are a registered voter in Hudak’s district, please make sure you sign the petition. You can find locations at www.RecallHudakToo.org or at the Recall Hudak Too” Facebook group (go LIKE their page too).

The Hudak recall effort also needs volunteers to canvas neighborhoods and public areas to obtain petition signatures. Volunteer turnout is critical to the success of this effort. You can volunteer at www.RecallHudakToo.org.

55 thoughts on “RMGO: Recall CO State Sen. Hudak [Left]”

  1. Honestly I think if people in Colorado start attempting to recall every anti gun politician in their state, you’re going to see a bill proposed to change the state constitution that bans recalls. Politics is a game, not a revolt. Push too much and you’ll get pushed back.

    Besides, recall votes are nice, but they need to work on repealing their new AWB. That should be their endgame.

    • Well I don’t know the whole situation as far as votes needed to repeal the AWB but recalling a few antis can’t hurt the cause and may be the way to lay the ground work to get to that end game.

    • Just wow. It will take more than just a bill to change The Constitution. Besides, they are only recalling the biggest problems and in districts with a real chance of succeeding. It beats the hell out of just quitting and rolling over.

    • I believe repeal is the endgame. However, that will not happen as long as Hickenlooper is governor. Taking out 3 (or 10) of these anti-2A dems is good for the soul.

    • “Honestly I think if people in Colorado start attempting to recall every anti gun politician in their state, you’re going to see a bill proposed to change the state constitution that bans recalls. Politics is a game, not a revolt. Push too much and you’ll get pushed back.”

      Dude, check to make sure you haven’t sprouted an ovary or something.

      • No, just don’t try to piss on someone when you’ve already got them down. Move on to the next target, rather than wasting all your ammo at the one you know you can hit.

        • Hmm, seems like the best time to go for the kill is when your opponent is down. Why let them get back up to start pummeling you again?

        • Half time football speech 20+ years ago: (We were beating our hated rival high school 24-0, the following was shouted at approximately 138 decibels)

          “When you’ve got the enemy by the balls, you don’t let go! You squeeeeeeeze!!!”

    • It would be tough to repeal an Assault Weapon Ban that does not exist. The mag capacity law is not an AWB.

    • So what you’re saying is that CO voters should not use their recall power because, if they do, they’ll lose it. You suggest that in order to keep their recall power, they shouldn’t use it.

      That doesn’t make any sense to me. What good is having the power to recall if the people can’t — not won’t, but can’t — use recall power?

      • I am not taking a side here, but consider the folks in CA who open carried and scared/irritated the wrong people into making OC completely illegal.

    • They work for us. Other than voting against gun rights, she voted for giving illegal aliens driver’s licenses and in state tuition!

      Encroach on citizens rights and give away benefits to illegal aliens? I live in Colorado and if I lived in that district, I would vote her out if this passes muster.

      The game you speak of has an immediate and direct impact on me. She/politicians work mainly in a consequence free environment. In Colorado, we’ve proven they still work for us. Let this be the third time there has been a consequence for their actions.

    • No. Keep sending libtards (packing). It will send a message. Then, in the next election, never vote libtard (democrat) again.

  2. TO: My Fellow Coloradans
    RE: GO TO!!!!

    Get rid of ALL THESE OATH-BREAKING Blackguards!

    We did it in Pueblo. You can do it too.


    [Faint of heart never a battle won, nor an oath-breaking Progressive-Libeal Democrat removed.]

  3. Vote out Hickenlooper and a bunch of grabbers in both houses in 2014. But, if another grabber can get the boot, it would feel good for now. One danger I might see is Dem legislators everywhere (state and fed) taking the hint and playing down their gun control goals coming up to the 2014 elections, then going at it again as soon as they are re-elected. My gut tells me that we should make gains when and where we can, though. Go after the oath breaker.

    • “One danger I might see is Dem legislators everywhere (state and fed) taking the hint and playing down their gun control goals coming up to the 2014 elections, then going at it again as soon as they are re-elected.”

      Democrats do that EVERY election cycle, and not just on gun control – they do it on everything.

      Colorado: you’re 2-for-2 on (correctly) giving two legislators their pink slips. Make it 3-for-3.

      Senator Hudak, statistics are not on your side.

      • “Democrats do that EVERY election cycle, and not just on gun control – they do it on everything.”

        True enough.

  4. Ah, the sorry excuse for a soul who told a rape victim to her face that a gun would have done her no good. I knew that would come around to bite her next election cycle, but it seems she wont have to wait. Good. Even is she beats the recall (and considering the previous two, she’s got a fight on her hands), it will deplete her political capital (and campaign funds) for the next primary and general election.

  5. I don’t live in her district but do most of my business there. You can bet I’ll do what I can to show her the door.

  6. “- Perhaps most memorably, she callously badgered a rape victim during a committee hearing, lecturing her that a gun wouldn’t have helped her because “statistics are not on your side.””

    She should be removed from office for this alone. This is one of the most despicable things I’ve ever heard said to a rape victim.

  7. There is an advantage to the multiple recalls, and in stretching them out all the way into the midterms.
    It will keep the issue fresh on the voters minds. When the 2014 mids come there will be years of public backlash still fresh in their memories, and as long as we don’t do something stupid to engage the youth/woman vote (like trying to ban birth control or repealing pot legalization) we may well have a great chance of taking governors seat.

  8. Not residing in CO, I understand that at least in some instances these anti-gun legislators had the majority of their (misguided, misinformed) constituents’ support. The legislators who were recently recalled were clear examples of not only failing to listen to their constituents, but flat out ignoring them/stating that their opinions didn’t matter. Is this also the case with Hudak, or does she represent a gun-grabbing district?

    If she represents a gun-grabber district then I wouldn’t support a recall. It is one thing for a majority of constituents to recall a legislator because they failed to do their job, IE represent the citizenry in the local government. It is another to recall a senator strictly for a policy decision that, though clearly bad policy, was supported by those they represent. At some point we need to allow the people to make bad decisions and enjoy their just desserts.

    So the question is, is this really a grassroots (IE, growing out of Hudak’s district) effort, or is it people from the surrounding districts calling for the recall?

    Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see her go packing. Her comment to the rape victim left me speechless. But if we’re going to cry “astroturf!” when there are anti-GOP recalls (Gov. Snyder in MI comes to mind), we need to apply the same standard to anti-DNC recalls as well.

    • Good point. And if she does have the support of the people she’s supposed to represent, then it’s more likely the recall will fail, having wasted resources that could be used to fight the grabbers somewhere else.

      But if there’s a reasonable chance of success and a good base of local pro-2A gun support, I say go for it!

    • She barely squeaked by in the election.

      The breakdown of the vote: Hudak:46.93%, GOP candidate: 46.48% and Libertarian was 6.59%.

  9. There is a recall effort in Nevada to recall Senator Justin Jones the Liar who said and touted that 86% on Nevada was behind universal background checks with phony polls.The exact opposite was the case when the Governor did hi own poll.Can you say”lies and deceit?’

  10. Critical question:

    Now the Dems in Colorado know that constituents can successfully recall and vote out gun-grabbing senators. And since the constituents did it twice, the Dems know this is not a fluke event and could easily happen again. Assuming the constituents collect enough signatures to force a recall, would this be a reason for Senator Hudek to simply resign? Because if she did that, there will be no election and the Dems can simply appoint another person to take her spot until the next election — and maintain full control of the senate and their gun control laws. In other words this would enable them to at least maintain the status-quo until the next election when passions and memories might not be so intense.

    • Ego is a powerful thing. She only won by 2%. If they were smart, they would do as you said and keep the seat. Because they are full of themselves, they believe they can win the recall.

      I rather them fight and loose. It puts everyone else on notice. The only ones that do not care are the ones in deep blue districts that have been Jerry Mandered to the point that no other party could ever possibly win.

    • I don’t think replacing Hudak will let them repeal the gun control legislation anyway. It’s more about sending a clear message that they better think twice before ignoring the will of their constituents.

      • Hudak sounds like she doesnt belong in charge of a lemonade stand, much less making decisions on life-and-death issues.

        Democracy in action. Faster, please!

  11. So, how is it that the absolutely stupid “legitimate rape” comment by Todd Akin (formerly R-MO) was extensively publicized at the national level but this absolutely hateful comment from this badgering (expletive delete) gets a free pass from the media? Oh, that’s right, the media gives the DNC an ideological discount when pushing their national platform. If the media didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all. Never mind, answered my own question.

  12. @Craig

    Not exercising the power to recall a politician that is pissing you off is no different than not exercising one of your rights under the constitution.

    Lets all be real PC so we don’t offend anyone instead of exercising our 1A rights.

    Lets not own scary guns because it might offend someone.

    Don’t exercise the right to vote, because you might vote out someone that doesn’t represent your views, and that could anger the Democrats.

    Talk about a “slippery slope” – let’s all not exercise our rights so we can keep them!

    With props to Ralph – just expanding on your theme.

  13. I find this woman despicable. Anyone who callously bullies a rape victim for any reason in a public venue like this woman did deserves a special place in hell.

  14. Hudak was in the news last week because she was goofing off on her iPad during a committee hearing about the horrible performance of the parole division at our DOC. Ten citizens have been murdered by parolees in CO, including the head of the DOC, Tom Clements, earlier this year! She does not take her job seriously. Most of her constituents would be fired for goofing off in company meetings–she should be no different. She showed a tremendous amount of disrespect to the citizens of CO and to those murdered by parolees with her immature behavior in a committee meeting. When confronted, she did not apologize and instead presented excuses.

  15. If they lose on this one, the gun control folks will be all over it about how the “gun lobby” lost this time. Also, I don’t think the argument is that to keep the recall power, one should not use it, it’s that one should not use it excessively. If a politician is doing things you don’t like, you can vote them out next election.

  16. Unfortunately, getting rid of the politicians who wrote these bills is only half the problem. You must now amend or write new legislation to make their efforts mute (worthless). You must also stop these midnight sessions where laws are passed behind the peoples back!

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