pincus daddy has a gun
Courtesy Amazon
My Daddy has a gun pincus
Courtesy Amazon

Lots of parents look for help in introducing their children to firearms. They want an interesting, engaging way that emphasizes both the fun and the responsibility of being around and using guns. With more than 400 million of them in America, firearms are a part of our world. Responsible adults will teach their children how to be safe around guns while instilling the idea that they can be both fun and useful.

With that in mind, firearms trainer Rob Pincus has just published his ninth book and his first for children; My Daddy Has a Gun…and My Mom Does Too.

As Pincus told TTAG . . .

It is written in the voice of a grade school child who goes through how a couple dozen people in her life use have and use guns without negative outcomes. The grandfather hunts and feeds the family. The aunt shoots trap. The mom carries for protection, etc.

From the book’s intro . . .

Whether you are a firearms owner or not, all parents have a responsibility to educate their children and prepare them for the world we live in. Firearms are a part of our world. In the United States, over 120 Million responsible firearms owners and armed professionals safely possess firearms. Pistols, rifles and shotguns are a constant part of our lives, even if you are not a shooter. Our neighbors, family members, police officers, security guards and firearms industry professionals use firearms for recreation, sport, hunting, defense and various other activities all around us every day without negative impact on anyone.

Unfortunately, these realities are sometimes obscured by tragic events involving guns. These tragedies include heinous crimes, spree killings and accidents. Too often, these events are sensationalized by those who do not understand firearms, firearms owners or our Second Amendment Rights. They are also used to further anti-gun political agendas. The negative outcomes of firearms ownership are tragic. The more educated and responsible we are about firearms, the fewer tragedies there will be.

I have dedicated my adult life to educating those who would own or work with firearms for defensive purposes. I have spent thousands of hours trying to influence and educate the firearms community to be more responsible in the exercise of our rights. I believe strongly that first and most important step in meeting our responsibilities is education. I have long lamented the lack of firearms safety education in our public school systems. We educate kids about drug abuse, unprotected sex and countless other dangerous things. Firearms can be dangerous, particularly in the hands of uneducated children. Firearms are not inherently evil, nor are they magic talismans against evil. They are inanimate tools, subject to the uses (or misuses) human beings will put them too.

The vast majority of firearms uses in our society are positive. This book is meant to be a starting point for families to discuss this reality. Whether you consider yourself ā€œpro-gunā€ or ā€œpro-gun controlā€, Ā you have a responsibility as a parent to educate your children honestly about guns. The ubiquity of guns in our country makes education a necessity. It is my hope that this book inspires families to be safer, that it will reduce negative outcomes with firearms and that it might spark new interests in regard to responsible firearms use and ownership in our country.

I have been asked many times over the years how old I think a child should be before they are taught to shoot or educated in gun safety. It is an impossible question for me to answer in absolutes. You, as a parent, must make that decision. I do implore you to take appropriate steps to ensure that your guns are not accessible by children without supervision until they are intellectually and physically capable to using them safely and emotionally mature enough to understand and respect the risks involved. This is the greatest responsibility you have as a gun owning parent.

If you know a gun owner with small children, this could be the perfect way to introduce them to firearms, keep them safe, and teach them the positive, fun side of firearm ownership.


    • It is possibly that I’m just using this to gain the attention of attractive single moms… But, even if that were true, maybe you should just focus on the positive aspects of education and awareness that may accidentally come from my incredibly self-serving act? šŸ˜‰

      • Best response ever. But on to something WAY more important than his allegations , like how did you find an emoji that has the same haircut that you have?

  1. My mother never touched a gun until she was in her late 60s. Went to the range once, decided it wasn’t for her, and said she’ll never touch a gun again.

    My father grew up in the South with guns and amassed a collection during the first 30 years of his life. Then he moved to Europe for a job transfer, decided to stay, became “Europeanized” and adopted a FUDD stance where the only thing anyone could ever need is a shotgun or a deer rifle. Private citizens should never carry, and never own AR-15s, because those behaviors contribute to the evils in the world. He eventually renounced his citizenship and gave me all his guns that had remained behind in the U.S.

    I, on the other hand, broke ranks to be like my grandfather, and his father and grandfather before him. True Americans who own, shoot, carry, and train. And yes, I love my guns and will teach my grandchildren how to shoot to carry on the family legacy.

      • True story. When I myself went over to the UK to visit him for a spell, my eyes were opened to the vastly different views our two countries have on private gun ownership. They literally think all Americans wear cowboy hats and walk around with six-shooters on their hips.

        Well, they sure did when I visited Tombstone, AZ anyway. Not so much in SoCal.

        • How long ago was that, I have travelled to England, among several other European countries, and lived in the Middle East for many years. Not once did I get the general assumption or stereotype that all Americans were cowboys. Thatā€™s a broad generalization you presented. We each have our own experiences but with the amount of travel Iā€™ve done if it was as you presented I likely would have encountered it somewhere to some degree worth making that claim. Occasionally in a country I might get 1-2 people making stereotypes/asking such questions, but not so broadly.

        • Really? I was in Tombstone last month. The only people I saw with guns strapped on where the actors doing reenactments of old west gunfights. Otherwise just a few tourists walking around.

        • Kahlil,

          You’re correct that we all have our own experiences, so I can only attest to what I myself saw and heard. When I was in London, the very first Brit I encountered after exiting the plane asked me if I owned six shooters. I hadn’t even picked up my luggage yet from the carousel. Then my father’s friends wanted to talk about guns and were fascinated, and told me their opinions about Americans. Then there was a bloke in one of the pubs I went to, who (upon hearing my American accent) asked me about a few topics, the most questions of which were about guns. The Brits seemed to be fascinated with the stereotype of the American Cowboy. That was my personal experience interacting with the Londoners I met.

          As for Tombstone, yes there were reenactors for sure, but the town also had a few “normally dressed” residents with sidearms strapped. What I thought curious/amusing was how much Tombstoners detested the “hippies” of the town of Bisbee, only twenty miles south.

          BTW, the Border Patrol agents at the small checkpoint located just north of Tombstone were real jerks with some real bad attitudes. Avoid that area if you don’t want to be detained for politely declining to let them search your vehicle without probable cause. They don’t like being reminded of their boundaries.

        • Iā€™m in London and Europe several times a year, and do business with people all over the world. Iā€™ve found folks to be friendly and mildly curious about American culture but have never been asked about guns or whether Iā€™m a ā€œgun totin cowboy,ā€ despite my rather obvious Southern accent and willingness to discuss. I get more of that sort of thing when in LA or NYC.

  2. This guy is a Fudd traitor and scum. Search Instagram for Rob Penis. Plenty of memes about him throughout world history telling people they’re just criminals. He calls all sanctuary and will not comply people criminals. He says discussing gun control propagandist strategies is whining. He blocks people who question his bs and he trolls posts critical of him and blocks people commenting. He openly is against half the pro-2A articles on TTAG. You shouldn’t be promoting him.

      • Lol nah but some of us who weren’t really familiar with his history beyond appearing to try to hold the NRA accountable were surprised at how big a fudd he is. I find it strange that people who obviously support the struggle in Virginia and elsewhere regarding the infringement of our rights support folks who are very much not on the same page. Seems self-defeating.

        • I had no idea about all this. This is part of why Iā€™m here, to learn. I do agree with the message as presented in this article though.

      • Some years ago he rally put his foot in his mouth over hunting with AR pattern rifles. There was a huge backlash and Pincus eventually had to walk back his comments. Ted Nugent took him hunting with an AR as some kind of redemptive baptism. But apparently it didn’t take and he is still a complete Fudd.

        • Seriously, that ā€œhunting with AR Patternsā€ thing was Jim Zumbo, not me šŸ¤£šŸ˜†. You kids in the internet can be amazingly sure of your #fakenews šŸ™„.
 has all my positions clearly articulated

    • ā€œSearch Instagram for Rob Penis.ā€

      I high suggest that no one does that. I mean, unless your into that kind of thing.

  3. I rented the movie. It was most definitely not a childrenā€™s film. When grandma pulled out her gun I had to turn it off.

  4. Well, if it’s written at the grade school level, we need to send a copy to every one of the Demanding Moms. Finally, a presentation of the issues written at an intellectual level they can actually get a grip on.

  5. My son first knew of guns at one when he would climb on to my lap to watch R Lee Emery’s Lock N Load. He loved the sound of the gunfire and explosions. At two he knew I owned guns. At three he started going to the range with me, and never caused any problems. A few years later he saw it as his responsibility to teach other children the range safety rules, which their parents thanked me for. He has been trained in every part of shooting with the exception of actual live firing, but is coming up the age when he can legally start.

  6. I’m pretty “meh” about Pincus. Liking his concealed carry thing got me an endless stream of E-mail spam. Yes he’s a fudd too. Hard pass…

    • We need to discuss your definition of “FUDD”… ?

      It seems as though the once well defined term is now simply used inside the gun community to denigrate anyone else in the gun community who is not a millennial and holds any opinion that the commenter disagrees with.

      I await your articulate and concise definition so that we may discuss further…

  7. The gun owners who have no children and aren’t married are totally clueless when it comes to the importance of firearms education and children.
    Up until the early 1970s nearly every public high school had rifle teams and or some kind of pro 2A education.

    Now because of the Socialist Progressive agenda our education system has been purposely de-educated on gun civil rights.

    The only long term solution is to get rifle teams back into the schools. And clay target shooting as well.

    Getting progun books into children’s Libraries is a great start.

    While in college I might a school principal who was a gun guy. He made sure books about guns were available for the students to read.

    I will check to see if I can donate a book locally.

    Those gun coloring books that some on TTAG hated on a couple of years ago, are great for second and third graders.

    Or why not for a high school art class? It’s 2020 now. Not 1950.

  8. What’s with all the Pincus-haters on here? Give the guy a break. He wrote a book aimed at educating children about firearms. Who else does that?!

  9. I donā€™t know what Mr. Pincus has done to aggravate a fair number of you but heā€™s a gun guy and Iā€™m sure we all align 80%-90% of the time. Iā€™d suggest we keep our powder dry, and the Internet vitriol, for those we have far less in common with starting with Northam, Newsom, Murphy, Cuomo and the like.

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