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From Ruger:

The all new, striker-fired Ruger® LC9s™ features a short, light, crisp trigger pull for faster shooting and improved accuracy. The LC9s™ provides slim, lightweight and compact personal protection with a blued, alloy steel slide, a high-performance, glass-filled nylon grip frame, aggressive checkering and an easily acquired 3-dot sight system. The LC9s™ uses all LC9® accessories and holsters and is just slightly larger (less than 1″ taller and 1″ longer) than the popular and incredibly compact LCP® . . .

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  1. Possibly the new ultimate carry pistol. There wasn’t much wrong with the lc9 as it was and now they fixed one of its two problems. (bad trigger). Dump the magazine disconnect and there would be nothing I would change about it.

    • The LC9 is awesome, and is my wife’s EDC firearm, but to be the ultimate carry pistol it would have to have second strike capability. I figure with a pocket pistol like that, any encounter is going to be at extremely close range, even by DGU standards. There’d be almost no opportunity to clear the chamber and recharge if necessary.

      Keep it clean, grip it properly and use quality ammo, and it won’t be a problem, anyway; but since we’re measuring for perfection and perhaps Ruger reads TTAG, I thought I’d throw it out there.

      • “grip it properly and use quality ammo”
        Psshhh. I was able to shoot one as it was being broken in and I intentionally limp wrested it like I was afraid to hold it. 50 rounds later and no problems. Oh and the ammo was some cheap mediocre reloads.

        • Same here. I was shooting with weak hand two finger grip (thumb, trigger finger). Upside down. Whatever. I couldn’t make it malfunction. Ejection was really positive too.

          If it had had a better trigger, and if I was a better pistolero, I would have kept it. The reset, or lack of it really just bugged the crap out of me, and I’m a hammer fired gun kind of guy.

          Anyway, it’s cool they are coming out with this. I’m sure it will be popular.

        • That’s probably a good practice to push a weapon to discover its limits. Doesn’t surprise me that Ruger holds up well under suboptimal conditions.

          Still, as a practical matter of day-to-day, life or death reliability, I wouldn’t recommend leading off base so far like that. In a DGU, you’re inherently on the defensive, short on several advantages and already implicitly counting on some breaks going your way. Wouldn’t want to press my luck.

      • This is definitely a case of different strokes for different folks. I owned an LC9 a couple of years ago and absolutely hated it. Besides the crappy double action pull and annoying magazine disconnect safety, I couldn’t shoot it worth a damn. It would take me a magazine or so just to get on target. Plus, it felt like I was lighting a firecracker off in my hand every time I pulled the trigger.

        It has nothing to do with size and weight. I don’t mind my 9mm XDS, Liked my Sig Sauer 938. No issues with my Kimber Ultra Carry in .45. Just did not like the feel of that damn LC9. A striker fired version simply adds one more entry to the list of guns I have no interest in.

    • You could probably modify the mag disconnect if you have a problem with it.
      Might void the ruger warranty, and I wouldn’t call it a safe idea, but who knows.

      • It cost me $20 to have the mag disconnect removed. Also there are videos on You Tube on how to do it yourself.

      • All depends on whether you’re more likely to be shot by a criminal attacker or by a negligent/accidental discharge. Just don’t get your windbreaker draw string caught in the trigger guard when you’re holstering.

        • I think it’s a cop thing. They usually have something like FBI or NYPD in large yellow letters on the back. A while back there was a story here about a truly ‘accidental’ discharge where a cop got the drawstring caught when he holstered it. When he tugged on the windbreaker he shot himself in the leg.

          Anyway, most people who carry seem to be much more aware of the threat of an encounter with a violent criminal than they are about the million potential brain farts that could leave them with a serious limp. IMHO a safety should not be a problem in a DGU if you practice disengaging them on your draw, and they may prevent a negligent discharge or even prevent a criminal who gets a hold of your gun from shooting you. And God forbid a child gets a hold of your firearm… Smart people do stupid things all the time. If you become complacent bad things are bound to happen.

    • I had an original LC9. It was good overall. Liked the size of it. Did not like the trigger, or manual safety. I’m not opposed to a mag disconnect on a carry gun. Matter of fact I think it has merit. All things considered, it was reliable, easy to carry and worked as advertised.

      Anyway, now with the Shield coming sans safety, I would list that as my personal top pick of the type, but I certainly wouldn’t poo poo anyone picking the LC9.

      If the striker and trigger is decent, all the better. I want to try one.

      I can say I’ve been pretty well happy with every Ruger I’ve got. Favorite being a 6 inch Security Six in .357 Magnum. But that’s a little big for around town. 🙂

      • It takes 5 minutes to remove! Very easy gun to tear apart after you know the gun and little secrets. Watch the videos on youtube if you want to learn more.

    • Yesterday I upgraded my Ruger LC9 to the Ruger LC9S. Huge improvement on the trigger pull and overall shoot ability. Unfortunately I lost the reliability and the ease of take down of the LC9.

      I now have to carry the included orange plastic magazine slug to field strip. Also, I have to carry a paper clip to remove the rake down pin. I could shake the pin out of the LC9 or use the trigger lock key. No more trigger lock key for the LC9S.

      During take down, the slide guide bar drops under the end coil of the slide guide bar spring. I have to manually depress the spring to place it behind the guide bar end cap. This will allow it to reassemble but can still be out of battery if it is not exactly in the center of the spring. The guide bar end cap will hang on the slide when the slide tries to return to ready to fire position after firing or being racked. Very unreliable.

      • The return spring guide problem Ruger is aware of, and if you call them they will send you a
        replacement updated guide and spring.
        The Orange mag is not necessary to field strip the weapon. Just empty the weapon insert the real magazine
        and pull the trigger. And I do not have to use a paper clip to take the pin out on my LC9s. This is a myth
        brought about by people who do not understand the weapon.

    • Whenever I hear or read a review of Ruger semi’s I always hear how people hate the mag disconnect. Can someone please tell me what the big deal is? I honestly don’t understand why it is so almost universally hated. Just put the darn mag in.

      • BTW, I have an SR9 and and LCR in .38sp. I absolutely love my Rugers and have not had a single issue with either of them.

      • Re the Mag disconnect. If the bad guy is stronger than you, Gets on your six, gets the gun, you can “Fall Down” grab your back up while the bad guy is trying to fire your LC9s. Works for me. I feel like a person who is
        familiar with their weapon can tell when they get their hand on it whether or not the mag is seated. Me, when
        I drop into the Weaver stance, My left hand slaps the butt of the weapon thereby seating the mag.

      • The magazine disconnect does not allow a weapon to discharge if the magazine is out. When a police officer has to use a weapon it is taught to always count the number of rounds fired so you are not surprised when the magazine runs empty and the slide locks back. If there is a lull and only one round remaining in the magazine a fresh magazine can be inserted. However, if a threat appears the officer cannot fire with the magazine out. Magazines do fail. If an officer loses or has a defective magazine they still have some capability of using the weapon. Fortunately, I had one range officer that always trained for the worst case scenario. Safeties are another item that has resulted in a lot of officers being injured or killed. That is why most police duty weapons do not have safeties.

  2. I really like my LCP. It’s of course not a great range gun, but it is light, fairly accurate, and works with whatever ammo I throw at it. I might check this out when it hits the stores.

  3. Yep lots of small 9’s to choose from. Freedom of choice is good. Any pricing information?

  4. Either dump the manual safety or make it ambi. Aside from the inconvenience for southpaws, it makes sense to make a small gun obviously ideal for bug purposes applicable for both hands

    • it makes sense to make a small gun obviously ideal for bug purposes applicable for both hands

      Yeah, right. You really trying to convince us you’re good enough to shoot bugs with a compact 9? With both hands?

  5. Put this on the LC380 (which I bought for my wife for EDC), and I wouldn’t be looking for a Glock 42 to replace it with. That trigger… holy long pull and crappy reset, Batman.

  6. I remember when Ruger made semi autos I wanted to buy…

    For conceal I’ll stick to my Millennium Pro G2.

    • I remember when Ruger made semi autos I could buy. Those days are long gone because I am a slave to taxifornia.

  7. My ultimate carry gun might be a Glock “43” – basically the 9mm version of the 42 that Glock should have made all along. Barring that, it’ll be this Ruger or an M&P Shield. Competition amongst gun manufacturers means that the buyers win – as long as the anti-gun politicians don’t screw things up too much.

    And with their glowing reviews of the Remington R51, the dead tree gun mags have proven that they can’t be trusted. I look forward to TTAG’s review – although the trigger in the photo looks weird to me.

    • I can’t say the Shield is a better gun, it might very well be. I bought one a couple of weeks ago. On the plus side: Comes with 2 mags, one 7 round, one 8 round. Very dependable. I keep hearing reports of hundreds of rounds being run through the gun with no problems. This is a BIG plus! One the minus side: Stiff slide. Will be difficult to rack without mag in place for some folks.(I called S&W, they did say the slide was stiff). If you buy one, make sure you can engage the slide stop without the mag in the gun.
      If I had a chance to rate this gun, I would give it 4 1/2 stars. The stiff slide keeps it from being a 5 star.

      • The stiff slide gets easier after a couple hundred rounds, and making sure the recoil spring is properly seated is vital, and I don’t mean being parallel to the barrel You have to make sure it’s all the way down against the barrel as well. There’s a picture in the manual of how it’s supposed to sit. If it doesn’t look like that, it’s going to be terrible to rack.

    • No love for the XDs? Yes, it’s more expensive, but seems to have better appointments and gets rave reviews, aside from the initially stiff trigger (which loosens over time). It’s on my short list, anyway.

      As for this from Ruger, meh. Still down to the Shield or XDs for my CCW decision.

  8. Just checked specs, and I think I’ll keep my Beretta Nano as my “single stack Glock 9” equivalent. The Nano is 6+1, this is 7+1, but the Nano is a bit smaller in length and height, no mag or other external safety. Great shooter.

  9. it is always a bad plan to modify any safety feature on a gun that might be used as evidence in court. the other side will trumpet this as evidence the you have a callous disregard for safety, and that the gun went off by accident and you made up the story you told in court.

    • Almost worse – you could have a nice bright shiny IGOTD trophy to display with wounded (perhaps multiple times) pride if your safety mod turns your gun into one of those possessed ones that “just went off.”

  10. I am a fan of thumb safeties. My Ruger SR40C has one, and it’s easy to flip off. The magazine disconnect on my 40C can be so easily removed it makes you wonder why they put it there. The glock crowd don’t enjoy any other safeties on their pistols; I don’t think this was aimed at them.

    I have been looking at adding a SR9C to my collection, but this might foot the bill. I wasn’t a fan of the long trigger of the previous one, and I shoot revolvers. The 9C is identical in size and weight to the 40C, so if I was going to go 9mm, I wanted to go smaller.

    • I don’t mind a thumb safety if it’s big and positive. I have one on an M&P and on numerous H&K, 1911s.

      The ones on the Shield and the LC9 were just little nubs. I figure if you’re going to put one on there, give me some real estate for my thumb. Otherwise, it seems like a liability to me. That’s why I don’t like it on those models.

      Just personal opinion.

      • I understand. The 1911 has a nice wide and positive thumb switch. My SR40C is smaller, but easy for me to toggle with a positive click. Everyone’s hands are different, but mine is good with that. I won’t buy a gun with an external safety without handling it first.

      • FoRealz
        Does the slide on your Shield seem stiff to you. It does on mine. I been squeezing a rubber ball to increase my grip. It’s a bitch to engage the slide stop without the mag in.

        • Not particularly so. I put about 700 rounds through it so far so it feels pretty good.

      • The LC9 is double action, like a wheel gun. No thumb safety required. LC9s being striker fired
        needs a safety. The little thingy on the trigger is useless if the trigger is snagged on something.

  11. Hey look, another gun that I will never be able to own in CA! Since I won’t turn 21 until 4 months after the single shot exemption procedure becomes illegal.

      • 2 years. Then I’ll be graduating with my mechanical engineering degree and relocating to Texas. I’m already saving money for my gun purchases when I get there.

        • Our oil fields welcome you. Or whatever you plan to do down here, but that just seems like the logical conclusion. Anywho, please visit one of our many gun shows, and bring cash. You get a 3% discount from most dealers if you don’t make them break out a credit card machine.

        • Hey, a lot of our ranges will rent you your favorite gun so you can try it out before you buy one! And the best among them don’t EVER clean the rental guns, either, so you can see real world reliability.

        • Smart move, C.A. Ben. I do not travel in states that are not gun friendly, might have to buy lunch or gas
          and pay them taxes. Thus supporting gun control.

  12. The trigger is about 30% shorter but the reset is fairly long… almost 3/4 of the travel back to its at rest position. The loaded chamber indicator is no longer a pop up red flag but it still has the tiny safety on the slide and the magazine disconnect.

    I’m in the market for a single stack 9mm in this size… and I’m a Ruger fan but I still think I’m going to get the M&P Shield which is almost identical in size… has a better trigger… and you can get one without the external safety.

    • Probably not. This gun is larger than the original LC9 in both length and height. You’d have to replace the entire thing which basically means time to get a new gun.

      • “The LC9s™ uses all LC9® accessories and holsters and is just slightly larger (less than 1″ taller and 1″ longer) than the popular and incredibly compact LCP® . . .”
        I read that as 1″ on the 380
        Just asking

      • @Jim Barret: Nope, the LC9 and LC9s are dimensionally the same. The comparison (less than 1″ taller and 1″ longer) than the popular and incredibly compact LCP® . . . is actually comparing the LC9s to the LCP.

    • The slide is differently internally, and the frame is modified for striker fire. There are differences in the
      barrel also. I tried to install the .380 barrel of my LC380 in my new LC9s and no go. Hopefully, Ruger
      will bring out an LC380s for the ladies.

  13. I have been using a Ruger SR9 as my primary work pistol for several years now, I am very happy with it as it has fired every single round of varying ammunition with no problem-with the exception of a single squib at around the 400 round mark, which at the time I accepted as ammo failure(duds kind of let you know). I have thought of the SR9c as a backup but was hoping for a single stack from Ruger. The LC9 came along, yet I was not thrilled with the trigger, however I am stoked about the possibilities presented by this new striker model. I shall however wait for real world testing as I DO NOT trust the gun rags.

  14. I like my lc9 and carry it daily. I’ll admit the trigger is atrocious but with practice it is manageable. As far as the mag disconnect is concerned, it’s easy to modify if you feel so inclined, but there are certain legal concerns to consider in doing so. I think the striker fire is an excellent upgrade, but the main complaints people have with the lc9 aren’t as big of a deal as theyre made out to be.

  15. Been carrying the LC9 everyday for a year straight. Not too many options out there for a subcompact 9 with a thumb safety. I tried them all, the Ruger was the one for me. I like the gun, but man does that trigger take some practice to get used to. Now I have to dig up a spare $400 bucks, because this is what I wanted all along and it finally exists!

    • Ditto. The trigger takes time to master, but it is a pretty accurate pistol for it’s size. Even with my bad eyes, in slow fire I can usually put the whole magazine (minus maybe one flier) in a 1.5 inch group at 7 yards (21 feet). Rapid fire, not so much, but I can dump the whole mag in the torso area at that range, and that is farther away than I would I would likely ever have to use it for self defense.

      For the only reason that the Shield might be a more fun range gun, and I might practice more with it, I was about to buy a Shield without the safety until i saw this article. Now I will wait see if the LC9s range reports are good, because I would love to keep the holster I spent $95 (with options) on for it, which is a Garret Industries Silent Thunder Fusion. Hands down best IWB holster there is, IMO. It has a three layer sandwich backing instead of just cowhide or horsehide like the others: grippy suede against your body to minimize movement, then neoprene middle layer which is more waterproof/sweat-proof than leather while being soft and cushion-like, and then another thin leather layer next to the gun. Unlike most of the ten or so other brands of IWB that are kydex riveted to leather, (crossbreed, etc) the Garrett plastic sheath is stitched to the backing so the retention can’t suddenly fail if a rivet pops. Plus, the backing flexes on one side, but not the grip side of the gun, where the hard plastic goes all the way to the edge of the backing, which means when you tighten your belt it doesn’t just pull the whole gun closer to you, it forces the grip angle closer to your body, which is the part that prints the most on any gun. Conceals better than any other IWB I have tried. And the design holds solidly enough I can turn the holster upside down and shake moderately and the LC9 stays in, so I have no worry about it when running, jumping while carrying. With it’s leather-lined plastic (thicker than most kydex) sheath that hugs the whole pistol, it allows a SILENT slow draw (hence the name), no jerk-to-draw required like some kydex competitors. I love the holster/gun combo, and like the fact that I can now keep the holster while getting what might be a better version of the LC9.

    • I’m with you on the hammer thing, even though I recently bought a shield. The reason I didn’t buy a 1911 style pistol is because I would want to carry it “cocked and locked” which means there’s something else you gotta do in an emergency.
      I have a nice Bersa 22 that is double/single action, and I looked at their 380 model, not much bigger than the 22, BUT, it’s 380, not 9MM. If it had been a 9, would have bought it in a heartbeat.

      • Personally I like safeties, although yes, it does require another motion to disengage during a DGU. I tried several smaller EDCs but for a long time kept coming back to my Beretta 92fs. I know some people hate the slide mounted safety, but once you’re used to it it’s no big deal and it’s out of the way when you want it to be. The 1911s are pleasant guns to shoot, but the frame mounted safeties need to be held down with your thumb to avoid engaging them under recoil. That said, the biggest issue I have with the Beretta or the 1911s (which I have never actually owned or carried) for EDC is that the beavertail jabs you in the side when you’re sitting.

        Anyway in the meantime I picked up a Ruger Blackhawk .44mag anniversary model. I thought the recoil would take some getting used to, but after a half dozen cylinders I was shooting much tighter groups than I did with the Beretta (which is usually considered pretty accurate for an auto). So I ended up buying a GP100 Wiley Clapp for EDC. The curved profile never jabs you and even with the 3″ barrel I think I’ve extended my range of engagement by at least 50%. A little more practice and I think a 100 yard torso shot would be just about a sure thing. The tradeoff is the 6 round capacity, but in real the world self defense shootings rarely require more than 6 rounds of .357. DA for quick and close encounters, SA for well aimed shots. When the SHTF there’s nothing like dropping the hammer on a BFR.

        • Thanks for the comeback,
          I like revolvers a lot myself, although the extra width of the cylinder drove me to the autoloader at times. I have a lightweight Titanium Taurus 38 special, at around 15 oz. No safety’s to hassle with, and about a 2 lb. trigger pull when I have time to cock it.
          I am custom making a “paddle” for a holster (OWB) that has an opening so that some of the left half of the cylinder will rest a little on the inside of the holster. This will make for a smaller “bulge” under the shirt.
          If it works out, it will probably be my carry weapon, although the downside is only having 5 rounds at my immediate disposal.

        • I know a lot of people like the consistent trigger pull of the striker pistols, but I prefer the DA/SA setup myself, either in a revolver or a semi-auto. DA isn’t very useful past 10 or 15 yards (unless you’re Jerry Miculek) but the SA triggers are far better than any ‘safe action’ trigger. I also prefer to have either a safety or a 9 pound DA pull, although having both on the Beretta never bothered me. One thing, the revolver DA pulls are generally a lot smoother than semi-autos. I don’t have any experience with a true snubby, but you can’t beat 15 ounces AND a 2 pound trigger pull. The GP weighs in at about 40 ounces loaded, about the same as the Beretta, but it’s more comfortable to carry. Either way you need a baggy shirt.

      • Don’t like the mag disconnect, safety, or loaded chamber indicator… take em out… I did. The only thing I still dislike about my LC9 is the trigger, but it’s good enough for up close and personal.

  16. I like ruger but their newer firearms don’t do it for me (except the sr22). Wish they still made the p series. I also wish S&W still made their 3rd gen pistols.

    • I’d be surprised if you don’t see the P series back in production in the next couple of years. A few years ago they shut down the Mini-14 to retool and come back better than ever. I’m guessing they’ve already got the new and improved P model all drawn up on the CAD.

  17. Looks like I’m going to have to upgrade my lc9.

    What I’m really waiting on is the sr45c. When ruger announces that I’ll be quite happy

  18. Good, I HATED the lc9 trigger. Even so , I like Ruger in general but I’ve been drinking the Glock Kool-Aid for too long to consider buying one.

    Love my 40 year old Single Six, though

    • Really? I had a single-six about 40 years ago, never could hit anything with it, either .22 or .22 Mag. Sold it and never looked back. It was easier to hit something with my Colt Python and full boat .357 Magnum ammo, even though the barrel was 1 inch shorter.

  19. No desire for a magazine disconnect or a safety. I understand others like those features but it’s not for me. Still happy with my Kahr pm9!

  20. Had an LC9 a while back but got rid of it because of the crappy trigger. The magazine disconnect was pretty easy to remove. If you need to send it in for warranty repair just pop the mag disconnect back in.

    May need to take a look at this new model….

  21. I may be an anomaly, but this whole “thin concealed carry” gun thing is befuddling me. I bought a shield thinking it would cure what ailed me, whatever that was, but truth be told, when worn IWB it’s not THAT much more concealable than a compact or subcompact double stack, and more prone to bad trigger manipulation, at least by me.

    Using the universal standard for striker pistols, I can’t see what this gets me over a G26 or G19. That’s more a comment about this market segment then this pistol in general.

    I bought the wife an LC380, which she hated, and I hated. It transmuted into an LCP, which I hate shooting, but carry when I absolutely have to. The long trigger and the double click reset is kind of lame.

    Both my LCP and my former LC380 did not like the Atlanta Arms 380 reloads. The LC380 would get double feeds, causing a live round to stovepipe and the LCP will sometimes have issues returning to battery. That’s an ammo problem, admittedly, but it’d be nice if it devoured the cheap stuff.

    Crap, I’m due a practice session with the LCP in the not too distant future.

    • Pistols like my new LC9S are so thin and lite they easily disappear in pants pocket that would print with a double stack. I have a LC9s minus the mag disconnect and a S&W MP 9C and I use both guns for different situations. The S&W MP 9C is far more comfortable to shoot and carries almost twice as much ammo, it is far heavier and a lot wider than the Ruger. So I suggest you do as I and get one of each. I just ordered Tritium fibre optic night sights for my Ruger, the same that I have on my S&W. The S&W is a tac driver by the way, far better shooter than any Glock I’ve ever shot.

  22. If ruger made this and the SR9 without thumb safeties, I would buy them all day long. How expensive can it really be to offer us an option? S&W offers models with and without and they don’t seem to be hemorrhaging cash.

    • Stock went down but not because of this. They’re down 8.03% (as of today) because they reported disappointing earnings.

  23. No one has seen the other side of the LC9s. I wouldn’t put it past Ruger to have a manual safety & a trigger safety but at the same time no photos exist showing both.

    • There are several nice, clear photos showing all the features of the LC9s on Ruger’s website, from several angles. There’s also an exploded view diagram showing every piece of the gun. I don’t think anyone is trying to cover up the fact that it has a thumb safety.

    • Strange, my LC9s has a thumb safety and trigger safety. Where did you buy yours.
      As far as safeties go, it all boils down to one thing, KNOW YOUR WEAPON, YOUR LIFE

  24. Funny, that, because I was just about to pick up an LC9 at a gun show this weekend. I can wait a while longer, though.

  25. All this talk about safeties makes me wonder why more gun makers don’t build pistols with the same manual-of-arms as the CZ-82/83. It’s DA/SA, but also has a thumb safety. The trick is, you can’t engage the safety unless the hammer is cocked. So if you prefer the DA/SA mode, you carry with the hammer down on a round, and don’t have to worry about the safety being accidentally clicked on – it can’t be. If you’re a cocked-and-locked guy, you have that option, just cock the hammer and flick on the safety. It seems like the best of both worlds to me.

  26. I’m w/Chris Johnson. You can’t beat a Millenium G2. LC9s max capacity is 8, Shield is 9 & even G26 only has 11. The Taurus G2 is 13. If you’re going to buy a Ruger for CC, get an LCR. Ruger revolvers don’t have any of the bullshit liability safety features that their pistols do & are 100% reliable.

  27. I was thinking of getting one until they mentioned the External Safety. But I was still considering it until they mentioned Magazine Safety.

    I hope they come out with a version that doesn’t have either because I have always liked the ergonomics of the LC9.

  28. Well, I took the plunge! Called my favorite gun shop Thursday (7-31) afternoon to see about ordering one and was told that they had just received one. Bright and early Friday morning I went out and picked it up.
    They had the LC9s priced at $360.00 and they took my old LC9 in on trade.
    Like most here, there were many features that I liked about the old model (size/weight/concealability) but I just never could get used to that long trigger pull. The new LC9s is a vast improvement! Length of trigger pull is about half, very smooth and just a hair over 5 lbs. There is about a quarter inch (maybe a bit less) of take up and an equal amount of of engagement and reset. Break is very crisp as is the reset, and the feel is very similar to what you find with the Springfield XD’s. I can’t wait to get it to the range!

  29. I had an LC9. That is I had one for one range trip. I hit the paper twice out of nine rounds at 25′. I can produce 2″ groups with my Shield or XDS or Glock 26. Yes it had a crap trigger but there was also something wrong with that gun. I didn’t care to find out what. I just got rid of it! Ruger is usually good but I hated this pistol more than any gun I have ever handled. May the new ones be better.

    • 25′ is asking a lot from a mini double action only pocket pistol and takes time and practice for the shooter to get used to the trigger to prevent pulling the muzzle down with each shot and that is why I don’t really like double action only guns. I used to have a Sig P250 in .40S&W and with every trigger pull I pulled the muzzle down a mm or so and that was enough to hit the bottom of the paper target at 7yards. On double action only pistols you have to slowly press the trigger back while keeping the sights centered until the gun goes bang to hit the bullseye making accurate rapid follow up shots all but impossible at least for my feeble skills. The key to what I’m saying is that the gun is extremely accurate, the person pulling the trigger and hanging on is the issue.

  30. I got my LC9S on Tuesday 7/29/14 at Az Firearms and Collectibles in Tempe Arizona for $366.00 and purchased an extra magazine. Yesterday I painted and baked my slide and barrel so they won’t rust in my sweaty pockets and I removed the magazine disconnect safety. I had to cut the safety plate otherwise I would’ve had to remove the trigger to get it off because the new trigger is a lot larger than that on the standard LC9. The new LC9s is far easier to work on, tear down and put back together than the LC9. The trigger feels fantastic and now I can feel the reset just enough to practice and build muscle memory to get off rapid and efficient follow up shots. If you can master the subtle trigger reset on a S&W M&P pistol then you will quickly be able to master the reset on the LC9S as I have. I am going to spend some time examining the trigger system to see if there is a way to carve out a very small notch to give me a very tactile reset and to see of it is possible to shorten the reset and the over travel at all. With the trigger safety and the thumb safety I’m using my LC9s as an everyday pocket pistol that I use without a holster.

  31. I had the original. The only thing bad was the trigger. The mag disconnect is so they can sell in CA and is easy to remove. 2nd strike to me is a fallacy. If you get a dummy there is a chance the second hit will be too. The proper tap rack reload should always be used to put a fresh round to avoid the delay of the second failed strike. I would like to see it a couple oz lighter but then you have a recoil issue for some. This is the absolute too end in size and weight for Pocket carry. Anything bigger and heavier goes to holster. Many better choices for holster carry.

  32. Yesterday I upgraded my Ruger LC9 to the Ruger LC9S. Huge improvement on the trigger pull and overall shoot ability. Unfortunately I lost the reliability and the ease of take down of the LC9.

    I now have to carry the included orange plastic magazine slug to field strip. Also, I have to carry a paper clip to remove the rake down pin. I could shake the pin out of the LC9 or use the trigger lock key. No more trigger lock key for the LC9S.

    During take down, the slide guide bar drops under the end coil of the slide guide bar spring. I have to manually depress the spring to place it behind the guide bar end cap. This will allow it to reassemble but can still be out of battery if it is not exactly n the center of the spring. The guide bar end cap will hang on the slide when the slide tries to return to ready to fire position after firing or being racked. Very unreliable.

    • The recoil spring issue is true with almost all semi auto pistols and once installed properly so the slide functions properly it will not cause a malfunction. I have yet to have any issues beyond rust on my LC9S. I recently installed Truglo TFO nightsights and that made a good CCW gun great. The TFO sights are bright in daylight and darkness of the night. I made a nice kydex pocket holster for it and purchased a spare 7rnd and a 10rnd magazine that get carried in separate pockets. I use Hornady Critical Duty 135gr 9MM +P for carry ammo and it eats this ammo up and is pretty accurate at ten yards. I love the feel of the grip and after you remove the magazine disconnect safety you can keep the orange mag plug as a safety device. Hickok45 called the orange Mag plug a New Jersey compliant magazine. Hahaha
      Enjoy your new gun and don’t worry too much about the recoil spring, it’s a non issue.

      • After posting my comments here I found a thread on another forum that alerts everyone that Ruger recognizes the problem and is offering free upgrades to an improved slide guide rod that is cone shaped at the end to ensure proper seating of the spring. It appears that Ruger agrees that this is a huge issue.

        • I phoned Ruger and talked to them. The problem mainly pops up when the guide rod is not centered properly when you assemble the gun and then ride the slide forward instead of letting the slide slam forward. Every time I experienced an issue with my slide not going into battery was when I rode the slide forward, absolutely no issues when I release the slide and let it slam forward and when I shoot it. Again it seems like a non issue but Ruger felt it was enough for the competition to target and label the gun as unreliable so they put out a fix, a new guide rod recoil spring. Since I live in Arizona the part arrived the very next day after my phone call and it does fix the issue when I ride the slide forward. It’s hard for me to ride the slide forward because all my years of training have driven out any thought of ever riding a pistol slide forward unless it’s for takedown.

  33. the lc9 trigger was HORRID….i bought one, 3 trips to the range…tried to luv it…hated it, sold it.

    striker fire is a great improvement….but they need to make same thing for the lc380, a lc380s=striker model.

  34. I just bought my new Ruger LC9s today. It came with the upgraded guide rod. The trigger is an amazing difference from my wife’s LC380. I agree they should now make a striker fired LC380, but they’d have to make it in purple so I could swap out my wife’s LC380. She probably wouldn’t even know I had swapped them out if it was the same color purple. What are the chances of a striker fired LCP? That would be interesting, even though that thing would still want to do a back flip out of my hand. I applaud Ruger for immediately recognizing there was a problem with the LC9s and fixing it for free for current owners. I am seriously considering getting rid of all of my Glocks, and I have been a Glock owner since the first Glock 17 came out in the 1980’s. I am thinking that after I get 1000 rounds down the pipe of my new LC9s that it will become my new EDC, as long as it remains trouble-free.

    • Data,
      I got an email from Ruger in reply to an email from me. I have the same problem. My wife wants
      my LC9s. Ruger says no LC.380s in the works, but you know Ruger, they are prone to spring
      surprises on us Rugerites. Send them an email, and tell your buddies to. Maybe they will hurry up
      and come up with an LC.380s. :<)

      • Thanks. I will email them. I don’t think the LC380 ever earned the credit it is due. I think it is the perfect handgun for a woman with weaker hands. My wife loves it because she has no problems at all racking the slide. For the same size as the Glock 42, it is less blocky and holds 1 more round. Plus it is a pleasure to shoot. It doesn’t punish you the way the LCP does.

  35. Think I got it now.
    The magazine lock is to keep a bad guy from grabbing your gun while he has you in a neck hold or whatever
    and shooting you. Pop the mag out, and he is useless while you “Fall Down” and grab your backup.
    I am 80 years old, and have no idea that I can outfight a bad guy. But old age and treachery will overcome
    youth and skill. Ruger makes a great handgun, Never had a bad one. except the LCP kicks my ass whenever
    I fire it. I love the LC9s.

  36. RUGER LC9S is JUNK. Made of Chinese steel. Milling on all the steel is sloppy. I bought the 9s about a month ago. 350 rounds later I can’t hit the side of a barn. The gun is coming apart, jamming rounds, fractures in the barrel muzzle, dowel assembly pins coming loose, slide separating from the frame, excessive wear on all supposedly hardened metal parts, plastic parts are stretching, mag doesn’t fit well. I like the size, feel and weight for a concealed carry but reliability makes it worthless. Ruger has secretly been having much of the steel for their cheaper guns made and milled in China like Stephens and Savage. For Ruger It started with their air guns as an experiment. Now it’s rampant throughout their cheap gun line. To me, anything that says that it’s made in Prescott is suspect.

    • Ruger is not the company it once was that is for sure. They do offer more of what people want in style, form and function but they are cheaper made and copy others success just like the Chinese. I can’t believe how they got away with copying keltec with the LCP so closely.

  37. I purchased a Ruger LCD9S today. The fit to my hand is ideal. I have learned the moving parts, taken it apart, and put it back together with only minimal difficulty, it is new, it is stiff and will loosen up some I think. I also have a Sig Sauer .380 and I like them both.

    • The only difficulty I have with re-assembly is quickly lining up the takedown pin. Seems like the pin should have a slight taper at one end. I have to wiggle the slide a little before it drops in. Otherwise, taking it down is a breeze if you have a pin punch or finishing nail handy.

  38. The LC9s is now my EDC during the summer but, as jacket weather approaches, I go back to the Sig or Glock.Then again,I may just get an OWB holster and stay with the LC9s! Keep em’ guessing!

  39. These comments are crazy. It is a pocket pistol people! We live in a world dominated by lawyers! Live in reality, and understand compromise is a large part of that. There is no “perfect”gun that fits all situations, but the LC series sure fits the bill for many. It is not my first choice either, but beats having a .380 or nothing at all!

  40. Personally, I like the magazine disconnect feature on a pistol and here’s a couple of my reasons why:

    1. Recently, a woman’s 4 year-old child gained access to the mother’s concealed carry pistol and accidentally shot himself in the leg. Apparently the mother, a concealed pistol license holder, left her loaded firearm in the car when she took her kids into a Kroeger grocery store in Troy, MI. When they came out, the kids got into the car as the mother loaded the groceries in the trunk. The 4 year-old was able to get the mother’s loaded, Glock 26 9MM pistol out of the glove compartment. The car had no lockable center console or glove compartment. I know the mother could have taken extra precautions such as locking the pistol in the trunk or in a locking case, but had she been able to remove the magazine to disable & safely store the gun, this very unfortunate incident, and many others like it, could have been avoided. Bottom line: there’s no real excuse for complacency with firearm safety, but the magazine safety disconnect feature is a very nice safe storage feature.

    2. This is a tactical reason; If I’m in a physical struggle with an attacker for control of my gun, in the course of the struggle I have the presence of mind to push the release button & shed the magazine. If my pistol is taken from me, the attacker can’t shoot me with my own gun; even with a round chambered.

    3. An extra margin of safety for unloading the pistol. With the magazine removed, the safety can be disengaged for the slide to be racked back to eject the chambered round without the possibility of a negligent discharge.

    I currently have the S&W 469 and 6904 series DA/SA 12+1 compact pistols with the magazine safety disconnect feature. While I CC these 9MMs IWB, sometimes I need a thinner & slimmer 9MM for occasional pocket carry. My current 9MM considerations are: Kahr PM9, Taurus PT 709 Slim, SCCY CPX-2, and the Ruger LC9s. I’ve settled on the diminutive Ruger for three reasons: the trigger, the 1911 style frame mounted safety, and the magazine safety disconnect.

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