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Ruger LC9 Carry: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Kat Ainsworth Stevens - comments 23 comments
Everyday Carry EDC Ruger LC9 N82 Tactical holster

The Ruger LC9 (this one carried in a N82 Tactical IWB holster) is a handgun with a certain following in the gun world. I actually see it appear quite a bit in women’s shooting groups on social media, almost always as a first gun. In fact, a friend of mine just bought his girlfriend one as her first gun.

The LC9 has a 7 +1 capacity and a 3.12-inch barrel. This is one of those guns that seems to fall into one of two camps: you love it or you hate it (or at least seriously dislike it). What do you think?


  1. I carried one in a pocket holster for several years. I could do a reasonable mag dump center mass. Now that I’m in NH, I carry a bigger pistol.

    • I’ve got these holsters for most of the EDC guns I own. Super comfortable, good retention, easily adjustable… really like them.

      I also have an LC9s Pro, and while it is a pretty good gun, I find it snappy and hard to shoot well compared to other comparably small 9mm pistols I own. Also don’t love the trigger, which has a weird break (thought I’d love it in the gun store; like it a lot less on the range). Pretty good gun for ankle carry however…

  2. LC9s has been my EDC gun for four years now. Just bought a SIG P365. We’ll see which one wins in the end.

  3. My wife and I both have LC9s, although I can’t seem to get my wife to carry hers with any regularity. I would probably carry a 938 instead but I like the idea of us both using the same gun.

    Ours both have a safety no mag disconnect. Rubberized talon grips fixed the only complaint I ever had (besides the mag disconnect).

  4. It’s on my list of guns I’ll probably own some day, I’m sort of a Ruger fan boy I guess but they make nice stuff.
    I own a N82 holster for my Xds and it is indeed one of the most comfortable holsters I’ve ever owned.

  5. The EC9S is the LC9S but with a less polished finish and fixed sights. Who actually adjusts sights on a pocket pistol anyway? You can find them for less than $225.

  6. Found my wife a purple lc9 for $200, picking it up Saturday in hopes she will carry it since the xds stays home.

  7. Had an original LC9 but dumped it after it spit the firing pin spring out its ass.

    Got it fixed (thank you Ruger) and let her go.

    Never moved to the LC9s ….just kept my SR9c.

    The 43 is now my single stack micro.

    Never tried the N8 holsters…might give them a look.

  8. Carry both lc9s Pro and SR9c. Both are great shooters, but I find the lc9 is easier to carry all day. I prefer the SR9c and extra mag if I’m in a more congested environment, mall, Louisiana Boardwalk, etc.

  9. My wife had the original LC9. I didn’t like it because the way it fit my hand made the trigger seem longer than War & Peace and necessitated moving my hand on the grip midway through a trigger pull or completely repositioning my finger midway through.

    She didn’t like it much either. It’s one of the few guns we’ve ditched and the only Ruger item I’ve ever found that I didn’t like.

    She replaced it with an XDs 3.3 in .45 which she carried for quite a while until she recently retired that to the safe in favor of an FNS-9c.

  10. Don’t especially love or hate it. Wouldn’t really recommend it as a first gun, but then I wouldn’t recommend any mouse gun as a first gun.

  11. someday i will own a cz82; i will never own an lc9. wouldn’t blame anyone, excellent price point.

  12. Unfortunately I was an early fan of these, and bought a Gen1. Had some glitches. They fixed the glitches, making it, overall a great little gun. I often use it for newbies to give them the feel (difference) of a compact. Great for concealed carry or a house hide.

  13. Had the N82 for a P250 and a CZ-75 compact clone: comfortable, got me carrying regularly, could run with it, flexible usage over/under/in packs. However, not great if you have a rail (poke!) or thumb safety (thumb blocked by holster). I started to develop a pull-grip-draw habit, so went to a more “normal” cut holster.
    Know it’s limitations , right?

  14. So, finally a believable pocket dump. Sans glock.
    Like the smooth lines, I just added lamb skin traction grip to mine for better handleing.
    Easily carried AIWB, spare mag weak side.

  15. I carry the LC9s. I needed to modify it to my standards by removing the mag disconnect, using stiffer springs for hot loads, adding night sights, and I milled the safety down to where only about a half millimeter of the lever extends out of the side. The chopped safety is easily dropped with a swipe of my thumb during a draw, but it also never accidentally disengages (so far) when I carry, which is important because of the main reason I carry this gun everyday – I don’t use a holster. Instead, I have installed a belt clip (there are a couple of makers) that allows me to easily and securely conceal wherever I like; inside jacket pocket, pants pockets (with shirttail out), or the place I usually have it, appendix. No more added bulk from a holster, no having the pistol fall inside a pocket. Even if you know what to look for (printing), you can’t tell I’m armed, and the gun comes out very quickly; none of my friends can deholster their guns faster. The only minor drawback is the clip covers the keyhole that locks the gun, but mine is never anywhere else but on my person, so I can live with that. The clip also only works especially well on the LC, like they were made for each, but other guns, not so much. But not needing a holster at all is the biggest reason the gun goes with me everyday.

  16. I had one of the original hammer-fired versions. Hated it. Not sure why I bought it. Mine actually had a failure that rendered the gun inoperable until it was taken apart and fixed. I sold it shortly after it was repaired and bought a Glock 43.

    I don’t have any experience with the newer striker-fired models.

  17. Another watch? I often wonder what they are doing in the pocket dumps. Are we supposed to be carrying them in our pockets?

  18. Love the LC9 and the LC380, even the older versions that have the loooooooooooong double-action trigger pull, because it’s similar to the trigger pull on a double-action revolver. IMHO, the long trigger pull means yo don’t need to use the safety, because there’s very little chance of an accidental discharge with a trigger pull that’s like a DA revolver. (Although if you follow basic gun safety rules and never put your finger on the trigger until the gun is aimed at the target and ready to shoot, you shouldn’t have an AD anyway).

    It’s a very accurate little gun, and the long trigger pull on the LC9 and LC380 doesn’t hurt accuracy at all, as long as you practice with it.
    If you’re jerking the gun to one side when you pull the trigger, that’s the fault of the shooter, not the gun.
    I had a SIG P-232 which was no more accurate than the Ruger LC9.

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