S.C. Senate Set For Constitutional Carry Vote

We recently posed the question, “Constitutional Carry: Can We Reach 30 States In 2024?” Now, South Carolina lawmakers seem poised to possibly move “permitless” carry one step closer to that mark.

House Bill 3594, which has a total of 70 House sponsors passed in a Senate floor vote this week 28-15 after being debated on the Senate floor. It now goes back before the House for a full vote before it can be signed into law by Gov. Henry McMaster. Officially called the “South Carolina Constitutional Carry/Second Amendment Preservation Act of 2023,” the measure would basically do away with the requirement for law-abiding citizens to obtain a carry permit before carrying a firearm for self-defense, while also increasing the penalties for felons in possession of firearms.

Pro-2A group Gun Owners of America recently sent an alert to its members in the Palmetto State encouraging them to contact their state Senators and urge them to pass the bill with no amendments.

“Yesterday, the South Carolina State Senate debated amendments to H 3594, the House-passed Constitutional Carry bill,” the alert stated. “While a few amendments could be considered pro-gun, most would weaken the legislation. If any amendment is passed, the bill would go back to the House for consideration. Gun Owners of America is urging the Senate to pass a clean bill and to put it on Gov. Henry McMaster’s desk as soon as possible.

“Time is short. Your state Senator needs to hear from you immediately.”

If the bill is signed into law, South Carolina will be the 28th state where lawful citizens can carry a concealed firearm for defense of themselves and their families without jumping through government hoops, navigating endless red tape and paying a fee to practice their Second Amendment rights.

Two other states considering constitutional carry are North Carolina and Louisiana. In North Carolina, a similar measure that was derailed in committee last year by amendments that added a mandatory training and education requirement could be considered again. A Louisiana bill suffered the same fate, but proponents vow to bring it back up again.

22 thoughts on “S.C. Senate Set For Constitutional Carry Vote”

  1. Citizens are sitting on pins and needles waiting for high and mighty lawmakers to decide if they are worthy of wearing a coat over a firearm or having a firearm in a purse, etc. And while lawmaker shenanigans continue in comfort and security it’s business as usual for criminals.

  2. The real goal should be 38 states–at which point there may be enough support to amend the U.S. Constitution to “clarify” the 2nd Amendment.

    And that “clarification” would be some sort of statement increasing the absoluteness of the 2nd Amendment.

    • The left has stolen at least 2 elections now, and is gearing hard for another. I won’t trust either amendments or a convention unless and until we get regular elections secured.

      • I just tried to post a simple reply with four common words that cannot possibly be “inappropriate” in any way, shape, nor form now matter how twisted your delicate sensibilities or politics may be–and it is waiting for the OK from the site administrators before they will allow the world to see it.

        That is the absolute most pathetic thing that I have ever seen on the Internet.

  3. I would like to see a true Constitutional Carry law, no restrictions ( infringements ). We have permitless carry in Texas with numerous restrictions .

  4. In Louisiana, Rep Danny McCormick for the 5th consecutive year has prefiled a CC bill. HB11 would allow any person 18 or older to carry without a permit, i.e. providing they are qualified to own a gun. With a new Republican Governor who has stated he will sign a bill if it gets to his desk and a nice majority in the house and senate the chances are very good for Louisiana entering the CC group, finally.

    • .40 the S C Senate is a pathetic gang of oath breakers.
      Just when one thinks they have heard it all the S C Senate comes up with this foolishness.

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