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The programs will air Tuesday, May 26 (Eastern), Wednesday, May 27 (Central) and Thursday, May 28 (Pacific). Each session begins at 7 p.m. in the respective time zones. Each program will be live, with recurring material.

This FREE program will feature Glen Caroline, who recently joined CCRKBA and SAF as Director of External Affairs. He spent 29 years at NRA, primarily as NRA’s Managing Director of Grassroots Programs & Campaign Field Operations. Also appearing are SAF founder and CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, and Andrew Gottlieb, SAF Director of Outreach.

The program is titled “Grassroots Activism in the COVID Environment.” The session runs approximately one hour and will discuss steps local activists can take to enhance your defense of the Second Amendment in our current pandemic situation. The sessions are FREE.

Pre-registration is required.

To register for the Tuesday, May 26 evening program, Click Here.

To register for the Wednesday, May 27 evening program, Click Here.

To register for the Thursday, May 28 evening program, Click Here.

“We’re encouraging all Second Amendment activists to sign up, participate and learn new strategies to help us win in the months and years ahead, and make the Second Amendment great again,” Gottlieb said. “We look forward to greeting all of you.”


With more than 650,000 members and supporters nationwide, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is one of the nation’s premier gun rights organizations. As a non-profit organization, the Citizens Committee is dedicated to preserving firearms freedoms through active lobbying of elected officials and facilitating grass-roots organization of gun rights activists in local communities throughout the United States. The Citizens Committee can be reached by phone at (425) 454-4911, on the Internet at or by email to [email protected].

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      • Some druggies claim to get a rush from ‘huffing’ bug-killer. Something about the neurotoxin toxin in it…

        • there was an ingredient in styrene cement (testor’s modeling glue, etc.) that was huffable called toluene. hardware stores sold “tolly” in near pure form (liquid), and “those” kids were a mess. first zombies i ever saw.
          not sure if sam subbed for fusillade intentionally.

  1. Trumpanzees: I don’t need a mask because God will protect me!

    Also Trumpanzees: I need to take a gun everywhere to protect myself because God won’t.

    • I think the man is a moron. Now what was your point again? Stereotyping? Obviously, it failed. Since not all gun owners support (insert politician here). Idiot. Also, I’m not religious, I carry a gun daily, I wear a mask in public places like grocery stores, and I live in one of the least affected states in the union with the lowest number of people per square mile… so I think your priorities are a little fuckey, and you should stick to your facebook shares with like minded fools who share your opinions, or the comment sections you can argue back and forth for days on that don’t over a single meme…. cuz your tunnel vision is fucking annoying.

    • “Trumpanzees: I don’t need a mask because God will protect me!”

      All those masks the fearful and virtue signaling people always wear, even outdoors? The masks don’t protect you.

      “Also Trumpanzees: I need to take a gun everywhere to protect myself because God won’t.”

      Luke 22:36

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