SAF: If Biden Can Mandate Vaccines, He Can Confiscate Your Guns

From the Second Amendment Foundation . . .

The Second Amendment Foundation has launched a powerful new message to gun owners across the country, warning them, “If Joe Biden can force a needle in your arm, he can take your gun.”

The 60-second TV message includes a clip of Biden telling America, “This is not about freedom or personal choice” in his push for all Americans to get vaccinated, even if they have personal, religious or health concerns. SAF reasons that if Biden—a career anti-gunner—can get away with issuing such a mandate without Congressional approval, he could make the same declaration about surrendering Second Amendment rights.

“Over the past eight months since taking office, Joe Biden has evolved from being an annoying gun control advocate to a dangerously ambitious gun prohibitionist,” observed SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “He hasn’t simply climbed on the gun ban train, he’s now the engineer, portraying so-called ‘gun violence’ as a public health epidemic. He’s perpetuating a myth invented by the gun ban lobby to demonize guns, their owners and the Second Amendment that protects their right to keep and bear arms.”

SAF’s ad is blunt: “If Joe Biden can impose a vaccine mandate through executive power without Congress, there is no limit on what he could do to restrict your Second Amendment rights.”

SAF’s new 60-second message will be broadcast on the following networks: AMC, FX, the Comedy Network, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, Fox Business, One America News Network, Destination America, Bloomberg, BBC America, the Investigation Discovery Channel, American Heroes Channel, SYFY (Science Fiction), TLC (The Learning Channel), TruTV, DirecTV, The Weather Channel, HLN, Dish TV, CNBC, the Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel.

Viewers are asked to text “PROTECT 2A” to 474747, and join the fight to protect their right.

“Joe Biden and his handlers obviously have one goal in mind,” Gottlieb said, “and that is to create an imperial presidency where he answers to nobody. But he can’t dictate public health policy, and he sure can’t arbitrarily erase Second Amendment rights. Our effort will remind him of that, whether he likes it or not.”


The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 700,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.


212 thoughts on “SAF: If Biden Can Mandate Vaccines, He Can Confiscate Your Guns”

  1. Well the sense I get is that if they try either of those two things this Administration may not even last until the next election. There is a point where people’s patience comes to an end and they are closing in on that point with all these Unconstitutional policies. The only avenue that they basically will leaving open to the American Public is to fight or die under an autocratic socialist rule. They are getting close to waking up that sleeping Giant and they might find themselves facing Madame Guillotine in similar fashion to the Aristocracy during the French Revolution. Any person or animal that feels cornered is going to fight back so tread lightly Leftists as you are getting very close to learning the hard way.

    • And many who were lead up to “meet the Madame” were incapable of comprehending why. 🤔

      Being a supporter of the far left is a sure sign of ones mental disorder.

      • Pbf: If Biden Can Stumble Through A Teleprompter “Speech”, He Can Consume Ice Cream After…… it’s getting to be a big IF !!

      • Anyone, (yeah you know who you are “Vladacian”) with an intellectual capacity that exceeds that of a SMALL soapdish who is still aligned with the Democrat Party is as much of a Braindead, moronic loser as The “Big Guy” AND his idiot, drug addict “master artist” son OR they’re fulll blown Kommies like AOC and the squad…

      • Are you instructing someone here to undertake an armed inssurection?

        TTAG may want to forward Mr Gulags comment content and his IP address to the proper authorities.

        • More hot air. You can’t even send your kid to 1st grade without 10 vaccinations. What’s one more? You can work anywhere with a vaxx, just have to get tested for COVID once a week. Healthcare workers are another class altogether; they work with sick people, some are immune-compromised. They should be vaxxed.

        • Just answering the post above: “They are getting close to waking up that sleeping Giant and they might find themselves facing Madame Guillotine in similar fashion to the Aristocracy during the French Revolution.”

  2. Well you can try slow Joe. As you threaten 80000000 American’s. I won’t comply either way…

  3. Well, that’s fucking stupid.

    Good job, SAF, on making gun owners look like idiots.

    Go get the vaccine, folks.

    • Typical fascist. We want to control what happens to our selves, our bodies. We want to decide our own destiny.

      And the fascist calls us stupid. Idiots. Sounds like a 5yo arguing.

      • Jethro your the typical right wing irresponsible hill jack moron. You have no right to murder other people because you are too paranoid or chicken shit to get a vaccine that now a billion or more people have taken and lived because of it.

        • Fascist boi. The choice is ours. ‘Our body, our choice.’ I’ve murdered no one.

          How many minority owned businesses did you and your jack booted buddies burn and loot this past year?

          A nazi wannabe, such as yourself, has no moral right to lecture.

        • “You have no right to murder other people because you are too paranoid or chicken shit to get a vaccine…”

          You’re acting as if the vaccine keeps you from contracting the virus. I know that’s the messaging coming from St. Fauci and the Party of Science, but the data we now have says otherwise. This isn’t to say that I don’t think people at risk should not get the vaccine. It has been proven to lessen the chance of severe illness. The point is, adults in a free country get to assess their risk for themselves instead of having lying authoritarians forcing them to do something.

          Then there’s the fact that St. Fauci and the Party of Science are completely ignoring natural immunity which, as the data now shows us, is better than the vaccine. So why would they force someone that’s already naturally immune to take the less effective vaccine? It’s almost like St. Fauci has been working for his buddies in big pharma. $$$

        • Dude. I’ve been saying it for a while. Corporate billionaires bought the left long ago and made them full on Fascists.

          I don’t know if dacian has the iq to realize that he’s simply a nazi now? But big pharma is part of the very wealthy that now pull his strings.

        • quote————-I know that’s the messaging coming from St. Fauci and the Party of Science, but the data we now have says otherwise.————–quote

          Dude now your telling us you know more about the virus than the top Medical and Scientific experts in not only the U.S. but the entire world of other industrialized countries all of which have agreed with what Dr. Fauci has said.

          quote————Fauci and the Party of Science,————-quote

          Dude you cannot believe what you just posted when you denigrated Science.

        • If you die because someone gave you a disease that’s your bodies fault.
          Vaccines make a weaker species.
          Humans would have been better off in the long run with using magic feathers and puffs of smoke. Humans, to smart for their own good.

        • You have no right to murder other people because you are too paranoid or chicken shit to get a vaccine…

          Your posts leave no doubt who the Real “chicken shit” moron is… You spout Left wing truths like they’re REAL FACTS… Newsflash, IF you have had the vaccine you can still get the virus (even from another vaccinated person) AND you can still spread the virus (even to OTHER vaccinated persons) at best the vaccine will mitigate the symptoms… So, keep your coward ass in your mommas basement and keep on spreading the Left Wing propaganda, it REALLY does work on those who actually were ignorant OR just stupid enough to vote for a Braindead idiot and a moronic racist to lead this country…. I know I’m sure enough proud you idiots voted for them every time I pump a $4.00 gallon of gas into my Harleys fuel tank…. Let’s see, it was $2.49 when Braindead took the oath…

        • “Dude now your telling us you know more about the virus than the top Medical and Scientific experts”

          No I don’t think that, but that isn’t what I said at all. I said their messaging conflicts with the current data. Just because I’m not a health expert doesn’t mean that I can’t read studies and notice trends just like anyone else. The difference between me and those guys is, I don’t have an agenda. I’m only interested in the truth. Fauci has flip-flopped, deceived, and outright lied enough that I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

        • I had covid a second time a little over a month ago. So did my wife. and we were both vaccinated prior to getting it a second time. She with the Pfizer and myself with the Moderna. So much for those vaccines successfully reducing the spread.

        • Vlad/Crisco, the dead giveaway is the use of the antiquated Yankee effiminate insecure term “hill jack.” The only other eunuch I heard use this term got beat up and humiliated in front if his fat wife.

        • ( above ) ” looks like the payment cleared lil d’s account ” …. around here we just call it ” swallowing “

        • Hey lil d.

          A riddle; When is a vaccine NOT a vaccine?

          “Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said we may need annual Covid shots”

          A; When you need the “vaccine” shot anually.

          By definition the shot is a therapeutic. Words matter. Redefine them and intelligent/non-sheeple citizens walk.

          Go sell your CRAZY BS somewhere else, TTAG is all stocked up.


        • A riddle; When is a vaccine NOT a vaccine?

          When it is combined with the Covid “spiked protein” which even the guy who devoloped the mRNA vaccine technology says is potentially dangerous and possibly lethal…

      • quote———-The point is, adults in a free country get to assess their risk for themselves instead of having lying authoritarians forcing them to do something.————quote

        No responsible citizen has the right endanger the lives of the rest of the countries citizens, no one.

        • No responsible citizen has the right endanger the lives of the rest of the countries citizens, no one.

          So you’re ok with disarming others and endangering their lives?

          No thanks, we prefer to.protect ourselves

        • Safety is what cowards are concerned about. Your cowardice and irrational fears don’t give you the right to dictate how people can live their lives. If you’re afraid of the world and all it’s dangers, then I’ve got some bad news for you: you’re gonna die someday and no one will miss you.

        • Ok. So, a mRNA protein immunotherapy treatment with about a 40% effective rate, along with an effective time span of 6 to 8 months.For a virus with a 98% survivability rate, depending on tests with a 48% false positive rate. Touted by a career bureaucrat that hasn’t seen a patient in decades, nor done any actual research himself, and signed off on the gain of function research being funded in the lab thought to have released the virus in the first place. . Funding reports from MSNBC and the numbers and effective rates from the CDC. Lastly, the faux vaccine has more side effects reported to the CDC than what has been reported on the MSN outlets supporting the vax crap. And was it not the same party of science that came up with our bodies, our choice? And medical decisions are between doctors and patients, not to be interfered with by the government? Just asking.

        • “No responsible citizen has the right endanger the lives of the rest of the countries citizens, no one.”

          That’s exactly what the Supreme Court said long ago in a vaccination case.

        • “No responsible citizen has the right endanger the lives of the rest of the countries citizens, no one.”

          Sorry, kid (Dacian), if YOU are vaccinated, it shouldn’t matter with whom you are in contact as per the Wu Flu. I’ve walked the streets for 68 years with no fear of others with Smallpox, Polio, etc. The issue here, however, is that some 40 % of people testing positve for Covid and variants are already fully vaxxed, many having active symptoms as well.. Not too much confidence there…

          I’d think the woke Leftists you defend would be happy that those choosing not to listen to constantly-changing scenarios and forego the vax might become ill and die. Facts are, however, the mortality rate of covid and variants in the US hover around .5%- that 1/2 of 1% for the math or stat challenged. About like the strains of flu that hit this country eminating from China every year.

          I eat a healthy diet, run some 25-35 miles every week, 365, or put in an hour and a half on an Airdyne when it’s too crappy outside. Like the rest of my personal protection, I take my own responsibility for my safety and well-being.

          Covid, safety from criminals and wanton cretins- the government (and its willing accomplicies/mouthpieces can talk a big lie all they wat in what may well have become the largest issuance of propaganda ever foisted by our own government.

          The truth is: Neither the police (DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, 1989; reaffirmed in 2005, Castle Rock v. Gonzales.) nor any agency of any government is required to protect any individual from anything. Were that the case, winning lawsuits would have been already directed at the Biden regime for knowingly and willingly releasing millions of Covid positive, unvaxxed fence-jumpers into the general population of the US. So long as they were all confined within the fences at the White House or around the US Capital, I’d be thrilled nearly to death. I’ll leave that to the Wu Flu, however.

      • You don’t have to get a vaccine, you just have to get tested for COVID once a week if you work for a company with over 100 employees.

        Workplace safety rules.

    • “..Go get the vaccine, folks…”

      Why? Why do you care if you have taken the “vaccine’ not really a vaccine?

      • Let me give you a reason why: because we need more people, and more votes if we want to beat them. If we are too busy dying of a virus that has a vaccine available, then they win. As law abiding gun owners, we don’t harm others. People not getting vaccinated, or not doing what they can to prevent harm/death goes against our very principles as responsible citizens. We have rights, but we also have a responsibility to not harm our fellow men (and women). Are you ok with passing on a virus that kills someone’s mom or grandfather? I’m not. And for those that are pro-life (I personally don’t care), how can one reconcile wanting to save unborn babies but being cool with harming/killing others? A government shouldn’t have to tell you the responsible thing to do, you should be smart enough to want to do it on your own.

        I’m tired of having to wear an N95 because of foolish people.

        And for the record, Biden couldn’t even mandate his own bowel control.

        • If “the vaccine” works, why all the demands everyone get the vaccine? BTW, the majority of people refusing the vaccine are not far-right nut cases, nor are the refuseniks overwhelmingly “conservatives”. The largest refusenik demographic block is POC.

          If “we” have an obligation to not do harm to others, then the list of prohibited activities that result in harm to others is enormous. Why are we not obligated to cease those activities for “the good of society”?

          Why are we not a “virtual” society, with the mass of people staying indoors and interacting solely online? 2020 showed us that staying locked down dramatically reduced the number of people dying from infections. Why the insistence to get vaccinated, when isolation is extremely effective?

          We lose ~400k people annually from medical mistakes; the estimate of “covid deaths” since this began is ~702,000. medical mistakes and “covid deaths” are at near parity for the same period. Why do we tolerate medical mistakes at that level?

          The number of people who experience a “breakthrough” event after vaccination is extremely small, and the death rate almost infinitesimal.

          The future of the republic doesn’t depend on a vaccine. The number of future government-dependent voters crossing the southern border far outweighs the number of potential voters in opposition to government control. And the vast majority are not vaccinated. “We” cannot birth our way out of the political corruption the future promises.

        • Item 1: You cannot hold people responsible for the activity of microbes.
          Item 2: Microbe spread contributes to the acquisition of herd immunity.
          Item 3: The non-vax vax doesn’t stop spread, and may even exacerbate it.

          So your moral high horsing falls flat.

        • “we also have a responsibility to not harm our fellow men (and women). Are you ok with passing on a virus that kills someone’s mom or grandfather? I’m not.”

          This tired argument is no longer valid. The vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting the virus. It will make you less likely to exhibit symptoms which could potentially lead to you infecting more people. See the women of The View TV show as an example. They should have been quarantining themselves, but they had no idea they were infected. They were vaccinated. Do you believe in science or politics?

        • “..Are you ok with passing on a virus that kills..”

          Ok, lets talk about natural immunity next and the antibodies of people who have had the illness… What is the test for that hmm?

          So no, you don’t get to force the vaccine (not a vaccine) on anyone.

        • Doc, that is just stupid, attempting to say someone is a mass murderer if he does not choose to be vaccinated. If you don’t wish to wear that N95, then get vaccinated and throw it away. I don’t give a rat’s ass whether somebody else gets vaccinated or not because I did. So I can’t catch it and I can’t pass it on. If you wish to take that risk, be my guest, but the hospital should not be free to anyone who has not been vaccinated, you pays your money and you takes your choice.

        • I don’t give a rat’s ass whether somebody else gets vaccinated or not because I did. So I can’t catch it and I can’t pass it on.

          Unfortunately you have been given some really bad information… Fact is you CAN still contract the virus AND you can still spread it to other people regardless of their vaccination status… Sorry to break your bubble, nah, not really, I too could give a rats ass who is or is not vaccinated…

        • “If we are too busy dying of a virus that has a vaccine available, then they win.”

          This isn’t happening, and if you truly are a physician you’d know it and admit it.

          I think I can hear Bugs Bunny right now: “Is there a doctor in the house?!” (And up jumps a college philosophy professor…)

    • You got the vax? Your mom and dad got the vax? Your kids got the vax? All your friends got the vax? You have nothing to worry about. Relax. Just sit down, shut up, and allow the rest of us to get on with life.

      Speaking of vaccines, it’s time for my pup’s rabies shot. Thanks for the reminder. And, I’ll contribute a couple dollars to the Neuter your Liberal fund.

      • “You got the vax? Your mom and dad got the vax? Your kids got the vax? All your friends got the vax? You have nothing to worry about.”


        There are ‘fully vaccinated’ folks with both jabs who catch it and die from it…

        • wrong again. they may get it but do not very often even get hospitalized let alone die. Anyone who would believe what you just wrote is watching the nut cases on Fox news.

        • Yo dacian, Fox News says exactly the same thing you are saying, which makes you pretty much a moron for your criticism of something you know nothing about. So tell me, was it Trump who put Fox News up to their lies? Sheesh.

        • Anyone who would believe what you just wrote is watching the nut cases on Fox news.

          And anyone who buys into your Clinton News Network/MSDNC (and yes even FAUX News) BS is a bona-fide moron just like you….

        • *My two comments are awaiting moderation for some reason. Apparently you aren’t allowed to mention a particular country for some reason.

    • When will you folks start the protest against the vaccine mandates in every school system across the land?

      Most of you have had multiple mandatory vaccinations, including smallpox, polio, measles, etc.

      The Supreme Court has upheld vaccine mandates for over 100 years.

      To classify vaccine mandates as equivalent to gun confiscation, is asinine and not born out by historical fact or legal doctrine.

      If the unvaccinated continue their intentional infection of their innocent family, friends and neighbors then we the people may have to adopt the same self protection measures taken against typhoid Mary.

      Grandma and grandpa knew how to handle scofflaws who ignored science during a pandemic.

        • Just want to clarify a few of my mistakes;

          “When will you folks start the protest against the vaccine mandates”

          You know who I am talking about! YOU FOLKS…

          YOU FOLKS!

          “If the unvaccinated continue their intentional infection of their innocent family, friends and neighbors” (Don’t I normally ask others for a citation?)

          Apparently I said “unvaccinated” when I should have said “VACCINATED”

          Why my bible group of NYT, WaPo and Salon never cover this truth is a mystery to me.

          Oh well, what’s a Marxist to do? I need marching orders, can not form an opinion without them telling me what it is for today.

        • Just want to clarify a few of my mistakes;

          Don’t know why, but for some reason I really prefer the “faux” miner.. At least he’s honest…

        • Fake Miner, I am constantly amazed at your intentional deception, you’re apparently actively working against the American national interests and the health of our citizens.

          The articles you cite make a mockery of medical science by misrepresenting and distorting the results of the studies that you claim support your demon seed and alien DNA conspiracy theories.

          “Study on breakthrough delta cases in Vietnam misrepresented online
          August 27, 2021
          CLAIM: A preprint paper by the prestigious Oxford University Clinical Research Group, published Aug. 10 in The Lancet, found vaccinated individuals carry 251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated.

          AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. The study is being misrepresented. It found vaccinated health care workers with breakthrough infections caused by the coronavirus delta variant had higher viral loads — the amount of virus detected in a person — compared to patients infected with earlier strains of the virus. Furthermore, other studies that compare the viral loads between vaccinated and unvaccinated delta patients found similar amounts of viral material in the two groups.

          THE FACTS: The website, The Defender, which is published by the anti-vaccine organization, Children’s Health Defense, posted an article this week that distorts the findings of a recent study of breakthrough delta infections among vaccinated hospital staff in Vietnam.

          The misleading article, written by Dr. Peter A. McCullough and posted online on Aug. 23, claims the study found vaccinated individuals carry “251 times the load of COVID-19 viruses in their nostrils compared to the unvaccinated,” and pose a “threat to unvaccinated patients, co-workers.” The article falsely blames the delta-driven surge in new COVID-19 cases on vaccinated people who are “acting as powerful Typhoid Mary-style super-spreaders of the infection.”

          Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is the founder and chairman of the board of Children’s Health Defense and has a history of posting vaccine misinformation, tweeted the article in a post that was shared 3,000 times.

          But the article, and associated social media posts, distort the study’s findings, according to the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, which conducted the study in partnership with the Hospital for Tropical Diseases.

          “It’s unfortunate that our study was completely misinterpreted and misquoted by an anti-vaxx website,” Chi Ngo, senior communications officer for the research unit, told The Associated Press in an email.

          Ngo said the research unit does not support “any statement” shared in McCullough’s article and is working to report social media posts sharing the false information.“

        • Can’t I, Miner49er, correct my many and frequent “foibles” without being called a “faux’ (Isn’t that a small red colored wolf)?

          What I, Miner49er, says is important stuff for the Regime. Is this some Parody of life?

        • Natural Immunity is…. 27 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN THE VACCINATION!

          “An Israeli case study conducted by researchers at top Ivy League universities appeared to confirm that natural immunity was 27 times more effective than vaccines at preventing symptomatic transmission of the deadly coronavirus.”

          “This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization”

        • “Real” Miner, I am constantly amazed at your intentional deception, you’re apparently actively working against the American national interests and the health of our citizens.
          FIFY whiner.

          This fix is needed because whenever someone here posts an 800lb UNBIASED gorilla link (like the Israeli study that shows 27 TIMES greater effectiveness of natural antibodies), you just clam up and move along to the next TTAG story, to continue spreading your leftarded propaganda BS.
          A true 🤡 if there ever was one.

          How does it feel to get proven wrong, just to respond with a link to CLEARLY BIASED/ADJENDA DRIVEN BS, or not respond AT ALL? Just to scurry away like a rat, to continue your lies? 🤔 Pathetic!

          You’re a joke, and will OBVIOUSLY continue being NOTHING BUT a joke.
          Anyone even remotely paying attention can see how pathetic and biased you truly are. You run and hide when faced with empirical evidence, shouting “anyone who doesn’t agree with me MUST be a “far right wing nutjob”. 🤪

          If you’re a college professors, all your students with half a brain are agreeing with you to your face, then laughing their asses off behind your back. Why?….Grades.

          You win the award for the best dressed/newly clothed Emperor. Everyone here sees it.

          Now go away, nobody on TTAG wants to see you totally exposed. 🤢

      • When will you folks start the protest against the vaccine mandates in every school system across the land?

        NEW YORK, Sept 25 (Reuters) – A requirement for New York City school teachers and staff to get vaccinated for COVID-19 was temporarily blocked by a U.S. appeals court just days before it was to take effect, but the court on Saturday set a hearing on the matter for next week… Funny, the teachers (LIBERAL LOONS) in Leftist NY don’t want the shot AFTER bitchin for over a year about not being “protected”… Guess they are really into that whole getting paid to lie around in the Bahamas while doing that remote learning crap…

        • “Grandma and grandpa knew how to handle scofflaws…”

          Yes they did, and can I also mention they knew how to handle Fascists.

          This is why I stay far away from them.

          They would woop my ass something fierce!

      • Comparing the Rona vax to the Smallpox and Polio vaccines is extremely anti science and dishonest.

        It would be better to compare the Rona vax to a flu vax that’s been fast tracked with clinical trials cut short. Coronavirus is endemic, it’s here to stay. It’s also fast evolving and will require at least annual boosters moving forward and even those will only be marginally effective.

        I got the vax. That doesn’t mean it’s the end all be all. The vaccine loses it’s emergency status if other treatments become available. That’s why every medicine that is shown effective gets demonized.

        I really oppose vaccine passports too. There is no mandatory passport for the Polio vaccine in order to just sit down at a restaurant. I would oppose it if there were one.

        Also, blind trust in Fauci? The man who helped fund a research facility looking into mutating novel coronaviruses into being human transmitted and then lied about it?!? That’s who you want to trust?!?


      • I believe you are referencing Jacobson VS. Massachusetts:

        This court case wasn’t about the government’s ability to force vaccines. It was about the government’s ability to levy a fine against people who disobey a vaccine mandate.

        If this case is the foundation of your argument then you are arguing the government has the authority to fine you for refusing a COVID vaccine and does not have the power to force a medical procedure on an individual.

        • The case was also about STATE authority — if that same court had been considering a federal fine, they would have declared it unconstitutional faster than a vaccine dose can be administered.
          So based on Jacobson v Massachusetts, a state such as Illinois could mandate vaccines and fine — or otherwise penalize — individuals who refuse to get vaccinated, but the federal government has no such authority.

      • The unvaccinated portion of the population is where pretty much all the mutations occur, and as we’re seeing mutations can be worse than the original. Anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated has de facto volunteered to endanger everyone by being a laboratory where the virus can mutate.

        • “The unvaccinated portion of the population is where pretty much all the mutations occur, and as we’re seeing mutations can be worse than the original.”

          Common flu mutates. Is that because a large portion of the populace lacks flu vaccinations? Think about it. Common flu vaccines are guessed at 18mos to two years in advance of deployment. It is not uncommon for the guess to be very wrong, resulting in the rise of deaths due to common flu. Point being that vaccines do not prevent infection, only mitigate the severity.

          There is zero proof that unvaccinated people are responsible for breakthrough events among those vaccinated against covid. However, through some sort of scientific magic, being vaccinated, and wearing a coupla masks are believed to be bullet-proof. Permanently locking down the nation would be more effective at limiting the spread of any infectious disease.

        • Roymond,

          Respiratory viruses, like the flu, the common cold, and the Wuhan virus, easily mutate because their strategies for penetrating the host’s cell walls are simple. Any mutation can succeed as long as it maintains that same strategy. That is why the flu has a never-ending supply of variants and why the flu vaccines are always changing; it is a game of whack-a-mole. The Wuhan virus mutates in vaccinated hosts because the Wuhan jabs teach the bodies defenses to protect only against the strain in the jab.

          Now contrast that to the measles. Measles does not have many successful varients; that is why the vaccine stays the same, with the same effectiveness year-after-year. The reason measles has so few varients is that its, strategy for infecting cells is complex; any variation from that strategy causes the varient to fail.

          Respiratory viruses tend to mutate continuously. If you catch the flu, by the end of the week you likely have many varients. The same with the common cold, the same with Covid. Ultimately, that is why the RNA vaccines always fail.

        • LifeSavor FTW!
          The vax leaves the body more open to reinfection by a mutation of the virus. The vax also INCREASES the probability that the mutation strain will become fatal for the person infected.
          The natural antibodies do a better job of recognizing the mutant virus, and are more effective in destroying it.
          Explain again why I need the vax Dr Fauxchee. 🤪

          Oh, and lil d……TAKE YOUR MEDS!

        • Campbell you are so full of right wing paranoid bullshit I do not even know where to begin or even to bother wasting my time on your nut case comment. So far none of what you said has come to pass.

        • “The unvaccinated portion of the population is where pretty much all the mutations occur, and as we’re seeing mutations can be worse than the original. Anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated has de facto volunteered to endanger everyone by being a laboratory where the virus can mutate.”

          You are hereby awarded an “F” in Evolutionary Biology for failing to grasp even the most basic fundamentals of Darwinian Selection.

        • Yeah, and I suppose cytotoxic spike proteins damaging the cardiovascular system and organs is “right wing propoganda” too. 🙄

          Bottom line. If you want the vax, take it. And be happy knowing those who don’t take it will perish.

          Oh, wait. The vax doesn’t really innoculate those who get it from the virus, boosters are needed, and side effects and deaths are not being reported (according to hospital employees) because the CDC and FDA reporting procedures are INTENTIONALLY so complex nobody bothers doing it. 🤪

          Funny how the lefts “my body my choice” and “body autonomy” goes out the window when the tyranny starts. 🤔

        • Every virus with animal reservoirs mutates. COVID-19 has been found in bats, dogs, cats, deer and many other animals. Don’t forget this thing supposedly came from a bat population.

          If you are counting on 100% vaccinations to protect yourself, you will need to vaccinate all of the animals that harbor the virus.

          Good luck with that.

        • “If you are counting on 100% vaccinations to protect yourself… ”

          Of course, vaccines are not 100% effective, that’s why mask mandates are important in high positivity areas as well as areas with low vaccination rates.

          Yes it is true, the science supports mask mandates as a way to reduce risk of infection and serious disease.

      • To the Brain that Arc’d out”
        quote————-If the vaccine works and you have it, why is it any business of yours what anyone else does?——–quote

        Now your telling us you have the right to kill your fellow Americans because you are to damn ignorant to get the vaccine.

        Turn off Fox News, only Morons watch it. Fox News in court said “We should not be prosecuted because no one would believe what we broadcast” end of quote right from Fox News

        • If the vaccine prevents people from dying, then please explain how his fellow Americans will die? If they didn’t get the vaccine, then that was their choice, because it’s been available for every adult in this country for some time now.

        • The old “my vaccine won’t work unless you get one”.

          It’s a bullshit lie with no basis in science. If your vaccine doesn’t work – it’s a bad vaccine.

          How exactly are you going to eliminate COVID from animal reservoirs?

    • Nearly a week after my second Pfizer vaccine I’m still here. No side effects beyond a tingling in my fingers in my left arm the night after the shot. I was working the next day.

      I was my choice to take the vaccines. I want to see my son. I want to see my parents. I want to see my friends. I want to go back to the range. I want to see my son compete in his athletics. I want to be able to go to the pool to get myself back in shape. Currently in lockdown in an “area of concern”, I can do none of the above.

      • Pretty much the same here. I have an 87 year-old parent I check in on, and I was happy to ‘get the jabs’. When the booster is available, I’ll get it as well.

        I’m kind of enjoying the mask in public thing, it offers me a small level of anonymity, and I like that… 🙂

      • @Souther Cross–IIRC you are from Australia? I read with interest of the lock-downs taking place and of the recent videos in the last couple of days. Some are simply to hard too watch more than once as people try to gain freedom from ‘the covid lockdown’ nightmare.
        I get that you want to do all these things…but I ask you, if you have had all the vaccines (not a vaccine) and a third shot, how are you a danger or in danger that warrants the police Butt Stroking and choking women?

      • “I was my choice to take the vaccines. I want to see my son. I want to see my parents. I want to see my friends. I want to go back to the range. I want to see my son compete in his athletics. I want to be able to go to the pool to get myself back in shape. Currently in lockdown in an “area of concern”, I can do none of the above.

        So… no offense intended here but what you’re really saying is that it wasn’t your choice.

        You didn’t say “Well, there are some entirely voluntary and uncontrolled things that I’d like to do and I feel this would make them safer”. You said you’re doing it to try to get your government to lift a lockdown which they’ve imposed on you.

        That’s the literal definition of coercion. You didn’t make an actual choice, you picked an approved option of which there is one.

        • I had planned to get vaccinated any way. It greatly lessens the chances of catching COVID, spreading it to others, ending up in hospital, and needing ventilation. I had reservations about the AstraZeneca vaccine and it’s issue with causing blood clotting. I decided to go with the Pfizer vaccine instead.

          The path out of the lockdowns was to get a certain number fully vaccinated before lockdowns would be eased. My area has 3 mile (5 km) limit from home unless for specific circumstances. Also my son’s mother put pressure on this too.

          Some of my own choice but others from external factors. And I would not choose to get unvaccinated.

        • If you already planned to get vaccinated purely of your own choice then the rest is entirely superfluous. Why even mention the rest then?

          Now you reply with yet more justification for that decision.

          I personally don’t care what you do but I don’t believe for one second that you made this decision entirely on your own, else you would feel no need to produce multiple paragraphs of alternative reasoning.

          In fact, even without you saying anything I already know that you can’t have made the decision without being coerced into it by the very nature of the current situation. No one can make an uncoerced decision in either direction at this time.

          I’m not attacking you, I’m simply pointing out that at no time did you really have a free choice here because you were never granted access to the information required to make a truly informed decision which means that the possibility of informed consent is 0%. Again, this goes both ways.

          And I know for an absolute fact that this is the case because literally no one on the planet can give you the data required for you to make that assessment unless they possess a time machine.

        • Yes. And watch the news to see how far the coercion will go.

          Our state and federal governments are masters of the carrot and stick approach. They make the Democrats look like school bullies in comparison.

    • My family and I are young and in good health. We’ve had symptomatic COVID, tested positive and recovered.

      Why should we get any COVID vaccine?

      Your health is your responsibility not mine. If you are susceptible to communicable disease, stay home – zoom and doordash are your burdens not mine.

      • 👍
        My family has ages ranging from 20 to 87.

        Those over 65 in less then excellent overall health have gotten the Fauxchee Ouchee.

        I’m in my 50s, get regular exercise, am not overweight or diabetic, and take NO medications other then Advil a few times a month.
        No drug use (other then coffee), and in the past five year my alcohol intake has been around one drink every two months. I went from occasionally carrying a handgun to hardcore EDC five years ago, that changed my alcohol consumption habits.
        I used to consume around 4 drink a week prior to my commitment to EDC with NO exception.

        Gave my overall fitness a test back in June. Hiked over 20 miles of trails (between 12k and 14k ft altitude) in the first week of some time in Colorado. Spent two days at Devil’s Playground (around 13k ft) on Pikes Peak during practice sessions for the PP race. Both days were nothing but high wind driven rain with temps around 34F. Did several hundred yards of 45 deg rock field (on all fours) accents, and quick descents too.

        I’ve always made it a priority for myself and my family to remain healthy. My two sons (20s) both understand the importance of remaining healthy and limiting unhealthy habits.

        A good example of family health is my OLDER sister. She does the full triathlon each year in Lake Placid, NY.

        No feeble and senile oval office occupier with a tyrannical streak 🤡 is telling me what to do. This goes for that liar “Dr.” Fauxchee too 🤥.

        Joe B couldn’t even keep his own son from becoming a POS “blue chip” whore banging/stripper impregnating drug addict.
        He has ZERO stroke in how I choose to live my life.

        I wonder if Bo got cancer from all the drugs Hunter was smoking in the next room while they were growing up.🤔

    • Vaccine? NO. I had Covid three weeks ago, CDC says Im 27x more immune against a variant than the vaxx.

      BTW, OSHA is not making a rule for mandatory vax for companies over 100 empl. Not even taking the first steps, three weeks after the announcement.
      Japan has moved to Ivermectin.
      India has moved to Ivermenctin.
      Guatemala is giving Ivermectin packets our for free – and most countries who have malaria give out Hydroxy and have no Covid.
      Sweden, Norway, and Denmark are stopping all the stupid lockdown stuff, Romania is closing their vaxx handout centers.

      On the other hand, Israel is 90% vaxxed and 85% of the patients in E care are vaxxed. Being vaxxed is NOT looking good, VAERS is significantly underreported and the real numbers indicate the events have far surpassed the legal limits for an experimental. In point of fact, more are dying from the vax than from Covid.

      As of now, those who already decided they won’t take WON’T TAKE IT. And a polite reminder? The first Nuremburg Tribunal focuses on medical experiments forced on their subjects against their will in prison camps. The Doctors were convicted and hung.

      Since Joe Biden ISN’T capable of forcing the vaxx on us, how will he then disarm 65 million Americans who possess well over 450 million firearms? At the first major attempt half or more of the LEO/MIL structure will refuse then act against the remainder because they actually believe in America and that there is such thing as not obeying an illegal order – the subject of the remaining Nuremburg Trials, which convicted people who acted out the instructions of their superiors by actually DOING what they recommended even tho it was criminal. They were also hanged.

      I believe we will see this again, trial, conviction, hangings. The worst part is all the fearmongering to herd gun owners into panic mode when the reality is the upgraded rheotoric, threats, and outright stern language telling us to Do What I Tell You or the lockdowns remain isn’t working. We are protesting, rebelling, trolling, demanding audits, supporting primary challengers and ignoring them. Macron got egged today, Psaki is now being aggressively questioned by the press, and Joe? A president who has been the inspiration for a new football stadium chant.

      We are much further along than some think – use their panic and hysteria as a gauge. They are failing, they know it. They had to blatantly cheat to keep Newsom in office. And every step of the way they alienate and turn off their own voters. The Vaxx victims are now vocal, the audit results are now moving to indictments, and the people are now the news.

      Try to get used to us winning.

  4. “SAF: If Biden Can Mandate Vaccines, He Can Confiscate Your Guns”

    This was the stealth torpedo of Obamacare (“A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.”). Once government controls healthcare, every human activity can be declared a public health crisis, requiring government’s further intrusion in to the daily lives of its subjects.

    We saw the baby steps of this in Bloomberg’s banning of 20oz soda drinks (at the same time ignoring the fact that two 10oz soda drinks would get around his ban). Bloomberg was clumsy, but he established the principle. (“The evil that men do lives after them.”)

    • Quote—————–Once government controls healthcare, every human activity can be declared a public health crisis————-quote

      What absolute right wing paranoid nonsense. Every industrialized civilized country on earth has had Universal Health Care dating all the way back to 1884 under Bismarck in Germany and 1900 in Norway and to date NOT ONE NATION EVER WENT BACK TO HEALTH CARE BASED ON BLIND GREED AND PROFIT WITH A TOTAL DISREGARD FOR THE SANCTITY AND RIGHT OF HUMAN LIFE.

      • Why do they all come to America if they actually need cutting edge treatment? Did you seek out the Chinese or Russian vaccine? You must have had special training to be so stupid.

        • Baloney, some Americans have deliberately went to Germany for treatment. And our system is only affordable to the super rich not the common man that is for sure.

      • I’ll agree with you on how our healthcare should not be profit driven. I’ve also lived in both Germany and Norway. Sorry, but their healthcare is not as great as you may think. I have family in Norway and they are not the happy socialists our own leftists would like us to think. Sorry, but, the equivalent of $9.00 for a single bottle of beer is just a little overmuch. As is a 25% starting income tax and the crazy double sales tax. Sales taxes plus VAT.
        Germany is not much better. And the Germans are getting tired of supporting much of the EU. That is the biggest fault of any socialist system. You sooner or later have more people receiving benefits than are paying taxes. Everyone wants a piece of the pie, but no one wants to pick the apples or mill the flour.
        Next, before you get into a snit, I did get the vax. Only because I will be traveling to Germany in a couple weeks and don’t want to be turned away from my flight.
        Sure, it’s a personal, or family tragedy when it’s you grandma or cousin who dies. As it is for any other cause of death. Thing is, as many people die from other preventable diseases every year. Where’s the panic and drive to eradicate those illnesses? well as more people die from drunk driving accidents than die from gun related crime. We tried to ban alcohol. Didn’t work out so well. So should we ban personally owned cars? No cars, no drunk drivers and no drive by shooting, nor kids left in hot cars. Triple win.

      • I’ve got plenty of family in Greece. They have a nationalized healthcare system. Long wait times and corruption are commonplace in this system.

        You can get immediate care in Greece if you have the money and you pay the right people.

        I don’t know anyone in Greece who prefers their system to ours.

  5. They can “ban” anything they want. Taking them is another thing entirely. When people think they need to hide their guns its time to use them.
    Tyrannical leftists need to be taught a lesson.

    • The Capitol riot proved otherwise. The Left turned in their own right wing fanatical relatives and now more and more of them sit in prison. The Tyrannical Far Right was taught a lesson.

  6. Hmmmm…that picture makes it look like Biden just missed his nose.

    Dementia does affect coordination.

    Observation, not personal experience.

  7. quote—————–But he can’t dictate public health policy,————quote

    Wrong. Biden can dictate public health policy and he already stated how he was able to do it earlier this week.

    And vaccines have been mandated for children entering school for decades its nothing new and not some Left Wing conspiracy. As a matter of fact the first inoculations were given out during the late 1700’s to combat small pox and the same Right Wing nut cases have been screaming from the roof tops every time a new vaccine is approved.

    It was reported today some nut cases were dying in the hospital denying that they had Covid-19 as if they knew more than the medical professionals.

    Its amazing that the Far Right who did not understand the new math to help their children with suddenly found the wisdom to understand more than the medical professionals in regards to covidd-19

    The only positive thing to come out of this is that Darwinism is eliminating the inferior gene pool and each day the Republicans have less people alive to vote in the next election proving that their anti-vaccine lies have come back to haunt them and they have achieved the opposite of what they thought they were doing and that is garner more votes as tens of thousands of their voters are now dead. Again the Republicans are always their own worst enemies.

    We of the Socialist Left grow stronger at the polls by the minute because we got vaccinated and we lived. That is fact like it or not.

    • dacian says “The only positive thing to come out of this is…(“tens of thousands”) (of) Republican…voters are now dead.”

      And you don’t think you are an evil person?

      At the minimum you are seriously mentally ill.

      This is not some gotcha line dacian: **Seek professional help, you are mentally unbalanced.**

      • These Republicans are condemning themselves to death by refusing to accept legitimate science and the experience of decades with vaccines.

        I must admit, the prospect of fewer Republican voters is good, though I am saddened by the loss of life.

        But these Republican voters are choosing their own path and far be it from me to interrupt their self destruction if that is their heart’s desire.

        Their fear born of fairytales about demon seed and alien DNA are entertaining to the extreme, please continue to spout your nonsense so that intelligent folks can enjoy the spectacle of your continued dysfunction.

  8. As far as treading on the 2 – A go’s, I say BUCK FIDEN,
    and for the vaccines I ask you why has NOT ONE COUNTRY done something to China for all of this destruction in the world because of said virus?

    • Why? Because attacking China would do nothing to stop the spread of the virus, as a matter of fact it would spread it even more.

      As I said before the only good thing about the virus is that it is cleansing the inferior gene pool thereby reducing the number of people who will be alive to vote Republican in the mid-term elections.

        • I think antfa’s little commissar if full of self hate and loathing for his “privilege” which is being projected on to others.

        • And another group through political indoctrination tried to create “The New Soviet Man” but ended up creating the polar opposite “Homo Sovieticus”.

          You can take the zek from the gulag but can’t take the gulag from the zek.

      • cleansing the inferior gene pool….

        Okay so it IS a Democrat conspiracy with China… Sooooo how does the virus differentiate between a Democrat and a sane person? Going after Republican voters was a fail since the largest group of unvaccinated are Blacks who historically vote about 90% Democrat…

      • “cleansing the inferior gene pool”

        So you’re an ageist. The average age of dying with the Wuflu is also the average life expectancy. These people are also almost always dying from other conditions. That doesn’t mean we should look down on these people.

        • quote—————–The average age of dying with the Wuflu is also the average life expectancy.————-quote

          This has to be a Fox News quote. Its ignorance is totally over the top. Remember Fox News said in court that “No one would believe what we broadcast”.

          And when you lay dying on a respirator you will not be calling this deadly virus the flu as its already killed 670,000 people

        • What is your fascination with Fox News d? How about the CDC? Do you believe in science or politics? A 75 year old is 220x more likely to die from Covid than a 29 year old. An 85 year old is 570x more likely to die from Covid than a 29 year old. In the real world, this means that different people have different risk levels, mostly depending on age, but also other factors like being over weight and / or diabetic.

          As for the Wuflu comment, I think it’s important to remind everyone where this virus came from. We now know that it’s highly unlikely that this virus occurred naturally even though St. Fauci said otherwise at the very beginning with zero scientific basis. It’s almost like he has an agenda.

      • Not to mention the profits of Pfizer and J&J.

        If you want to criticize vaccine hesitancy look no further than POTUS and the VP. They claimed any vaccine that came because of operation warp speed was not going to work. They didn’t trust the science, now they say you have to trust it. I don’t see any apologies by them for creating doubt.

        • “They didn’t trust the science, now they say you have to trust it“

          Incorrect, Joe Biden supported the vaccine from day one but he expressed concerns because of the obvious attempt by Trump to politicize the pandemic and vaccinations.

          “Let me be clear: I trust vaccines,” Mr. Biden said. “I trust scientists. But I don’t trust Donald Trump, and at this moment, the American people can’t either.”

          Shortly after Mr. Biden’s speech in Wilmington, Del., Mr. Trump seemed to lend credence to the former vice president’s criticism by publicly rebuking the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for saying that widespread vaccination might not be possible until the middle of next year. Speaking during an evening briefing at the White House, the president also kept up an attack line against Mr. Biden, misleadingly accusing him of “promoting his anti-vaccine theories.”

          In his speech, Mr. Biden thrust the issue of a coronavirus vaccine to center stage in the presidential race, expressing grave concern over the political pressure he said Mr. Trump was exerting over the government’s approval process and accusing him of trying to rush out a vaccine for electoral gain.“

        • Excuse me now while I remove my Joe Biden knee pads.

          And in case you are wondering, that piece of cut and paste agitprop is courtesy of the NYT.

    • “why has NOT ONE COUNTRY done something to China for all of this destruction in the world because of said virus”

      Why are you advocating an attack on the United States for spreading the pandemic of 1918, which originated near Fort Riley, Kansas?

      The death toll for the world numbered into the millions, all because America concealed the origin of the virus and shipped thousands of infected American soldiers to Europe in order to spread the disease.

      It seems you conservatives hate America as well as the other free countries of the world, the insanity of the American right is stunning.

      • If you are going to “copy/paste straight out of wikipedia at least get ALL of the pertinent “facts”…
        Outbreaks of influenza-like illness were documented in 1916–17 at British military hospitals in Étaples, France, and just across the English Channel at Aldershot, England. Clinical indications in common with the 1918 pandemic included rapid symptom progression to a “dusky” heliotrope cyanosis of the face. This characteristic blue-violet cyanosis in expiring patients lead to the name ‘purple death’.
        In 1918, ‘epidemic influenza’, also known at the time as ‘the grip’ appeared in Kansas in the U.S. during late spring, and early reports from Spain began appearing on May 21. Reports from both places called it ‘three-day fever’

        • “Why are you advocating an attack on the United States for spreading the pandemic of 1918, which originated near Fort Riley, Kansas?”

          Did they also have a virology lab where they intentionally weaponized Corona Viruses through “Gain Of Function” like the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab?

          And then did they fail to restrict worldwide travel, like they restricted internal travel, just as the outbreak began?

          And did doctors and scientist who were whistle-blowers suddenly and permanently just “disappear” in a state cover-up?

          No to all three? Then what was my point?

          Oh I know…..dayyyymn I am dumb!

  9. The Supreme Curt long ago ruled that STATES can mandate vaccines; the federal government has no such authority.

  10. If Biden Can Mandate Vaccines, He Can Confiscate Your Guns

    No, he CAN’T…Not if I don’t want him too…

  11. I’m an SAF member, and I fully support their cause.

    But good grief- that ad is simply… embarrassing. Did they hire an ad agency whose only claim to fame is producing commercials for red eye/graveyard time slots on rabbit ear TV? I mean… really?!

    “Are you watching the TV right now? Do you own a gun? Is the room you’re in dark? Scary things happen in dark rooms. Do you feel safe? Are you sacred right now? You should be… BOO! They want to take away your guns! For that not to happen you must act now in order to feel safe! See that clock counting down in the corner of your screen? You must call NOW before the time runs out! Operators are standing by to take your money. This is a special message just for you…yes, YOU!- the apprehensive guy sitting in a dark room at 2:47am on a Tuesday morning watching Abbot and Costello Meet Godzilla. We’re talking to YOU! We’re here to take your money… um, I mean- to PROTECT YOU. Don’t hesitate- DO IT NOW! PICK UP THAT PHONE! TIME IS RUNNING OUT! We take all major credit cards (sorry- we don’t accept C.O.D.’s). If you don’t act now- people will think you’re not… manly. Even God won’t like you unless you DO IT NOW! CALL NOW!”

    That’s the level of intelligence exhibited by that ad. There’s really no excuse for SAF thinking they have to stoop so low to get Americans to support the defense of our Constitutional Republic. Frankly, it says more about what SAF thinks of their audience than anything else (how very Harley-Davidson of them). And it plays right into the stereotype- gifting the other side with a weapon of our own making for them to use against us.

    Pathetic, really.

    Hey SAF- choose to be smarter. Please… this stuff actually matters.

    • “But good grief- that ad is simply… embarrassing.”

      The backbone of the advertisement seems to be right out of “Marketing 101”, “tell ’em three times so they will remember it”. Everything articulated at the same volume, tempo and delivery. Sipping water from a firehose style of presentation wraps the message in boredom.

    • Scary things happen in dark rooms.

      I’ve had some pretty awesome stuff happen to me in a dark room as well, guess it all just depends on whom you are with in that dark room…

    • “Operators are standing by to take your money“

      Oh no, you said the quiet part out loud!

      You are getting in the way of the conservative billionaires grifting operations, Steve Bannon and his Chinese billionaire buddies are very upset with you for speaking the truth with your outside voice.

      The vaccine is made with alien DNA and demon sperm!

      Bill Gates is injecting micro chips into everyone so they can be tracked and controlled!

      The presidential election was stolen by dead voters and Venezuelan operatives!

      You people are hilarious, I certainly will miss the entertainment when the last of you shuffle off this mortal coil.

  12. What vaccine mandate? All I heard was a senile old man spouting off. Nothing has happened yet, no policies no laws and nothings been ruled on. How many things have been overturned or just dead stopped on him since taking office? A bunch
    Everyone that’s acting on it now is an idiot, a nazi or a dem.

  13. Just wait until they declare the Earth warming another degree in 80 years a public health emergency because it’s coming. The fact that their weather control fantasies will empower them and their donors while making you less free and more poor is a small price to pay (in their eyes).

  14. I am an anti-vaxxer, so, I will stay out of the vaccine portion of this conversation. HOWEVER, before some of you go full froth-and-rabies on me, remember that you have no idea of why I believe as I do….and if you make assumptions about my reasons, your assumptions will almost certainly be wrong.

    Regarding guns. There will likely never be a full Australia-like gun confiscation in this country…too many people own guns and are willing to use them. The police know gun confiscation is dangerous and will not want to do it en masse. Some of our military leaders are stupid and woke (Gen. Miley, for example), but the rank-and-file signed up to protect this country; they will not enforce a communist coup de etas.

    I am heartened by the “Buck Fo Jiden” chants and flash mobs breaking out across this country. It happened yesterday just before the soccer game at the liberal arts college down the block.

    Biden has failed miserably. The democommies do not want Kamala Embarrass, and those same commies realize Pelosi is poison. Biden’s failure is waking folk up.
    Failure will beget more failure. There will be much suffering, but then the backlash against the corrupt, Satanistic, netherworldly, pedophiliac kabal that has taken over this country will turn into a steamroller.

    • “The police know gun confiscation is dangerous and will not want to do it en masse.”

      Ultimately, the battle at Waco was about confiscating guns. Federal agents and National Guard demonstrated zero reluctance to take on gun owners….and win.

      • Sam I Am,

        Agree, but that is a bit different from a house-to-house, state-wide, or nation-wide confiscation effort.

        • “Agree, but that is a bit different from a house-to-house, state-wide, or nation-wide confiscation effort.”

          Simply an observation that relying on the notion that authorities will be too cowardly to face armed resistance is no better tactic than simple “hope”. We shouldn’t be smoking our own dope.

          Also, don’t underestimate the fear factor of a handful of Waco’s playing on TV non-stop for weeks.

        • Sam I Am,

          Nope. The strategic, tactical, and logistic challenges are far too great. I never smoke hopium. I plan and prepare.

        • ” authorities will be too cowardly to face armed resistance ”

          I don’t think that will be the driving factor. The more likely scenario is, IMHO, the local police will just say f— it, ain’t playing the game any more. With all the heat the police have taken with defunding and the rest of the crap, I’m surprised they haven’t already walked away. Many have- early retirements are way up, recruiting is way down, and a lot of big city cops are looking for and finding cushier jobs in the suburbs. Personally, I think law enforcement at all levels should walk off the job for two or three weeks in a nationwide wildcat strike, just to show everyone how bad things can really get. But I don’t think cowardice is going to drive this.

        • Confiscation is totally wrong, every LEO know it. If they begin it, the first 100 LEO or citizens to die will end it, our LE and Guard will not murder 80 million Americans. If someone claims it will be decided without bloodshed, he should be invited to break down the first door, wearing a T-shirt proclaiming that resistance is futile, POTG are all chickenshit.

        • Waco? A single target compound? Out in the middle of nowhere? Easily surrounded and contained (perimeter control)? No other homes/buildings within miles? Easy to access by rotorcraft? Not much tree/vegetation cover in the vicinity?
          A cakewalk.

          I live in a bedroom community between Dallas and Ft Worth that has significant tree coverage. There are over 3 dozen two story homes with direct sight lines to the front, side, and rear of my home, even 2 homes with 2nd floor sightlines into my fenced in backyard.
          These homes with clear sight lines are on my cul de sac street, (that ends at a lake), an alley behind my home, an adjecent street that dead ends (at ANOTHER lake), and homes another block OR two away. That’s over three dozen.

          Now let’s talk about homes across the lakes with clear sight lines. Nearly a dozen more homes total.
          This makes for around 4 dozen home within a 500 yard distance that have clear sight lines between them. This development has only two road leading in or out, and several open spaces around the lakes.

          The neighborhood gets together for cookouts and pool parties regularly, also many come out for a few range sessions each year.
          The amount of hardware and ammo in my neighborhood is significant to say the least. I’m aware of four Barretts (50 BMG and 338 Lapua Mag) nearby. There are several neighbors I’m aware of who actually know yardages to neighborhood homes and key landmarks (such as trees around the lakes, community mailboxes…….). Also, we DON’T solely rely on things such as smart phones and internet for communication.

          The logistics of a gun confiscation in a neighborhood such as mine vs the Waco event is NIGHT AND DAY.

          Not sure where SloJoe and the hoe would want to start, but they would certainly want to warm up somewhere other then a Texas neighborhood like mine.

          Many like LS DON’T smoke hopum, and choose to prepare. 👍

        • Waco? A single target compound?

          Waco was a shit show, they could have had Koresh at any time traveling to and from town… It was based on a bullshit anonymous tip(?) about full auto conversions but they didn’t have any full auto weapons to return fire when the FEDS attacked THEM… Hmmmmm.. Show of force? Look what WE can do? I was not impressed then, I’m NOT impressed now…

    • LifeSavor,

      “… the corrupt, Satanistic, netherworldly, pedophiliac kabal that has taken over this country …”

      Your characterization is intensely interesting to me, especially since someone recently confided with me their first-hand experience as a victim of of that kabal. His/her experience confirms all four of the words that you chose to describe it.

      To keep that in perspective, his/her experience was so vial, so evil, so off-the-charts that multiple therapists have expressed a similar sentiment: they are ill-prepared to provide effective therapy for such a horrific experience.

      • U_C,

        Yes. Most normies would dismiss your friends accounting as madness or exaggeration because the depths of inhuman perversions are horror beyond comprehension. People shut down and stop listening because even hearing of it is nightmarishly excruciating. The actions of these people are gory, ghoulish….Satanic.

        Kudos to you for listening to your friend and accepting his experience.

        • LifeSavor,

          Due to that unique insight which I now have, that is quite possibly the primary fact which underpins my belief that I can see Democrats (who apparently dominate that kabal) attempting to do pretty much anything and everything that they have ever imagined or wanted.

          Given the allegations, quite literally everything is on the table–or concrete/stone slab in this discussion.

        • “Given the allegations… “

          Why don’t you get back with us when you have actual evidence and testimony, as opposed to the claims of an individual who is admittedly experiencing mental difficulties requiring the intervention of professional therapists.

          You may want to take a moment to review the McMartin preschool claims and their eventual exposure as fraud.

          “ The case was part of day-care sex-abuse hysteria, a moral panic over alleged Satanic ritual abuse in the 1980s and early 1990s.”

          It is amazing how gullible folks are when you start talking about Satan, that whole made up religious bullshit is just so entertaining but it poses a real danger to the advance of our society.

          As Donald Trump said, “I love the poorly educated!”

        • Miner49er,

          I do have testimony from a human-trafficking victim who was a captive/slave to the Ruling Class between the ages of 12 and 16. That person testified to seeing elite members of the Ruling Class drug and rape 14 year-old boys and girls as well as drugging and murdering–in ritualistic sacrificial fashion–14 year-old children at “parties”.

          There is no reason not to believe that person’s testimony. The fact that 98% or more of the population is intent on categorically dismissing such a claim makes it that much easier for those monsters to continue doing it.

          Look at it this way: Hollywood is notorious for the “casting couch”–the worst kept secret ever. And plenty of movies and television shows come out of Hollywood with extremely dark/evil content/themes. What makes you think that Hollywood elites would not act upon such obscene desires if they could get away with it?

          And being able to get away with it is far easier than you might think, especially if you have mountains of cash, some of the monsters hold high-positions in public office (e.g. prosecutors), and you have “dirt” (e.g. blackmale) on those monsters in public office.

    • “the backlash against the corrupt, Satanistic, netherworldly, pedophiliac kabal that has taken over this country will turn into a steamroller.“

      Hilarious! It’s all about Satan?

      Yep, you’re one of them demon sperm activists, thanks for the belly laugh!

      When are you going to do something about the child molesting ring in the basement of your local pizza shop?

      Or are you too cowardly to rescue those poor innocent children being molested by pimple-faced pizza delivery guys, assisted by Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama?

  15. At this point in time, I believe Democrats have clearly demonstrated that nothing is “beyond the pale” as far as they are concerned. I can quite honestly envision them attempting pretty much anything and everything that they have ever wanted, whether or not their objective or actions are legal or righteous.

    Long gone are the days when Democrats felt a need to keep their ambitions–or even their actions for that matter–secret. That means they no longer expect any significant penalties for their illegal and/or unrighteous ambitions and actions. And if they no longer expect any significant penalties, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for them to restrain themselves.

    • The establishment was always pushing us in that direction, but Trump’s election sped things up. The mask is off now, and most people don’t seem to be bothered by it.

      • Dude,

        “The mask is off now, and most people don’t seem to be bothered by it.”

        I agree.

        And that is why I envision Democrats (and potentially even Republicans) saying to themselves at this point, “Well, since no one seems to care and we will not pay any penalties: fvck it, let’s shoot for the moon!”

        What a sad state of affairs.

  16. It’s a nice earth shattering narrative, but it’ll have to wait for a real juicy slaughter. The climate isn’t good right now with his poll numbers in the toilet and attention directed at his obvious cognitive decline, which is clearly worse than we think. The man is in trouble.

    • MLee,

      I have a monumentally serious question: why would Democrats care if Sleepy Joe’s poll numbers are in the toilet or his mental acuity is severely lacking?

      First of all, the legacy media refuses to call-out Democrats. (Case in point: how Democrats have aided and abetted something like 2 million+ illegal aliens–of which something like 25% have COVID-19–stream into our nation in 2021.) Thus, very few people have any idea how truly awful both KamalToe and Sleepy Joe are.

      Second and more importantly, their loyal voter base will reliably vote for anyone with a “D” before their name in all future elections, regardless of poll numbers. So, no risk in that regard.

      Finally and perhaps most importantly, on the outside chance that enough “independents” or “moderates” looked like they would vote for a Republican candidate, Democrats will ensure that they get just enough votes in a few (and I am talking about four or five) key precincts/locations–via fraud–for their candidate to win (especially with respect to the White House).

      Come to think of it, there is one more reason–probably THE biggest reason–that Democrats could care less about poll numbers or public perception of anyone’s mental acuity: they have a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and will absolutely, positively, take-it-to-the-bank (no pun intended) never, ever impeach anyone in any branch of government with a “D” before their name. Period.

      • They care because Camel Hairyass is not well liked, quite the opposite. When sleepy Joe is at last put out to pasture after his handlers can no longer effectively conceal his significant cognitive difficulties and Hairyass is president who is wholly unqualified for the office, they face a serious problem. They are very aware of it.

        They’re playing it off like it’s not a big deal their ship hit an iceberg, but it is a serious problem for them. The Southern border fiasco, COVID and the Afghanistan withdrawal are likely to play heavy in the midterms. If they lose either of the houses, which they are poised to do, they are seriously screwed.

        Of course I’m a cheap ass and never replaced the batteries in my crystal ball so we’ll just have to see how it plays out.

        • Que Mala would be because she’s actually relevant, but she’s wisely keeping an extremely low profile. She doesn’t seem to be very proud of the Biden Harris Administration.

        • MLee,

          “They care because Camel Hairyass is not well liked, quite the opposite.”

          Let’s say that is totally true and accurate. Why does that matter when Democrats despise Republicans even more than they dislike KamelToe? I just don’t see the Democrat voting base saying to themselves, “I really don’t care for KamelToe, so I am going to vote for that piece-of-$hit Republican this time.” And even if moderates/independents were leaning toward a Republican in the 2024 election, all Democrats have to do is produce a few extra boxes of “ballots” (after hours of course) at one or two counting locations in three “swing states” (e.g. Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania) to ensure that they win the White House.

          And here is the Democrat Party’s proverbial “ace in the hole”: in the event that Sleepy Joe resigns and KamelToe takes the reins, an unprecedented avalanche of Democrat voters are guaranteed to vote for her in 2024. Why? Not only because she has a “D” before her name. Far more important: she is a partially black woman and faithful Democrat voters will be tripping over themselves to finally elect a woman–a partially black woman no less!–into the White House. The prospect of finally breaking the “glass ceiling” will be irresistible.

        • Why? Not only because she has a “D” before her name. Far more important: she is a partially black woman and faithful Democrat voters will be tripping over themselves to finally elect a woman

          Sep 23, 2021 · Trump in head-to-head matchups with Biden or Harris would win by double-digit margins; 51-41 percent over Biden and 52-39 percent over Harris. Voters are divided on whether Trump should run again in 2024, with 48 percent saying it would be a good idea and 44 percent saying it would be a bad idea.

  17. @LarryinTX
    “If you wish to take that risk, be my guest, but the hospital should not be free to anyone who has not been vaccinated, you pays your money and you takes your choice.”

    Should be the same for those who take the vaccines, and have a breakthrough event. Remember, these are government drones telling us about “science”; the same drones who lied about Trump for four years, and have yet to give up on the idea Trump was a Russian agent.

    The truly “best and brightest” are not in the majority among government employees.

    • Sam, the claims about the vaccine being ineffective are without merit.

      “In West Virginia, 6,763 people of about 137,000 total cases since vaccine administration began in West Virginia have suffered vaccine breakthrough infections (4.6%). However, when looking at the most severe complication of COVID-19, only 85 people out of 3,169 COVID-19 deaths occurred in fully vaccinated West Virginia residents. This places the risk of death by vaccine breakthrough at 0.03% for those fully vaccinated.

      Vaccines provide tremendous protection against severe illness and death. These vaccines work against all forms of COVID-19.

      Today in our West Virginia hospitals, the most severely ill COVID-infected West Virginians are unvaccinated. Specifically, 83% of hospitalized patients, 90% of ICU patients, and 93% of patients on ventilators are unvaccinated.

      As is true in the rest of the world, in the U.S. and in West Virginia, the overwhelming majority of West Virginia residents suffering severe illness from COVID-19 are not vaccinated.

      In fact, many studies reflect this fact.

      In a CDC study based on data in Los Angeles County, California, the risk of being hospitalized if you are unvaccinated versus if you are vaccinated is 29 times higher. Israel found the risk was 9 times greater of being hospitalized if unvaccinated.”

      Let me highlight the pertinent point in this quote:

      “Specifically, 83% of hospitalized patients, 90% of ICU patients, and 93% of patients on ventilators are unvaccinated.“

      • This places the risk of death by vaccine breakthrough at 0.03% for those fully vaccinated.

        That’s prettty good since globally the TOTAL deathrate is only .02% of ALL people infected by the WuFlu, in fact last year 3 times as many people in Africa died from friggin “MALARIA” than from WuFlu.. Wonder how many of them were vaccinated..

  18. “Over the past eight months since taking office, Joe Biden has evolved from being an annoying gun control advocate to a dangerously ambitious gun prohibitionist…”

    Understatement of the century. The dude’s administration (I’m really rather unsure that Biden has a clue what’s really going on) a menace across a whole host of fronts, the combination of which may actually lead us into a situation where we find out if the country is willing to use the 2A.

    I don’t relish saying that but more and more it seems to be true, we’re hurtling at break-neck speed towards really dark shit and virtually no one is willing to even point this out.

    Rule of Law is entirely out the window at this point, as are logic, science and civility. Everything they’re doing is about gaslighting groups against each other and encouraging the country to tear itself apart. Honestly, I can’t think of anything off the top of my head where this isn’t the case. From energy policy to mandates to the border to trade to jobs to monetary and fiscal policy… you name it.

    It’s almost like they want the entire country at each other’s throats. And every policy they announce either concentrates power or creates another crisis as an excuse to concentrate power. At this point I figure that them “losing control” is basically just a question of when. Shit, KFF thinks that NY is about to, at midnight, lose the majority of its healthcare workers to this new mandate. Something like 83% (IIRC) of nursing home workers and half of nurses as of like two days ago? Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ. And the new governor thinks she can just replace them with foreigners? By when? LOL. Hello crashing system.

    And, again, no one really seems to care. Even some RINO publications have come out recently with articles basically saying “Why the fuck is no one protesting these utterly egregious actions?” followed by a list of their pet issues. The sad part being that they have to ask why, lol, as if that’s not pretty obvious by now.

    At this point if someone says to you “The country isn’t at risk of collapse but is actually collapsing as I say this” there are several very strong arguments that they are correct.

    • “It’s almost like they want the entire country at each other’s throats.”

      That has turned out to be an excellent distraction in their favor.

      • The issue with pursuing such a strategy within your own nation is similar to the tradeoff between Communism and a Freer method of government.

        Communism, or really any totalitarian system, can martial resources quickly but its overall structure is brittle because by its nature the system suppresses and therefore lacks innovation. Freer methods produce a system that is slower to react but which isn’t as brittle because it can innovate around problems.

        This is similar. The power grabbed in the immediate is immense but the system will eventually fall because it will create chaos that the system itself cannot control. In that regard such a strategy is entirely retrograde from the jump. The French found this out in 1793.

        • China seems to have figured out how to make it work. If they need new tech, they just steal it. The problem most Americans would have with that system is the lack of freedom, and unequal and immoral treatment of citizens. As we’re discovering with the mask off, Democrats don’t seem to have a problem with that. They would love a setup like China with authoritarian one party rule.

    • “Rule of Law is entirely out the window at this point, as are logic, science and civility.”

      Agree. And why not since the perpetrators never pay any significant personal nor professional penalties?

      While it may be entirely too late at this point, I have finally determined how the Ruling Class is getting away with this and it is amazingly simple.

      It is a fact that human beings are social creatures and we have an intense instinctive drive to be part of a large and powerful social group. The corollary: human beings do not want to be outcasts and therefore face the evils of the world alone.

      That being the case, the Ruling Class kept ratcheting up their shrill cries that anyone who disagrees with anything that their group represents or aspires to achieve was/is a reprehensible and irredeemable racist / misogynist / xenophobe / homophobe / etc. The Ruling Class hoped that would be enough for them to achieve all their “hopes and dreams” quickly.

      Of course that was producing “positive” results but nowhere fast enough. Then the Ruling Class discovered how to “cancel” anyone who failed to enthusiastically support them. While their initial efforts were lackluster, their “cancel” campaigns quickly gained traction and started producing significant results exponentially faster than mere cries of “racist!”.

      Three years (give-or-take) of “cancel” campaigns brings us to where we are today: the Ruling Class’ implicit threat of “cancelling” their political enemies is in full force and few, if any, dare to challenge them. The natural result: they are drunk with their newfound power and we have what we see happening all around us.

      If the masses suddenly find the courage to push back against “cancel culture”, we can recover from this. If not, we are doomed.

  19. @UpInArms
    “With all the heat the police have taken with defunding and the rest of the crap, I’m surprised they haven’t already walked away.”

    Those who would walk away (and already have) might be considered the “good cops”. After all the “good cops” are gone, what remains are the true believers (cops who are of the bunker mentality). Taken off the leash, they will not be reluctant to punish all the “deplorables”, by any means necessary.

    Thinking the vast majority of paramilitary forces will simply refuse to follow orders is not prudent. If you wish to poke the bear, you are responsible for the result.

    Related, but just barely: “Good generals master tactics; great generals master logistics”.

  20. They can’t make you get the vaccine.
    They can highly incentivize you to get the vaccine; particularly as a condition of continued employment.
    But they can’t hold you down and give it to you against your will.

  21. Work for 2-3 h0urs in y0ur spare time and OO get paid 1200 on y0ur bank acc0unt every week…

    Get m0re information 0n f0ll0wing site… 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧.𝐭𝐤

  22. “If Joe Biden can force a needle in your arm, he can take your gun.”


    Public Health laws are Constitutional. There’s a ton of case law on that right up to the Supreme Court. Not about forcing everyone to have a shot, but yes on making the jab in the arm a condition of employment.

    Gun Prohibition laws are Un-Constitutional. There’s a Constitutional Amendment that says so. Case law continues to accumulate on this one too, although the legal and political fight drags on year after year.

  23. Yet another SAF ad that looks like it was created by a junior high school AV club.
    They really need to fire the advertising company and anybody in SAF that approves these pieces of sheet.
    The abysmal quality of these ads is the main reason that I don’t contribute to SAF.
    They are wasting contributors money for these amateur ads in prime time.

    • Here’s a suggestion to the SAF folks on how to make a commercial.

      Go to this link which shows Australia police beating the sheet out of their citizens.
      Take those videos and just play it with ominous music and a banner that simply says….

      The above scenes are made possible by Australian “common sense gun laws” which takes guns from law-abiding citizens


      Possibly coming to your home town if you think only the government should have guns

      That’s how you make an ad. Gut wrenching video.

  24. @Dude
    “Que Mala would be because she’s actually relevant, but she’s wisely keeping an extremely low profile.”

    Being relevant, or likeable isn’t important. The Dimolefts proved that if you control the voting, you can elect a ham sandwich.

  25. I wasn’t going to say anything on this thread. I read what I’m willing to read and I was gonna just move on but I just finished watching the third installment from Project Veritas on the evil toob of youz. I’ll say that it was about as truthful as we’ll ever be allowed to see or hear.

    For anyone willing to have some alternate narrative exposed to them and in particular some “undercover honesty”, watch them. If you are surprised by what you see and hear….that’s on you. Some of the folks here already have an understanding of the real truth about this whole thing.

    Just sharing info. Do with it what you will.

  26. “A riddle; When is a vaccine NOT a vaccine?

    “Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said we may need annual Covid shots”

    A; When you need the shot anually.”

    It’s still a vaccine, it’s just that viruses — like the flu — mutate so a new vaccine is needed each year.
    And as with insurance, it’s a form of gambling: epidemiologists try to guess what strain of flu will be the big one the next year, and aim at that.
    Though given that last year with nearly everyone wearing masks there pretty much wasn’t a flu season, the gamble is much smaller if everyone keeps wearing masks!

    • “It’s still a vaccine, it’s just that viruses — like the flu — mutate so a new vaccine is needed each year.”

      Yes. Vaccine is a far cry from an immunization.

      “Though given that last year with nearly everyone wearing masks there pretty much wasn’t a flu season, the gamble is much smaller if everyone keeps wearing masks!”

      And gloves, and long pants and sleeves, and stays indoors except for leaving to purchase only life sustaining goods and services (government flow control agents necessary to ensure compliance, and prevent overcrowding of points of purchase).

      Complete isolation of the population from each other will be the most effective means of limiting (not eliminating) the infection rates of cold and flu viruses. The incidental lowering of crime and accident rates will be free bonus.

      • “Complete isolation of the population from each other will be the most effective means of limiting (not eliminating) the infection rates of cold and flu viruses. The incidental lowering of crime and accident rates will be free bonus.”

        Though intriguingly, though burglary and rape dropped last year assaults rose — the “why” is subject to wild guesses since there were a lot of changes other than just a pandemic.

        • “Though intriguingly, though burglary and rape dropped last year assaults rose…”

          It is the net that counts; categories are unimportant. Struggling to understand how fewer people outdoors will lead to greater crime overall. I guess it is possible that domestic crime could be so widespread that it displaces all other crime entirely. If so, the nation would need government monitoring of “yard privileges”, where people can get outdoors for exercise one hour a day.

        • Complete isolation of the population from each other will be the most effective means of…

          IF you intend to eliminate EVERY Cat, Dog, pig, horse, cow etc… You cannot get control of a virus that has been engineered to be transmissible between humans AND a variety of domesticated (and wild) animals… Vaccine means jack-shit because I can give WuFlu to my English Mastiff, he can give it to my cats and they can give it back to me… SO do I just eliminate animals that I trust more than most people? Why is there no vaccine for my most trusted family members? Because it’s all bullshit, IF you are already “knock, knock, knockin’ on heavens door” then be concerned, take steps to protect YOURSELF.. It’s not MY job to worry about everyone else… If you can’t take care of YOU, that’s not my problem…

  27. @JamesCampbell
    The point wasn’t target selection, but a caution about believing the idea that cops will chicken out when fired upon (they didn’t at Waco), and the military will refuse orders to attack fellow citizens. Further, although, maybe, possibly a significant number of military would refuse orders, that does not amount to the same number proclaiming themselves to be “patriots”, and join an armed defense of gun ownership.

    In 1985, cops in Philadelphia bombed a residence, and let the fire burn out of control, destroying several other residences. Bombing another neighborhood is not a stretch. Especially if there is plenty of foliage so as to whip up a wildfire that will spread rapidly. And after one of those episodes, the president would declare an insurrection, federalize and mobilize a National Guard unit from an anti-gun state, and send that unit into the petulant state, declare martial law.

    Besides, the vaunted, hoped for, welcomed Civil War 3.0 will not be the way guns are removed from society; frog in hot water.

    “IF you intend to eliminate EVERY Cat, Dog, pig, horse, cow etc…”

    Please re-read the part where I declared the intention to be “limiting”, not “eliminating”. Cold and flu virus cannot be eliminated. No one should be thinking that there is really some magic that will rid humans of WuFlu.

    A complete lockdown (24/7)in concert with vaccinations (of questionable effectiveness) will result in an even greater reduction in infection of all sorts. Of course, such a safety regime is not possible because we allow unstoppable invasions of people overrunning our borders, and not being tested, or vaccinated. An it would be inhumane to require the assault force to get vaccinated, wear masks, or stay indoors 24/7. But that is another story.

    • Please re-read the part where I declared the intention to be “limiting”, not “eliminating”

      Actually my response was intended for “Roymond” but if you need it to be about you that’s cool too… Pretty much why I used HIS quote “Complete isolation of the population from each other will be the most effective means of”… I didn’t even read YOUR reply, til now… But thanks for playing

        • I don’t care who said what, my point stands, It matters not what they do, you cannot LIMIT OR eliminate something that has been “engineered” to overcome ALL possible constraints… We damn near destroyed the “global” economy with the bullshit shut down and when that didn’t work it was useless masks and an arbitrary “6 foot” social distancing (that no one knows where it came from) and now they are locking people up and shooting them with rubber bullets in Australia… It’s all bullshit, you WILL either spend your life in cowardly isolation or you will eventually get the virus… I’ll be 72 in 11 days, I had WuFlu
          in Nov 2019, yes it WAS here then, I survived, my wife had it (10 years younger than me) I won’t let the fear mongering govt, media or other know nothing individuals dictate how I live my life… If you want to run and hide that’s YOUR business, I choose to continue my life as I always have (NOT some fucking NEW normal, god I hate that term)….

      • “Actually my response was intended for “Roymond” but if you need it to be about you that’s cool too… Pretty much why I used HIS quote “Complete isolation of the population from each other will be the most effective means of”… I didn’t even read YOUR reply, til now… But thanks for playing.”

        With so many people replying to themselves, or someone else when directing comments to yet someone else, things can get confusing. The confusion stems from a system limit that apparently stops a “thread” after three or four (or something) indentions under the original or subsequent commenter. Something I try to work with, understanding “errors” will result.

        On a personal note, until your comment above I took you to be a serious thinker, and someone to pay attention to. With your last sentence, I stand corrected.

        Thank you.

        • I took you to be a serious thinker, and someone to pay attention to. With your last sentence, I stand corrected.

          Damn, and YOUR opinion of me always meant SO much, hell it gives me a reason to get out of bed in the morning (or is it the cat wanting out?).. Hmmmmm, oh well…

        • at 72 you may have been retired for a few or more years. no reason to change the way you do anything. hopefully you’ll get to do so for some time yet, but being a pensioner is the greater side of ageing.
          i work outside, virtually alone in a metropolis. i haven’t changed a thing about my routines beyond draping a small patch of cloth to hang in front of my intake port at the store. if my hand is forced i’ll put my papers in.
          i’m very fortunate.

        • at 72 you may have been retired for a few or more years.

          More than a few… With 100% VA disability rating, Social Security and some good investment advice when the Market crashed in 08/09 and my wife still working as a Registered Nurse we are quite comfortable… I don’t like doing repetitive stuff and change up daily, I ride nearly every day weather permitting but leave at different times and take different routes every time…

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