Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross, center right, speaks during a news conference at City Hall in Philadelphia, Thursday, Aug. 15, 2019. A gunman, identified as Maurice Hill, wounded six police officers before surrendering early Thursday, after a 7 ½-hour standoff.(AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

By the Second Amendment Foundation

Wednesday’s shootout in Philadelphia that left six of that city’s courageous police officers injured stands as yet another example of the failure of gun control because the suspect in this case has been identified as having a lengthy criminal background that precluded him from possessing firearms, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.

“The suspect in Philadelphia has done time for drug and gun law violations, and other crimes,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “He’s a walking example of gun control failure and considering his background, we’re wondering why he was even on the streets. His presence in the community underscores the argument for judicial reform, and his ability to obtain firearms shows once again that gun control laws do not prevent determined criminals from getting their hands on guns.”

News reports say the suspect had an AR-15 rifle and several handguns. Gottlieb noted that millions of honest citizens have such firearms, which were not designed for the military, and they have harmed nobody. Indeed, he added, private citizens have used such rifles to defend themselves and others from harm.

There was the case in Sutherland Springs, Texas where a private citizen used an AR15 to shoot a crazed mass killer who had opened fire in a nearby church, Gottlieb recalled. In a different case, an Oklahoma man used an AR-15 to fatally shoot three home intruders. Last year in Colorado, he continued, a retired Alabama man camping in the Pike National Forest used two AR15 rifles to stop the suspect in a shooting spree.

“Law-abiding citizens use semi-auto rifles for all kinds of purposes, including self-defense,” Gottlieb said. “However, instead of admitting that their gun control laws have failed, politicians try to exploit cases like Philadelphia to demand more gun laws that also won’t work because criminals don’t obey the law.

“You do not prevent criminals from having guns by disarming their intended victims,” he explained about gun control laws. “But that’s the nature of gun control. It penalizes the good guys and doesn’t stop the bad guys.”


The Second Amendment Foundation ( is the nation’s oldest and largest tax-exempt education, research, publishing and legal action group focusing on the Constitutional right and heritage to privately own and possess firearms. Founded in 1974, The Foundation has grown to more than 650,000 members and supporters and conducts many programs designed to better inform the public about the consequences of gun control.


    • They’ll use any shooting, they’ll just conveniently omit the race angle unless it’s the one they want.

      • A politician with a law never stops a bad guy with a gun. He only controls the good guys, which is his true agenda. The bad guy with a gun…..or the mentally deficient guy with a gun……or the terribly distraught family member of a gun shooting victim…….or the Feelz-Gooder Social Do-Gooder…..are the politician’s Useful Idiot Tools to achieve his agenda.
        Making good people helpless does not make bad people harmless.
        For once I agree with Bill O’Reilly. Bad guys shooting people is the price of freedom. Liberty is risky business. That’s why our Founding Fathers recognized our God-given right to shoot back.
        ”Killing is a matter of will, not weapons.
        You cannot control the act itself
        by passing laws about the means employed.”
        The late Col Jeff Cooper, 1958
        Handgun expert and founder of Gunsite Academy

        • “The bad guy with a gun…..or the mentally deficient guy with a gun……or the terribly distraught family member of a gun shooting victim…….or the Feelz-Gooder Social Do-Gooder…..are the politician’s Useful Idiot Tools to achieve his agenda.”
          The bad guy with a gun is some attorney’s immediate future client and a potential client in perpetuity (as all of the stories show), unless some law abiding self defenders or police take this bad guy out of the repeat customer pool. A bad guy in prison a good repeat client does not make for your average criminal attorney.

    • Both are real problems. We do have a White Supremacist problem, a violent one, that’s real. We do have a black on black or whoever else is around problem, that’s real too. We have ANTIFA and Sovereign Citizens and Eco Terrorists and domestic Jihadists and home invasion gangs of every color and inner city gangs in various racial and ethnic persuasions any other violent group that pops up from time top time.

      Why the hell do we own guns anyway? To hunt ducks?

      I suppose one of my shotgun barrels for the Mossberg 500 is suitable for that but it hasn’t been on the gun in decades. It has the cylinder bore 18.5″ on it.

      Because of all that.

      Among other guns I have of course.

      • “We do have a White Supremacist problem, a violent one”

        Could you give a few examples for that statement?

        • 2019 El Paso Walmart shooting El Paso, Texas
          2019 Poway synagogue shooting Poway, California
          2018 Tallahassee yoga studio shooting Tallahassee, Florida
          2018 Jeffersontown Kroger shooting Jeffersontown, Kentucky
          2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
          2018 Murder of Blaze Bernstein Orange County, California
          2018 Murder of MeShon Cooper-Williams Kansas City, Missouri
          2017 Murder of Scott Fricker and Buckeley Kuhn-Fricker Reston, Virginia
          2017 Murder of Richard Collins III College Park, Maryland
          2017 Car-ramming attack into counter-protestors at the white nationalist Unite the Right rally Charlottesville, Virginia
          2017 Portland train attack Portland, Oregon
          2017 Stabbing of Timothy Caughman New York City, New York
          2015 Shooting at a showing of the film Trainwreck Lafayette, Louisiana
          2015 Planned Parenthood shooting Colorado Springs, Colorado
          2015 Shooting attack on worshippers at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church Charleston, South Carolina
          2014 Attack on Pennsylvania State Police barracks
          2014 Ambush attack on Las Vegas police officers Las Vegas, Nevada
          2014 Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting Overland Park, Kansas
          2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting attack on TSA officer
          2013 Double murder committed by Jeremy Lee Moody and Christine Moody Jonesville, South Carolina
          2012 Ambush attack against St. John the Baptist Parish police St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana
          2012 Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting Oak Creek, Wisconsin
          2011 Tri-state killing spree by white supremacists David Pedersen and Holly Grigsby Multiple
          2011 FEAR group attacks Georgia
          2011 Murder of James Craig Anderson Jackson, Mississippi
          2010 Murder committed by Aryan Brotherhood members Mississippi
          2010 Shooting at bookstore cafe perpetrated by Ross William Muehlberger Wichita Falls, Texas
          2010 Murder of Todd Getgen[86][87] Carlisle, Pennsylvania
          2010 Suicide attack by airplane Austin, Texas
          2009 Murder of sex offender by white supremacists North Palm Springs, California
          2009 Murder committed by Charles Francis Gaskins Carmichael, California
          2009 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting Washington, D.C.
          2009 Assassination of George Tiller Wichita, Kansas
          2009 Murders of Raul and Brisenia Flores Brockton, Massachusetts
          2009 Shooting of Pittsburgh police officers Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
          2008 Woodburn bank bombing Woodburn, Oregon
          2008 Knoxville Unitarian Universalist church shooting Knoxville, Tennessee
          2007 Murder of homeless man by Aryan Soldiers
          2006 Murder committed by John Ditullio
          2004 Bank robbery Tulsa, Oklahoma
          2003 Torture, abduction and murder Salinas, California

        • Great list tickTalk that covers about 1 month worth of murders, rapes and assaults in Chitcago by NON WHITES

        • tickTalk:

          I read his manifesto and I don’t agree that the El Paso shooter was a white supremacist. I think he was an eco-teriorist.

          Just because the shooter is white doesn’t make he/ she a white supremacist. There are many different motivations in the twisted minds of these mass murderers.

        • to mad max

          ‘quote””””””””””””””””’I read his manifesto and I don’t agree that the El Paso shooter was a white supremacist. I think he was an eco-teriorist.

          Just because the shooter is white doesn’t make he/ she a white supremacist. There are many different motivations in the twisted minds of these mass murderers.============quote

          The on line rantings of the El Paso nut case specifically stated he went there to kill Mexicans. Now Genius what part of this do you not understand.

    • Just like the shooter allegedly armed with legally purchased guns and a “silencer”… you know the incident… the one Trump said “I don’t like them and going to look into them”.
      He was a black man who went nuts and it just didn’t make the news like some of the other shootings. In fact it was quite a while until I read an article that even said he was a black man. I don’t really give a shit about the race of crazy shooters but the mainstream media sure seems to.

  1. So, the Mayor and City Council of Philadelphia, will push to make it more difficult to obtain firearms while increasing numbers of black people are taking advantage of their 2nd Amendment right to arm themselves for self defense. Let’s see how that works out for the gun-grabbing politicians.

    • Maj Toure (Black Guns Matter) is running for Philadelphia City Council. Maybe he’ll have an impact.

    • They will make a lot of noise but I will bet that a sizable portion of the black population in Philadelphia will not support it. They want the ability to defend themselves and they already see that the bad guys are already armed. That, and Pittsburgh will lose because of the Commonwealth preemption laws.

      Disclaimer: I am not trying to speak for any race or ethnicity. Just musing about that which I read, watch, and hear.

  2. The mayor & DA of Philadelphia need to look at themselves for this happening. According to reports Philadelphia Police told people to stay away from the area cause of the active shooting, but people showed up & were jeering/booing the law enforcement, with some throwing objects at them.

  3. He wuz such a nice boy….. he didn’ do nuffin. Seems like I remember all the talk about drug crimes being non violent.

  4. quote:================Wednesday’s shootout in Philadelphia that left six of that city’s courageous police officers injured stands as yet another example of the failure of gun control because the suspect in this case has been identified as having a lengthy criminal background that precluded him from possessing firearms, the Second Amendment Foundation said today.================quote

    Totally False on two counts.

    1. Any criminal or nut case can buy all the firepower they want in the U.S. because there are no Federal Background checks on second hand weapons. This is not rocket science and no amount of lies by the Far Right can avoid this glaring truth.

    2. Most civilized countries have severe restrictions on the ownership of assault rifles and the amount of ammo a weapon can hold for civilian use. Many Nations outlaw civilian use of them altogether.

    The facts: In the past several years the stats show that the other industrialized countries had a maximum of only 2 mass shootings while the U.S is now up to 251 mass shootings just in this year alone and the year is far from being over proving other Nations gun control laws work and work very well indeed.

    • There are federal background checks on second hand weapons, unless it is a face to face sale away from a gun show or store. In some states, this hurts the Curio and Relic collectors by making them pay to transfer every firearm they buy. Anyone who has gone through the process is on the list and should not have to pay for a check for any more firearms. The whole idea is that a person that has never owned firearms is checked to be sure that he/she is ok to have them. It is redundant and an unfair tax on anyone wanting more that one firearm to have to pay and wait for it to clear.
      What is wanted is a gun registry telling the government where each gun is – this has been struck down over and over, but anyone who knows how the government works knows that they have one.
      Vlad, you just don’t get it.

    • In Michigan, it’s a law that a private sale must have a triplicate form filled out with the buyers name, sellers name, serial number and type of firearm.
      One copy to buyer, one copy to seller and buyer gives last copy to local police department.
      Criminals don’t obey laws nor do they “buy” firearms from an FFL or legitimate seller. They are stolen guns or they steal them themselves.
      Today is day 227 of this year. Your number of 251 was gathered how? Does your number include gang shootings?
      I’d like to see a list of the 251 “mass shootings” this year.

    • Vlad Tepes,

      Even your coveted universal background checks will not stop criminals from acquiring firearms.

      Universal background checks do NOT stop criminals from:
      (1) Stealing firearms.
      (2) Purchasing firearms from sympathetic friends.
      (3) Manufacturing their own firearms.
      (4) Smuggling firearms.

      Come to think of it, NOTHING will ever stop criminals from stealing stuff, involving friends to avoid government scrutiny, manufacturing their own stuff, and smuggling stuff.

    • “2. Most civilized countries have severe restrictions on the ownership of assault rifles and the amount of ammo a weapon can hold for civilian use. Many Nations outlaw civilian use of them altogether.”

      Those countries don’t have a constitution that guarantees those rights to them. Entertaining how you avoid that elephant in the room. But that is par for people of your stripe.

      Until you get 36 states to ratify repealing the second, well you just lose.

      Then there are all those justices that Trump appointed……

      Then there is 18-280 in the supreme court. Oh and that other case they are holding in case that one doesn’t work out. The supreme court will use one of these cases as a vehicle to apply strict scrutiny to the second. Then your opinion will not matter in the least, nor any of these infringements that will be wiped off the books.

      Tis not a matter of if but when. So enjoy your time believing that you have any chance in accomplishing the nonsense that you spout.

      Good day 😀

      • quote————————Those countries don’t have a constitution that guarantees those rights to them. Entertaining how you avoid that elephant in the room. But that is par for people of your stripe.

        Until you get 36 states to ratify repealing the second, well you just lose.

        Then there are all those justices that Trump appointed……

        Then there is 18-280 in the supreme court. Oh and that other case they are holding in case that one doesn’t work out. The supreme court will use one of these cases as a vehicle to apply strict scrutiny to the second. Then your opinion will not matter in the least, nor any of these infringements that will be wiped off the books.

        Tis not a matter of if but when. So enjoy your time believing that you have any chance in accomplishing the nonsense that you spout.——————quote

        The Second Amendment has been largely ignored by the courts since it was first implemented. Both Liberal and Conservative courts have consistently upheld most anti-gun laws. It will be no different with this current court as history has already proven it time and time again. The Supreme Court will simply do as it always has done and just refuse to hear the cases letting the anti-gun lower court decisions stand. History is not on your side.

  5. I don’t know how he got the guns but I wrote a letter to the editor and have suggested that straw man purchasers sentences be doubled to 20 years and if the gun is used in a crime that person should be charged with that crime too and the sentence served consecutively and if the gun is used in a murder the charge should be felony murder. Let’s see how many wives and girlfriends will risk that for some schmuck. And if you would risk that for a friend you would be the schmuck.

  6. Those who are screaming for more gun control. Whether they know it or not or even care. Are just self serving A-H@(s. They are looking to control honest folk. While doing nothing about criminals.
    Criminals belong in jail not on our streets after a short paid vacation on us taxpayers.
    Taking away my guns that never have and wont ever hurt anyone not deserving to be hurt.
    While these crooks who belong in jail walk around armed.
    To quote a pretty dumb exboxer who should still be in jail himself. Is Ludacris.

  7. Self hating white Libertarians Liberals and the Left, can’t bring themselves to admit that criminal blacks need to be locked up. Just like any other criminal. They support the Obama policy of being lenient on potentially violent people.

    Also the “gun moll” no matter what her race, need so to be prosecuted and sent to jail. Robyn Anderson, the “gun Moll”, supplied 3 of the 4 guns to Columbine shooters. She was NEVER prosecuted. But the male gun supplier, Mark Manes was.

    Most news stories only mention his name. Not the girls name who supplied the 3 guns. And No picture of her.
    I wonder why?????

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