You’ve heard it a hundred times. Maybe a thousand. Rule 1: every gun is always loaded. Always. Even if you’ve checked a gun ten times in the last five minutes, you never know what someone else may have done with a heater when it’s been out of your sight. Even momentarily. The safe thing to do – check the chamber on every gun you pick up, every time you pick it up. Many moons ago, Tamara Keel learned this the hard way, fortunately without anyone developing an unwanted puncture. The story is well worth reading for those of us that are OCD about chamber checks. Or should be. Tam’s probably forgotten more about guns than most of us will ever know about them. You’d do well to learn from her experience. If it can happen to her, it can happen to you or anyone else who handles guns, mkay?
[NOTE: The first version of this blog contained the entirety of Tamara Keel’s post. This was a violation of the fair use doctrine. TTAG apologizes to the original author and assures other bloggers that we will not scrape an undue amount of content in the future.]