Dr. Joseph V. Sakran
Dr. Joseph Sakran (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
[ED: If you’re not familiar with Dr. Joseph Sakran’s distinguished body of work, see our earlier posts here, here and here.]


Medical professionals have an obligation to work beyond the bedside to protect the health of our communities. It is our duty to respond to the gun violence crisis, which is perhaps the most important public health problem in modern time.
Healthcare workers have seen far too often the consequences of assault weapons, which transmit such energy and force that they liquefy organs and explode bones, leaving some victims only identifiable through DNA tests. This epidemic is made all the more devastating because it is preventable through sensible policy solutions, like banning assault weapons.


— Dr. Joseph Sakran in Brady, Medical Professionals Urge Senate Action on Assault Weapons Ban, Announce New Physician-Led Partnership




  1. “which transmit such energy and force that they liquefy organs and explode bone”

    ya mean for the around 2 million people suffering car accident annually and (collectively) seriously injured or killed (CDC)? that health crisis?

    • quack, quack, quack Gun Control dr. sakran need not wonder any more why the vast majority of criminals run like hell from gunfire. Perhaps the same basic historical reason criminals ran like hell from the sight of a sword.

      On the other hand when people haven’t the means of self defense it sets the stage for people to become slaves, ask slave decendants in America. Or look at enslaved Jews who were used like mice in the most horrendous sickening human experiments ever performed on earth by quack, quack, quack doctors. Or ask Jews who survived nazi germany concentration camps, slave labor, etc.

      Better yet ask the quack, quack, quack doctors who performed the aforementioned experiments, that is if one can be found that did not get a taste of their own medicine at the end of a rope or from a firing squad.

      It is a very thin line between criminals who savor the thought of unarmed victims and the quack, quack, quacks exactly like dr. sakran who savor an agenda that History Confirms is rooted in racism and genocide.

      • Yeah, let’s turn the tables on the self-righteous doctor, here, and ask him how benevolent Dr. Mengele was in Auschwitz, when he performed experiments specifically on twins. I bet they were wishing they had been able to have something for self-defense before being hauled off. The book “Children of the Flames” is about this very thing, written by the surviving twins themselves. So I am not sure doctors are in a position to be lecturing anyone.

        • What the hell has MENGELE got to do with gun control measures in the USA ?? Or is there some obscure political point that is trying to suggest that if JEWS had been ”carrying” it would somehow have stopped the HOLOCAUST? Dream on Dick-Head! Neither the ‘ ‘BROWNSHIRTS’ or the NAZI’s were armed organisations atbthe Street Level – they did not have to be.

        • Albert L J Hall. Mengele engaged in social engineering. You “anti-gun radicals engage in social engineering.
          It is entirely possible that if the Jews had been armed, they might have given your Nazi buds a good fight.

  2. These idiots have been watching too much TV, or listening to delusional libs………pretty much the same thing, eh??

  3. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.” C. S. Lewis

    • And your point is? I bet it’s not being gulled by the US Firearms industry that put’s profits before lives and has convinced gun owneres to buy 400,000,000 firearms. The vast majority of which are utterly without purpose or nessessity. Other than sexual symbolic substitutes, for emotional maturity.

      One good BANG is as good as any other kinda thing!!

      • Albert LJ Hall you are so full of shi*, you are like a Christmas turkey. Here is a RED HOT NEWS FLASH for you. Guns don’t kill people; a gun has never been convicted of a crime.
        None of my guns have killed anyone.
        Was the reason you worked in the RAF because you needed a sexual symbol of your “virility”?

  4. Doctor, heal thyself first. More Americans die as a direct result of medical malpractice (~400k / year) than do by rifles of *any* kind (~400 / year)
    It is our duty to respond to the gun violence crisis, which is perhaps the most important public health problem in modern time.
    So the opioid / fentanyl crisis is less important?

    Just curious…

  5. “Liquefy organs and explode bones”. Hmm, must be referring to the deadly .9mm cartridge again which of course, should be banned immediately. Car crashes on the other hand, leave much more identifiable corpses. Mostly. Um, yeah.

    • *Checks inventory…scratching head.*
      Where can I go to pick up this weapon which can liquify organs and explode bones? Sounds cool and clearly within my 2A rights. Did they finally get around to that Plasma rifle I was promised in 1984?

  6. a caliber that leaves a good looking corpse and ~just barely~ causes fatality would be ideal.
    from an organ harvesting stanpoint i agree.

    • 留下一具好看的尸体并且~只是勉强~导致死亡的口径将是理想的。 从器官摘取斯坦点我同意。I doubt the translation of your post is accurate but the message fits the theme.

    • Dunno, but I smelled the distinct odor of burned toast while…

      Might’ve stroked out reading that moronic rambling prose. Brain assploded. Surely Dacian must be his protege. XD

  7. Once again idiots spoting off about subject matter they know nothing about. 5.56 / 223 does not even have sufficient energy to be approved by the Dept of Wildlife to be used for deer hunting. I shot a coyote with a 338 Win mag, now that’s serious trauma. But evidently facts don’t matter to the Doctor.

  8. If fentanyl “liquefied organs and exploded bones,” these politically motivated physicians might also demand border security?

  9. Here we go again with the emotional approach from idiots with professional titles;

    “Liquify organs” … Does he put them in a blender? How do you “liquify” something that supposedly is mostly a gas?

    “Explode bones” … I never knew our bones were flammable and/or explosive … (???)

    And last but not least the all-time classic; “assault weapons” … Here’s another expensively educated dumbass that fails to define “assault weapons”. This is also the one that gets me the most. For the most part only the guvmint entities have select-fire full auto weapons. I don’t know which communist(s) this clown gets this from but using this terminology alone nullifies his whiney complaint. If he doesn’t like treating wounds then he needs to work elsewhere but AFTER the deadbeat bastard himself repays all his student loans.

    Another tactic of the tyrannical and corrupt left to add to their package of tyrannical attempt(s) to take away our 2nd. Amendment rights. After we win our next civil war we need to add this type of snotball to the group of the same that needs to be expended.

    • My Medicare doctor quizzed me on whether I had gats. What’s a gun I answered? No comprende Dr Mo-hammed…no jab either.

    • He wants to address the “gun violence crisis”, so he is going to address urban gang violence and criminal misuse of weapons (mostly stolen handguns), right?

      Surely this wouldn’t be a thinly veiled attempt to use his title and standing to pontificate on how the law abiding should be restricted on what guns they have access to?

      • Of course not, he want’s others to do the dirty work for him. Those places are far too scary to him(?). In your house or mine, which he thinks is safer, when the opposite is true. Unlike the gangland territories, most of us know how to shoot effectively.

        2nd point: Yes, yes it is. Fairly insulting he believes the majority too witless to see right through his utterly transparent ploy. I’d be embarrassed for him making such an asinine spectacle of himself but for the old maxim, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”.

        Off to leverage that against him in a place it will make a difference.

  10. My last health care practitioner wanted me to get not just the jab, but jab me with the flu shot, the pneumonia shot, and three or four more I dont recall. I could tell she was getting pissed when I turned them all down. I swear she would of given me the Depo-Provera shot if she could.
    And she was still wearing a N95 mask

    • Masks are mandatory at the Medicare office ep. The only place I know of that still requires that BS…I had covid 23 months ago. Why the eff do I need a jab???

      • Still gotta wear them around here inside medical facilities, but it’s hospital policy, not gummint. Had my annual physical recently, and the doc and I both kept them off for the duration of the checkup. Pharmacists here usually wear them whenever working the counter. Pretty rare everywhere else.

  11. The article failed to mention the make/model/caliber of the weapons. Please include those details in the future and where to purchase. My stash seems to be lacking the desirable qualities of the Dr’s story.

    • I have one of those weapons the Dr. is concerned about. It’s a 12 gauge semi-auto shotgun that carries 15+1. Usually loaded with 00buck and slugs. It may not quite liquefy and explode stuff, but it comes pretty close. 🙂

  12. The only differences between so-called “assault weapon” and an ordinary gun are cosmetic features, such as the shape of the grip or the adjustability of the stock.
    So Doctor Joseph Quackran — er Sakran — thinks that by merely changing the shape of the grip on a rifle, it makes the rifle able to “liquify organs and destroy bones”? What kind of magic grip is this, anyway?!
    Where do I get one of those magic grips that make a gun able to “liquify organs and destroy bones”?!

    • “…magic grips…”

      GOTTA be something to this, else Kaliforny wouldn’t have outlawed the dastardly things, amiright?

    • To the good doctor, those nasty looking assault weapons are vessels of a miasma of evil that compels anyone nearby to do it’s bidding and adds a 100x damage multiplier.

  13. The only differences between so-called “assault weapon” and an ordinary gun are cosmetic features, such as the shape of the grip or the adjustability of the stock.
    So Doctor Joseph Quackran — er Sakran — thinks that by merely changing the shape of the grip on a rifle, it makes the rifle able to “liquify organs and destroy bones”? What kind of magic grip is this, anyway?!
    Where do I get one of those magic grips that make a gun able to “liquify organs and destroy bones”?

    • And don’t forget, they also remove your facial features, all fingerprints, and your teeth in their entirety which necessitates the use of DNA tracing to identify the resultant body bag full of Soylent®.
      Really, where do they come up with this crap ??

  14. Can’t be identified except by DNA? What a whopper! A .50 BMG to the head, yeah well ok, but a .223? I don’t think so sports fans! The only case I remember where DNA would have been needed if they didn’t know who it was was a guy who went through the chipper at a log mill. Took him out in buckets. Explosions, fires, yeah those are pretty bad, but bullets not so much. Maybe a 12 gauge with 00 buckshot? Getting there anyway. Ban shotguns!

  15. Well now we know who told Biden that a 9MM would “blow a lung out of the body.” This guy likely knows better, he just wants to be the “goto” guy when the gun control bunch wants to quote an MD.

  16. Remember this whole “liquefy organs and explode bone” nonsense the next time they try to tell you they have no problem with you owning hunting rifles. They’re lying. How do they think you drop a 1,500lb bull moose with one shot at 200 yards, empathy?

  17. Doctors should stick to their own work. Especially when they don’t have a clue what they are talking about.

    • What’s the difference between G0d and a doctor?

      G0d doesn’t think he’s a doctor.

      Obviously we are supposed to be in awe of DOCTOR Sakran’s omniscient magnificence.

      • Southern Cross, Agreed. I know that doctors make mistakes all the time. Daily even. As I’ve said before. doctors and other people need to stay in their own lane. Doctors do a lot of ASSUMING. It is what a doctor does based on his education. It is understandable to be in revolution when they see some of the things they see. But to make an assumption about the cause without the knowledge of what they are talking about shows utter ignorance and bias.

  18. Dr. Doofus sounds like a plumber trying to get burritos banned, just so his job is a little less messy.

  19. After seeing first hand how doctors handled Covid…they don’t have any such obligation.


    Or does “do no harm” mean anything at all anymore?

  20. I’ll bite. I do have a couple weapons that will do the type of damage to the human body the Dr. claims. Or would if I could legally obtain explosive shells for them. But, a 75mm howitzer is not the easiest thing to carry or use as a direct fire weapon. Nor is a 12 pounder field piece.

  21. If everyone, gangbangers and crooks, carried medical insurance the doctors wouldn’t give a shit about who gets shot.
    It’s all about dat money

  22. If everyone, gangbangers and crooks, carried medical insurance the doctors wouldn’t give a shit about who gets shot.
    It’s all about dat money
    Besides I heard Sakran causes cancer. Use sugar or honey instead.

  23. Healthcare workers have seen far too often the consequences of assault weapons, which transmit such energy and force that they liquefy organs and explode bones, leaving some victims only identifiable through DNA tests.

    That’s false.

    Ranks right up there with the claim by anti-gun, when challenged on their false number claims of mass shootings as to why the numbers of victims do not exist physically or able to be accounted for to account for their mass shooting claims – the anti-gun claim being the reason there are no victims physically or able to be accounted for is because the bullet vaporized the bodies so there is no trace of a person left not even DNA, clothing, bone, hair, no blood or bodily fluids. Of course such is impossible, the very laws of physics makes such impossible but the laws of physics are unknown to anti-gun and evidently their ignorant duped followers.

  24. The “Doc” should stay in his own lane and fix the death toll from inept medical practices which at 300,000+ deaths annually in US tower far above Defective Citizen Violence toll.

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