New York Governor Hochul
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (AP Photo/Jeenah Moon)
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By Larry Keane

New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul is just two months into her term and not wasting time renewing a sham gun control effort that began under her predecessor, disgraced former Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Cuomo’s gun violence disaster emergency order carried a taxpayer price tag of $160 million, ostensibly to target crime hotspots, engage youth, declare a gun control “border war” at the state line and rebuild police relations with the community. It was all bluster so Gov. Cuomo could say he was treating crime with the same level of attention as a health emergency.

Except he didn’t and neither is Gov. Hochul. Only one-third of the cash has been used to address “gun violence” in what both administrations call an urgent “epidemic.” Gov. Hochul’s spokesperson said, “Gov. Hochul will continue to work…to end the gun violence epidemic, including job training, community engagement and more intervention programs.”

Gov. Hochul is extending it even though $50 million has yet to be allocated. Local reports stated, “Most of the $159 million promised has been allocated, although not yet spent.”

The declaration included a promise that $18.5 million would create 2,400 long-term jobs, “in communities distressed by gun violence.” The program has only created about 20 jobs so far.

Neither governor focused on holding the criminals who commit crimes accountable. New York-based government watchdog groups have called foul. They labelled Gov. Cuomo’s original announcement a means to both “hold on to power” and to distract from his “ongoing controversies.”

The new governor decided to keep the whole charade going.

Failing Policies

The declaration was the wrong approach when former Gov. Cuomo declared a “disaster emergency” as his attempt to again address crime and it’s still wrong. There was never an administration policy reversal for releasing violent criminals from prison with a slap on the wrist. Some of those released were incarcerated for committing murder.

Gov. Cuomo peddled gun the same control talking points, even repeating the debunked lie that, “The only industry in the United States of America immune from lawsuits are the gun manufacturers,” when he announced the emergency order. In reality, his declared gun violence “emergency declaration” didn’t do anything other than infringe on the lawful rights of New York residents who are only interested in self-defense. Gov. Hochul is following the same playbook.

Failing Grade

Gov. Hochul is a former Congresswoman from Western New York and had previously received an “A” rating from the NRA during her one term in Congress. She once told a gun rights audience, “When a bill comes up that affects your Second Amendment rights, I’m on your side.” Times and her commitment to gun rights have changed.

Her efforts to reduce criminal misuse of firearms — or “gun violence” as she and her gun control allies term it — in the Empire State are abysmal. She’s perfectly in lockstep with Gov. Cuomo’s plan. She’s continuing the declared “disaster emergency” in New York that Gov. Cuomo launched, including prisoner release programs and targeting lawful firearm manufacturers by attempting to circumvent the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) with New York’s new law allowing lawsuits against manufacturers and retailers for the criminal misuse by remote third parties of lawfully sold firearms.

New York is now facing a trifecta of failing gun policies. The state has among the nation’s strictest gun control laws; the governor continues chasing an ineffective gun control “disaster emergency” that has spent millions of taxpayer dollars to create gun control jobs; and legal firearm manufacturers and retailers are threatened. Yet not a single word has been offered as to how New York will enforce its existing criminal laws.


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.


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  1. There is no such thing as Gun Violence. There is the Criminal Misuse of Firearms, etc. Of course Gun Control zealots say things that pander to useful idiots who stand for nothing and fall for anything. History confirms lying, scheming, racism and genocide go hand in hand with Gun Control. What Filth.

  2. Hilariously it is still typically better income to not work than take a job in NY as we extended the unemployment benefits at NY taxpayer cost. That aside the new Gov is tragically hilariously more inept politically than Coumo and about as likable. Going to be a wild ride.

  3. “Yet not a single word has been offered as to how New York will enforce its existing criminal laws.”

    That’s not really true. 🙂

    Its been made pretty clear in word and deed that New York will enforce its existing criminal laws by placing gun control on law abiding citizens. Which, by the way, is why their efforts are not working because gun control does not deter, stop, or prevent crime

  4. Call it what it really is, a way to funnel taxpayer dollars to Democrat candidates, through the inflated salaries of their supporters.
    Like every other “crisis”.

  5. So she is already running to be the next governor and is currying favor with the big money Dems in NYC. Just as the huge voting power of Chicago runs the State, the voting power of NYC controls NY, and she knows it. And she knows that she cannot win with just the votes of her former constituents. In short, she is just another politician telling “the right people” what they want to here.

  6. “Gov. Hochul is a former Congresswoman from Western New York and had previously received an “A” rating from the NRA during her one term in Congress. She once told a gun rights audience, ‘When a bill comes up that affects your Second Amendment rights, I’m on your side.’”

    Color me shocked that a NY politician would lie like this to get elected. After all, upstate and western NY voters have just three purposes in life: pay taxes, supply votes, and shut up. What’s a little lie to make sure they fulfill their destiny?

    • Looks like upstate NY is 0 for 2 with its female politicians that attain higher office. The oily Kirsten Gillibrand and her Trial Of Sex Cult that is connected to Kirsten Gillibrand.

      • That was a wild time, crazy to think there are department heads that were participants in that cult’s trainings. Honestly amazed Ms. Bronfman got a criminal conviction let alone jail time. As to female politicians up here well if democrat/working family/independent probably not going to go well re civil liberties. For the conservative ones results may vary and a willingness to primary when needed is essential (and sadly lacking)

  7. “Neither governor focused on holding the criminals who commit crimes accountable”

    sure they do. the criminals are part of the plan.

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