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Samuel L. Jackson “Blame” Video on Inner City Gun Violence

Some people will watch this and think that Sammy J is saying guns are bad. He does, after all, say to “blame the gun” at one point. But If you listen to the whole video the message seems to be one more in tune with what we have been saying for years: every person needs to be responsible for their own actions and not blame them on inanimate objects. Yet another reason why he’s my favorite actor, but Pulp Fiction was a good enough reason all by itself.

[h/t BlaspheminCapn]

9 thoughts on “Samuel L. Jackson “Blame” Video on Inner City Gun Violence”

  1. I totally thought It was gonna be the face I remember as morgan freeman when I read samuel l jackson. Am I a bad person? I always mix up those two.

  2. Little typo, Nick. You left out the “Mother F*cking” after Samuel L.

    *cursing, yea or nay in comments?

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