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If you want to drive yourself crazy, click here for the expected left-wing agit-prop interpretation of the “pretend it’s Obama” [:37] remark jokingly offered by an observer during the Rick’s Santorum’s range time. The rest of us will notice the presidential aspirant’s overly rigid shooting stance. And his excellent recoil control and pacing. And failure to eject the magazine after his string. And other gun stuff.

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  1. What a stupid thing to say. Jokes are supposed to be funny. Of course the left is going to pretend to shocked and make as big a deal out of this has possible but only and idiot would think this was in any way an actual threat. That said, as much as I don’t like Obama I would be angry to say the least if someone did try to assasinate him. That would be bad on many levels.

    • I didn’t even post about it. But, let’s not forget the one who yelled that out was one of you. Whenever one of you does something stupid or wrong, if you find you can’t defend them, like you’re doing with Zimmerman, you immediately disown them and pretend they never were one of you.

      • Hello mikeb, FLAME DELETED
        Remember when you accused the members of this group of making broad statements and accusations? I do. Do you recall how you accused us of skewing facts while your own statistics are little more than unicorn farts on a whirlwind? How about this little number…
        “But, let’s not forget the one who yelled that out was one of you.”
        Try again. The person that yelled out was not “one of us.” Quite the opposite really. To release any kind of threat to a sitting president, no matter how benign, is an indictable offense. You know, felony=no more gun rights.
        Not only that, but let’s take a trip in the way back machine (it runs on hope and change) and visit your former cowardly self as you wet the bed back in P.I…
        …The Commander in Chief is the Boss. Go ahead and silently disagree all you want, but you will give the Commander in Chief the respect that the Office deserves…
        Then you went ahead with your own agenda and must have forgotten about it. Must have been the drugs.
        With that said, I am still wishing you well. You are now and always shall be my favorite (self flame deleted) troll.

      • As for the rhetoric surrounding the Zimmerman case, you will notice that a number of the long-time contributors are rather neutral, often preferring to allow the investigation to proceed as the media circus performs tricks that amuse the simple…
        Broad statements+accusations+falsified statistics=Troll.
        You might be happy to note that the current troll population has grown by leaps and bounds here at TTAG thanks in large part to the disaster that is the media circus surrounding the Zimmerman case. It seems that google-fu is being practiced en masse as the world twists in emotional turmoil and the soap salesmen count coins as the monkeys (media commentators/talking heads) crush out yet more tripe for consumption. This particular tragedy is exactly what many anti’s have been looking forward to. For example…

        …a charming little bit of reading to illustrate a point. It seems that when there is feces, the flies swarm. This is what I attribute to the increased site traffic here, as well as the inflammatory comments.
        As for those who reside in one camp or the other, well I guess that is a personal choice that is levered by a few different factors (News, evidence, personal belief, etc) and when the end of this particular road is reached there will be nothing but a mess.
        Where do I stand on this one? Simple. I stand firmly on the ground that I do not know what happened Feb. 26 in Sanford, Florida. It is my hope (different from way-back-machine fuel) that the (now political, so maybe not THAT different) investigation will be able to determine just what did happen and if there was in fact an indictable offense that a prosecutor can/will take to court. That is, after all, how a justice system is supposed to work.

        • You’re funny, Mikey. Keep spinnin’ that made-up bullshit about me with your skewed interpretation of what “a number of the long-time contributors” are saying.

          MOST of the contributors have been with Zimmy from the very beginning, long before the facts were out there.

          • As one of the guys charged with reading every single comment, that’s simply not true. Although I could do a statistical analysis, I’ll pull a Mikey and say that the majority of people posting have—and continue to—wait for the facts before passing judgement.

  2. Ed Schultz aka”Pink Slime in a Suit”made a big deal of this with that miserable little twit Richard Wolffe and his pissant accent.
    It was a dumb remark,but no one complained when a movie depicting Bush’s assassination was made.

  3. I’m sorry we don’t have the next few minutes of film. I would like to think that Santorum chastised his supporter for saying such an ill-advised, disrespectful thing about our nation’s president. In other words, acting similar to John McCain when he corrected his follower that the president was not a Muslim. I feel that all of our democratically elected officials and former officials owe the nation at least that modicum of mutual respect.

    According to the current SPLC Report, hate groups in the U. S. have grown by about 70% to over 1,000 since the year 2000. I am concerned that influential partisans like Santorum can appear to condone speech which may be inflammatory at the least. Or worse.

    • Santorum said he didn’t hear it. And criticized the remark afterwards.

      “It’s absurd,” he said. “No we’re not pretending it’s anybody but shooting pistols. It’s a very terrible and horrible remark, and I’m glad I didn’t hear it .”

    • There’s no shortage of lowlife nutballs out there, but most of them are about as dangerous as a garter snake. Keep in mind that the people who compile those lists have their own agenda, and it usually isn’t good.

      As for Santorum, I don’t think that he’s Jared Lee Loughner in a nice suit. However, I do think he’s batshit crazy, and if he isn’t, he does a great impression.

      When Al Gore didn’t carry his home state against Bush and lost the election because of it, I concluded that the people of the Volunteer State probably knew what they were doing. When Santorum got his ass run out of Washington by the people of Pennsylvania, I came to the same conclusion.

      • Ralph, I can’t think of anyone without some kind of agenda, can you? Given the SPLC’s track record (vs. its stated goals) inside and outside of the courtroom, its agenda is one that I can support. And, while justice may be in the eye of the beholder, I think more is better.

        BTW, I agree with you about Santorum and the good folks of PA.

        • I can’t think of anyone without some kind of agenda, can you

          Sure I can, but they’re not politicians.

      • Santorum didn’t ‘get his ass run out’ of PA. He lost by a lower average margin than most down-ticket Republicans did nation wide. i.e. it was a really bad year for Republicans.

        Also, he was wearing eye protection (another poster said he wasn’t). Look around the 25 second mark and he takes them off…

        • He lost by a lower average margin

          I think you’re just a little bit wrong. Santorum lost by over 700,000 votes. He lost by the largest margin of defeat for an incumbent senator in more than a quarter century. He lost by almost TWENTY points. Yes, he got his ass run out of the Senate by the smart people of PA.

          Maybe you should take off your eye protection.

        • The notion that Santorum lost his re-election campaign because it was a bad year for Republicans is his nonsense line, and untrue. I’m a PA Republican. He lost because he won his prior campaign under false pretenses. He’s trying the same thing now, talking the conservative and moralizing talk to people who don’t take the time to learn about who he really is, a guy walking the pure self-serving life. In my opinion (many apparently agreed) he is shallow, not terribly smart, and believes the Wizard of Oz was a good role model. He’s against birth control, abortions, high medical malpractice awards, and amoral lobbying….until he or his wife wants to take part in any of these practices. That’s the Rick we knew and didn’t love. I’m a fiscal conservative and social moderate. Rick professes to be a social conservative, but actually isn’t, behind the curtain. As to his fiscal position, it seems to be “grab all the money I can, however I can.”

  4. The Tea Party – right wing, Christian, anti-government, anti-immigrant, anti-minority. Just the latest iteration of the Ku Klux Klan.

  5. Great, everyone gets their panties in a big old bunch over some stupid, entirely harmless remark made by an asshole about an asshole and continues to completely ignore (just off the top of my head):

    The Quite Likely Impending Dollar Collapse
    Central Banking
    Fiat Currency
    Empire Building
    Prison/Military Industrial Complex
    The War On (Fill In Blank)

    A wisecrack about Obama? Glad America’s zeroing in on the important stuff.

    • I agree that we have bigger fish to fry.

      So assuming Obama is offed, how bad would Biden be? I am not sure he is a prize either.

      • Revising what one wag said back when Bush was Pres and Dan Quayle was Veep, if Obama is assassinated (god forbid), the Secret Service has instructions immediately to shoot Joe Biden.

  6. It’s definitely a stupid comment, but clearly not condoned by Mr. Santorum, who is just enjoying some range time. Looks like he shoots as stiffly as he does everything else. Perhaps he’s not ejecting mags and such because of a lack of familiarity of the weapon he’s shooting. He’s got the OFWG for that.

  7. Perhaps he’s not ejecting mags and such because of a lack of familiarity of the weapon he’s shooting.

    Or maybe he’s concerned with premature ejection.

  8. Pretend it’s Santorum.

    Seriously though, who gives a crap? If we had a good president that was working hard to restore our freedom and improve the economy, I could understand being upset by someone making a joke about shooting them – but when it’s just another asshole hellbent on making our lives worse, who cares?

    • I do. That asshole is the duly elected President. Nobody has the right to nullify the will of the electorate with a bullet.

      • “Nobody has the right to nullify the will of the electorate with a bullet.”

        Even when that “will of the electorate” is violating the Constitution and stripping our rights every chance he gets? As I said, if the person in question is an upstanding guy who works hard to defend freedom and make our lives better, then there’s every reason to be upset if someone wants to off them. If it’s a scumbag, then who cares what their job title is?

        Lets put it this way. Do you think it’s OK to shoot a thug trying to break into your home and rob you? Now, what if that thug had a peice of paper saying that the government said it was OK for him to rob you – would that change your answer? It shouldn’t – someone out to harm others has no place in society, regardless of if they got their fellow scum to vote for them and say it’s OK for them to harm others for their personal gain.

  9. I’d like to see the major candidates run an IDPA stage. That would be way cooler than a debate.

  10. Santorum was an idiot Before he went to the range. Just wondering if he was wearing Kerry’s vest. Was he wearing a vest? Is Kerry still an idiot> Where are my medals……Oh Lord, Won’t Cha Buy Me a Mercedes Benz..

  11. Yeah ol’Ricky looked a little stiff, but he DEFINITELY had eye protection sir, look closer before giving him anti safety comments…

  12. I voted for Santorum when he was running for reelection in PA, Trust me, what we got in that election was NOT an improvement. The son of a former governor working in the “Family business” sucking off of the government teet.

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