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Aside for her golden locks, Australian-born actress Sarah Wynter is known for her roles in 24, Californication and Sex and The City. In her article Sarah Wynter Is Demanding Action Against Guns HuffPo contributor Michelle King pimps the Hollywood resident’s more recent work for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (MDA). Somehow Ms. King forgets to mention Ms. Wynter’s motivation for becoming a gun control advocate . . .

“In 1984, her father killed his second wife and Sarah’s half-sister before killing himself,” reveals. True story.

You’d think that this traumatic incident would be an excellent jumping-off point for Ms. King’s article. One might ask, for example, if Ms. Wynter ever wondered why Australia’s strict gun control regime failed to stop her father’s homicidal fury. Or whether or not her father’s second wife should have been armed in her and her daughter’s defense.

Not a dickie bird. Instead, Ms. Wynter parrots the MDA’s anti-pistol party line, ad nauseum. She starts as she means to finish, like this:

“The fact that we have had 220 school shootings since Sandy Hook is outrageous. Something has to stop. Something has to give. Children are more important than your right to own a gun, with no permit – no matter who you are,” says Sarah Wynter, the actress who is featured in Goliath opposite Billy Bob Thornton.

That school shootings stat — created and promoted by the civilian disarmament industrial complex to mark the 5th anniversary of the Sandy Hook slaughter — is so dodgy even the anti-gun mainstream media felt obliged to qualify it. ABC News:

The list tracks “any time a firearm discharges a live round inside a school building or on a school campus or grounds,” which could include suicides, accidental discharges, and criminal activity, such as gunfire related to an armed robbery, according to the website of Everytown, which is backed by billionaire and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

I’ve met some famous actors and actresses, including Bedtime for Bonzo‘s two-legged lead. I’m not prepared to say that actors are, as a group, chowderheads. But they’re certainly not the kind of people who spend their free time deep diving into political or intellectual matters.

Why would they? They’re professional line readers. Someone else’s lines. Which makes Ms. Wynter and her ilk perfect shills for Everytown for Gun Safety and its wholly-owned MDA subsidiary. Like this:

Wynter has lived in America for 25 years but originally grew up in Australia. As a mother, Wynter says that the more she learnt how easy it is to get a gun in America, the more involved she got. “It is outrageous to me that our children have to do lock down drills at school…because Congress won’t pass decent legislation,” she says.

I suspect that last bit was added by the author, Ms. Wynter’s publicist or Everytown’s Creative Council. In any case, the idea that school children face the danger of mass murderers because Congress failed to pass “decent” gun control legislation is preposterous — unless you’re willing to shut off the part of your brain where logical thought occurs.

What gun control law has or would stop a school shooter? Asked no HuffPo writer ever. How ’bout a nice underhand pitch instead?

King: What is your organization’s position on the Second Amendment?

Wynter: We are staunch supporters of the second amendment, all we would like is for people to have background checks so that obvious people should not be allowed to get their hands on a gun. We have many members who are veterans, gun owners, gun enthusiasts and they all support background checks.

Again, Ms. Wynter’s making no sense; a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment doesn’t support background checks. And she’s lying. Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America doesn’t have “many members” who are gun enthusiasts. In fact, MDA doesn’t have ANY members. It’s an ad hoc, non-dues-paying association of anti-gun rights supporters funded entirely by a big city billionaire.

In her last answer to Ms. King, Ms. Wynter urges HuffPo reader to jump aboard the civilian disarmament train: “If you don’t become part of the solution you are complicit in the problem.” It’s a clunky regurgitation of the old 60’s expression “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.” When it comes to protecting our children from school shooters, Ms. Wynters is more right than she’ll ever know.

But, as Jonathan Swift wrote, “Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired.” It’s a shame Ms. Wynter’s anti-gun rights animus was [most likely] born from tragedy. It’s a tragedy she’s incapable of correcting that opinion.

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  1. Something tells me that these clowns need a good old fashioned punch in the throat. Undermining he CotUS is sedition, arguably treason. Yet another reason why I despise every single Democrat and their twisted ideology.

    • Fortunately, sedition is perfectly legal in the USA. In fact, it’s protected by the first amendment. But I don’t see how this would be sedition. She wants the government to change the law, she doesn’t want to rebel against the law.
      And the constitution clearly defines treason as an overt act making war against the states or giving aid or comfort to their enemies.
      Having a different opinion from you, even one that’s so clearly deluded as “background checks reduce crime”, is not treason.

      • Acting in a manner resulting in the reduction of national defense is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Every time a Jihadi on US soil is not met with a hail of gunfire due to gun control, every single gun control advocate is guilty of treason.

        Oh, and FYI, the sedition acts are still on the books.

      • JasonM,

        Fortunately, sedition is perfectly legal in the USA. In fact, it’s protected by the first amendment.

        The First Amendment protects our right to speak in critical terms of government and petition government for a redress of grievances. It does not protect our right to call for open rebellion against a government that is operating within the confines of the U.S. Constitution.

        But I don’t see how this would be sedition. She wants the government to change the law, she doesn’t want to rebel against the law.

        Apparently you forgot that the United States Constitution, which includes the Second Amendment, is the Supreme Law of the Land … and that the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution expressly prohibits infringement of our right to keep and bear arms. Anyone advocating that government pass a law which violates the Supreme Law of the Land is indeed rebelling against the law. Demanding that government pass gun control laws — in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution, Second Amendment — is no different than demanding that government pass a law which dissolves the courts. Both such actions equally violate the Supreme Law of the Land.

  2. Yeah. I’d rather not take advice from an out of touch Hollywood celebrity that has a strong family history of mental illness and an inabilty to follow the law. On to the next Bloomberg mouthpiece.

  3. Rational thinking is too difficult for most actors. They are far more likely to follow what ever direction they are given, after all they are already in that habit from work. It is simply easier to follow the entrenched Hollywood group think, and not risk missing out on a part because someone doesn’t like your politics. Hollywood certainly has a reputation for punishing actors who fail to toe the Democratic line.

  4. These people are so stupid they think if they take away all law abiding citizens guns there will be no or way less murders. Fact is we have so many guns in this country even if all law abiding citizens turned them in criminals would have millions upon millions of guns. That would even be without MS-13 bringing in military guns from Mexico. It’s mind boggling how stupid this women is. At least the politicians don’t believe their own crap. They are just lying doing it for control and to manipulate idiots like this Aussi in voting for them.

    • But we need ‘Congress to pass decent legislation’ so criminals and crazies have more laws to pi$$ on.
      As if all the murders and violence were somehow legal under existing laws. Only unwillingness of Congress to act keeps us from peaceful utopia.

  5. I stopped taking advice from celebrities when I was five and witnessed Daffy Duck on numerous occasions hold a shotgun to his face and insist that it was duck season.

    Frankly, that action (or Wiley Coyote renewing his subscription to the ACME mail order catalog) epitomizes celebrities for me: They’ll do anything for public recognition. If that means embracing citizen disarmament while living safely ensconced in their gated communities with armed private security then they are happy to play ball.

    In other words, “screw them and the tinsel town of make believe they live in.”

    • I’m an Aussie who’s never heard of her, but then I don’t watch much current TV.

      I went to DVD and streaming services over a decade ago and haven’t missed anything. If reality TV is anything to judge modern viewing by, I think the networks have really missed the mark.

    • …which I think makes her eminently qualified to discuss guns, crime, and the law.

      Incidentally, I get my advice on personal grooming from Alan Gura and John Lott.

    • …which I think makes her eminently qualified to discuss guns, crime, and the law.

      Incidentally, I get my advice on personal grooming from the likes of Alan Gura and John Lott.

  6. I’d hit it, turn it over and hit it agan, and then when I was finished I would politley inform her that her position on gun control was wrong.

    • I can’t get past her crossed eyes, miss aligned jaws, and that she has too many teeth, also I learned my lesson about sticking my penis in dumb broads

  7. “They” don’t get it. This is part of the reason why Hillary lost and why people laugh at SJWs. Americans know elitism when they see it. Rich people who live in gentrified neighborhoods w/ a cop on every corner lecture about morality while they hop from partner to partner and produce filth for public consumption.

  8. “We are staunch supporters of the second amendment, all we would like is for people to have background checks so that obvious people should not be allowed to get their hands on a gun. We have many members who are veterans, gun owners, gun enthusiasts and they all support background checks.”

    You know what would be hillarious to do? Start becoming Everytown or MDA members and be like “I support strict gun safetly laws, but the rights of the people should come first and there should be a presumption if innocence until proven guilty in a court of law. Because of this I can’t support background checks.”

    I wonder what they would say then, either that or people could start coming out of the wood work and be like “I’m an MDA member, and I don’t support background checks.”

    Do you think we can get someone to be a self proclaimed “gun safety guy?”

    Also, it’s imperative that we give people the right to defend themselves. For the Children. Afterall, if it only saves one life……..

    • You know how easy it will be for media to edit such statements, of course ‘only to fit in available space’?
      “We need to shorten the statement, let’s see what we can cut out and mark it with brackets.”
      “I support strict gun safetly laws (but the rights of the people should come first and there should be a presumption if innocence until proven guilty in a court of law). Because of this I (can’t) support background checks.”

  9. So an STD-ridden member of the Hollyweird elite, the offspring of a homicidal and suicidal maniac, is going to lecture US on firearms? I think NOT! Just her life’s story confirms her genetic make-up (DNA) is deficient, statistics show she is prone to suicide thus her home MUST be searched and ALL objects that can be employed to “off” herself removed, if she has trees cut ’em down we don’t need her hanging herself in despair after being turned down for a part.

  10. “your right to own a gun, with no permit”. Whose permission do I need?I got the 2nd amendment. and she needs to STFU as she’s another hypocrite, her screen credits are all her collecting money from shows with guns in her hand(Race against time {}, 24, the 6th day, ect) . OH it’s ok to make a career out of being violent and handing firearms, but after a while hell, take a stand against them to show people who you really are. Like Charlize Theron and most of Hollywood. go back home and wave your flag there.

    • last august i had a stye that went south. i spent three nights at cedar point with charlize theron’s clitoris on my upper eyelid.

  11. You people need to try a little common decency. Poor little Sarah, her EXPLETIVE DELETED get so angry when she tries to use her brain for thinking.

    • Then she ought to have it steam cleaned like the other Libturd, Gwenyth Paltrow, a 3rd generation Hollyweird, that will excise the puss that stifling her thinking process.

  12. “We are staunch supporters of the second amendment, all we would like is for people to have background checks.. ”

    And once we have that, we’ll demand something else, then something else, then something else, and, eventually we’ll get what we really want: Disarmament.

  13. The number of claimed school shootings in no way approaches the popular image of such an event. In fact the vast majority of “school shootings” aren’t. In one case a student had a negligent discharge of his own gun. Another was an actual mass shooting but nowhere near a school or had any link to the school.

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