Demand for suppressors is strong. After all, who wouldn’t want all the obvious benefits of shooting more quietly? And while it will take time, the prospects for making them easier to acquire after Bruen are good over the long term. All of that no doubt figured into Savage Arms’ decision to get into the suppressor business with three new cans designed to cover pretty much all of your shooting needs.

Here’s Savage’s announcement . . .

Savage Arms continues to cross categories through innovation and product design excellence with the announcement of the AccuCan line of suppressors. Initially available in three multi-caliber options, these suppressors are lightweight, field-serviceable and feature a design that reduces not only sound, but other disturbances like flash and recoil.

The suppressor market and the options available to hunters and shooters continues to grow, evolve and improve every day. For these reasons, Savage worked diligently to create a product line that stood out among the crowd. The Savage AC338, AC30 and AC22 create separation in a busy market.

“At Savage, we have continued to create new products that today’s shooters and hunters demand,” said Rob Gates, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Savage. “We’ve introduced several products into all-new categories, and AccuCan Suppressors are no different. We’re really proud of the features, technology and true performance-enhancing qualities found in our initial suppressor offerings. We’re excited to have the Savage name in another new and rapidly growing category. We can’t wait for shooters and hunters to get these into the field to see the advanced design, quality, reliability and ruggedness that accompany all Savage Arms products.”

The AccuCan Difference

Each individual AccuCan offering is feature-rich and designed to specific criteria that allow them to go head-to-head with existing suppressors in their product category. But there are a few distinct qualities across the entire AccuCan line that represent the innovation that will make them a new, top choice.

Today’s hunters and shooters are mobile, so suppressors can’t be a burden in the weight category. AccuCan offerings from the AC338 down to the AC22 are some of the lightest suppressors available today. They’re also rugged and boast unmatched strength-to-weight ratios.

AccuCans feature a MonoKore design that increases accuracy for seasoned and novice shooters alike. This is achieved by the fact that these suppressors reduce flash and recoil—as well as sound. After all, modern suppressors should do more than reduce a little noise.

Suppressors are now used frequently and owners also need and want to be self-reliant. That’s why each AccuCan is field-serviceable with an easy-to-disassemble/reassemble three-piece design. So whether shooters are at home on the bench or in the field on a hunt, adjustments can be done swiftly without the need for specialized tools or equipment.

The Initial Lineup

The first three offerings include the AC338, AC30 and AC22. With this lineup, there aren’t too many shooters or hunters out there who can’t find a suppressor for their shooting needs. Each Savage AccuCan suppressor brings with it a purpose-driven feature or characteristic to differentiate in a crowded market.

The AC338 is designed to be the lightest suppressor for PRS shooting and beats out other suppressors in its category when it comes to weight-to-strength ratio. The AC30 is also a lightweight hunting and PRS suppressor and is designed specifically for 7.62 x 51mm and 6.5 Creedmoor ammunition. Finally, the AC22 features the MonoKore design that allows the suppressor to be serviceable and the core upgradable and reparable without damaging or changing the serialized part.

More information on the full AccuCan lineup can be found at



    • Ask Jeremy, he’s a SOT and has an arrangement with the Silencer Shop, so he can borrow one if he needed to.

      (I think he said they had him on their NFA trust…)

      • Well, what sort of things do we want to find out from a silencer review? The site owners have mentioned that they get a lot of pageviews (ad impressions) from the library of gun reviews, can reviews might add to that.

        Size, weight, construction details (steel/aluminum/titanium, monocore vs individual baffles), attachment options, is the finish ultrasonic-cleaner safe, decibels of suppression with various ammo types (supersonics/subsonics, measured both at the muzzle and at the shooter’s ear), POI shift… working out a consistent testing process and sticking to it would be a useful thing.

        What else would be good to know that the other sites skim over?

  1. “Demand for suppressors is strong.” Is it really? HOARDS lining up for a fed “pretty please big brother may I have” permission slip? I find that hard to believe. Many do not use ccard/pay cash for firearms so they aren’t going to play the CGA/suppressor game.

  2. Is bad enough having to fill out a 4473 form.
    Suppressors are worth about $50.
    I gallon of whiskey is $7
    Add the government and freedom ain’t so free.
    Congressman to another congressman.
    ” Shits really expensive, we cant make ends meet, we should give ourselves another raise.”
    Raise the taxes that’s the answer.
    “But then stuff will be to high for the commoner to buy and we will lose the tax revenue. ”
    Oh you idiot, it doesn’t work that way.

    • Recipe for Indian whiskey from a Louis L’Amour book, best as I can recall:

      This will make one barrel. River water, not strained; two gallons of grain alcohol; three plugs of chewing tobacco; one half pound of chili pepper; a liberal dose of sagebrush leaves, and two ounces of strychnine. Add a bar of strong lye soap to give it a head.

      This will help with your whiskey budget.👍

  3. I am glad that another manufacturer is on the can bandwagon…it all plays into the court decision of “common usage”.

    Looked up their AC22 can. It is 7075 aluminum and Titanium monocore – great…however, difficult to clean as you can’t chuck it into an ultrasonic cleaner like you can with steel k-baffles or SS monocore (Sparrow).

    • “I am glad that another manufacturer is on the can bandwagon…it all plays into the court decision of “common usage”.”

      Damn straight… 😉

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