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Over fifty million American kids are heading back to school in the next couple of weeks. In fact, many schools have already started. Obviously, parents expect these schools to proactively mitigate risk and keep our kids safe.

But don’t assume your kid’s school is acting responsibly to minimize the risk of a loser attempting to kill lots of innocents. Be proactive as a parent. Assess your kid’s school security plan by opening a dialogue with your local school leaders.

The NRA’s School Shield Program provides a great apolitical springboard for those discussions. Not only that, but for no charge at all, the School Shield Program will not only send out experts to do a security evaluation — at no charge — but will also provide money to make recommended security improvements.

Because the harder the target, the less likely a bad guy will successfully recreate another Sandy Hook in your hometown.

Image via NRA School Shield website.

Here are some questions the School Shield program has put together for parents to ask teachers and administrators to make sure they don’t have their heads in the sand when it comes to school security.

1. Has our school ever had a vulnerability assessment done?

2. Does our school work with local law enforcement and emergency responders in crisis planning and training?

3. When was our emergency operations/crisis management plan last reviewed?

4. What types of drills are conducted at our school and at what frequency?

5. Are all exterior doors of our school locked during instructional hours?

6. Are all visitors to our school required to check in with the main office?

7. Are students and staff trained on how to identify and report suspicious or concerning behaviors/comments?

8. Does our school have a behavioral threat assessment team?

9. If there is an emergency, how and when are parents/ guardians notified?

10. Do we have designated security personnel assigned to our school? If so, are they armed/unarmed?

In fact, there’s a guide you can download and print out with all of these questions. Or you can email it to your school’s administrators.

The School Shield website also has a series of videos talking about the security analysis their experts provide from the perspective of teachers, parents, paramedics, etc., as well as ways to implement increased security without frightening parents.

Don’t assume your kid’s school is as safe as it could (or should) be. You can help them make sure they work to mitigate risks and maximize safety. The life you save might be your son or daughter’s.


  1. The way your kids can be the safest and not waste their time in glorified daycare is to home school.

    • I will double down on BIATEC’s comment. Home school your children. All staff can carry and some of the students, too. Your children will be better educated and safer.

      • If the NRA offered an apolitical option, it would not have NRA as the first word in its title.

        Anything the NRA touches is toxic. If the kids really matter, keep away, far away, from the NRA.

    • Not only does homeschool provide superior physical safety, but also safety from the left-wing propaganda that has infiltrated public school curriculums.

    • I”l bet she wishes she had retired while barry was still in office to pick her successor. Like most of the left she was convinced hillary would be anointed.

      Then along came the Orange Man Bad. I had not had that much fun in years.

      • When Trump replaces her, she will no longer be the hero of the left. The tolerant left will hate her for it.

    • Let us pray she passes quickly in her sleep. I would hate to see her (or us) have to suffer much longer.

        • Yes, they can proceed, but she can not be replaced unless she retires for dies. Incapacitated does not count.

        • “If she’s incapacitated, can the Super Court proceed in any cases (e.g. NY)?”

          But when can she vote her position on NY Pistol? After oral arguments? Or right now?

    • “RBG treated for pancreatic cancer.”

      Dr. Google says survival can be months to years, but since she had a cancerous lung lobe removed a year ago, she *may* be considered in a weakened state (we *hope*).

      Here’s to hoping it’s short and sweet… 🙂

      If she’s unable to rule on the ‘NY Pistol’ case, that gives Roberts a little breathing room, his potential stabbing us in the back will be neutralized by her inability to vote.

      But I fully expect them to prop her up in her chair at work, hooked up to 100 IV lines…

  2. Better idea: As a parent, don’t send your children to the government to be educated. Home school or private school.

      • Every time the boy calls someone else dumb, I think back on his college years. His junior year it was a very cold winter. He tried licking a metal flag pole when the temperature dropped below freezing. He got his tongue stuck, after he was rescued he went back out and did it again. His record was 7 times in one day. I believe this “that didn’t work, so lets do the same thing again” attitude is what drives his mania for gun control.

    • I love the way all of the wealthy left wingers constantly preach about how we need to support public school and shouldn’t create competition for them. Then you find out those same people send their kids to private schools of course. All the politicians care about is getting the teachers union support, money, and votes.

        • Racist wealthy white folks who don’t want to expose their precious children to the diversity of a fully-intigrated public school playground… 😉

      • The majority of blacks support universal vouchers. Somehow the AFT still claims vouchers are discriminatory.

    • That is how we did it; homeschool K through 12. Plenty of outside the home activities: violin lessons, volunteering, home-school coops. It required sacrifice, but we learned to get along on one income. We would do it all over again.

  3. Are all exterior doors locked?
    Wouldn’t this require posting security at the doors to let people in?

    If all exterior doors are locked but openable from the inside, students can let threats in.
    If the doors can’t be opened from the inside, you’ve got a fire code violation.

    • And FedUp wins the prize for best comment on the Intertubez today!

      Sure, “good” school security practices (including secured card-swipe doors with bullet-resistant glass and single-point entry with verification before entry) will stop a 40 year-old guy dressed in camouflage with a rifle in his hands and a scowl on his face from entering the school. What that will NEVER stop is a student who simply walks into school in the morning with all the other children. For that matter it will not stop any adult who walks into the school in the morning before the official starting time of school.

      Even enhanced security measures at school is an illusion of “safety”. The only practice that would absolutely minimize the death toll of a spree killer is if several teachers, staff, and parents were armed while in school going about their business.

    • There is also a problem with teachers and staff blocking exterior doors open so that they don’t have to go around to the main entrance.

      • That was the deal at Parkland, secure doors were unsecured for the convenience of the staff.

  4. Homeschool:
    1. Don’t have to worry about active shooters.
    2. Don’t have to worry about government indoctrination.
    3. Your kids will become some of your best friends.

    My PTA meetings are when my wife and I discuss who’s learning what and what each of us are doing with the kids. Right now I’m reading to my kids an account of the formation of the British SAS and their initial work in North Africa (not a kids book).
    My three year old has been asking me “Can we read some more David Sterwing?” My five year old asks to play chess with me. My seven year old daughter has the conversational skills of a 10+ year old and we have a great friendship.

    So I get this instead of having to answer awkward questions about how many genders there are, or why I own evil guns. It’s a win-win.

    But it requires you put time into your kids lives. Lots of time. But it’s worth it.

    • ^^ Super Duper Turbo Titanium Special Edition THIS ^^

      I have numerous friends who homeschool and have no regrets.

      • I didn’t homeschool my kids, and I *do* have regrets.

        If you have to move heaven and Earth, then do it. Make it happen.

    • To David B

      And your ignoring the fact that children who do not attend school with other kids never develop socially. Many end up living either lives of isolation or never developing any close friendships. I have seen this happen when children were raised this way. A family of them grew up across the street and they “DID” go to school but were never allowed out of the yard to play and socialize with neighborhood children. If they had been kept permanently at home like you advocate they would have led even more deprived lives that they did.

      • @Vlad…Your example states the subject children actually went to public school but turned out bad any way? Is this you trying to moderate your own rant?

        • @Vlad…quote—————–Your example states the subject children actually went to public school but turned out bad any way? Is this you trying to moderate your own rant?——–quote

          No its you who failed reading comprehension in grade school. Have your wife read it and then explain it to you.

          Give up Bald One you just keep making an ever bigger fool of yourself every time you post a reply.

        • If there is any area where the boy has expertise, it is the negative consequences of not being properly socialized. He has a wealth of personal experiences to draw on.

      • I live in an area of Montana were thousands or homeschooled. Some of these kids are employed by my employer. They are all awesome. Much better than most kids. Certainly better than I was.

      • You are completely ignorant about the subject. Studies of homeschooler achievement and later life success don’t bear out your story. For every anecdote you give about poorly socialized homeschoolers, I can probably pull a hundred showing terrible outcomes for public school kids right out of the newspaper police blotters around the country every day.

        Also, shut up, paid opposition troll.

      • Can someone ban this “vlad” mfer???
        His real name is obviously tyrone so…..
        This dumb bastard thinks public schools have something to offer…. Go crawl back in your momma’s hole you little bitch…

      • I’ve heard that home schoolers band together to create group activities for their children. There are other places besides schools, whether public or private, to learn social skills.

      • On the plus side, kids who are homeschooled generally understand how to use “you’re” to say “you are” in written English.

      • I think I remember that family. It is true, they would not allow their children to “socialize” with the boy. They did not have a problem with the other kids in the neighborhood. I can’t say I blame them.

      • Yup, Tim Tebow is really regretting going to home school. Playing in the NFL and marrying a supermodel. Granted some like my daughter just end up going to medical school. Too bad they didn’t go to public school to learn to hate America and get confused about which restroom to use.

        • Just thought about it: the above is NOT meant to imply that homeschooling parents are more dedicated. That would be unsupportable. It was simply an expression of unity and the common experience of homeschooling parents.

  5. I’ve put this plan forward before. There is an elementary school that some of my grand kids attended in years past a short distance from my home.

    I am a veteran. With experience. I am also retired. I would gladly spend a few days a week with my own weapons and without pay manning that school. I’m sure I’m not the only one. 2-4 such community volunteers at each school would almost completely stop school attacks.

    We cannot do this because folks like harris, biden, newsom, vlad tepes and pretty much all the dnc would rather see dead children on the news instead of no dead kids.

    It really is that simple. The left needs, wants and glories in dead children.

    • No its not that simple. Police and body guard work entail professional training, not some bearded Jethro Bodine parading around with a weapon who would invariably do everything wrong in a crisis.

      And do not expect the Republicans to spend even one penny on security with Federal grants to protect kids. The KIds are expendable and the Criminal Stingy Republicans prove it every day by doing nothing.

      • I knew you would come up with a lame excuse to allow kids to continue being murdered. Between your hatred of blacks and your willingness to see dead kids in schools to advance your agenda you should be in the dock for crimes against humanity.

        • The boy’s many, many interactions with law enforcement, as a juvenile and an immature adult have warped his perception of the police.

      • @Vlad…”No its not that simple. Police and body guard work entail professional training, not some bearded Jethro Bodine parading around with a weapon who would invariably do everything wrong in a crisis.” Because professional training worked so well at Parkland???

        • “untrained” guards with a vested interest in the students and teachers will do a better job protecting those students and teachers than a “trained” guard with a vested interest in a cushy job and a paycheck.

          prove me wrong.

        • TO BALDWIN
          It was obvious they all had zero professional training. In Germany each cop gets a whopping 3 years of professional training while in Hillbilly Land U.S. A. some cops get as little as 4 weeks training. The Germans are not afraid to spend money unlike the stingy criminal Republicans who will spend no money ever. The Germans in 2016 shot 12 people while the cops in the U.S. shot and killed a horrific 1,500 people most of which would never have been shot in foreign counties. China with 4 1/2 times the U.S. population only shot 4 people as compared to the U.S. who killed 1,500 and shot twice that many, proving the U.S. has an ill trained police force and will not spend the money to professionalize it. Thank the Gangster Criminal Cheap Skate Republicans for all the unnecessary death and carnage by cop.

        • @Vlad…The professional training you whine about is mandatory in every state…prior to certification as an LEO. Continuous re-training and re-certification…mandatory.

          And you are wrong regarding my qualifications. I have years of such experience. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

          And the inflated numbers you cite are not to be found on the net including some very liberal sites.

          No on cares how they do it in Germany or any where else in Europe.

          Please try provide constructive content in the future.

      • So train the “bearded Jethro Bodine”. Buckeye Firearms in Ohio has a program with the acronym FASTER. Its marksmanship standards exceed those for police. And don’t feed me crap about police being highly trained. They aren’t. Walker – Texas Ranger was just a television show. The only thing realistic about it was the Chuck Norris actually can fight.

  6. How about stop stressing. Stop worrying yourself, worrying your kid and encouraging your school to be run like a prison camp. These incidents are so overwhelmingly rare, the harm done by the lack of openness and the instillation of fear is probably worse than the harm done by a few very rare incidents.

    • Unless it happens to be your kid who gets blown away. They you will be singing a different tune.

      • @Vlad…No one wants that. Don’t be moronic. How about we get rid of the Gun Free Zone shooting galleries instead.

        • Then stop insinuating it will never happen to your kid. Face reality it can happen to your kid.

          And the only shooting galleries we have are maniacs running around moving down kids with assault rifles. Get the picture or is this getting to complicated for you.

        • To Bald One

          quote—————@Vlad…No, it is not going to happen to my kid(s). I didn’t raise victims. They carry.———–quote

          Ha , ha what fantasies. Tell me how much chance they would have when a nut case with a bullet proof vest and a high velocity assault rifle shoots at them. He would laugh at a pistol shot going off and keep right on firing. And a person with an assault rifle has way more chance of hitting the target than any one with a pistol especially as the range gets longer or is longer. The pistol person is shit out of luck at loner ranges.

        • @Vlad…I’ve seen my kids situational awareness. I’ve seen them shoot. I trust them with my life. Bring it!

        • Vlad seems very knowledgeable about school shootings and nearly prophetic about it. Maybe a red flag is in order. He may be only a little kid but still says worrying things.

        • The boy is a master of making veiled threats. He never follows thru on them, he lacks the courage. Hell, he is still terrified of 8 year old girls.

      • No, I won’t. I lost a son last year to an automobile accident. Distracted driver killed him. I didn’t become an advocate for stricter distracted driving laws. Bad stuff happens in life. We don’t all feel the need to “do something” everytime we experience a loss. We already have plenty of laws in place, and school shootings are exceedingly rare. It’s the perfect example of a threat that is hyped way out of proportion to its actual prevalance. As Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeted:

        In the past 48hrs, the USA horrifically lost 34 people to mass shootings.

        On average, across any 48hrs, we also lose…

        500 to Medical errors
        300 to the Flu
        250 to Suicide
        200 to Car Accidents
        40 to Homicide via Handgun

        Often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data.

        — Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) August 4, 2019

        I’d prefer my child go to a school that is as open and relaxed as the schools I attended.

        • Then you had better have lots of burial insurance it costs a lot to bury kids these days especially when they wipe out all our kids in one day.

        • Then you had better have lots of burial insurance it costs a lot to bury kids these days especially when they wipe out all our kids in one day.

          Further proof Vlad doesn’t even know what statistics are no less understand them.

          Shut up, paid opposition troll.

        • TO CLOD BUSTER

          quote—————–Further proof Vlad doesn’t even know what statistics are no less understand them.——————quote

          Proving you live in a fantasy world and that you believe “it will never happen to my kids”. I bet you carry a glock and say the same thing “it will never go off accidentally” as I am perfect and I never make a mistake. Famous last words in both examples. It can happen to your kids and you.

        • The boy spends a lot of his time fantasizing about the most horrifying scenarios he can imagine. It makes him feel powerful. I know I should have stuffed him in a burlap bag and thrown him in a creek when he was little, but I was weak. I just could not do it, I could not face the prison time.

      • You gotta be the dumbest mfer I’ve seen posting on this site….
        Your comments make me fuckin sick and if I were the moderator you and your skank mother would be banned from posting.. gd mouth breathing commie….pos

  7. Make sure your kids all have bullet proof back packs, bullet proof caps, jackets and pants.

    Schools should have smoke machines that inject smoke into hallways during the next attack so the attacker will not be able to see anything.

    Cameras should be installed in all rooms and all halls.

    Install a panic button lined to the Police and the rapid deployment storm troopers.

    Ex Green Berets armed with m60 machines guns and grenades should be hired.

    All doors should be reinforced with 1/2 inch hardened steel plating.

    Two dozen jack booted heavily armed storm trooper detachments at all entrances, on the roof and in the parking lot with several machine gun nests with interlocking fields of fire.

    Two snipers on the roof .

    Two mortar teams on the roof.

    Long range artillery zeroed in on parking lot to take out nut case with assault rifle before he gets out of his car.

    Two Abrams battle tanks with interlocking fields of fire in parking lot in case nut case steals a tank and attacks school building.

    Metal detectors at all entrance ways

    Bomb sniffing dogs at all entrances

    3 viscous man eating attack dogs stationed in all class rooms to immediately devour any nut case storming a class room

    Trap doors installed inside all door ways to classrooms that would drop an attack nut case into a pit of piranha fish and crocodiles.

    Send all the bills for this security to the Selfish, stingy Republican Gangster Criminal Congressmen and if the bills were not paid they would be required to work for free and be taxed 95 per cent of all of their wealth and income to pay for the bills.


      • Baldwin, ‘vlad’ here is just a Leftist troll we use in TTAG as a fun punch-toy.

        Feel free to rhetorically batter the living crap out of him at your pleasure…

      • The boy never did quite get a handle on cause and effect. He has always lived in a world where things just happen, for no reason. And, the straw-man argument technique? He learned that from his mother.

    • So we ban “high capacity assault rifles” (which have never been used in a school shooting), and all AR/AK variants (since that’s what you are assuredly meaning).

      When the next bullied loser uses handguns (as the VATech shooter did) what will you want to ban? Handguns.

      So we ban handguns (all of them, only way to be sure), and the next bullied loser uses a blade. Do we ban knives?

      So we ban knives (like the UK has), and the next bullied loser builds pressure cooker bombs and other IEDs. What do we ban then?

      So we ban whatever, and the next bullied loser blocks the doors and sets the school on fire (Mecca 2002).

      Where do you want to stop? What laws can you think of that will prevent criminals from committing crimes? What will you take away from law abiding people to stop criminals?

      • Your right about the UK and their laws and they put a stop to school shootings back in the late 1980’s proving their gun laws and knife laws worked and ours do not.

        Now try and argue against their history and success. Especially in the knife bridge attack when the bar patrons beat the shit out of the terrorists with chairs and broken beer bottles. In the U,S. the entire bar would have been wiped out with assault rifle fire in seconds.

        • @Vlad…”In the U,S. the entire bar would have been wiped out with assault rifle fire in seconds.”…No, it took longer at the Pulse Night Club. Because no one inside was carrying a weapon and law enforcement failed to enter in a timely fashion. The reality is that law enforcement is not a “first” responder. The victim is his own first responder. The government can not protect you!

          “Now try and argue against their history and success. Especially in the knife bridge attack when the bar patrons beat the shit out of the terrorists with chairs and broken beer bottles”… Chairs and beer bottles…because the Queen’s subjects aren’t allowed to have weapons. The government can not protect you!

        • To Bald One

          quote—————-The government can not protect you!————-quote

          If had comprehended the post you would have realized the government did just exactly that with their gun laws. Now genius what par this do you not understand.

          Give up Bald One your out of your league.

        • When the boy was in his junior year of college, he took an introductory philosophy course. Halfway through the term, he was so impressed with his perceived ability to reason, he tried to argue with gravity. First he made up some “facts” to convince gravity that it was not real. Then he jumped out of the window of his dorm room. After he healed up he tried insulting gravity, then he jumped again. After the psychiatric hold expired, he used straw-man arguments and jumped again. I lost track of all of the broken bones. To this day he still thinks he won that debate.

        • I assume you’ve already chopped off your own dick to prevent the national scourge of rape, right?

    • Vlad Tepid,

      Schools should have smoke machines that inject smoke into hallways during the next attack so the attacker will not be able to see anything.

      That might actually be a good idea. It is certainly worth debating.

        • Baldwin says:
          August 23, 2019 at 16:49
          You’re kidding right?

          No sir I am serious. MSNBC news ran a big article on what that school did and the other costs for security ran the bill up to 2 million dollars. They did indeed have also cameras in every hall and every classroom and a direct link to the police department. The did indeed have a automatic door locks that locked down every door in the place instantly blocking a nut case from getting into a classroom. The did indeed have smoke machines that would flood the hallways in seconds. They hired security guards as well and they were armed. I cannot remember all the measures right now but those were just a few of them.

        • @Vlad…You referred to smoke in the hallway. I referred to smoke in the hallway. “You’re kidding, right?” is sarcasm for “Of all the stupid, head up your azz, bone headed ideas…”

          You’ve heard of smoke and mirrors? Because “smoke” and mirrors substitute real things with illusions of real, substantive things.

          Smoke in the hallways is of NO value. It’s worthless, “common-sense” (heavy on the sarcasm here too) let’s do SOMETHING! For the children.

        • “The have already done it at well over 1 million in cost at one White Affluent School.”

          So you want us to trust a group of people that spent a cool million dollars on something they could have done for a few hundred bucks, with greater flexibility in using the system should it be needed, by buying a bunch of smoke grenades?


        • Baldwin says:
          August 23, 2019 at 17:15
          ——————-quote——————–@Vlad…You referred to smoke in the hallway. I referred to smoke in the hallway. “You’re kidding, right?” is sarcasm for “Of all the stupid, head up your azz, bone headed ideas…”

          You’ve heard of smoke and mirrors? Because “smoke” and mirrors substitute real things with illusions of real, substantive things.

          Smoke in the hallways is of NO value. It’s worthless, “common-sense” (heavy on the sarcasm here too) let’s do SOMETHING! For the children—————————quote

          Well I tried to be polite in my sincere response so now the gloves are off. This system WAS TESTED and was shown on the news and and in seconds and you could not see your hand in front of your face. Anyone roaming down the halls wold not only not be able to see his hand in front of his face but the automatic door locks locked down every room and every door instantaneously in the building. A single would instantly go out to a specially trained swat teem that was trained to get to the school in minutes and immediately storm it when they hit a button to blow the smoke out of the hallways.

          You really only showed your ignorance and your ill manners by refusing to even consider my post about a system that has been tried and has been tested.

          And yes Jethro they “did it for the children” because they are not cheap ass like you are

        • to Jw
          jwm says:
          August 23, 2019 at 17:34
          White Affluent School? Must be where the leaders of the left send their kids.

          Your probably right on that one as the Left would be willing to tax the people and spend the money while the Republican cheap skate bastards would say ” were too fking cheap to spend any money so let the kids die because we could not care less”

        • strych9 says:
          August 23, 2019 at 17:34
          “The have already done it at well over 1 million in cost at one White Affluent School.”

          quote——————-So you want us to trust a group of people that spent a cool million dollars on something they could have done for a few hundred bucks, with greater flexibility in using the system should it be needed, by buying a bunch of smoke grenades?————–quote————–

          Ha where were you when they passed out the brains. Your a real hoot. Why don’t you volunteer to face a hail of bullets out a 100 round drum magazine and when you even attempt to throw just one grenade which the nut case could simply pick up and throw out the window or kick down some stairs and then go on his merry way to perhaps a lower floor or around a corner on the same floor. Get real and think things out before you make a complete fool of yourself. Smoke grenades would not have automatically locked all the doors either but you would have known that if you had comprehended the post in its entirety.

          By the way Genius I used to play with smoke grenades when I was a kid. Try using one some time or perhaps just put brain in gear before engaging mouth.

        • It is true, I did give the boy some “smoke grenades” when he was a kid. They were really just cheap cigars. He burned a few of them, but he put the rest in the most disgusting places. At first, I thought he was just not clear on the concept, as usual. Then I realized he was really enjoying himself.

          I did buy a burlap bag and scout a few local creeks, but to my everlasting shame and regret, I did not follow through.

  8. Hold School Officals Responsible. What a beautiful, reasonable sentiment. To bad the recommended action is unlikely to actually come to life, or to be taken seriously.

  9. This is what works:

    U.S. Secret Service Releases Operational Guide for Preventing Targeted School Violence
    Release Date: July 13, 2018

    On July 12, 2018, the United States Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center released another tool in support of the effort to end the prevalence of targeted violence effecting the Nation, the world, and most importantly – our schools. ENHANCING SCHOOL SAFETY USING A THREAT ASSESSMENT MODEL – An Operational Guide for Preventing Targeted School Violence, was developed to provide fundamental direction on how to prevent incidents of targeted school violence.

    The guide provides schools and communities with a framework to identify students of concern, assess their risk for engaging in violence, and identify intervention strategies to mitigate that risk.

    The Secret Service created the National Threat Assessment Center in 1998 to focus on research, training and threat assessments related to various forms of targeted violence. Following the tragedy at Columbine High School in April 1999, the Secret Service partnered with the Department of Education to study 37 incidents of targeted violence that occurred at elementary and secondary schools. The goal of that study, the Safe School Initiative (SSI), was to gather and analyze accurate and useful information about the thinking and behavior of students who commit acts of violence. The findings of the SSI led to the establishment of threat assessment programs in schools – something the Secret Service remains fervently committed to.

    “The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting tragedy served as the impetus to go beyond our past work and go in depth regarding the how – how do we solve this epidemic?” said Secret Service Director R. D. “Tex” Alles. “The report truly is an operational guide and I am confident that if embraced and followed by our Nation’s communities and schools, that we will together reduce the occurrence of violence and the tragic loss of life.”

    To ensure no school goes overlooked, the new guide is available to the public and for download at and The Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center will also be printing and distributing copies to schools across the country.

    This report is not the end of the Secret Service’s work to prevent school shootings and targeted violence. Work is currently underway to release an updated comprehensive study with an anticipated completion date in the spring of 2019.

  10. Some great conversation, above. Painful though, that so much of it was hijacked by trolls. As a homeschool Dad, it was heartwarming to read all the support for homeschooling.

  11. The final question should be, “Is your school a “Free Fire Zone” or what the liberals ambitiously incorrectly call “Gun Free Zones”. Take the fricking invitations DOWN!

  12. Just hire some combat military folks who won’t runaway and hide crying like scared girls when they hear gun shots aka the POPO for Parkland. The bastards need the rope!

    How do we get rid of the retards voting 4 guns to be banned so we can get everybody killed by criminals or nut jobs… who will keep their guns or make/steal them!

    Stupid people pushing 4 more laws to get their whole family slaughtered!

    A gun works 1000% of the time to stop evil nut jobs..the end!

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