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C’mon, really? [Note: I don’t mean Mr. C’mon.] The idea that a six-year-old was suspended from a Michigan kindergarten for playing guns with his fingers is just Rush Limbaugh having a laugh at the driveby media, right? Not according to Wait, How much did they have to pay Silicone Valley for that url? Anyway, “Erin Jammer [it just keeps getting better] said [the incident] started Feb. 26. That was the day, she says, the school principal told her son was playing guns in the hallway and it had to stop. If it didn’t, Jammer says she was told, the boy would be suspended. That night she had a big talk with her 6-year-old. No more playing guns at school. She thought the message got through. But then Tuesday came and a phone call — ‘Come pick up your son,’ Jammer says the school secretary said. Her son had apparently been playing ‘guns’ again. This time in the classroom. A suspension was enforced immediately.” The school says the Mum forgot to tell the media about the full range of her son’s delinquent behavior—which it can’t reveal in case she sues the NSFW out of them. So PC run amok or just a child? We report, you deride.

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