Joe Biden fist punch
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
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The vast majority of Americans, gun owners included, support taking action to address gun violence, and similar to President Biden’s rescue plan—which also has high levels of bipartisan support—the Biden administration should not allow partisanship to stand in the way of addressing a pressing public health issue. The good news is they don’t have to. Evidence tells us that by scaling interventions that support social and mental well-being, we can reduce gun violence. The American Rescue Plan will provide states and cities the flexibility to do exactly that through the use of “state and local recovery funds.” President Biden should use his bully pulpit to push them to do it. …

When Congress passed the CARES Act in March, some cities used state and local COVID-19 relief funding to support gun violence intervention programs, including Grand Rapids, Mich., and Baton Rouge, La. The American Rescue Plan will provide flexibility for states and cities to do the same. President Biden should champion such efforts, helping to ensure programs are scaled throughout the country and sending a signal that stemming the spike in gun violence is a public safety priority, a racial justice priority and a public health priority.

To be sure, funding gun violence intervention programming is not a replacement for passing legislation to improve firearm safety, or for the array of powerful executive actions President Biden can take on his own. But as America begins to build back from one public health crisis, it’s a critical start to begin addressing another.

— Joseph V. Sakran, Chethan Sathya, and Corey Ciorciari in Biden: Push States and Cities to Use Stimulus Money for Gun Violence Prevention

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  1. “These combined factors, along with record-high gun sales, have created a perfect storm.”

    There you have it. More guns are the problem, except most of us know that’s false. Actual scientific data proves this.

    “In Chicago for example, Black and Latinx residents made up 97 percent of the city’s shooting victims in 2019, despite each comprising approximately 30 percent of the city’s population.”

    If only scientific data could show us any difference among races dying from “gun violence.” If it’s the mere presence of guns, as they’re presenting, then it would affect all races equally where guns are present. Hmm. It’s almost as if “too many guns” is just a talking point coming from people that hate science.

    “The American Rescue Plan will provide states and cities the flexibility to do exactly that through the use of ‘state and local recovery funds.'”

    Great News!! We found the solution! All we need is more money (AKA more deficit spending). It will work this time. We promise. That’s science! Believe!

    • ” Black and Latinx residents made up 97 percent of the city’s shooting victims in 2019 ”

      I’d bet they made up 97% of the city’s shooters, too.

      • I’ll guarantee that 97 percent of residents of Latin decent don’t refer to themselves as ‘Latinx’.

        Demonstrating the way Leftist scum talk down to the people they supposedly ‘care about’…

  2. … the Biden administration should not allow partisanship to stand in the way of addressing a pressing public health issue. … Evidence tells us that by scaling interventions that support social and mental well-being, we can reduce gun violence.

    So, we can significantly reduce violent crimes (of all types regardless of whether or not attackers use firearms as a core element of their attack) if we can significantly reduce social and mental malaise in criminally-inclined populations. I am on board with that!

    … funding gun violence intervention programming is not a replacement for passing legislation to improve firearm safety …

    Translation: reducing social and mental malaise in criminally-inclined populations is the guaranteed fix for all violent crimes (of all types regardless of whether or not attackers use firearms as a core element of their attack) so let’s work on disarming good people who have zero proclivity to attack other people and employ firearms as a core element of their (non-existent) attack. And this is why I vehemently oppose efforts to disarm We the People of our nation.

    The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are both predictable and rational: as such there are many measures that we can employ to virtually eliminate any significant risk of them imparting serious physical, mental, and/or financial injuries to our lives.

    The only thing that is predictable in the overwhelming majority of Progressives is that they are irrational which ultimately means they are unpredictable. Thus, as far as I am concerned, Progressives who control giant corporations and government pose far greater risk of imparting serious physical, mental, and/or financial injuries to our lives than violent criminals. It is for that very reason that I refuse to play along with Progressive efforts to disarm me.

    • “Progressives who control giant corporations and government pose far greater risk of imparting serious physical, mental, and/or financial injuries to our lives than violent criminals.”

      The only problems those two groups of Progressives ever solve is finding more money in your wallet and finding more ways to control your life. The propaganda they push and the division they promote is a means to an end.

  3. More Junk Science from those carrying around the stench of a sicko agenda rooted in racism and genocide. Sneaky gun control perverts will attach their sleaze to anything. I’m surprised it’s not on cereal boxes or inside bottle caps.

    The article says bipartisan support. No Republican supported biden’s so called Rescue Plan because 92% of it went to fund demoCrap while the scraps were thrown to Covid Relief. Once again the democRats attached relief to their pork and until they got what they wanted no hurting Americans were to receive squat.

    It was POTUS DJT idea for a stand alone bill that paid $2000.00 to hurting Americans. And stalling RINO mitch mcconnell took it and handed to Jim Crow Gun Control joe to take to Georgia and use it as his own to sucker votes from suckers who were not wise to what the democRat joe biden was doing.

    This all could have easily been done prior to Nov. 3 and it could have been done if not for
    self serving despicable congressional scumbags. What filth.

  4. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I’m going to lose my place”….. “What am I doing here?”…. “I’ll take questions now….. If that’s what I’m supposed to do, whatever YOU want Nance”….. Mommy JILLLLLLL…

    That’s Braindead Biden, that article SHOULD have been directed at Obama, the Puppet Master… Just not sure which one, but I don’t think it’s Barry…
    Yeah just go sign some more of those “POWERFUL” Executive Orders, that the next guy can wipe out with the stroke of a pen…

  5. “….The vast majority of Americans, gun owners included, support taking action to address gun violence..”

    Anytime I read “the vast majority” I know two things. 1. it’s a lie and 2. It’s about some type of control over people’s freedom.

  6. I support combatting ALL violence, which most times requires violence, especially when projectiles are involved.

    Suck it, “scientists”.

  7. Not content with global warming climate change it appears pseudoscience has yet invaded another facet of our lives.

    • DJ,

      Progressives are coming for both. Going after dealers is an easy first step and it dovetails nicely with Progressives’ long game. Of course Progressives are not satisfied with that which means they are desperately trying to implement a way to come after firearms in private ownership as well.

      And this kind of garbage will keep happening as long as corporations and government can attack firearm ownership without any repercussions. We would be wise to recognize that anyone who thinks it is okay to attack one of our rights thinks it is okay to attack all of our rights. Since we fail to respond accordingly, these attacks will never stop.

  8. Scientific American is a religious rag for the cult of “The Science.” Nothing scientific about it.

    BTW, if the gov can just print two trillion dollars what am I paying taxes for? Seems taxation is less about funding a nation and more about keeping me poor.

  9. I’m really interested to read what Gun Lovin’ Goof has to write about this important issue….

    …said no one, ever. Man what a clown.

    • At least I don’t say the same thing twice like dumbass you…


  10. I’m really interested to read what Gun Lovin’ Goof has to write about this important issue….

    …said no one, ever.

  11. Wait how many Republicans voted for the “bipartisan supported” rescue plan? I thought it came down to a party line vote. The gun controllers frequently say “majority of Americans want gun control, even Republicans and gun owners do!” without any evidence, or at best offering a survey with murky questions. “Do you think kids should have access to guns?” What, kids with guns, that isn’t safe! Ok, mark that one for “supports safe storage laws!”

    Never mind that just because something would have public support doesn’t mean you should do it or that it should be legal. I would like no taxes, a free car, and $100 million cash just for me. But that doesn’t mean you should give me that. Unfortunately we now live in fantasy land where the government just hands everyone cash every couple of months, yay, sure whatever you want Uncle Sam, more free money!

    • “the government just hands everyone cash every couple of months, yay, sure whatever you want Uncle Sam, more free money!”

      Yep. Pay no attention to the thousands of small businesses that the tyrannical state and local governments just crushed. Also pay no attention to the most powerful monopolies that have ever existed sucking up the extra “stimulus*” money being spent as well as filling the void left behind from small businesses that won’t be coming back. Don’t worry, inflation is a myth! It’s hard to get people to support “socialism*” (wink,wink) when they’re independent and content.

      • “the government just hands everyone cash every couple of months, yay, sure whatever you want Uncle Sam, more free money!”

        This is part of the set up for (1) Their guaranteed monthly income and (B) of course, their number one goal, Single Payer health care… aka Socialism101

    • Senate vote was 50-49, Senator Dan Sullivan (R) Alaska was not present.. Vote was party line, NO Republicans in the House OR Senate voted FOR the bill, BUT two Democrats did vote AGAINST in the House… Maybe they meant there was Bi-Partisan support AGAINST it…

  12. Hey Scietific America just plot me two graphs.
    1) Gun crimes by black folks
    2) % of black kids without fathers

    Until Black folk solve plot #2 everything else is just a political distraction.

    • Never fear! Our brilliant, INCLUSIVE leaders are busy, as we speak, destroying the nuclear family of ALL American races. It’s the only way to achieve equality, excuse me, EQUITY. Equality is a naughty word from a bygone era.

      • Socialism is not about lifting people up. It is proven historically that it drags everyone down to the lowest common denominator, with the exception of the elites.

      • father’s day is a construct.

        It’s also the kick off weekend for Laconia N.H. Bike Week…

    • The atheist Libertarians, Liberals and the Left, will never acknowledge the important scientific fact. That the best way to reduce crime, is to have a traditional black family. Of one Man and one woman. Married. “Science” in the USA died a very long time ago.

      Because Science interferes with the “sexual good time” the atheists want everyone to have. Which is why they support a woman having 5 kids from 5 different men. With the woman and her children living in a “gun free zone” public housing project.
      It would be better if the three L’s stay out of the everyone else’s bedroom.

      • “That the best way to reduce crime, is to have a traditional black family.”
        I hate to point out the obvious that people of all races commit “crimes”… Might want to rework your phrasing.

        • I would hope that there would be some honesty here, on TTAG. Blacks are 13% of the population. And and comment 58% of the murders in the country. Most of whom are black victims.

          The problem with white Libertarian Liberal and Leftist gun owners is they don’t want to talk about the facts.

  13. I happen to believe that the masks that we are wearing to protect us from the Chinese Plague will also protect us from gun violins. After all, the masks have magical properties, do they not?

    • “After all, the masks have magical properties, do they not?”

      I assume they have to because almost all masks I see people using have large air gaps or they’re hanging below the wearer’s nose.

      • “…almost all masks I see people using have large air gaps…”

        The better to breathe with. 🙂 I have no choice but to hang some rag in front of my face if I’m going to get necessary tasks done out in public, but I *do* have a choice in how to wear it.

      • Under the nose or even the chin. Both equally useless.

        Wearing a mask with your nose uncovered is like wearing underwear with your willie hanging out over the top. Defeats the purpose.

  14. “Taking action” against “gun violence”, to which I assume the authors really mean “action against people creating violence”, since guns cannot act on their own, is as simple as enforcing the thousands of local, state and federal laws that already exist. Other than paying the judge’s, prosecutor’s and usually the court-appointed PD’s salaries it should cost taxpayers little and further infringe upon the rights of Americans not at all.

  15. “funding gun violence intervention programming is not a replacement for passing legislation to improve firearm safety” – Contrary to the TTAG headline, the article draws a distinction between programs that focus on violent and potentially violent people and restrictions focused on the tools they use. So far, it seems to be more effective than gun restrictions (which, of course, lack the focus on the people creating the actual problem). Seems this should be encouraged.

  16. I have yet to see a major publication actually talk real science on Covid. Not a one.

    Crazy when you consider how much actual data there is, down to the genome and how the RNA interacts with itself. Too bad you have to go digging around for that in legit journals that, apparently, everyone forgot how to read somewhere around last March.

    So why would I be surprised that they talk stupid about gun-control when mentioning Covid in the same article?

  17. Intervention plans dont work. Throwed away money that gives some know it all a job.
    “They’re ” treating gunm violence like some kind of substance abuse addiction.

  18. True, the vast majority of gun owners support their fellow Americans, agree with their fellow Americans that something should be done about violent people with guns.

    And there’s the problem. We believe the problem is violent humans. The other side believes the problem is violent guns.

    Never seen a gun be violent.
    Never seen a spoon be fattening.
    Never seen a claw hammer decide to pull nails today, rather than driving them into the wood.

    We all should and likely are in favor of doing something about violence in our country. Focus on repeat offenders. Encourage we the honest and law abiding multitude to get trained up, practice routinely and carry for our own protection. Give outfits like Cure Violence.Org grants to expand their efforts, for they have a good track record with inner city gangs.

    All sorts of things we could do.

    But if it will make folks happy, this coming weekend I will put all my guns on the big dining room table and have a heart to heart talk with them. Just reiterate to my guns not to sneak out of the house when I am away, not to load themselves and sticking up liquor stores or other mischief.

    Not that I suspect my guns of doing any of that, just showing my willingness to compromise with the other side. Give my guns that good talking to, let them know they are appreciated and they can always come to me with a problem.

    See? Very family oriented and supportive! 🙂

    • I will put all my guns on the big dining room table and have a heart to heart talk with them.

      If your guns are like mine they will sit quietly and pretend to respectfully listen, but when you are finished I suggest you return them to a locked, secured cabinet/safe (with the exception of your most trusted EDC piece) because those little bastards did not hear a word you said…

  19. Saw an interesting space exploration article recently and signed up to receive SA mailings. Only about a week in, I picked up on their anti conservative leanings. I forget the details, but it was outside of what I considered their expected content. Immediately unsubscribed.

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