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Security Industry: Sen. Boxer Legislator of the Year for School Safety

Senator Barbara Boxer (courtesy

“The Security Industry Association (SIA) presented Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., with its award for Legislator of the Year in 2013 for her tireless dedication to school safety,” their presser proclaims. “SIA recognized Boxer as its 2013 Legislator of the Year for her efforts to enact the School Safety Enhancements Act of 2013 (S. 146) which [provides] schools with more resources to install classroom locks, lighting, fencing and reinforced doors, as well as to help them conduct security assessments and provide security training for students and staff.” So $100m for doors and lockdown drills but not one dime for guns. Apparently, the NRA F-rated Senator “continues to raise awareness of the need for increased school security needs following the tragedy at Sandy Hook . . . SIA will continue to support common-sense solutions that empower local schools with increased capability and flexibility to keep their students safe and secure.” When asked by TTAG as to the SIA’s position on armed self defense in schools, their Mickey McCarter wrote, “SIA has no position on guns in schools.” ‘Nuff said.

23 thoughts on “Security Industry: Sen. Boxer Legislator of the Year for School Safety”

  1. SIA represents manufacturers and vendors of “classroom locks, lighting, fencing and reinforced doors.”
    They don’t represent anyone who profits from the sale of firearms.
    So why would you think SIA would have any opinion, or give rewards for, anything involving guns?

  2. nah. ya don’t need them gun thingies in schools. you need better doors, locks, lighting, fencing, and other bric-a-brac sold by SLA members. Never mind the fact that psychos can shoot through doors and locks, the lighting helps them find their victims and fences are easily jumped or gone around.

    SLA doesn’t really care about school physical security. All they care about is their members’ financial security.

    • Thus the irony of the award, “Here you go, here’s an award for giving our members a whole bunch of money. I promise it’s a real contest. It’s the ‘who-can-empty-their-pockets-into-my-bank-account-fastest game’ and you’re totally the best at it. Congrats.”

  3. What more evidence does one need to demonstrate our representative government complicity in murder of our children?

  4. Never mind the fact that psychos can shoot through doors and locks just walk through an unlocked door, if they’re a student or someone else who’s normally at the school

  5. So, she’s getting an award for transforming a shooting gallery into a shooting gallery with $100M doors?

    Good job, Babs.

    • In a nutshell, Guy and Jus Bill you’ve got the only relevant points to be made about airhead Boxer and her opportunistic self-promoting ways. She’s a whore to the Democratic Party line without any original thought. She doesn’t come up with any solutions beyond what others plant into her fluffy little head for her, and when she opens her mouth in public without a planned script; she usually embarrasses herself with her ignorance and inability to stay on topic.

      How she’s still in office is beyond me; but one need only look at the apathetic fashionably Democrat CA sheeple voters for that answer.

  6. So she bought herself an award by funneling millions of tax dollars to companies that make heavy doors?

    Good for her?

  7. When asked by TTAG as to the SIA’s position on armed self defense in schools, their Mickey McCarter wrote, “SIA has no position on guns in schools.”

    Of course they have no position on guns in schools because they don’t make any money when responsible citizens are armed in schools. In fact they stand to lose money if responsible armed citizens are in schools.

  8. Reinforced doors and strong locks don’t keep bad guys out of schools, but they do keep their victims well-contained and huddled together.

    Perhaps Sen. Bulldog and the SIA should get a special award for enabling classroom killers to kill.

  9. Not accomplishing anything? Spending a lot of money? That’ll get your fired in the private sector, and awarded if you work for the government.

  10. There goes yet another group trying to emotionally position themselves as owning the “common-sense” high-ground ie by default their opposition lacks common-sense or is opposed to it. As for BB, the lass is really aging though not as bad as DiFi.

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