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Self-Defense Against a Wolf in Wolf’s Clothing; Former Game Warden Being Investigated

Not all armed self-defense is against predators of the two-legged kind. Indeed, a firearm is a useful tool against legit four-legged predators as well of which bears, mountain lions and wolves all fall easily into that category. And although most of them never need to be shot if they are not posing a threat, those that are acting aggressively can still often be run off with a loud, “hey,” and making yourself look bigger by raising your arms. But some do need shooting, plain and simple.

In a controversial incident that has drawn the attention of federal authorities, Pat Quaintance, a retired Wisconsin conservation warden and a well-known figure in state wildlife circles, is under investigation for the shooting of a collared wolf on December 25, 2023. The incident, which occurred at Quaintance’s residence in northern Wisconsin, has sparked debate over the management of the state’s wolf population and the challenges of living in close proximity to these protected animals.

Quaintance, who has held prominent positions including president of the Wisconsin Wildlife Federation and president of the Wisconsin Association of Sporting Dogs, reported the incident to the Bayfield County Sheriff’s Office, claiming he shot the wolf in self-defense as it was at his back door. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is leading the investigation due to the wolf’s endangered status in the Upper Great Lakes States region, which includes Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan.

This incident highlights the tension between wildlife conservation efforts and the concerns of local residents and farmers about the growing wolf population. Quaintance has been an advocate for reducing the wolf population to a fixed number, arguing that this would decrease the risks to livestock, pets, and humans. He has previously testified before state boards and committees about his safety concerns and the proximity of wolves to his property, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach to wolf management.

The shooting comes at a time when the federal court has reinstated federal protections for the gray wolf, making it illegal to kill a wolf except in defense of human life. Individuals found guilty of illegally killing an endangered species face severe penalties, including up to one year in prison and fines up to $100,000 for individuals and $200,000 for organizations.

Quaintance’s actions have reignited discussions about the state’s wolf management plan, which currently aims to maintain a population of 800 to 1,200 wolves. Critics, including Quaintance, argue for a lower target population to minimize conflicts. Despite these controversies, data from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) indicates that wolf attacks on livestock are relatively rare, affecting a small fraction of the state’s farms.

The investigation into the December 25 shooting is ongoing, with federal and local authorities working together to determine the circumstances leading up to the incident. As the community awaits the outcome, the case serves as a reminder of the complex challenges involved in managing wildlife populations in areas where human and animal territories overlap.

26 thoughts on “Self-Defense Against a Wolf in Wolf’s Clothing; Former Game Warden Being Investigated”

    • “unless hes got it on video
      hes lying”

      and according to anti-gun prosecutors in most self defense cases, even if it was on video he’s lying.

    • Unless you have it on video, you are full of crap. Under law, a man is presumed innocent until proven otherwise.

  1. I’m very comfortable killing drug addicts who steal to feed their drug habit. But it’s not legal. So they are allowed to steal.

    And it seems it’s not legal to kill an apex predator. But will kill you. Or your small child.

    • He was stuck with reporting it because of the collar, some of which have GPS and which notify when the animal dies.

  2. We used to have the red wolf in Florida. I’ve only seen them in capitivy. I suppose I’d shoot one if attacked, but they were not imposing. A Florida panther (extremely rare and you better have your do-do in a neat little pile if you kill one) can be impressive. If you ever hear one scream you’ll never forget it. Black bears are common and can be a nuisance. Feral hogs are the thing to be wary of. You can trip over a 300 lb boar before you can say, “Don’t do it!” The gators and the sharks get all the press, but it’s the snakes and those with two legs that everyone should be careful of.

    • “A Florida panther (extremely rare and you better have your do-do in a neat little pile if you kill one) can be impressive.”

      I’ve seen one down here, on SR-60 near Mulberry, Fl.

      It failed to navigate crossing 60 one night, unfortunately.
      You’re right, the one I saw was roadkill, but it was a powerfully built individual, very muscular…

      • the first time i rode to bikey week/ keys was late ’80s. i noticed the pather crossing signs on the tamiani canal trail. back then they estimated 60 left.
        has that estimate gone up or down?

  3. To the left, animals are more important than people. Greater than 99% of all species in the history of the Earth have gone extinct. The Earth is still here.

    • not all people are less important than animals to the left wing..for example, a dog can attack a child and damage the child physically and psychologically and emotionally for life and the dog will be put down, but a pedophile is embraced by the left wing as someone who has rights to remain free to roam among society. see, there are some people more important to the left than animals.

      oh wait…pedophiles are animals. my mistake.

  4. Censored. This site has gone down since it traded hands. Just my opinion. Guys I enjoyed the last few years. Goodbye and good luck.

    • I’ve heard that there’s a new kid on the block — Shooting News Weekly. I’ve seen a few familiar names in the comments section there.

      See ya on the other side, GF! You know where to find us.

    • Yep. When the African-American fellow was in charge it was a good place to visit. Now, not so much.

    • @Gadsden,

      Stick around for a bit longer, if only as an observer. I’m on the fence as well, but let’s see what the new TTAG will turn out to be. We already lost a few good ones (Tom in Oregon, LifeSavor, etc), and we don’t want to lose you yet.

    • It was a great and useful site when Robert ran it. Sold now & sold again = crap

      Perhaps he will repurchase it. I suggest about 2cents on the dollar would be about right.

  5. The great s0ci@ list @dolf Hitler was an animal lover and a vegetarian. He also was against hunting animals.

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