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Self-Defense Tip: Avoid Road Rage

I don’t know about you, but the second someone points a gun at me is the second I move and draw my firearm. Or just GTFO. I see no point continuing any “discussion” past that point. [Click here for another view of the incident.] That said, I’m unlikely to find myself this situation; I don’t confront (or flip off) people who drive obnoxiously. Nor do I drive obnoxiously (provided you don’t consider fast driving inherently offensive). Remember: the only gunfight you’ll guaranteed to win is the one you don’t have. The earlier you can start not having one, the better. If you know what I mean.

113 thoughts on “Self-Defense Tip: Avoid Road Rage”

  1. Fudge that! I’d run the red light to avoid being muzzled. I hope the cops nail the truck guy for brandishing.

    • The truck driver was justified under Nevada’s Castle Doctrine law (which now applies to vehicles.) The driver was where he was allowed to be and the motorcyclist was not where he was allowed to be. If you were in a road rage dispute with somebody in another car and they exited their car IN TRAFFIC to come up to your window, that’s cause for alarm that an attack may be imminent. This motorcyclist coming up and tapping on the window is the same thing. He wasn’t even in a traffic lane, he had to go way out of his way to get where he got. It’s very reasonable the trucker feared something was wrong. As soon as he knew there wasn’t a threat, he put the gun away. In situations like this that are highly out of the ordinary, if you don’t act fast, you could be a gonner. Had this been a video of a motorcyclist ambushing a guy in his truck, everybody would have been on here saying that they would have pulled their own gun and shot back. Well… if you’re gonna do that, you need to get the gun out exactly when this driver did.

      NRS 200.120 is hereby amended to read as follows:
      1. Justifiable homicide is the killing of a human being in necessary self-defense, or in defense of an occupied habitation, an occupied motor vehicle or person, against one who manifestly intends or endeavors to commit a crime of violence, or against any person or persons who manifestly intend and endeavor, in a violent, riotous, tumultuous or surreptitious manner, to enter the occupied habitation or occupied motor vehicle, of another for the purpose of assaulting or offering personal violence to any person dwelling or being therein.
      2. A person is not required to retreat before using deadly force as provided in subsection 1 if the person:
      (a) Is not the original aggressor;
      (b) Has a right to be present at the location where deadly force is used; and
      (c) Is not actively engaged in conduct in furtherance of criminal activity at the time deadly force is used.
      3. As used in this section:
      (a) “Crime of violence” means any felony for which there is a substantial risk that force or violence may be used against the person or property of another in the commission of the felony.
      (b) “Motor vehicle” means every vehicle which is self-propelled.

      • Good luck convincing a jury that you, in your higher vehicle, surrounded by steel are in imminent danger from a guy tapping on your window.

        • Yeah, because a gentle tap on the window is the same as smashing a window in with a helmet.

          Listen, if someone tried to gain entry in to my vehicle, then yes, it’s justified. A tap? A literal tap, on video? Bullshit.

        • I agreed, a tap on the window to ask what is wrong is legit after the guys in the truck flipped him off and yelled at them what do you think is going to happen. If you flip someone the bird, it means you have something to say. Don’t flip someone the bird and expect that person just to walk away, especially if it’s not clear why u R flipping the bird. The video shows the bikers being pretty responsible in the way they are riding. Just because that guy in the truck has west coast chopper wanna be bike in the garage and a leather vest gathering dust in a closet somewhere, doesn’t make him a biker either.

      • “The truck driver was justified under Nevada’s Castle Doctrine law”

        Maybe, I’m not a cop and not a lawyer. However if you watch the vid you can see what happens. When biker gets the attention of those in the truck he gets the front passengers attention first, this person then turns to the driver and taps him to get his attention and this takes a good few seconds, and you can almost hear in your head what he is saying ‘hey man get your gun out and show this jerk who’s boss!’. Clearly during this time passenger does not perceive a real threat as he has all his attention directed at driver and is ignoring the biker. I really don’t think these guys were worried about a potential threat as they were trying to show their machismo and also for a chance to draw down. Also, the name calling and the rear passenger getting in on the action.

        I really don’t think this guy drew because he saw a threat.

        That said, biker should not have approached, that was dumb, he’s lucky that gun didn’t do the whole ‘go off’ thing right in his face.

        • The moment the driver saw somebody at the window (who should not have been at his window) he grabs his gun and you could tell there was a level of fear he was about to be attacked. He saw a threat, reacted to the threat, and when he realized it wasn’t a threat, he stopped pointing the gun and then put away entirely. Watch and rewatch it. He didn’t contemplate, and then decide to draw knowing the guy wasn’t a threat.

        • “Roy says:
          February 2, 2016 at 16:01

          The moment the driver saw somebody at the window (who should not have been at his window) he grabs his gun and you could tell there was a level of fear he was about to be attacked.”

          Maybe. I disagree, and I did watch it plenty of times. These guys weren’t scared, if he felt threatened he easily could have applied accelerator and pulled out to the right, which is what I would have done. Front passenger actually leans out towards the threat, and rear opens window to start engaging also – these aren’t the actions of threatened people. I take your point, I just disagree.

        • The truck driver opened the window (after the passenger told him that the motorcyclist was there) and then immediately pulled out his gun. This wasn’t fear that the motorcyclist was going to attack, or he would not have opened the window first; why remove a barrier between you and the person you believe is going to attack. Furthermore, the motorcyclist was clearly unarmed and still on his motorcycle, so there was no danger of him flying through the window in some fit of rage, or whatever.
          That said; the motorcyclist did not take aggressive actions, but he did take really stupid ones. He should not have pulled to the passenger side of the truck, both for traffic safety as well as psychological reasons (no one wants to feel surrounded). And, really, he and all of his buddies, should have just let the whole thing slide, maybe even turned off at the earliest safe opportunity to do so. No need to confront, even peacefully, someone who is clearly having a fit of road rage.

        • The driver did not open the windows. The passenger is doing that as the driver is pulling the gun out. He couldn’t pull the gun while opening the center console and retrieving the gun at the same time.

          The passenger likely knew the motorcyclist wasnt a threat because he had been watching him for 3 seconds already, but the driver had no freaking clue. All the driver knew was his passenger had been freaking out for 3 seconds and when the driver finally turns he’s surprised to see somebody there that shouldnt be there at all and so it’s very understandable the driver feared for the worst.

      • And… the local news announced that Henderson PD said charges won’t be filed. They interviewed the driver and got his side of the story.

      • Uh he has a right to be on the road. The fact that someone jaywalks is not sufficient to trigger such a law.

  2. Meanwhile on Reddit, r/GunsAreCool attempts to parody us gun owners by calling him a member of a well-regulated militia and his actions heroic.

    They also don’t get that satire is supposed to be somewhat close to the source material. See: Dynamic Pie Concepts

  3. Here I was wondering how much stupid a person can pack in three and a half minutes.
    The answer is a whole damn lot. Everyone is a jackass and the sooner they wrap themselves around a pole or smear their flesh across two hundred yards of asphalt the better.

    • Everyone? So everyone should die in horrible car accidents and die from loss of blood due to road rash?

    • The sooner the driver is arrested for the assault with a deadly weapon crime he committed the better.

      • Oh HELL yes. Biker should report him, and they’ve got his plate and face on camera.

        I know there’s a lot of bigotry in the gun community (such as displayed by shire-man); let me add to it. If there’s one thing I’ve learned as far as automotive corrolaries go, it’s this: the bigger the truck, the bigger the douchebag driving it. Sure, bikers can be douchebags, although I didn’t see any evidence of it in this video. But just playing the odds, if someone’s driving around in a big ol’ pick’em-up truck, I give ’em a wide berth.

        Especially if they’re wearing a hat. I don’t know if the hat is a sign of douchebaggery, or if the brim obstructs their view such that they drive more dangerously because they’re just unaware, but … if you encounter a truck driver with a hat, good luck.

        • If there’s one thing I’ve learned as far as automotive corrolaries go, it’s this: the bigger the truck, the bigger the douchebag driving it.

          Yep, there sure is a bunch of bigotry!

        • Yeah, I’m a bigot. Prejudiced as hell against folks out and about who can’t mind their own business.

          It takes two to tango and both parties here were all too happy to dance with each other. If either one, or ideally both, just minded their own damn business there would have been no incident at all.

        • Sure, bikers can be douchebags, although I didn’t see any evidence of it in this video.

          Of course you didn’t. That’s who was rolling the video.

          Rare is the time I have seen a bunch of sport bike owners driving on a road as a group without a portion of their number behaving like needle-dicked daredevil jackasses.

        • As a longtime motorcyclist..

          Everyone riding has to come to terms with the reality that while you are riding, any confrontation of any kind with a vehicle is simply not going to end well for you, the rider, no matter who is in the “right”.

          So, with that thought firmly cemented in your psych.. the conclusion is to never get into a confrontation with another vehicle..

          And trust me, after riding for over 35 year I can tell you stories…

        • I drive one of the biggest trucks on the road for a living, and I can assure you, I am extremely courteous, calm, and professional. Even when I wear a hat.

      • This situation may not be so clear cut. The fact that the bikers didn’t call the cops and report the driver with the gun makes you wonder if there were unsafe biker shenanigans going on that didn’t make the video. There were other drivers acting strange or hesitant around the bikers at the start of the video. I notice the guy taking the video was careful to hide the license plates of his fellow riders.
        The gun brandishing only happened after the biker initiated a confrontation by tapping on the window. I could see the truck driver making a claim that the bikers surrounded him, were touching his vehicle, and he felt unsafe. It was not too long ago when a bunch of riders surrounded and beat up a motorist in NY and gun might have been useful in that situation:
        The best thing about this story was that no one got hurt. Perhaps the gun served as a deterrent in this case because the argument stopped escalating and everyone moved along.

        • They did call the police and report him; they showed the police this video as well as other videos the various bikers were taking. The police did not see any reason for the brandishment, nor anything significant to charge any of the motorcyclists with. They are, however, going to try to charge the guy in the pickup.

  4. That would be pretty stupid in my county. The County Constable (and CHL instructor) belongs to a biker group.

  5. Everyone in this video are rude, temperamental people who to appear to be suffering somewhat from mental retardation.

    • Just to throw this out there, i have a child with special needs.
      I’d be so grateful to you and the gun community if you would drop the retard referennces in the future.
      My child displays more sense than these people and honestly it’s an insult to most folks in general.
      Thank you sir or mam, id buy you a drink sometime to discuss it further.
      Thank you all.

      • Sorry no. I don’t do political correctness and I don’t cater to people because of their opinions of perceived microaggressions.

        Just to throw this out there, i have a child with special needs. I’d be so grateful to you and the gun community if you would drop the retard referennces in the future.

        I didn’t say “retard.” I said “mental retardation.” And there is nothing wrong with the term – with exception to people’s feelings being hurt. Here you go:

        The terms used for this condition are subject to a process called the euphemism treadmill. This means that whatever term is chosen for this condition, it eventually becomes perceived as an insult. The terms mental retardation and mentally retarded were invented in the middle of the 20th century to replace the previous set of terms, which were deemed to have become offensive. By the end of the 20th century, these terms themselves have come to be widely seen as disparaging, politically incorrect, and in need of replacement.[7] The term intellectual disability is now preferred by most advocates and researchers in most English-speaking countries.[3][4] As of 2015, the term “mental retardation” is still used by the World Health Organization in the ICD-10 codes, which have a section titled “Mental Retardation” (codes F70–F79). In the next revision, the ICD-11 is expected to replace the term mental retardation with either intellectual disability or intellectual developmental disorder, which the DSM-5 already uses.


        As you can see – it is only a matter of time before you people say “can you drop the intellectual disability nonsense?”

        My child displays more sense than these people and honestly it’s an insult to most folks in general.

        I wouldn’t doubt it and I certainly am not insinuating that your son is befitting of such activities.

        Thank you sir or mam, id buy you a drink sometime to discuss it further.
        Thank you all.

        As you can see… there is really nothing to discuss, but I will take that drink.

        • Standing up for your child with a mental disability is not some PC microagression thing. Is that our new excuse to trample courtesy today?

          Maybe you should take a lesson from the video here and not double down when youre obviously in the wrong and respectfully confronted about it.

          A man admits when he’s wrong and aplogizes. A child insists he’s in the right and learns nothing.

        • Blindman (The irony of this handle is killing me),

          Standing up for your child with a mental disability is not some PC microagression thing. Is that our new excuse to trample courtesy today?

          Last I checked, I did not state that the [Priest of the center mass]’s child was a “retard” or “mentally retarded” or “special needs” or “intellectually disabled.” I stated that the people in the video were suffering somewhat from mental retardation. Not even sure how my comments about the bikers, the truck driver, etc – has anything – anything!, whatsoever, to do with [Priest of the center mass]’s child, as absolutely none of these comments were directed to him and my implication of the term itself was to imply the people in the video were suffering from the symptoms of the term itself – which would be a correct usage – i.e. below-average general intellectual function.

          The bottom line – he was inadvertently offended by a statement I made, not even directed at him, simply out of political correctness. Almost textbook microaggression.

          Maybe you should take a lesson from the video here and not double down when youre obviously in the wrong and respectfully confronted about it.

          I am in the wrong because I did not use the politically correct term? (Cough Cough… microaggression).

          A man admits when he’s wrong and aplogizes. A child insists he’s in the right and learns nothing.

          Lol. Apologize for what? For using a politically incorrect term with a grammatically correct definition? Read more here:

          Let me lay this out for you:

          –> Did I say anything, anything, about [Priest of the center mass]’s child? – No? Didn’t think so.
          –> Was [Priest of the center mass] offended about my statement that had nothing to do with him nor was aimed at him? – Yes, it appears so – you as well.

          The problem isn’t me or my correct usage of the term. The problem is you took offense to it. Understand? That makes this your problem – not mine.

          OK ok… I’m soorrrrrrry. I used the term “mentally retarded.” That was ridiculously insensitive of me! (who is the sensitive one around here again?) I should have said “intellectually disabled.” So sorry everyone – so sorry. In two decades from now – if someone digs up this archaic article and takes offense that I used the term “intellectually disabled.” I’m sorry. I mean’t to use whatever the correct political term is at the time.

        • Love the reply. To hell with “PC”.

          I was in court grilling a complainant who was on the witness stand once (no, I’m not a lawyer) and inquired as to whether he was a “moron”, an “imbecile”, or an “idiot” (you should’ve seen his written statement AND the judge’s face when I said it). Naturally I got the desired result, the complainant “went off” showing his uncontrollable temper. The judge admonished me and called me “despicable” and “vile” BUT I also “poked him in the eye” when I produced copies of the “Binet Scale” which set parameters on how to determine what a person is, needless to say I won my case.

      • There’s nothing malicious about the word “retarded.” It’s just a clinical assessment of an individual’s mental development. Moving away from plain speech just to palliate someone’s hypersensitivity to reality is politically correct nonsense.

        You’ll soon find that “special needs” falls out of favor because someone will object to their child being called special, implying that they’re different. Well, they are different.

        This has already happened with the prior euphemism, “developmentally disabled”, as parents cried about their kid being labelled “disabled.” It’ll happen with “special needs”, too.

        If someone’s a jerk and trying to attack your child with words, then address that individual’s behavior directly. Let’s not invent and impose on others endless circumlocutions to assuage imaginary insults, though.

        • You seem terrifically confused about the meanings of words.

          It’s not hypersensitivity to object when someone uses a condition which another person cannot control as an insult.

          The right alternative to PC should be a manly and ennobled way of speaking, not some bro-dude-bro assh*lery.

          And to think – someone actually got called a *bigot* up above for prejudging people who drive trucks – and you guys are backslapping each other for your brave indifference to the feelings of retarded children?

        • You seem terrifically confused about the meanings of words.

          Are you sure? This is the meaning:

          You seem terrifically confused about the difference between grammatical usage of words and political correctness of words.

          It’s not hypersensitivity to object when someone uses a condition which another person cannot control as an insult.

          Sure it is… that is why we are rolling on the euphemism treadmill. Because of your hypersensitivity of the correct usage of a term caused you to take a offense to that usage and perceive it as an insult.

          The right alternative to PC should be a manly and ennobled way of speaking, not some bro-dude-bro assh*lery.

          So… use “intellectually disabled?” What term would you like for me to use to describe these people with this definition: (below-average general intellectual function).???

          And to think – someone actually got called a *bigot* up above for prejudging people who drive trucks – and you guys are backslapping each other for your brave indifference to the feelings of retarded children?

          Whoa whoa whoa!… They aren’t “retarded” children…. right? They are “intellectually disabled.” This is the definition:

          Intellectual disability (ID), also called intellectual development disorder (IDD) or general learning disability,[1] and formerly known as mental retardation (MR),[2][3][4] is a generalized neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by significantly impaired intellectual and adaptive functioning. It is defined by an IQ score below 70 in addition to deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors that affect everyday, general living. Once focused almost entirely on cognition, the definition now includes both a component relating to mental functioning and one relating to individuals’ functional skills in their environments.

          Also – this is the definition of bigot:
          intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

          Which is amazingly what you feel towards our use of certain politically incorrect terms of our time.

      • “My child displays more sense than these people and honestly it’s an insult to most folks in general”
        That’s a pretty low bar.

      • @Priest of the center mass, addressing your child as “retarded” or words to that effect would indeed be offensive — to you, your child and to me as well — because he has special needs and should be treated with respect and affection.

        Addressing the same words to a street punk in no way defames your child. In that context it’s just a word of contempt and has nothing to do with your child at all.

        • Ralph, i do appreciate all the view points concerning this matter.
          I was merely putting it out there that to correlate ignorance with motor vehicles and firearms to a natural condition that many human beings deal with not by choice but simply by birth is inherently arrogant and devoid of civilized compassion.
          Other than that been said…what anyone says is their choice and although i disagree, i also let it go with a bit of hope that some rise above the need to equate irresponsibility with a medical condition.
          What this vid portrays is not a birth defect.
          Maybe some folks just haven’t had any experience with special needs kids, at least their disabilities are apparent and not hidden in words.
          Ralph, this really isnt directed towards you,maybe I’m just defending my kid from the world.
          Thanks TTAG for this vent.
          P.s.hope the driver loses his weapon,bad call imo.

    • Exactly… “They’re both wrong” seems to be far and away the least popular analysis of a gun related confrontation.

    • Note to self: Only medical doctors and the parents/family of those afflicted as described by the term should be able to use that term. The use of that term is reserved for these people only and can only be used when first authorized by a medical professional. Anyone else who decides to use that term to legitimately describe anyone outside of a medical diagnosis, even when using the terms correct definition, is an insensitive jerk.

  6. This is exactly why I never participate in road rage. I can’t afford to pay with my life. This is also why i never speed. I don’t have extra budget to pay tickets. I’ll get where I’m going just fine I seem to catch up to people whom pass me at 80mph. Something about red lights. I dunno.

    • I agree, just smile and go on about your business. I live in Laredo on the texas-mexico border where traffic laws don’t apply. I’ve seen fools get out of their cars and start confrontations over their poor driving and poor attitudes. Better to go home alive then get caught up in petty road rage BS.

      • Yep to both of the above. I’ve seen some stupid stuff on the road, but I have never been anywhere close to annoyed enough at any driver to make violence seem like an attractive option.

  7. The only time I find driving fast offensive is when they’re trying to force me to drive as fast as they want me to. Or, in other words, tailgating.

    Other than that, knock yourself out. Better, you flush ’em out, I’ll cover you. 🙂

    • Somebody rides up my exhaust I like to slow down. And keep slowing down. Being a friendly and courteous driver like that helps them to pass safely.

      The other drivers must agree. A lot of them honk and wave at me as they go by.

      • I put a tow hitch on my SUV especially for tailgaters. I’d rather my wife or our family not get rear-ended yet again by inattentive/unlicensed/rude SoCal drivers. But if it happens, the first thing they hit will be a reinforced piece of steel.

  8. This redneck guy deserves to loose his gun rights.
    There was absolutely no reason to draw his gun and muzzle the biker. Even if the bikers were riding like savage, it’s not a good reason. The bikers didn’t attack him and didn’t pose any threat. And from the video, it really seems like the bikers were riding in a pretty decent matter and pretty chillout.

    • Agreed 100%.

      Granted we don’t know what may have gone on off-camera before this video started, so who knows, the bikers may have been misbehaving or even dangerous. Even so, the truck driver’s actions are utterly indefensible.

      • That’s the driver’s story, that the video doesn’t show all the preceding events, or so he claimed when he called into the T.V. station to make his case. Like you, I don’t see that any of that matters, though.

        A guy tapping on the glass and calmly asking what’s going on, as opposed to screaming “I’m going to kill you!” and swinging a tire iron through it, doesn’t justify pulling a gun.

  9. Window tapping was a bad idea, better to avoid getting close if possible. As someone who has been a victim of a road-rage/attempted murder (somehow ended up sharing the road with a crazy person in the middle of a dv situation) driving away as far and fast as you can is always a good call. The get away first mindset saved my family from God only knows what.

  10. It was dangerous and dumb for the biker to go knock on the truck window trying to talk to angry drivers/passengers. It was even more dangerous and dumb for the truck driver to point the firearm at the biker. I hope he’s arrested for brandishing a firearm. They have all the evidence they need right here in this video.

  11. The reason WHY I got my Concealed carry license! Two incidents of road rage was enough for me. Since I’ve had it, no longer return the three finger salute. No longer try to school biker & his biker chick on how inappropriate it is to stop traffic in front of you on service road for his old lady to take photos of the Blue Bonnets. Nope, not me, no more exceeding speed limit over 15 mph

  12. First of all, OF COURSE what the truck driver did was a flat out felony. Having said that, it looks to me like the biker is just dying for an unnecessary confrontation. And he might well have died for it, too. A huge part of staying safe is not being a confrontational jerk-hole.

    • I personally wonder if the biker staged the whole thing. Who drives around on their motorcycle with a high-definition camera running on their helmet? What fool draws a handgun and points it at someone who obviously has a camera on their helmet?

      While this could be exactly as they portrayed it, I don’t think it passes the smell test.

      On the other hand the truck driver would have to be pretty stupid to help a friend stage something like this for YouTube hits … since the truck driver would be exposing himself to felony arrest/prosecution. And if the truck driver is that stupid, he is probably stupid enough to point his handgun at someone out of frustration.

      • I ride with a helmet camera, think of it as a dash cam for a bike. I use a Mobius camera because its tiny and won’t cause as much drag as a GoPro hanging off my helmet. Its records fairly decently in 1080p, the sound recording ok. At speed, the wind noise drowns out everything else. I still haven’t figured out a way to get better sound, mainly because I’m cheap and would rather spend my money on guns and motorcycles. You can get a really nice A/V setup if you spend the moolah.

        As to what happened before the incident, it really doesn’t matter. At no point did the motorcyclist pose a direct and imminent threat to anyone in the truck, evidenced by both passengers opening their windows. The driver is a douche who should be charged with brandishing, assault, or whatever is appropriate. The ‘ride a real bike’ comment towards the end tells me all I need to know about these morons.

      • “Who drives around on their motorcycle with a high-definition camera running on their helmet? ”

        It’s depressingly common nowadays…

        • A friend of mine got run over on a lonely stretch of road one night. They never caught the guy. If someone splats me when I’m riding alone, at least there is a chance to catch the asshole.

        • MookyPants,

          Ah, I get it. I know that people in cars have a propensity to drive as if motorcycles don’t exist and cause a lot crashes because of it. I can see where a lot of riders would want to have a video record of any such event.

  13. Oh relax. The driver didn’t even have his finger on the trigger. Besides, if the bikers didn’t behave like selfish, rude, vile, fucktards he wouldn’t need to pull his weapon.

    • “The driver didn’t even have his finger on the trigger”

      Yes it was, you can clearly see it with business end pointed, finger behind the trigger guard and when the gun is taken off target you can see it inside as well.

      I don’t think he should have approached the vehicle, that wasn’t smart, but the biker did keep his cool and was not threatening at all, certainly not to justify pulling.

  14. Thanks for posting that. Sometimes I need to level set my own performance against those around me. Based on what I saw there, I’m am not only shockingly attractive, but easily a genius.

    • Fuckin’ cruel bastiche! I’m just getting over a gurgling chest cold and laughing is painful and sounds weird as hell. Messy, too. 🙂

  15. If I gambled, I would put money down that the driver is a prohibited felon. Oh, and when someone irritates you in traffic, don’t confront them. It is not worth it. Even if the other driver is not a felon with a gun, the car in the hands of a maniac can be far more lethal than a pistol.

  16. The pickup driver committed the crime of brandishing his handgun. However, the biker initiated the confrontation be tapping on the window. Both of them forfeited their right to self defense had it escalated to a gun fight.

  17. I’d like to see the 5 minutes of video prior to the incident where of course the bikers were following all traffic laws.

    There is plenty of video evidence of why the truck guy could be considered legally justified in brandishing when surrounded by multiple bikers on the internet, and if memory serves, was written about right here on TTAG.

    Avoid packs of anything, particularly douchebags on dirt bikes, and sport bikes.

    • Except in that New York case, the bikers are smashing his windows and opening the doors. This dude did nothing even close to that and there were no other bikers close to his truck

      • There were other bikers close to his truck, on the other side. Still, none of the others touched his truck, and there was no violent hostility displayed prior to the gun being pulled out. Even after everyone stayed pretty calm, all things considered.

      • If the bikers were behaving like retards in the previous five minutes, the truck driver may very well have reason to feel threatened.

  18. “Nor do I drive obnoxiously (provided you don’t consider fast driving inherently offensive).”

    The thing about road rage is that *you* don’t get to be the one who’s judging your driving performance. Some raging asshole who’s having a bad day might just decide that you didn’t signal long enough before your turn, or that passing him in the left lane is somehow rude, and decide to take all his frustrations out on you. I had an aggro shitbag launch a Slurpee at my car, at a stoplight, screaming his head off, and I was never able to figure out what I could possibly have done to trip his “raging dickhead” switch.

  19. The truck driver was justified under Nevada’s Castle Doctrine law (which now applies to vehicles.) The driver was where he was allowed to be and the motorcyclist was not where he was allowed to be. If you were in a road rage dispute with somebody in another car and they exited their car IN TRAFFIC to come up to your window, that’s cause for alarm that an attack may be imminent. This motorcyclist coming up and tapping on the window is the same thing. He wasn’t even in a traffic lane, he had to go way out of his way to get where he got. It’s very reasonable the trucker feared something was wrong. As soon as he knew there wasn’t a threat, he put the gun away. In situations like this that are highly out of the ordinary, if you don’t act fast, you could be a gonner. Had this been a video of a motorcyclist ambushing a guy in his truck, everybody would have been on here saying that they would have pulled their own gun and shot back. Well… if you’re gonna do that, you need to get the gun out exactly when this driver did.

    NRS 200.120 is hereby amended to read as follows:
    1. Justifiable homicide is the killing of a human being in necessary self-defense, or in defense of an occupied habitation, an occupied motor vehicle or person, against one who manifestly intends or endeavors to commit a crime of violence, or against any person or persons who manifestly intend and endeavor, in a violent, riotous, tumultuous or surreptitious manner, to enter the occupied habitation or occupied motor vehicle, of another for the purpose of assaulting or offering personal violence to any person dwelling or being therein.
    2. A person is not required to retreat before using deadly force as provided in subsection 1 if the person:
    (a) Is not the original aggressor;
    (b) Has a right to be present at the location where deadly force is used; and
    (c) Is not actively engaged in conduct in furtherance of criminal activity at the time deadly force is used.
    3. As used in this section:
    (a) “Crime of violence” means any felony for which there is a substantial risk that force or violence may be used against the person or property of another in the commission of the felony.
    (b) “Motor vehicle” means every vehicle which is self-propelled.

  20. I’m taking the minority view-the biker is a complete dumbazz. And the mini biker gang sucks too. “I got a U-tube channel”-he’s damn lucky he wasn’t shot. I don’t excuse the so-called rednecks either. To ME banging on my window is an invitation to mayhem. I had that happen coming off Lake Shore Drive in Chicago-because I honked at some lunatic blocking the road. He came within inches of me running him over. I seriously don’t play with window bangers…and if bikers obeyed the law it might help.

  21. In all 50 States in this great land of U.S. (and I believe all territories and holdings).

    S L O W E R
    T R A F F I C
    K E E P
    R I G H T


  22. I never was clear on what the initial feud centered on. Possibly something about the truck driving on the side of the road? Whatever.

    These are jack wagons all around whose idiotic actions only beget idiotic reactions. I don’t know how they got on, but once there, it’s best just to leap from that crazy carrousel while you can and be done with it.

  23. There’s stupidity all around here. Positioning a motorcycle illegally and banging on a window is bloody unlikely to exhibit a friendly response. Flipping off a motorcycle gang is unlikely to exhibit a friendly response. A motorcyclist driving like a jackass and kicking up dirt and gravel into nearby traffic lanes is unlikely to exhibit a friendly response.

    When I got road rage incidents there were times I filed charges against everybody. I checked evidence, statements, and criminal records and proceeded accordingly. I once had an off-duty judge witness a road rage, and he gave one of the best statements of my career. I used it to track down the suspect and suspect vehicle and was able to file charges through the same court. Good times.

    I drive friendly but with a sense of purpose.

    • Thank you, exactly. Take a breath, get on with life and don’t sweat something that’s ultimately without consequence. That idiot on the bike could have easily been killed, the guy in the truck could easily be in jail and either way the amount of stupidity in the world would be a lot less. Shame on all these people.

  24. Crotch rocketteers take up whole lane, taunt driver. Crotch rocketteers continue to taunt driver, one taps window to continue verbal escalation, gets gun pointed in face. I really have no sympathy here.

    • I’d like to point out that none of them are on crotch rockets. They appear to be enduros and/or dirt bikes. Probably riding to or from a trail.

  25. The two guys in the front seats of the truck look like and act like they are under the influence of methamphetamine. There is no reasoning with people like that. The motorcycle camera operator should also get a Darwin award: a crazy high dude just pointed a pistol at him and he wants to sit around and have a discussion about it. Move out of the kill zone to cover and concealment, you know, maybe on that really fast little motorcycle your sitting on.

  26. So in this conveniently cropped video, innocent bikers have somehow managed to piss off the occupants of two vehicles. Sorry, but I’m feeling Occam’s Razor here– The bikers were being retards in the scene before the cut. Does it make pulling a gun right? Probably not. But then again, you only get the directors cut. Throw in enough action on the biker’s part and you could easily warrant self defense.

  27. I had a guy tap on the outside of my window recently. I was shocked because I live on the third floor.

  28. Someone on that ride posted this on Reddit. Guy who knocked on the trucks window was stupid, but the guy in the truck who pulled a firearm went full on retard.

  29. The people in the truck and the biker are both idiots. Drive/ride defensively, don’t approach anyone with an anger-fueled complaint unless its unavoidable, and for —- sake, don’t draw your gun on somebody with intent to escalate a situation just because he tapped on your window- drive off he gets aggressive or ignore him if he’s not. No one here was actively trying to de-escalate the situation.

  30. I have a slight quibble with this phrase “the only gunfight you’ll guaranteed to win is the one you don’t have.”

    More accurately the only gunfight you’re guaranteed to NOT LOSE is the one you don’t have. “Winning” and “not losing” are not always the same thing. I may not win but as long as I do not also lose, I might consider that an acceptable outcome.

  31. Anyone with a CCW who thinks pulling a gun in this situation is reasonable needs to do two things, run their permit through a shredder and get sterilized. That said, it would have been entertaining had Bubba given his hysterical lady friend a lobotomy with his poor gun handling.

  32. It reminds of the adage; Never try to teach a pig to sing, as it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

  33. Being in a hurry is the prime cause of road rage. It is really hectic to find yourself on the way behind a slow car, behind rubberneckers, or in the middle of a construction zone when you are late for your destination. Your frustration can turn you into a dangerous, reckless, and inconsiderate driver. Thus, by leaving the house 10 or 15 minutes early, you can prevent road rage incidents.

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