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Self-Defense Tip: Discretion is the Better Part of Valor

In my last Question of the Day, I asked if printing (concealing your gun in such a way that an observer can see at least part of its outline) was a big deal. Most people thought not, given that the majority of the U.S. population lives in Condition White (i.e. oblivious to potential security threats). There remains, however, the problem of “flashing”: inadvertently displaying your concealed carry gun. In the Sunshine State, that’s no longer an issue. Florida Governor Rick Scott just signed SB 234 which provides that . . .

It is not a violation of this section for a person . . . who is lawfully carrying a firearm in a concealed manner, to briefly and openly display the firearm to the ordinary sight of another person, unless the firearm is intentionally displayed in an angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense.

For the rest of us, you’d think common sense would prevail, on both the gun owning and gun observing side. If so, you’d think wrong . . .

NEWARK, Del. — Delaware State Police have arrested a Georgia man after he was seen concealing a handgun at a service area along Interstate-95 in Newark.

A witness called police Friday morning after seeing the man remove a handgun from the trunk of his car and place it in the waistband of his pants before walking into the welcome center.

Police responded and charged 58-year-old William Slugg with carrying a concealed weapon and drug charges. Police say officers found a fully loaded 22-caliber revolver in Slugg’s clothes and a semi-automatic handgun in the trunk of his car, along with marijuana.

Police say Slugg had a permit to carry the weapon in Georgia, but the permit is not valid in Delaware.

This story from highlights the previously stated need to know the gun laws in every state in which you, the concealed carry weapons permit holder, may find yourself. But it also flags the dangers of doing something otherwise legal—displaying your gun—in a public place.

We can debate whether or not a gun owner should exercise their legal right to openly carry a gun if doing so is A) legal and B) scares onlookers. But one thing’s for sure: there are plenty of people out there who freak if they see a civilian with a gun. Unless you want to make a point, it’s best to keep your self-defense gun on the DL. At least in public.

For example, when I first went to my new gym, I could have simply put my gun in the locker. If anyone saw or complained, well, I’m legal. If the gym banned me, I could sue them. If they sent the cops, uh-oh. If they didn’t shoot me, but arrested me for filling their clogged arteries with adrenalin, I could sue them, too.

Not to coin a phrase, who needs that shit?

Instead, I talked to the gym manager. I go to a private room and store my gun in their safe. They’re happy. I’m happy. The gun is secured discreetly and there’s no SWAT team interrupting my workout. As with any potential full-on armed self-defense situation, avoiding confrontation is the path of least resistance, and maximum safety.

So make sure you’re private when you transfer your gun from one to place to another: in your car, at the gym, at your tailor, wherever. The last thing you want is to create a self-defense situation by having a gun to save yourself from a self-defense situation.


18 thoughts on “Self-Defense Tip: Discretion is the Better Part of Valor”

        • I’m with you. Curves make a woman beautiful. Not to say she (whoever she is) isn’t attractive, but a little more in the derrière department would take this picture from good to great!

    • In order for your comment to make any sense at all Mike could you please provide an example or two of things that sex doesn’t sell?

  1. shouldn’t the grip of that baby Glock be turned in the other direction? how else would you draw out of those very uncomfortable looking compression shorts?

    Robert, good to see you actively employing the intelligence displayed on this blog in real life, ccw is not something to be taken lightly, i wish ppl like that guy from GA had that kind of sense.

    btw, mikeb , been along time i thought we lost you

    • Funny, I was just thinking how comfortable that looked & wanted to tell my hubby that’s what I want when a thigh holster won’t due. You obviously have no idea how uncomfortable a woman’s regular undergarments can be – all shifty and bunchy and pinchy. I wear similar shorts under my skirts and dresses all the time, specifically for modesty and comfort. And now it could kill a 3rd bird with the same stone. Plus something smooth and flat would help keep her curves from inconveniencing a clean draw. And no, that is athe perfect position for a back-draw for someone of her size and shape (i’d know). The other way and she’d have to turn her hand upside down, or pull from underneath the weapon – decidedly awkward.

      • I’d guess she’s left-handed … but I wouldn’t add an inch to the size of that lovely derriere and thigh gap.

  2. I know that rest stop well. It’s the first one northbound after crossing the border from the Unfree State. I’ve been in a similar predicament as the subject of the story: I store my gun unloaded in the trunk to comply with FOPA going through Maryland, then at the first convenient place to stop after reentering the United States (or as close an approximation as Delaware can muster), I retrieve it from the trunk, load it and put it back in my holster to continue on my way up I-95 to Pennsylvania. I do it there because I want to make sure I have it on me before going through Chester. I sure wish Maryland had some notion of comity. It would save me a lot of awkward gun handling.

    Unlike the guy in the story though, I have a CHP in Virginia which has reciprocity with Deleware. Oh yeah, and I don’t have marijuana.

  3. Robert:

    You would only have a case if the gym didn’t have a posted policy on guns. If they did and you they caught you then too bad. Private property rights are co-equal with the Second Amendment.

  4. I didn’t even notice the gun until I finished reading the story, but that’s surly one fine holster. They should have used this model in the gun rack video, cuz I’ll bet she also has a fine rack and it would most likely give mikey a heart attack.

  5. The federal handgun reciprocity law failed in the Senate a couple of years ago by only two votes. Yeah, it was a put-up job. All the ayes and nays had been counted before the vote ever came to the floor, so both sides knew that there were only 58 votes for, and not the sixty that were required. I have little hope for the House version of the bill, which has the bipartisan sponsorship of over a hundred House members and will pass if and when it comes up for a vote. The Senate will kill it. But still, considering where we’ve been, where we are is a big improvement.

  6. The only problem I had with the reciprocity legislation was that it seemed like an excuse for the left to impose “minimal” requirements for ANY state’s citizens to carry concealed. I know that they’ll still push for federal restrictions, but it seems that with those micro-managing idiots in congress, that the fox might soon be in charge of all 50 chicken coops. If the federal government had a history of being a protector of 2nd Amendment rights in defiance of state restrictions, and “republican” politicians were not consistently demonstrating such squeamishness in confronting idiotic liberal initiatives, I’d be all for it. Can’t believe I never ran across this site before. Good folks here, no doubt.

  7. Sorry but this article is full of shit. Do you always believe some person just because they wrote it on a web page.

    If you do anything more with this populous knowledge other than entertainment, you’ll be seriously looking at life in prison.

    And if that happens, ironically, you can then suit “” for millions.

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