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Any rapist deserves whatever comeuppance he gets, but they don’t mess around in Yalvac. “A pregnant rape victim in Turkey shot and decapitated her attacker then left his severed head in the square of her local village.” reports that the rapist had abused her for months and was blackmailing her as well. “She took a gun and shot him ten times, several times in his private parts, before cutting off his head and hurling it into the village square…. When police arrested her near to the severed head she said; ‘That is the head of one who toyed with my honour.'”Looks like Allah made Turks, but Zigana made them equal.

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  1. “the rapist had abused her for months and was blackmailing her as well.”

    Some idiots just don’t know when they have crossed the line.

  2. Justice has been served. An evil man has been publicly executed. The Turkish police should leave the rape victim alone.

  3. you can’t rape a .38. the combined arrogance and stupidity of some people just begs karma to bite them in the balls.

  4. Where are the good old times… During WWII in Yugoslavia, many liberated (communist) towns had a public decreet that stated “anyone caught stealing will be publicly executed”.

  5. In Turkey, a pregnant mother of two, with no apparent husband around, claims that a man raped her getting her pregnant. Then the alleged attacker was also supposedly blackmailing her threatening to tell everyone about the rape um crime (he committed btw) and show nude pics of her too?

    The English mass media which loves writing high-drama stories even possibly more than the American mass media can surely be counted on to give a full account even if they were able to get a full account of what happened (sarcasm off).

    “Any rapist deserves whatever comeuppance he gets”

    Really? Be careful what you wish for Dan. In America, it is now considered rape by the federal government that if a man and woman (dating or married to the other) and even if both are drunk with the woman unable to give consent to sex then the man has committed rape even if the man is more drunk than the woman and it was her suggestion or action taken to have sex.

    • “Really? Be careful what you wish for Dan. In America, it is now considered rape by the federal government that if a man and woman (dating or married to the other) and even if both are drunk with the woman unable to give consent to sex then the man has committed rape even if the man is more drunk than the woman and it was her suggestion or action taken to have sex.”

      So don’t bang while you hang… no booze makes for a more meaningful encounter and more ‘stiff’ competition… huh? Am I right? Anybody?

      All rapists should burn. There is no need of it. And of course those who do not consent should claim rape. I know and have heard of too many guys who say, “Going over to Cindy’s tonight. Bringing some Jack. Hope this is the night!”

      It is what it is.

  6. 1st the joke: “shot ten times, several times in his private parts, before cutting off his head.” Damn, worst case of suicide about which I’ve ever heard!

    2nd, the fact: No means no! I sincerely hope this woman will not be shamed or shunned by her family or community for her justifiable, albeit extreme, actions.

  7. “She took a gun and shot him ten times, several times in his private parts, before cutting off his head and hurling it into the village square…. When police arrested her near to the severed head she said; ‘That is the head of one who toyed with my honour.’”

    Assuming that this is as simple as it has been presented…
    Her actions seem appropriate given the crime. Now if more rape victims were similarly empowered, there would be fewer rapes. Certainly fewer repeat offenders.

    I hope she doesnt go thru with the abortion, but I would understand if she did.

    • I seriously doubt that is even an option over there.


      hey… perhaps our “pro-rights” people should go over there and straighten them out on that. (wonder what kind of reception they’ll get.)


  8. In my line of work, I have had the misfortune of meeting several young “ladies” (I use the term loosely) that claimed rape to deflect the attention they were getting for things like underage drinking in barracks and UAs. No, it wasn’t me (honest!) but a couple of my clients were accused of rape under those circumstances.

    While the system eventually exonerated the accused, it took some doing. Point is, due process is there for a reason. The same reason to concept of Judge Dred looks good on TV, not so much in practice. Last thing I would want to see is this kind of behavior being justified. I mean, really, months of abuse and blackmailing? Really? I hope she kept the correspondence, for it’s too easy to accuse the dead man (who, let’s not forget, can’t exactly defend himself now…)

    • I agree. The situation as I read it. She had a consensual relationship with this man for months until she got pregnant. He refused to marry her. Then the arguments started. They continued to have sex and she continued to consent in the hopes he would change his mind. The situation they got themselves into finally overwhelmed her and she restored her “honor” by murdering him. The only thing that makes me even consider the possibility that the rape story “might” be true is that Muslims do abuse their women more than most societies.

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