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What’s true for cops’ significant others is true for you: they should know the location of your gun and your spare ammo. They should also know to call 911 and ID you should the need arise. And if you’re lucky enough to live with someone who carries, training to respond to threats with them in a ballistically coordinated fashion is a really good idea. It’s Bonding. James Bonding.

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    • You will find that the cats’ lack of opposable thumbs will hamper your ability to teach your felines to reload. It took me years to get my cats past it.

    • I can’t say I’ve ever heard a cat do anything useful in a self defense situation. Actually, I don’t think I’ve heard much about cats doing anything useful at all.

      • Let me change that. I have an 8 year old Bombay that will attack anyone she thinks is a threat to her humans. Normally, she is this lovably little fur ball, but once set off, she is vicious and fast as hell. Our vet is literally afraid of her, and has suggested we drug her. Unless a home invader comes equipped with a vacuum cleaner, he will not get away without a few bite and claw marks.

  1. Interesting that she mentions that that off duty cops carry guns to protect their own family members first, themselves second, and other citizens last. So in other words off duty cops can carry guns OPENLY and ANYWHERE they want primarily to protect themselves and their own family which is all any of us want to do but, aren’t extended the same rights. This frustrates me to no end. GRRRRRR!

  2. Thank you. You just reminded me to go over these things with the family again. Where, how, when…
    Not seeing a link with this short story.

  3. I train her with the same equipment I use. His and Hers M&P and Sigs. Current project is fitting a second AR with the same trigger, BUIS and Red Dot Sight for the next stage of training.

  4. My wife’s 5 foot tall. But she’s fierce and fearless. Her idea of an appropriate punishment for heinous crimes is feeding them into a wood chipper feet first. She also has a love for sharp knives and shotguns. If anybody ever breaks into our house I’m just going for cover and let her sort it.

    • This is my wife as well, but they’ll probably get a couple of knees to the crotch for good measure if they’re incapacitated, but not approaching room temperature.

  5. The wife and I were trained by the military, though granted it wasn’t the same one. We do all of our range time together including drills.

    When we first moved here we used to get free ammo by betting other shooters (mostly leo and some hobbyist) that they couldn’t beat her. Only one guy did, an officer who is ex-75th.

    If someone breaks in and they don’t have friends, well I’m going to make popcorn.

  6. My girlfriend’s CCW is clearing right now. She’s not going to personally carry, but it’ll be good to know that I can legally leave a gun with her alone in the car if I have to go into a no-no zone for some reason.

    I made sure that she’s familiar with the loading, unloading, shooting and maintenance of every gun I own. Her father has made damn sure she knows the same for every defensive firearm in his house as well.

    We are both attending a combative pistol course soon that focuses on cover/concealment. I’ve basically told her that if anything were to ever “happen”, that she needs stay as close to me as possible while still maintaining cover and staying low.

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