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Self-Described AR-15 PTSD Victim Gersh Kuntzman Gets a Holster: Just Thought I’d Leave This Here


You may remember Gersh Kuntzman as the New York Daily News writer whose account of his first encounter with a modern sporting rifle chronicled in our post The Dumbest “I Shot an Assault Rifle!” Article in the History of the World Ever“The recoil bruised my shoulder,” Kuntzman complained. “The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary case of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.”

Mr. Kuntzman’s account received the ridicule it so rightly deserved. Rather than emerging from the firearms fraternity’s feedback humbled, Mr. Kuntzman seems to feel enobled by the ensuing approprobrium. Hence the images above, proudly posted on after receiving a custom holster from an, um, admirer. Regardless of his anti-gun animus and less-than-manly reaction to a soft-shooting rifle, you gotta give the man credit for rolling with the punches. Don’t you?

78 thoughts on “Self-Described AR-15 PTSD Victim Gersh Kuntzman Gets a Holster: Just Thought I’d Leave This Here”

  1. I don’t give Kuntman credit for anything except needing that tampon. And I do NOT want to know where he inserts it.

    • I don’t think this guy is the total wimp that the article suggests. I think he is just a completely dishonest lying press-titute (journalistic whore), doing the bidding of those who own him. I doubt that anybody could be that pathetically wimpy. I think he’s just a liar who got caught, and was justly ridiculed for his whopping falsehood.

      In other news, I just tried out my new Ruger AR-556 for the first time. I was once again amazed at how mild AR’s are to shoot. They are far milder than even the already mild AK47/SKS. I think it may even be softer shooting than my HiPoint 4095. They are nothing compared to a Mosin, a 12 gauge, or any REAL gun

  2. In case of emergency, pull cord.

    With that name and his attitude this fits. In more ways than one.

  3. If that can get my son 2 brush his teeth without me hovering over him, it’s worth seeing that

  4. Mr KUNTZMANN, needs to live in a Kubutz on the West Bank, specifically the Kubutz where the sleeping 13 year old had her throat slit by a “religion of peace” (rop) adherent. I’m sure he has distant relatives that would welcome him so he can talk logically to a rop throwback, and offer him a job…. oh wait…the rop pos will tell the budding Puletzer prize writer that he has a job…KILLING JEWS, CHRISTIANS and ANYONE ELSE THAT IS NOT a. sunni/daesh rop pos. If he survives that bit of logical conversation, then he might take arming ones self with something more than his poor reporting skills….

  5. I sent him a Dear Twat email and got a bobo-reply explaining the reason for the depth of his feminine side and we should respect that he is a sniveling kuntz. I further had explained that he is a lying Kuntz.

    You see, I like many folks don’t believe him and as such, he has ZERO credibility.

  6. It seems like he was sent this. Can you try and contact the company that appears to have sent this to him by the business card in the picture to confirm this?

  7. Mr KUNTZMANN, needs to live in a Kubutz on the West Bank, specifically the Kubutz where the sleeping 13 year old had her throat slit by a “religion of peace” (rop) adherent. I’m sure he has distant relatives that would welcome him so he can talk logically to a rop throwback, and offer him a job…. oh wait…the rop pos will tell the budding Puletzer prize writer that he has a job…KILLING JEWS, CHRISTIANS and ANYONE ELSE THAT IS NOT a. sunni/daesh rop pos. If he survives that bit of logical conversation, then he might take arming himself with something more than his poor reporting skills….and obvious anti 2nd Ammendment and pro hildabeast fervor.
    Don’t let lunatics like Mr Kuntzman try to deny us our GOD-given rights guaranteed by our US CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS.

  8. The guy is trolling the world. He likes getting the attention.
    He is just another white liberal who lives in a safe place telling everyone else they don’t need guns.

  9. Wish he had been in my unit in Vietnam. It would have been a very short assignment.. this putz would have been singing Kum Bah Yaw while others protected and defended his rights to be a wussy….

  10. Is that a tampon or a toothbrush? I can’t tell.

    Also, a bit of a breakdown of his retarded comments.

    “The recoil bruised my shoulder…”

    No. It didn’t.

    “The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face.”

    From the video I saw, you’re a righty, so this is impossible unless they’re bouncing off the wall next to you. You should see how disorienting incoming fire is you fucktard.

    “The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick.”

    What does destruction smell like? Shooting an AR smells like nothing like Sulfur, so I call straight out bullshit. Black powder contains Sulfur and there ain’t no black powder AR-15. Modern ammo is made from things that contain no Sulfur. Sorry.

    “explosions — loud like a bomb”

    Clearly you’ve never actually heard a bomb go off.

    “gave me a temporary case of PTSD.”

    Wow. Fuck you you fucking fucktard. You didn’t get PTSD from shooting an AR. Those of us who actually have had to deal with PTSD would like to knock the teeth out of your mouth for saying such a thing (or break your fingers for typing it). Seriously, fuck you and the horse you rode in here on. In fact, fuck that, pull a “Mr. Hands” and let the horse fuck you to death. That’s what you deserve for such a statement.

    What’s next, you’re gonna fire a .308 and end up a with a “temporary case” of AIDS of the Leukemia of the Herpes of the eyeballs? Go play in a house fire you fucking fuck.

    • For Lefty’s M16s do kick the cases out right by your face. Don’t think that’s what he was shooting though. Most M4’s kick the brass around 2-3 o’clock so it’s not an issue unless it’s absolutely filthy.

      • There was a video he posted when this whole thing started. He’s a righty.

        I’m well aware of the lefty issues because my dad is a lefty. He’s never had a problem being “distracted” by ejecting brass from an AK, AR, SKS, Mini-14, M1A, bolt gun or anything else. As you pointed out most of them throw the round forward or at most to the 3 O’clock. Even if they don’t an AR usually has a brass deflector specifically for such a case when a shooter is a lefty.

        This guy is just a pussy making shit up to further his anti gun agenda. Which mildly annoys me right up until he starts talking about having PTSD. At that point… well… oh, just spray Sriracha in his eyes and lead him into a house fire after giving him a good scrub down with Vaseline..

        • I am left-eye dominant, and shoot left-handed. The brass flying past never bothered me, until I put one of those Magpul length carbine stocks on an AR. That was too damed close. Replaced the stock with an ACE skelotonized rifle-length stock and now it’s all good.

      • Recently, I saw a lefty shooting a righty AR that was a slick side upper. He was practically eating the brass.

      • Unfortunately, it’s a pen holder, and something he could actually use to defend himself with. If I were in his shoes, I’d enjoy the gift also. It’s probably all he’d be legally allowed to carry in his neck of the woods…

      • I especially liked his description of “the acrid smell of sulfur.” He probably thought calling it “brimstone” would tip his hand.

        My parents bought me a chemistry set when I was ~11 or 12. They took it away after the sulfur experiment in the kitchen. It took WEEKS to get the smell out.

        • My parents were careful about that sort of thing. They supervised my experiments as a child with a chemistry set that they built for me.

          I was lucky to be raised by two PhD chemists I guess, I got the fun experiments.

    • “Shooting an AR smells like nothing like Sulfur, so I call straight out bullshit. Black powder contains Sulfur and there ain’t no black powder AR-15. Modern ammo is made from things that contain no Sulfur. Sorry. “

      Thank-you, THANK-YOU!

      This has bothered me for a while since his initial article and I neglected to comment on it after the first, second and third times he has been referenced here.

      Modern smokeless powders don’t contain sulfur, and the burning odor is very un-sulfur-like.


  11. CAN we SEE the KUNTsmann “roll with the punches”?!? Oh I know I’ll see this weenie all over Facebook…

  12. I don’t think he’s a p***y. I think he’s full of crap, that’s all. Calling him a wimp just validates his readers’ stereotype of the knuckle-dragging gun nut; they expect us to act like a-holes and call names. That’s who they think we are: insecure, over-macho douchebags.

    Better to just call him a liar, or a fabulist if you want to be swank about it. No one in the history of ever has been bruised up by 5.56 recoil. Nothing flew past his head, not if he’s shooting righty. He’s just making stuff up, knowing his audience won’t know better, and that they’ll give him points for being sensitive and sophisticated.

    Rather than make stupid tampon jokes, someone should invite him out for a class, teach him how that rifle is really used. If he’s willing to tell the truth about the experience, that is…

    • “…or a fabulist if you want to be swank about it…”

      This made me laugh pretty hard. Not just because of the way you totally understated the whole thing but also because it went way the heck over the heads of most “educated” anti-gunners.

      Well played.

  13. His latest rant was how MLB needs to stop playing God Bless America because its insensitive to others.

    • Well, after the election when the SHTF (no matter who wins,) this guy’s smirk will be a known target. So he’s got THAT going for him, anyway.

  14. Mr Kuntz does not deserve the “man” on the end of his name. Since Kuntz wants us to believe his response to shooting an AR15 is authentic, I think we should accept the fact that he checked his nuts at the door to kindergarten and forgot to pick them up on the way out. This bowl of jello mascaraing as man is the crowning achievement of the elite and their total control over the education system. Kuntz and millions of others just like him are in danger of becoming the poster boys for the elite’s new and improved Master Race plan. No doubt some female equally retarded by the education system will find Kuntz charming and further pollute the gene pool. Gird your loins men, the road ahead is mined.

    • I know a LOT of women who would kick your ass for implying that they are weak. They’d make Kuntzman cry with a dirty look.

      • Eight year old girls (and younger) in the myriad of photos he received since this flap started have made him figuratively cry. It has spawned not one but two responses by him…

        The mean, hateful POTG sending him pictures of smiling young girls shooting the rifle that “gave” him PTSD …

        He is milking the original story; that’s for sure.

  15. It’s people like this guy who cause me to despair for the future of the human race.

  16. Good to know his preference of kydex but do not want to see his “retention holster.”

  17. Enough of this dork. He’s yet another attention whore who’s getting exactly what he wants from the likes of us. Now people read his hooey because of the publicity he’s received through notoriety with the POTG and the credibility he’s generated with antis.

  18. I think we should all pitch in and send him a box of tampons
    via the New York Daily News.
    If this isn’t a reason enough for Crowd Sourcing, I don’t know what would be.

    And some Mydol for PMS.

  19. … heh. I’m suddenly reminded of all of those Feminist that were walking around with dildos in holsters as part of some other stupid protest.

  20. Something just occurred to me. To shoot an AR or any gun actually, you need at least one thing: a range/known shooting location. If the latter, you also need a friend/someone willing to let you shoot their gun.
    If he went to a range without a gun, he compromised his integritty by lying to someone about why he was there so he could shoot their gun. OR he has at least one friend that took him shooting. Either way he lied.

    There’s a lyric from “One Short Life” by Motor head that sticks out right now.
    One thing is for certain
    By all we know and love
    If you compromise your integrity
    You should drown in your own blood

    • He went to a range that rented AR’s.

      Then he proceeded to misquote and misrepresent words the range / gun store owner said while he was there, all the while lying about his “experience” shooting said gun.

      Then he doubled down not once but twice prior to THIS article.

      It’s been a crapshow from the very beginning.

  21. I’m sure he headed out for a few “vinegar and waters” with his gurls to celebrate their one-upping the Neanderthals.

    Oh Snap gurl!

  22. I’m not sure that there has ever been a more appropriate response to the whole situation. Beautiful!

  23. As somebody who has coined a phrase or two that later became common usage, I nominate Art for the
    Wordsmith of the Month award:

    Art out West says:
    July 3, 2016 at 20:46

    I don’t think this guy is the total wimp that the article suggests. I think he is just a completely dishonest lying press-titute (journalistic whore),

    • It’s a perfectly apt word for the likes of Gersh Kuntzman, but I don’t think it’s an Art Out West original. “Presstitute” has been floating around the internet for at least four or five years.

      But now I’m curious. Which common phrases did you coin? You can’t drop that all casual-like and not share the details.

      • Nothing firearms related. And, like you mentioned, it’s easy to think a word is new the first time you encounter it, but that’s probably not the very first time it was ever used.
        Like I can’t have been the first accountant in the USA to call a CP2000 letter from the IRS a nastygram, I just have no evidence that anybody did it before I started doing it about 15 years ago.

  24. He needs some Johnson’s baby shampoo “no more tears”.

    Also there might be a market for tactical tampon holders now that women are allowed In all combat positions…

  25. As expected the people of the gun making jokes at the expense of women. You wonder why they don’t like guns? Keep associating their periods with weakness. Not helping the cause. Just perpetuating the ignorant sexist racist gun owning stereotype.

  26. The man is a columnist/editorial writer. Success or failure is judged by reader response. Congratulations on making him even more successful.

  27. To be clear, the guy is not weak and scared. He is dishonest.
    Many of us believe that the best way to bring someone to our “way of thinking” is to just take him shooting, give him some familiarity and understanding, and rationality will often come naturally after that.
    This man is telling moderates, untrained, and people on the fence that it’s not worth it to go shooting, that it will be a terrifying experience. He’s perfectly willing to sound weak and childish if it means meeting his goal and keeping folks in a state of ignorance.

  28. What a mean, mean thing to do. Plus, now we gotta waste even more time while he whines about his terror of Toxic Shock Syndrome.

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