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According to, Arizona Senator Lori Klein will be attending an upcoming gun safety class at Gunsite Academy. I don’t know who’s advising her on handling this embarrassing situation (or if she’s handling this herself) but it seems like a good PR move. And who couldn’t use a refresher course from time to time?

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  1. this is an intelligent move on the state senator’s part. While i have never been to that part of the country, i have read about gun site on the internet and they seem to be top notch.

  2. Smart move. It shores up her rep and she will have a good time, too. There should also be a Gunsight-like academy for reporters. It could be called “A Nodding Acquaintance With the Truth Academy.” Yeah, like that’s gonna happen.

    • iirc, someone used to offer a class to acquaint journalists with firearms and a little bit of 2A history and culture.

      I searched for it recently and can’t find it or anything similar.

      There is the well-written site with the excellent text and PDF files at Gun Facts – Your Guide to Debunking Gun Control Myths; I occasionally email the link to editors, especially if the writer in question is heavy on “reportedly fired a full-auto AK47 Assault rifle”…

  3. Jealous, she’s going to go take the 250 🙁 .. *jumps up and down* take me! take me!

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