Shannon Watts

Called “constitutional carry” or “permitless carry” by gun rights supporters, permit repeals are a totem in red states offering Republican candidates facing primary season and November elections an opportunity to burnish far-right credentials.

But the bills have been criticized by police and gun control advocates, who argue that removing permits poses a safety risk to citizens and law enforcement officers.

“There’s a reason law enforcement officers overwhelmingly oppose permitless carry: it makes their jobs harder and puts their lives – and the lives of the people they’re sworn to protect – on the line,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action.

“When states dismantle permitting systems and gut gun safety laws, gun violence goes up. Gun lobby-backed politicians are shamefully putting primary politics over public safety, and the consequences will be even more devastation for their constituents and the law enforcement officers they pretend they support.”

— Edward Helmore in ‘Politics Over Safety’: The Pro-Gun Laws Giving Americans Easier Access to Firearms



  1. This from the party that’s pushing for all the women’s sports records to be taken over by dudes. Do they really think America is ready for the end of women’s sports or are the just worried about getting primaried out office by AOC and her pack of left wing thugs?

  2. QUOTE———–Called “constitutional carry” or “permitless carry” by gun rights supporters, permit repeals are a totem in red states offering Republican candidates facing primary season and November elections an opportunity to burnish far-right credentials.———–QUOTE

    Only in “losses can never be too high” America would there be no government oversight on guns. I have fully embraced the logic of “Freedom can never be too low” And thus, we have to reduce freedom in this area. There is simply too much freedom in America, and I don’t like that. People need fewer options, not more. People need more safety, not more freedom. The government needs to oversee the people’s safety, and individuals themselves should not be handling their own safety. Ideally, the government would be handling everything for the citizenry, totally everything. Health care. Retirement. And taking from each according to the ability, and providing to each according to their needs. Provide the people with everything, and the only thing the people need to do for their government, is plough the fields, and pick the cotton.

    • darcydodo…Cease running your mouth, drop to your knees and surrender your firearms to government a-holes and their Gun Control agenda…just do not sneak around and ask others to join you. That’s because history confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is rooted in racism and genocide…

      So silly rabbit…Who in their right mind wants to be a pathetic big government Gun Control racist and nazi like you?

      • If you read it closely, it appears to be face dacian. If not, he/she/it is doing a good job of making it seem that way.

        • Fake dacian is more honest about real dacians goals than real dacian is.

          Fake dacian lies less than real dacian.

        • This is the fake lil ‘d. The REAL sponsored idiot would have included at least fifty cut and paste “statistics” complete with footnote numbers but no footnotes or sources cited, and would have included ” morons, Capitalvanians,” and other leftspeak drivel. Fear not though, I’m sure the real dope will be checking in soon enough.

        • RE: darcydodo…”Only in “losses can never be too high” America would there be no government oversight on guns.”

          The above sneaky blame-guns line of genuine darcydodo uses the criminal misuse of firearms to sell his Gun Control rot. Perhaps easier to see when rearranged below…

          Only in a “losses can never be too high America” would there be no government oversight on guns.

      • You have been had Debbie that is not my post its the fake Dacian’s silliness again. Can’t you tell????

    • I truly hope this is sarcasm . . . If not, you need to find a Country that’ll have you, perhaps North Korea. They have far fewer freedoms than “Us” here in the U.S. Perhaps you just arrived here and are still “Learning the Ropes” about freedom . . .

  3. Well, lookey here. The rich white democrat lady who lives in a private gated community thinks you should bend the knee to what the cops want.

    “You ain’t black….”

    • I’m quite sure that RoundUp is strictly prohibited in Ms. Troughton (Shannon’s real last name) ‘s gated community, and private ARMED security is a quick phone call and seconds away. Probably a really nice community too, since she made some $40million as head of VoxPop LLC, a public relations firm shilling for Monsanto, GE Healthcare, Wellpoint, and others. I wonder how she finds the time to stay at home with the kids, baking cookies and being a volunteer head of “grassroots” M D A ?

  4. I’m still waiting for the statistics that show a rise in gun crime in the 24 states that have embraced Constitutional Carry. I hear some politicians, sheriffs, police chiefs and anti-gun shills blowviate but no hard numbers to back up their rhetoric. Put up or shut up?

    • You didn’t hear? They are all dead as a result of these reckless policies and we are repopulating those states with the surplus North East and California populations. That is why there is so many people moving out of our liberal paradises, it is their duty to keep America going in these dark times.

  5. “…law enforcement officers overwhelmingly oppose permitless carry…”

    I would be highly surprised to if that was true.

    • It’s probably closer to 50/50 but it’s most likely a regional thing. What she doesn’t understand is that none of that means anything. The opinions, feelings, or desires of law enforcement are irrelevant. The US Constitution is a higher law.

    • More likely in city/municipal police where the chief is appointed by an elected official. Either way while leadership will vary by who gets them the job most officers I have ever interacted with (even here in NY) are not too bothered by the idea as it would only mean people not likely to shoot them would have guns on them now.

      • If a law abiding gun owner gets pulled over by law enforcement and has a gun on their hip I’d say they are 100% less likely to get into a gunfight than one carrying illegally. Any cop that is afraid of citizens carrying guns is probably a libtard and has no business being in law enforcement to begin with.

  6. Shannon Watts and her puppet masters have to understand where the sweet spot of Bloomberg money is and voter’s intrests are. Either a lot more money needs to fill political hack’s pockets or violent crime needs to drop precipitously for Constitutional rights deniers to get traction.

  7. You think they won’t come for your hunting rifle one day? You don’t need to kill Bambi when Bill Gates insists that you can get used to the taste of fake meat.

    • Given how that diet seems to be working out for Mr. Gates I will stick to deer and beef.

  8. “The war on drugs didn’t work. What if we decriminalize them?”
    “Strict gun control doesn’t seem to be working in the places that have it. Maybe let legal folks have access as is their right per the Constitution?”
    GET THE #×@& OUT!

    • Where’s the river’s of blood in Indiana? They’ve had pretty good gun laws for a long time. No training required. I predict no change come July. I miss Dirks retorts…

  9. If anybody still really thinks politicians any politician gives two shits about us is living in a fuckin dream

  10. I thought we were defunding or reimagining the cops anyway?

    If there are no cops then why does it matter?

    If we’re reimagining the cops then why can’t we think outside the box and say that violence isn’t really something cops deal with?

    I mean, in the interests of stopping racism shouldn’t cops be delivering EVs and installing solar panels while enhancing the public’s knowledge about Lia Thomas’ bravery and chastising people for having their thermostats too high and liking food?

    Oooo, maybe cops can do a public health service and beat the fuck out of, and detain, people who don’t wear virtue signalling devices on their face or submit to an internal passport system! That would totes help with sexist-climate-racism-transphobia-ism-ism!

    I mean, sure, we could imagine a police force that respects the rights of citizens, polices its own, refuses to enforce immoral and unconstitutional laws and diktats and generally is a useful societal tool… but… why?

  11. Of course, zero mention of the fact that the criminals have been practicing permitless carry for decades. When they do it, the result is Chitcago. When law-abiding do it, you hear and see nothing because there is nothing to see.

    • Hey you know better logic and objective critical thinking are not allowed in arguments about gun violence reduction.

  12. ” it makes their jobs harder” Cops jobs that is.
    Criminals already carry and do as they please, so no increase in risk amongst that element.
    Good citizens are not a threat now, so no increase in risk with good citizens.
    The argument of “harder job for Cops” is a combination of emotion and stupidity.
    Criminals are not waiting on legislatures to pass CC so that they can carry without a license.
    And since good citizens are not the problem it is easy to deduce that crime has not shot up in CC states and understandably so.
    Therefore, Cop’s jobs are not made harder or less safe. Cop’s jobs are already hard and they surely approach every situation with extreme caution. If anything, Cop’s jobs are somewhat safer in CC states knowing that there may be an armed good citizen near by to help and assist.

    The Cops need to consider who wants to defund and redefine them.

  13. “When states dismantle permitting systems and gut gun safety laws, gun violence goes up.”

    Hmmm, yeah that’s because more criminals get shot by decent law-abiding gun carriers who are now able to defend themselves without having to jump through hoops for a permission slip and suffer onerous anti-gun laws designed to make them victims.

    Remember, to Shannon Watts and the rest of the anti-gun/gun-control freaks the term “gun violence” also includes valid legal self-defense by defensive gun use. But they get more funding and donations if they tug at the heart strings with “gun violence” and leave out the part about valid legal self-defense by defensive gun use being “gun saving” lives.

    Seriously, I do not know why people suffer Shannon Watts. She helped a company kill thousands (Monsato she worked for in the past, where she purposely marketed products in Brazil and other overseas locations knowing they were deadly). She has a higher body count than all of the murders in the U.S. in the last 40 years. She has made about ~ $40 million over time in her anti-gun role thanks to the federal government payments (tax dollars there tax payers) and donations to her anti-gun activities. She lives in a gated security patrolled area, and uses personal armed body guards, and oozes ‘white liberal privilege’. All this while she tells the rest of us how sinful it is to want to protect ourselves against the crime that she helps breed.

    • I imagine she has a higher freaking body count than Fauci the fraud.

      40 cal said,
      “Remember, to Shannon Watts and the rest of the anti-gun/gun-control freaks the term “gun violence” also includes valid legal self-defense by defensive gun use.”

      This is so true and how they pad their charts to scam the idiots that hand them cash.

    • This is the fake lil ‘d. The REAL sponsored idiot would have included at least fifty cut and paste “statistics” complete with footnote numbers but no footnotes or sources cited, and would have included ” morons, Capitalvanians,” and other leftspeak drivel. Fear not though, I’m sure the real dope will be checking in soon enough.

  14. Except the statistics I’ve seen have shown gun violence decreases in states with constitutional carry.

    So the writer is either ignorant, or lying.

  15. Our Sherriff was dead set against permitless carry. The actual Deputies out on the streets, not so much. While the Sherriff’s association tried to push the permit scheme as a public safety issue, the truth was they folded like the empty suits they are when a provision was added to cover the lost revenue from their permit sales. Permits are not about training, or vetting gun owners, or safety. But all about a little control over who gets or doesn’t get a permit and mostly about the money.

  16. For one ugly shoes Shannon, cops never like ANYTHING that makes their job harder, removes authority or gives citizens more rights than the cops like. Cops have no duty to protect us and there’s never a cop around when you need one. The fact of the matter Ms Ugly Shoes, you’re protected by armed security and every individual has a right to defend themselves even if they don’t have an armed security detail when needed.

    Another hard cold fact to your dismay, the ball is rolling the other direction and YOU CAN’T STOP IT!

  17. We have pretty good gun laws here in pa and with the exception of Philly things are pretty calm.

    • So normal for Pennsylvania. Also really understating how good PA laws are compared to most of their neighbors.

  18. Most of the time Politicians simply lie more and harder as they are so corrupt the only action they take is when they get paid big bucks in bribes by lobbyists. Why do you think the NRA has been so successful down through the years.

  19. Are the “law enforcement officers” who “overwhelmingly oppose permitless carry” street cops or political ones beholden to anti-gun politicians?

  20. Once again, Mommies Demand Some Action’s leader proves her head is firmly planted in her posterior. One only has to look at Maryland’s super strict “Mommy’s Approved” gun laws, then point out that Baltimore has been in the top 5 Hommiecide Cities since her prized “Gun Safety Farce”, oops I meant law, was passed in 2013. Now our esteemed General Assembly has passed a ban on “Ghost Guns” while they ignored proposals that would have actually done something about crime. Oh, but I forgot, that doesn’t meet their goals of “Criminal Justice Reform”.

  21. I was amused by the inability to comment on the original article. It’s almost like they don’t want to hear the truth about “shall not be infringed”.

  22. Real “gun control” is PRACTICE, practice, practice, and HITTING your intended target by a LAW ABIDING citizens . . . This makes LAW ENFORCEMENT easier, Communism DOESN’T. One Enlightened Patriot.

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