Photo Courtesy of Culper Precision
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Gun control advocates are quick to point the finger any time a mass shooting or a tragedy takes place. Somehow the firearm is always responsible for the outcome, even when the perp obtained the firearm used legally.

It’s never the criminal’s fault. It’s always down to the chunk of metal…the tool that was used. So, naturally, we must do something. Outlaw it. Ban it. Because, you know, criminals would otherwise follow the law. Or something.

That narrative never seems to end despite the number of times we point out the flaws in blaming law-abiding citizens for the misdeeds of criminals.

You can see the same thought process playing out in a new article from The Washington Post. The author, expressing shock hand horror, slams Culper Precision, a custom gun shop in Utah, for creating the “BLOCK19.”

omg horror

The gun is a custom GLOCK 19 made to look like it’s been created with Legos. According to the WaPo, the firearm could be confused with a toy, resulting in children accidentally shooting themselves.

What’s not fun, and went unaddressed on the sales page, is the reality that thousands of children unintentionally shoot themselves or others each year because they find a gun and pull its trigger. Culper Precision’s customization arrived at a time when that problem is only getting worse and firearm sales are soaring. As word of the new product spread on the Internet late last week, the idea struck many people as so profoundly misguided that it would inevitably cost children their lives.

Culper Precision founder Brandon Scott told the the paper he designed the custom firearm in hopes of getting people excited about the shooting sports. The goal was to bring to life the fake Lego guns lots of adults made when they were kids.

Instead, he was fulfilling a childhood fantasy for his adult customers, referencing in his conversation with the blog how the customization mimicked the “pretend guns” people made “out of the Legos you got from Santa.”

Although he weighed the potential outcomes of these toy-inspired guns, Scott told the the WaPo that responsible gun ownership — including safe storage — is a must that is ultimately each individual’s responsibility.

Scott told The Washington Post that before announcing his idea, he’d considered that children might think the altered guns are toys, but it didn’t dissuade him. He and his three children play with Lego blocks, and in his home, he keeps all of his guns locked up, something that he expects every other gun owner to do as well — an expectation divorced from reality.

The real kicker here is the WaPo article came out after Moms Demand Action founder and hoplophobic harridan Shannon Watts tweeted about it.

The truth is this: having a firearm is a God-given, Constitutionally-protected right. Utilizing your right to keep and bear arms comes with responsibilities…responsibilities the overwhelming majority of gun owners are more than up to.

Part of that includes safely storing firearms so that children can’t get ahold of them. But, more importantly, that responsibility includes teaching children to respect firearms and never touch one, even if it does look like a toy.

The Washington Post will express outrage and horror, acting as if the gun will touch off a wave of accidental shootings. But the fact is this thing is intended for a niche market. Not everyone is going to purchase one simply because they can. And they aren’t going to show up on playgrounds and parks across the nation.

Still, leave it to the anti-gun, mainstream media — prompted by one of their favorite sources — to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

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  1. Surrrrre Beth…as someone who has stepped on a Lego in the dark(my son is a lego master)THIS would hurt. But hey I ain’t buying one😏

      • I see it still has plastic sights.

        Guess the after market will clean up on fixing this glock as well.

        Wonder is it also overpriced, and did it retain the unnatural grip angle too?

      • It’s even hit the local news downunder with the headline “Proof Americans have lost the plot”.

        While this may have very limited niche appeal, it comes under the category of “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”.

    • Why I think there should be a congressional mandate to put them in Happy Meals. What do you think about that Jim Crow Gun Control dirty diaper democRat nazi brown shirt frauline drama queen shannon watts? Sieg Heil Sieg Heil Sieg Heil.

  2. lol
    All that work and they can’t even take control of their own online images.

    This is how they took down Parler. Seriously, it’s like people never learn.

  3. back in the 60’s Matt Groening said, “When the authorities warn you of the dangers of having sex, there is an important lesson to be learned. Do not have sex with the authorities.” perhaps the same concept can be applied to the anti-gun left.

  4. A CRITICAL error.
    Just like “Joe Camel” & “Spuds McKenzie”.


  5. Come on guys, you must admit it is a bad idea.

    Actually, I found the color scheme fascinating, a shout out to one of the greatest artists of all time, Piet Mondrian.

    • Bad Idea? Why?

      A kid in the home might think it’s a toy and want to play with it?

      Well…NOT every home even has little children. Many homes are nothing more than two married adults. There are quite a few homes where ONLY one person lives there. Then there is the fact that MANY homes do have safes where firearms are locked away so little children can’t get to them.

      People like you and Watts tend to make all kinds of assumptions about things that really don’t even have a basis in fact or reality.

      • It is not something I would buy. I find it just as silly as Hornady Zombie ammunition. I’m not likely to cerakote a gun to look like a Nintendo Zapper either.

        It is one of those silly dumb things people do with guns. It’s part of what makes life and guns so enjoyable to people. So for the gun itself….SO WHAT! Who cares….moving on.

        Liberals used to complain about how it was Republicans taking all the fun out of life. All I see is Democrats, liberals, and leftists making living life suck.

    • So how does this fit in with the motto: “train the way you fight and you’ll fight the way you train”?

      I put it in the same category as candy cigarettes.

      • I used to buy those little packs of them when I was little. Never could get one lit. I wanted my money back then and I still do.

        • Studies have shown that consuming candy cigarettes as a child leads directly to smoking as an adult, and I think it is bad for people to smoke because it leads to sickness and an early death in most cases.

          Even though tobacco companies have conspired with candy companies and directly provided their label and logos for the candy cigarette packages, the sale of candy cigarettes is not banned in the United States. But in almost every other civilized country, most of which enjoy better healthcare than the United States, the sale of candy cigarettes has been banned for decades.

      • THAT is exactly why you fail.

        Anyone can buy candy cigarettes. Even 6 year olds. They don’t require a 4473 and for a retailer to store paper work on you for years on end just because you bought it. Candy cigarettes are not specifically enumerated in the Bill of Rights and are not something that can be used to protect someones life. Soldiers on the battle field are not using them against their enemies and no one is getting arrested for producing 80% candy cigarettes.

      • Bruh, your poor ass doesn’t fight anyways.

        Fucken miner… If someone wants to paint their gun pink, let em. If someone wants to make their vehicle resemble Legos, let them. You just gotta have something to complain about against guns. Fuck off already. Get a life. Go be the change you want to see, or some other progressive motto bullshit you fucken tools vote for.

        • On a reading of some of the new gun control we are likely to have signed here in NY it looks like this particular paint job would actually be illegal as it is not a “factory painting” or “camouflage” and resembles a toy. I may not like the overall look of the gun but I wish them brisk sales and great popularity just because fuck commies and all who enable them.

        • I’m not complaining, somebody wrote an article and invited comments.

          My comment is, I think it’s a bad idea.

          I think it creates confusion on the part of responding police officers that could end up endangering their life and I think it causes confusion on the part of children who may inadvertently pick up a ‘toy’ gun and harm themselves or others.

          But please, continue your ad hominem attacks, it’s so entertaining to watch trumps’ favorite people flail so ineffectually.

        • Prndll while you are absolutely correct and I would consider the dewalt drill paintjob on a highpoint I think we can all agree the judicial system in NY would lack the humor and creativity to see how it objectively meets the camouflage requirement.

        • Miner, your mentality lands you inner city AF. Lock up your sporks too. Your kids aren’t safe.

    • Well, MinorIQ,

      I think the gun is stupid, too. I would never even CONSIDER buying one. I wouldn’t own one if it was given to me.

      But, not being a Leftist/authoritarian/fascist, I don’t believe my preferences and tastes should govern law OR public policy – but I totally “get it” that you do. Got any Warsaw Ghettos you can go oppress, to occupy your (obviously) too abundant free time?

      • “I don’t believe my preferences and tastes should govern law OR public policy – but I totally “get it” that you do“

        Lamprey, I never said I thought the Lego gun should be banned.

        I merely said I thought it was a bad idea. Just as many other posters did.

        • So Monty says:
          “many other… lol… ok karen.”

          Yes, many others, well I guess you somehow missed it because your reading comprehension skills are not yet fully developed:

          Southern cross:
          “While this may have very limited niche appeal, it comes under the category of “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”

          Frank speak:
          “making a real gun look like a toy may not be a good idea…. “

          “A CRITICAL error.
          Just like “Joe Camel” & “Spuds McKenzie”

          Rammer jammer:
          “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should… “

          “It is a bad idea”


          “It is one of those silly dumb things people do with guns”

          “I think the gun is stupid, too”

          Monty, it looks like you are the ‘Karen’ with your whining and moaning that other people don’t share your juvenile viewpoint.

        • MinorIQ,

          WHY do you insist on blatantly lying ALL THE TIME?????

          Did you, or did you not, post the following:

          “Studies have shown that consuming candy cigarettes as a child leads directly to smoking as an adult, and I think it is bad for people to smoke because it leads to sickness and an early death in most cases.

          Even though tobacco companies have conspired with candy companies and directly provided their label and logos for the candy cigarette packages, the sale of candy cigarettes is not banned in the United States. But in almost every other civilized country, most of which enjoy better healthcare than the United States, the sale of candy cigarettes has been banned for decades.”

          Is that somehow NOT advocating for a public policy based entirely on your fascist prejudices? Go pound sand, Minor Annoyance, your lies, illogic and prevarication impress all of us even less than your ahistorical, illogical, ungrammatical and ignorant rants about the “real” meaning of the 2A. You are a pathetic troll. Spare us your pearls of “wisdom”, and take your Leftist/statist/fascist bovine excrement elsewhere.

        • “Is that somehow NOT advocating for a public policy based entirely on your fascist prejudices?“

          No, it is not based entirely on my prejudices, but rather research professionals who have quantified the links between candy cigarettes and childhood smoking.

          What, do you work for those merchants of death, Big Tobacco?

          Are you one of those jacks loons who advocates using cartoon characters to market cigarettes and alcohol to children?
          A true fan of Joe camel and spuds McKenzie.

          From a greedy capitalist scum perspective, I can understand why tobacco companies and alcohol producers would want to begin indoctrinating children early and have them using as soon as possible, tobacco and alcohol is killing off their core market so they need new victims to profit on.

        • MinorIQ, don’t compound you lies and idiocy with childish illogic. Even if such a link exists (and those studies are FAR from definitive, and there are plenty of other studies which show no such link), it BEGS THE QUESTION:

          What f***ing business is it of yours? Alcohol is bad for people, and though we restrict it (too much), we allow people to make their OWN decisions as to whether they choose to consume, or not consume, alcohol. We are very close to doing the same thing with cannabis. We do not allow children to buy cigarettes, and I’m kinda OK with that, but candy cigarettes? Because there are some flawed studies that indicate a LINK (no causal connection drawn) between candy cigarettes and later smoking. If you were half as educated as you like to pretend to be, you’d be aware that there are many clinical studies that show psychological/mental tendencies in some people to both oral fixation and addictive personality. Is it perhaps slightly possible that the same kids who were fixated on candy cigarettes as children continued their oral fixation into adulthood with real cigarettes? Even if your studies drew a solid statisitical relationship (they don’t) between candy cigarettes and later smoking, you (and your agenda-oriented researchers) conclude that correlation is equivalent to a causal link (Hint: it isn’t, and no one with the SLIGHTEST grasp of logic or actual probability and statistics would make that stupid assumption.

          What you have CONCLUSIVELY proven is that your PREJUDICE (smoking is bad) justifies your policy preferences. Bugger off, Karen.

  6. Shannon Watts is a hypocrite. She runs off in secret to fire machine guns to “relax”, she owns guns, hires armed body guards, she has even on at least one occasion I know of carried concealed (because I saw it when she adjusted her clothing for the wireless mike – I was on her set up crew working for the auditorium where she spoke), without permit (which was required by the state she was speaking in) to speak before a group about the evils of guns. Heck, I even met her on the range where she fired before speaking that time and loaned her some ammo when she ran out (of course this was back before buying ammo meant a second mortgage, I had plenty to spare with me that day). This woman has some serious issues, I would not be surprised if she was the next mass shooter.

    • for the left, it’s not about “the evils of guns”. it’s about who has them and who doesn’t. for the left, only they and theirs should have guns, while us talking animals should be disarmed for their good. shannon is no hypocrite, she’s a self-centered self-moral tyrant.

    • Jack…you did all pro-gunnies a dis-service by not SWATTING Watts right then and there for illegal gun possession. Come On, Man. Think, think, next time….. God presents opportunity. We have to step up and make something of it.

  7. “What’s not fun, and went unaddressed on the sales page, is the reality that thousands of children unintentionally shoot themselves or others each year because they find a gun and pull its trigger.”

    None of which apparently had anything to do with what the firearm looked like.

    Also, FBI stats of accidental/unintentional shootings run around 500 a year on average. That’s for *all* accidental shootings, not just ones involving children. That’s not to make light of these incidents, but to point out the statement Watts is making is factually incorrect.

    All that said, I’m not a fan of making a gumn look more like a toy. I support the shop’s right to make and sell it, and the right of law-abiding citizens to own one, but it’s not for me.

    • “None of which apparently had anything to do with what the firearm looked like.“

      Children quickly learn that their toys are brightly colored plastic items, as opposed to grown-ups’ drab stuff.

      When a child sees this brightly colored, plastic ‘toy’ gun they may think that it is OK for them to pick it up and play with it, not realizing it’s a grown-up weapon.

      Conversely, you’re a cop and you see a tall 12-year-old with one of these in his hand, what do you do? Is it a child playing with a toy, or a gang banger gonna bust a cap on your ass?

      • The first scenario is a possibility, which is one reason I’m not a fan of this design. The stats bear out, however, that children will get into firearms regardless of what they look like (albeit in nowhere near the numbers Ms. Watts would have us believe). The answer is to secure one’s firearms responsibly, whatever they look like.

        As for the second scenario, the same question could be asked with a realistic toy gun or an obvious toy gun in certain settings. Lots of airsoft pistols and BB pistols look like the real thing. And there’s the infamous 1987 shooting of a kid playing laser tag in the park after dark.

        • The “thousands of kids” “stat” is BS. Accidental shooting injuries and deaths by all age groups combined in the US do not even show on the “radar” of the top 20 causes of death.

          As for kids, remember- they don’t die from age-related or “natural” causes so almost all deaths not health-related are accidents of some type or another, or some sort of homicide.

          Accidental juvenile shootings are statistically nonexistent today. Of course, the progressives would love to confuse the general public by mixing their fantasy numbers in with the reality of juvenile gang shootings, which are quite common, particularly in the cites run by the Leftists. Many of their proposed solutions to quell the wanton deeds of what are actually young, hardened criminals is to claim “gun safety” as a primary goal.

        • Correct, I think it is a bad idea because it creates confusion on the part of both children and police officers that can lead to serious injury or death.

        • Tamir Rice was ‘armed’ with a BB gun, The cops shot him less than two seconds after they arrived on scene, even though he did not have the toy gun in his hand at the time.

        • Tell the WHOLE story Miner.

          The gun looked EXACTLY like a 1911, the orange safety tip was removed and it looked like Tamir Rice was trying to draw the gun.
          If you ever worked in a ghetto then you would know that the people to keep eyes on are 10-15 year olds, the gangs use them as shooters. The reason is that if they shoot and kill you, they will only be in custody until they are 21.
          Neither cop was charged on the local or federal level and the family received a 6 million dollar settlement. A review by retired FBI agent Kimberly Crawford found that Rice’s death was justified and Loehmann’s “response was a reasonable one”.

          Think fast, two seconds, live or die.

          A suspect can draw a pistol from their waistband, point and shoot in an average of .25 seconds, each subsequent trigger pull will average another .25 seconds. If you wait to be shot at it takes you .83 seconds to react from high ready. If you shoot first after perceiving a threat then your first shot is when you take it and followups are a little under .25 because of training.

          Two seconds is a LONG time in a firefight.

          It doesn’t matter to you, you got shot in the head in .25 seconds and are dead. Thanks for playing the game of life or death. You lost.

        • “The gun looked EXACTLY like a 1911, the orange safety tip was removed and it looked like Tamir Rice was trying to draw the gun.“

          So the orange safety tip was removed and the cops thought it was a real gun?

          But the cop also said the gun was in his waistband and it looked like he was going to draw?

          Interesting that he could see the orange safety tip was missing even though the gun was still in Rice’s pants, must be x-ray vision…

          And whatever happened to the police saying “drop the gun and put your hands up!”?

          So every open carrier could be subject to the same shooting if a police officer screams up on them, yells “put your hands up!” and gives them less than two seconds to comply before they shoot them, glad I don’t open carry.

        • I’m glad you probably don’t even have a gun.
          A teen drew and got off a lucky shot that hit you between the eyes.
          It took .25 seconds. You just stood there while this happened.
          Always assume it’s a real gun, this is life or death so act accordingly.
          One more time: Thanks for playing the game of life or death.
          YOU LOST because you hesitated.
          Use your deflection or “sealioning” BS on another website.
          You aren’t even an interesting Troll on here.

        • “A teen drew and got off a lucky shot that hit you between the eyes.“

          We both know that did not happen.

          Now you are just making stuff up in a failed attempt to prove your point.

          I find it interesting that a police officer would publicly post that he believes if he sees an open carrier he can shoot them if they don’t instantly comply with his orders.

          Rice never had the gun in his hand, never pointed it at the officers, but they still shot him in under two seconds from arriving on scene just because they thought he ‘might’ be pulling the gun out.

        • No shit it didn’t happen. The whole point of that comment you just took out of context, nothing new for you, was right below the part you took out of context. Fucking idiot.

      • Miner49er: This is a one-off custom piece that likely sells for some very serious coin; it’s not a production model you’ll ever see for sale in the toy section, idiot.

        People like you are the reason I lament God’s terrible lapse in judgment by forgetting to make stupidity inherently painful.

        • Why are you so upset I think this is a bad idea?

          Other posters have said they thought it was a bad idea as well, yet you don’t attack them.

          I haven’t said it should be prohibited or against the law, I just said I think it’s a bad idea.

        • “This is a one-off custom piece that likely sells for some very serious coin“

          Where do you guys get this stuff?

          You are completely wrong, retail is under $800 and the company says they’ve sold at least 20 of them.

          But now that the company has been caught infringing on Legos’ design copyright, they were forced to cease and desist before they faced legal action.

          You know, the gun company was infringing on the Legos’ private property rights, which I always thought conservative Republicans were all about…. So that whole private property rights thing is kind of situational, squishy ethics I guess.

    • So you only care if the accidental shooting leads to death?

      Shannon Watt’s statement did not include the word death, only that thousands are shot accidentally each year.

      So we shouldn’t count it if a child accidentally blows off their hand or causes their playmate to lose an eye, as long as nobody got killed it’s all good, right?

      So only 500 children die each year from firearms accidents, that’s a great number we can live with… Sad.

  8. I got a better idea… Lock up your rug rats, they cause more trouble than a gun sitting by itself in a drawer, closet or anywhere else, just for a experiment, I left a assortment of guns, pistols, rifles, shotguns, & even a few zip guns laying around my house for Three days, guess what?
    NONE, ABSOLUTELY NONE of them moved or shot anyone or anything. So in closing, I’ll say this, take care of your kids & they WONT get hurt.

  9. “….an actual thing you can buy, build, and shoot…..”

    It sounds like this stupid harpy believes you actually put it together like legos rather than buying it from the custom shop.

    Could she really be that dumb? She has to know that guns don’t work that way.

  10. My answer to Shannon and the rest of her ilk…

    “I want one. Why?..Because eff-you, that’s why!”

  11. It is pretty fuckin stupid. But hey, whatever tickles your pickle. I kinda want to see what happens when you shoot it with a lego attached optic though.

  12. Rest assured the pasty mouth democRats having a cow over this fun gun art would be A-Otae Buckwheat over a Crucifix in a jar or urine. Why that’s free speech under The First Amendment and technically it is and so is the Lego Glock.

    Cease being a slimeball who uses kids to get their way shannon watts. It reeks and it ain’t working.

  13. Nobody had a cap gun or squirt gun when they were kids?
    Nobody played cops and robbers or got into a squirt gun fight?
    This is the problem with society now, woke people like Watts having woke kids.
    Your kids aren’t retarded, they should know the difference between a real gun and a toy gun.
    My generation had lawn darts and yet I know of nobody who was ever hit in the head with one.
    That was probably the dumbest and dangerous thing ever invented and yet it was a blast.
    If you have kids your guns should be locked up at all times until you teach them.
    For me that was at about 6 or 7 years old and I had a 10/22 at 11 years old.
    As for Miner49er or Shannon Watts they both have their heads so far up their asses,
    they will never need a colonoscopy. Miner is Trolling again and he caught someone.
    Miner49er just stop, it’s not like you actually found someone so stupid as to actually reproduce.
    Don’t try and indoctrinate other peoples children. I’m just kidding, your are nothing but a TROLL.
    I think it looks more like a Matisse, go Google that one or look it up on Wikipedia.

    • I am not trolling anyone, somebody wrote an article and TTAG invited comments.

      My comment is I think it’s a bad idea.

      Now go ahead, fire down on me in order to satisfy your childish need to scold people you’ve never met.

    • “I think it looks more like a Matisse, go Google that one or look it up on Wikipedia“

      Nope, the three colors are pure Mondrian, look that up in your funk and Wagnalls.

      • You only see three colors? I think there’s a Lego or two up your ass.
        Go to the ER and have them removed or shit them out like your asinine comments.

        • “I think there’s a Lego or two up your ass.“

          I am amused that you are thinking about the condition of my anus.

          While I don’t generally think about other men’s rectums, I understand it may be a subject of particular interest to you.

        • Miner, classic. Trolling hard AF. It’s sad that your comments are amsuing to yourself, or that you even have the time to spread your mentality and straw man trolling babble. Truly sad.

  14. I didn’t want that ugly gun, but now that I see that Shannon Watts and NY Governor Cuomo both want to ban it, I’m rethinking my dislike for it…

    It’s the same way I never wanted an AR-style stock for my Ruger 10/22 until my state banned it. Most states have an exception for .22 rimfires in their “assault weapons bans”, but not mine — New Jersey might be the only state where if you take a Ruger 10/22 and put a new plastic stock on it with an ergonomic grip, then that little .22 rimfire MAGICALLY becomes a high-powered, cop-killing, assault weapon of mass destruction that can get you 10 years in prison! Or maybe New York and Commiefornia are the same way, anyone know? I do know we’re the only state where the “assault weapons ban” laws and silencer bans also apply to BB guns, pellet guns, and other air guns.

    • Yes to New York if it has a detachable magazine and one evil feature even if it is a .22lr. Also 10 round limit unless it is a fixed tube magazine for .22lr only. Same boat different shaped hole.

  15. “making the 2nd amendment too painful to tread on…

    – Culper Precision”

    okay, as a parent who has stepped on many legos over the years, that was funny

  16. And according to Brietbart, Culper got the C&D from Lego and has pulled it from sales.

  17. Personally, I think its hilarious! 🤣

    As a kid who built HUNDREDS of LEGO guns as a kid, everything from simple ‘pistols’ to massive ‘assault rifles’ with ‘grenade launchers’, I would love to have one as a ‘range toy’. Let’s all be honest here, that’s what this is. Nobody in their right mind is going to be using this as an EDC piece or taking down a would-be mass shooter with it, and the odds of it showing up in your local ghetto are about as likely as your average, run of the mill, gang banger pulling out (sideways) a tricked out Wilson Combat 1911. All these ‘what-if’ scenarios with the cops are just fantasy land BS.
    Also, if your kids are playing with it thinking it’s a toy, you have utterly failed as both a parent and a gun owner. If your kids are too young, or too stupid, to know the difference you should have the guns locked up tight. If they’re old enough, and intelligent enough, to understand things like “the stove is hot; don’t touch or it’ll hurt!”, then you should be investing time teaching them. Even my 8yo would be completely safe around this thing because he knows how to safely handle a gun and can tell the difference between a toy and the real thing.

    • “gang banger pulling out (sideways) a tricked out Wilson Combat 1911“

      For a list that has so many ‘operators’ and ‘commandos’ on it, I’m surprised that many still ridicule the snap shooting technique especially useful in low light situations.

      In the days before tritium night sites, when iron sights were virtually invisible, a quick and dirty site picture could be gained by aiming down one of the top angles of the slide.

      Now do these gangbangers employ the technique properly or successfully? No, but that doesn’t mean the technique does not have its place in the pantheon of handgun combat tactics.

  18. The ‘what-if’ scenarios with the cops’ was TTAGs resident TROLL bringing up a case from 7 years ago that had nothing to do with the BLOCK.
    The cops roll up on a man with a gun call, the guy has a 1911 in his waistband, is told to keep his hands up and appears to go for the gun. It was ruled a “justified shoot”.
    Our resident TROLL makes a strawman argument because of the kids age.
    The BLOCK looks nothing like the 1911 which was a exact copy of a 1911.
    The kid was 12 and should have kept his hands up but apparently went for the 1911.
    Because of the kids age and the gun was a replica our TROLL makes a strawman argument.

    On the Westside of Chicago we always kept an eye on the younger teenagers.
    They were the ones most likely to shoot you and are the reason the age of being charged as an adult for murder has gone down. 30 years ago it was 17 and now depending on the state it is 12 or 13.
    20 years ago a 15 year old killed a tailor in his shop. His public defender wanted family court.
    The kid was charged as an adult because the Gangster Disciples were shaking the tailor down.
    He stopped paying their “protection” money so they sent a 15 year old to shoot him.
    It wasn’t fantasy land BS to the tailors family. It was cold blooded murder.
    Cops are taught in the PD Academy to not fall for things that can delay your reaction time.
    The same goes for owning a cash business in the 2nd most dangerous part of Chicago.

    • Thanks for the links!

      Your first link has a bald-faced lie in the headline:

      “One of These Is The Toy Gun Tamir Rice Was Holding: Prosecutors”

      The evidence shows that Rice was NOT holding any gun in his hand when the police arrived and they gave him less than two seconds to comply to their screamed commands before they shot him dead.

      I understand the prosecutors may have said this and that’s why it’s in the headline, but it’s (as you would put it) ‘fake news’ that is being used to blame the victim for his death.

      And you say it’s police procedure, OK.

      I’m waiting for the police to roll up on an open carrier, and scream at him for under two seconds before shooting him because he didn’t instantly comply with their yelling.

      “but apparently went for the 1911“

      There is no evidence to support this claim, other than the police officer’s statement that he made an attempt to justify the shoot.

      And there’s much more to the story then you are willing to admit:

      “Newly released footage of interviews with the police officers who fatally shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice, reveal a shifting story from one officer, as well as a deeply emotional response by another who said he didn’t know Rice “was a kid.”

      Two videos, released by the lawyer representing the Rice family, show police interviews with Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback, the officers who shot the boy seconds after spotting him with a pellet gun in a Cleveland park in November 2014.“

    • Rob, you might find this part very interesting:

      “In the video provided to NBC News by the Rice family’s lawyer, Loehmann, an officer in training who fired the fatal shot, told investigators that he opened the car door and told Rice repeatedly, “Put your hands in the air! Let me see your hands! Freeze!” while the car was “about 30 yards” from the boy.

      The verbal statement came at odds with a written statement Loehmann gave the grand jury where he said he didn’t open the door and start yelling until the car rolled to a stop closer to Rice, Rice family attorney Subodh Chandra said in a statement to NBC News.

      “Officer Loehmann claims in the video that he was hanging out of his door shouting commands, with the gun out as the car approached Tamir, whereas he told the grand jury in a prewritten statement he read that he opened the door at the end,” he said.

      Loehmann also said he “presented” his gun and gave commands through a “closed” car window to the boy during the interview.

      However, surveillance video shows Loehmann shooting the boy mere seconds after the officers’ arrival, Chandra told NBC News.

      Loheman told investigators he thought the gun Rice was holding was real and that the “threat just became incredible,” in the video.”

      And this pertinent part is really on point to the lying and criminal intent of the police officer:

      “Loehmann also said he “presented” his gun and gave commands through a “closed” car window to the boy during the interview.

      However, surveillance video shows Loehmann shooting the boy mere seconds after the officers’ arrival, Chandra told NBC News.“

      He “presented his gun” and “gave commands through a closed window”? And then he shoots the kid in under two seconds? WTF?

      Yep, that’s a great example of solid police work. And the officer suffered no consequence for his multiple violations of policy that directly led to the death of an innocent 12yo child.

      • A review by retired FBI agent Kimberly Crawford found that Rice’s death was justified and Loehmann’s “response was a reasonable one”.
        That sums it up.

        From reading the comments you seem to be some huge asshole on here. You brought up a 8 year old justified shooting before the present day mindset.
        That innocent 12yo child was on his way to being a drug dealing punk.

        Did you know that this punks parents are trying to get more money from Cleveland after all this time? The parents blew through the 6 million dollars and now are claiming poverty. The police should have just ran the gun holding kid over with a squad car fucktard.

  19. Real guns should not be made to look like children’s toys.

    Next thing you know they’ll be making Jedi Light Sabers out of Legos,

  20. Making a real gun that looks like a toy is the absolute stupidest asshole moron move I have ever heard of. These fools should be “accidently” shot by a 6yr old. And I am not kidding, I would laugh. And I am 100% pro gun so save your flames retards. I hold more than a couple of tax stamps even. It’s practly designed to make gun owners look incompetent idiots.

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