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Shock! Gun Sales Set to Soar if Obama’s Re-Elected

That crack about looking at an assault weapons ban in the presidential debate certainly did its part to stoke firearms sales. If the voters return Barack Obama to the White House for another term, fuhgeddaboutit. That said, there must be an upper limit to the number of firearms any given gun owner’s safe will keep and bear. That said, newbies may be fueling the current sales surge, as states liberalize concealed carry laws and gun culture 2.0 kicks in. In that sense, the firearms industry can’t lose. If Obama stays, so does Heller and McDonald (the Supreme Court decisions striking down handgun bans) and Call of Duty. If Romney replaces Obama as Commander-in-Chief, restrictive gun laws may fall even faster, with national reciprocity for concealed carry on the horizon. A couple of pro-gun Supreme Court nominees and Bob’s your gun-toting uncle. Good times.

40 thoughts on “Shock! Gun Sales Set to Soar if Obama’s Re-Elected”

  1. Gun Culture 2.o has already happened with the Butcher of Bengazi creating the Alamo in Libya with the intentional murder of US Govt assets, american citizens who could EASILY have been saved but help was denied 3 times!
    Tipping Point!

      • Exactly. It’s not the guns they’ll ban, but the high-cap mags. Buy the high-cap mags for the guns you want but can’t afford yet.

    • reload.. i’ve been doing it for years it’s custom tailored to your weapon, .it a fun hobby and they can’t control it…..but stock up on primers…that’s about the only thing they can control

    • Good point. I’m looking across the room at a newly acquired (as in an hour ago) but hardly necessary Vepr 7.62×39 and I’m thinking that I could’ve bought a bunch of Spam cans of ammo instead…

  2. Well this is sort of a DUH!
    One thing I can say is that people are certainly buying more. I think given the GOP’s additions to their platform we will see more liberal gun laws in the US as compared to if the DNC remains in control.

    The real issue I see here is the states reaction to any federal mandates with regard to gun regulation. Much of the laws we see here in California we done through interstate commerce. Like the gun approval list for sale within California. Those more than likely won’t change. You have a certain level of state sovereignty here, where individual states can either implement some sort of law to circumvent federal law, or may or may not except the laws passed.

    The up side is usually federal law could or should trump state law. This would fall to interpretation within the 9th circuit court. In this instance, lets say an Arizona resident is arrested in California for concealed carry. Arizona is a constitutional carry state. So he produces his Arizona license as his CCW. If Federal reciprocity is enacted, then if the Arizona resident is charged with anything there is a good chance of getting it thrown out.

    The fact that it would even come to this, is silly, and sad.

    • I keep asking this question, but no one seems to know….whatever happened to the National Reciprocity legislation that passed (I think) in the house?

    • Well they can use the bullshit they pulled with drinking and apply it to guns – sure, you have the legal authority to restrict what guns your citizens are allowed to buy, but if you do you can kiss federal funding for things such as roads goodbye.

  3. Barring any October surprises, I think Romney may have this one in the bag. Voter Turnout is the key to getting Barry the Commie out of office.

  4. At the two gun stores I frequent, their supply of AR’s seem to be holding steady (as in the same rifles are still on the rack) and the prices have not changed. Now I have seen an uptick in 223 prices online, but not by that much.

    • Lord, I want a 223 caliber weapon. 18.58 feet in diameter means you can definitely take out anything you hit with that sucker!

      • Sorry, I was talking about 5.56/223 ammo, if I misspoke or made an error, my bad.

        And why does my name and email address keep getting lost, and I have to redo them?

        • Oh, I knew what you meant, I was just having fun with the lack of a . – it’s 5.56 / .223. =)

          No idea about the name and email address. Browser cache settings maybe?

  5. My initial priority is now on buying more ammo, study re-loading and buy gear and supplies, buy extra mags for my Buck Mark Pistol, holsters, survival gear and supplies, etc.

      • Yea, I’ve seen plenty of MA gun owners say the exact opposite of that. I’m going to trust average Joe over a political fund any day for what it’s like living under Duke Romney. We’ve already seen what it’s like living under the rule of King Obama.

        • You’re obviously entitled to think what you want…

          Im not a single issue voter, so Obama actually coming out and stating in the debate he wanted a new AWB was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. And I dont live in MA, nor do I know anyone personally who does. What I do know is that Romney would not commit political suicide in his first term by pushing for increased gun control, no matter how he personally feels. Barry has nothing to lose.

          4 more years of increasing the number of gun owners in this country could help our cause a lot. 4 more years of not having to waste time and money fighting BS new antigun laws in court. 4 more years of federal politics swinging our way. Ill take that over a president that wouldnt even bat an eyelash at signing a new and improved (see tougher, no sunset clause) AWB.

        • Hey, you’re allowed to hope that Romney wouldn’t sign another Scary Looking Weapons Ban. I don’t trust the scumbag not to. With as idiotic as our political system is anymore, I could definitely see Republican congressmen / senators peeing their pants in their rush to support anything Romney wants, no matter how bad it is. Romney has a long record of being anti-gun and he “magically” changed his stance (as with every other issue) when he wanted to run for President. At best, he’s a liar who just says whatever he has to in order to get elected.

  6. Never you mind Romney’s previous actions and positions. He’s doing and saying what we need to hear right now. Isn’t that all that matters?

    • Noby,

      Then vote for Obama. When the UN Arms Treaty 2.0 hits, ammo taxes, Difi / Feinstein / Holder / Emmauel / Yee, etc. propose additional stupid gun laws, the you have yourself to blame. Quick gut check: which cities and states have the most restrictive gun laws? The blue ones. Where can you actually carry? The red states.

      Or you can vote for the candidate whose VP is a hunter and has a balanced budget ready to roll.

      • Shhhhhh. Obama wasnt really telling the truth about wanting to take your guns. Said every liberal everywhere.

        Barry and the gang want a disarmed populace to jump start the creation of their utopia. Step 1 is Barry’s re-election. God help us if they get beyond that.

  7. I feel my choices for President are between Dumb and Dumber. Yeesh. Mitt has come out a time or 2 against guns as had Obama, both saying “not needed for hunting”. I don’t trust either one of them.

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