Just how deadly are these 400-year-old musket balls shot from a modern weapon?

Where and how do you find centuries-old musket balls? TAOFLEDERMAUS got his hands on some, and of course, he’s going to test-fire them out of a shotgun.


  1. So, has Tao shot dog crap out of a shotgun, yet? What about Vienna Sausages? Word of advice, TTAG; a post here & there about something legitimately interesting & novel is one thing, but Tao’s videos are the scattergun equivalent of tannerite “will it explode?” videos anymore…and they get old fast when posted regularly.

  2. But, but, it’s ammunition for a firearm! Where were the British police authorities locking up the finder’s arse in gaol? And they permitted them to be exported to the former colonies?

    Oh, the horror.

    • I have my $u$picion$… TFB also likes featuring the repetitive inanity when they are hurting for content.

      Why don’t the TTAG writers build a gun for a change? I don’t think I’ve seen a single post in a long, long time about an 80% lower, or folding a flat, or anything legitimately content-rich and interesting like that. Cheap, easy way to generate a ton of text, pictures, and video, that readers will actually find interesting and –here’s the best part for you guys long-term– have reason to refer back to in the future, guaranteeing future dividends in the form of traffic (as opposed to the multitude of Pocket Dump or Irresponsible Gun Owner of the day copy-pastas that cost you guys money to keep hosted, yet are never again visited by anyone within hours of posting)

  3. Next up, he shoots frozen sheeps eyes at an eye chart, then crayons at a coloring book , and for the money shot a load of pennies at a old time gum ball machine.
    Or better yet what barnbtw suggested is done and I finally actually spend more than a few seconds looking at the pages.

  4. ANYTHING shoved in a shotgun will come out the barrel.

    Holy crap, who cares.

    I had 400 yo relics I sure as heck wouldn’t be destroying it just to prove physics for the 1 trillionth time.

  5. Next, this yahoo cuts up a century old 12g coach gun…and shoots a SHOTGUN out of a shotgun!

    The inanity….oh the inanity.

    Please stop giving this fool attention.

  6. Would have found this more interesting if they actually shot it out of a musket with period-correct black powder loads.

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